Chapter 9 


  Tong Zhao opened his eyes, and after sitting upright in the shooting cabin, he couldn't help taking a long breath.

  The other actors are still in the cabin with their eyes closed.

  Only the actor who died in the play would wake up early, and everything went according to her plan. Chen Guifei died.

  Tong Zhao glanced at Song Wanzhuo in the neighboring cabin.

  A line of clear liquid slowly slipped from the corner of his eye.

  Although the memory has not been restored, it seems that the death of Chen Guifei is worthwhile.

  There is a glass window where you can see the background of the shooting. Tong Zhao raised his head and waved to the monitoring window again, indicating that he was in good condition and could come out soon. The director smiled at her, but the screenwriter next to her looked at her with subtle eyes.

  Tong Zhao walked out and stayed behind when he passed the backstage to thank everyone.

  The way the instinct movie is shot is very different from before. It won't build a deep relationship with the crew members because of the scenes. After all, the actors spend most of their time in another "world", and she's just a guest star. Bento, it's time for her to leave.

  "I have a chance to cooperate next time."

  "You'll know when you think of it later, but Zhao Zhao, you danced so well!"

  "Don't be silly, let's add a WeChat first!"

  A word to awaken the dreamer.

  Everyone immediately took out the QR code and scanned it. Within a few minutes, Tong Zhao's contact list had a lot more, all of which were classified as "work" by her.

  The staff is very friendly and warm to Tong Zhao.

  On the one hand, there is no conflict of interest, and on the other hand, she feels that she is behaving very well. Even if the people in front of and behind the scenes can't get the benefits, the friends who have big stars in the future will also have face.

  While adding new friends mechanically, Tong Zhao remembered that after filming the part of "The Story of Ming Emperor" in his previous life, he left the crew silently and desperately. Only the director Jian Shu sighed and gave her work advice.

  Same place, different treatment.

  Tong Zhao does not sigh for the warmth and coldness of humanity, she is only satisfied that the changes she made are right.


  "The Legend of Ming Emperor" has been on the air all the time.

  It's just that in addition to the main storyline, a mysterious force has quietly emerged, becoming a beautiful scenery line in the drama barrage-Ming Chen and Chen Ming's CP fan.

  One man and one woman, why is there still back and forth?

  The former is the handsome emperor and the little princess.

  Those who talked about the latter, talked about the overbearing beauty and the dizzy emperor who was fascinated by her.

  Among them, Song Wanzhuo's fans are the fastest to fall.

  They worry about [My brother won't really fall in love with her], and [Ah, ah, but the overbearing brother is so charming], they find that as long as they are in the perspective of the concubine, the experience of watching a drama is a good one, especially fragrant !

  What is the main storyline?

  This part of the audience started watching the drama at twice the speed, and only when they met Chen Guifei appeared on the stage, they resumed their normal watching. In the screenwriter's setting, the secondary line of this relationship is the plastic candy in the dinner. Now it is poured. The audience kicked the Manchu Banquet and used the pastry as the main course, sweet.

  [Life is already very bitter, I just want to eat sweets. ]

  [Actually, it's not just sugar, I like to watch the sister of the imperial concubine slap her face online, it's so fun to watch her domineering! Because she is not the protagonist, I am still worried that she will suffer. It seems that Tong Zhao's "self" is very domineering. ]

  [More than just domineering! ]

  This makes the audience who originally focused on the serious plot of "Mingdi Side Biography" a little uncomfortable.

  A good play was overwhelmed by the crowd.

  So in addition to the sugar and the discussion of the plot, the barrage comment area began to have more sour words, especially sour female audiences.

  [Want to eat sugar and go to a romantic drama, okay? This is a historical TV series. Some female viewers should stay away and don't force me to say bad things. ]

  [Actually, I always think it's good for the audience to have a larger gender ratio in "Mingdi", after all, they can't understand it either :D]

  Anyone who surfs the Internet doesn't use the yin and yang strange air radar.

  The named group is not vegetarian, so they scolded passionately:

  [No, no, no one really thinks that women are not worthy of watching historical dramas, right? ]

  [It's strange, this year's instinctive movie viewers' sex ratio has almost reached 50-50. Is it too much money for TV shows that don't want female viewers? You push the guest for your master, does your master know? ]

  The scolding war in a disguised form gave another wave of heat to the TV series. Strangely, although the scolding was terrible, even those who spoke sourly did not scold Tong Zhao and the concubine Chen very much.

  When the official data came out the next day, the truth became clear.

  In the era of big data, each audience's consent before watching the show has already acquiesced that the viewing data is collected. Manufacturers pay close attention to who is the biggest player in retaining the audience in the drama they have invested in. Under the data analysis, there is nothing to hide. ——Which part of the plot is skipped by fast-forward, and whose drama is watched repeatedly...

  In order to obtain accurate numbers, the official has a set of anti-swipe data detection system. Fans' mechanical repetitive viewing will not be included in the calculation, so all the released versions are dehydrated and can not deceive people.

  As soon as the data came out, the people who quarreled with Kaimai were dumb.

  The ratio of male to female audience who repeatedly watched the Chen Guifei scene is 7:3.

  Seven males and three females.

  [Ah this...]

  [Ok, there is no difference between the dog emperor and the dog man. ]

  [As long as it's a man's place, is the noble concubine sister Slay all in and out of the scene? I almost spit out the overnight meal with laughter. ]

  Just after this happened, Tong Zhao thought the system that had been dead for 800 years suddenly scammed the body.

  One fraud is two system notifications.

  [Congratulations to the host for activating Chen Guifei's passive skill "Pop Concubine Halo": Male viewers will bring their own filters when they appreciate your work, after all, no man does not love the Concubine Empress]

  [Congratulations to the host for activating Chen Guifei's active skill "Yan pressure the audience": No matter what angle, no matter what you are wearing, Guifei sister is the most beautiful cub in the audience! Opening conditions-more than three women on site]


  They are all practical, so I went to be a big beauty in the film industry.

  Tong Zhao: [System, am I going to do another task? Or something else? ]

  System: [The host has completed all tasks in the small world, and the system will no longer require the host to solve any tasks with obliteration as a punishment. ]

  After the explanation, the system stopped talking.

  Tong Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

  After all, this is her life, and she still wants to live it well according to her own mind.

  Concubine Chen was so proud that she not only started Zhao Zhao's career in the entertainment industry, but also activated her useful skills. She was simply the most contributor to the family: [Wait before, Zhao Zhao, you should promote me to the throne. ]

  Lu Xian Changliang said: [The imperial concubine cannot be promoted, kill it. ]


  "The Legend of Ming Emperor" became more and more popular, and the ratings showed a negative decline.

  Various data show that the role of Chen Guifei is so pleasing, and the audience of this show just wants to see Tong Zhao!

  However, there is a gossip that some people on the set saw Tong Zhao taking a taxi and leaving.

  In other words, the noble concubine and the empress received the lunch.

  how could be!

  Fans resolutely refuse to accept it, and they still have to watch the sweet finale!

  However, as the series was broadcast day by day, the audience also noticed something was wrong-Chen's attempted rebellion. According to ancient concepts, Chen Guifei immediately had a ready-made reason to receive a bento, so the audience reluctantly began to guess. How did she die.

  [Given death. ]

  [Doesn't you know the content of the old lady's trust in the palace for help? Let the imperial concubine beg the Emperor Ming to save the Chen family's life and put to death in exchange for exile. If you ask for a concubine, you don't want to be the daughter of a queen. It seems that there is a very close number of Ming Emperor's darlings. ]

  [If you really listen to the family's words, although it is reasonable, but the role of Chen Guifei is not cool. ]

  The discussion belongs to the discussion, but I still don't want to see Chen Guifei die.

  So when the Emperor Ming said that he did not intend to give the imperial concubine to death, CP fan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

  Look, the emperor is not willing to kill his Xiao Jiaojiao!

  It's just that the pressure from the previous dynasty finally cast a haze on the harem.

  Attentive audiences found that the frequency of Chen Guifei's mention of the queen became higher. Since the queen was given a white silk, her tone of voice when referring to her sister was much more relaxed, and there was a trace of inexplicable sorrow. Some people felt that it was because people died. The tone of the imperial concubine is not only not hate, but also a little like...


  How could it be that it was the woman staring at her belly.

  Distracted by the mystery of sisterhood, the audience even breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Chen Guifei practicing dance while asking for poison. Look, Guifei sister still has energy and harm, and she seems to be very energetic. Well!

  The audience was full of smiles as they saw the imperial concubine Chen dancing for Emperor Ming.

  During this period of time, the director has exerted his life's skill, switching the camera to zoom in and out, allowing the audience to follow Mingdi's perspective, indulging in the smiles of the beauty, and temporarily forgetting the depression of the previous plot. Yes, what about the momentary adversity and downturn, the imperial concubine Chen will always be waiting for me in the harem. I want to defend the country and the imperial concubine...

  The viewers who watched this episode all smiled like drunk honey.

  [Uuuuu, sister noble concubine is beautiful! ]

  [In spite of the flood in the previous dynasty, I want my noble concubine to eat, drink and play every day! ]

  [Want to see what the faces of Emperor Ming and the two ministers are now...]

  [Upstairs, can't you just look in the mirror? ]

  Finished in one dance.

  As Mingdi caught the falling imperial concubine Chen and saw her vomiting blood in his arms, the audience's smiles solidified on their faces.

  Seeing the last words of the imperial concubine sister, the audience's smile gradually disappeared.

  Then the concubine died.

  The inner monologue of the character can be exported, but it will not be directly heard by the director during shooting. It has to be exported in the later stage and then broadcasted selectively. And Chen Guifei's thoughts before her death were broadcast.

  [Chen's daughter has only liked two people in her life.

  One is the queen sister who is the role model of the whole family, and the family asks her to enter the palace to let her give birth to a child.

  One is herself. ]

  ...? ? ?

  Where is the dog emperor? ? ?

  The audience who had just been stuffed with a glass knife was dumbfounded.

  Presumably expecting the response after the broadcast of this episode, the crew silently released a "shooting highlights" on the official Weibo——


  His Majesty the Emperor will cry with you too [狗头]

  Attached is a photo of Song Wanzhuo closing his eyes and weeping in the cabin.