Chapter 37 

  With the help of cheap navy forces, Han Zhi's fire became even more thorough.

  Originally it was just a carnival made up of tap water. After the navy came off the field, it brought a taste of business-Xu Zhu didn't care about the surname Han, but she wanted to use the gun of Han Zhi's girlfriend to kill her step-sister, Han Zhi's. Naturally, the more fans, the better, the stronger the combat power and the more irrational, the more lethal it is for Tong Zhao.

  Seeing that the Shuijun Han fans he put in rhythm in Tong Zhao's Weibo square, Xu Zhu felt healed.

  How beautiful life is.

  Think about it, if at this time and Tong Zhao are another actress of the same age, Xu Zhu will help her, and she will have to weigh whether she will feed herself a potential competitor.

  But Han Zhi is a man.

  No matter how you hold it, it won't become Xu Zhu's upper roadblock.

  How could there be such a perfect development?

  Xu Zhu felt that she was about to become a fan of Han Zhi.

  With the money-for-money navy, Han Zhi plundered a lot of heat and traffic with just one variety show. Fans firmly believe that their brother is so good, the future is the sea of ​​stars, Tong Zhao, you are not worthy!

  At the same time, in the program group of "Kill of the Aquaman", they are discussing with the guests to change the shooting format.

  There are two types of instinct variety shows.

  There are live broadcasts like "Countdown 72 Hours", and some like the current one before shooting two episodes. The former is more technically demanding, and the investment costs are relatively expensive. "Kill of the Sea King" only had Tong Zhao as a star guest, and it took the line of word-of-mouth communication, but when the show was broadcast, everything was different.

  The ratings went from silver to gold not only on the spot.

  The story of the two Neptunes was too fascinating, and the subsequent marketing hype boosted them, and the amount of playback actually rose to platinum.

  Wei Zekai asked: "Isn't it about being steady and steady? The live broadcast format needs to be reviewed. Will it be too late?"

  He knows little about the entertainment industry, and his investment in "Aquaman Killing" is also aimed at his good brothers.

  "Our program's ratings have reached platinum level!" the director reminded.

  Wei Zekai hesitated: "Does that make any difference?"

  Speaking of this, the director was excited.

  "In the ratings of ratings, black iron, bronze, and silver are a set of gameplay, gold is at a medium level, and the mainstream variety shows and dramas that can be called good works in the entire circle are almost at the gold level... and platinum, diamonds and emeralds, It was playing games in another circle.

  "The ratings have reached platinum, which means that we have reached the threshold of being nominated in the annual variety show, like sponsorship... It used to be ours to beg others, now it's their turn to beg us, now the master of the audience loves to watch, everything is in time! Start to make money!"

  All this, the data captured from the background shows that Tong Zhao remembered his first success.

  In fact, Han Zhi's popularity is the number one reason.

  But these two are the same person, which is equivalent to Tong Zhao's work, and there is no reward, so he can only lick it.

  Therefore, the entire program group is full of praise for her, both internally and externally. Outsiders also want to inquire about Tong Zhao's black material. After all, from the perspective of her "self" in the variety show, she is not only not a saint, but can also devote herself to green tea. In the end, no matter how I asked, I was only filled with rainbow farts full of ears.

  For one thing, Tong Zhao did a great job.

  The second is her ease of getting along with her high degree of cooperation.

  "I said earlier that it was the director to invite Tong Zhao. You are lucky. It will be a matter of time for the show to make money. Otherwise, can I join it?"

  The director screamed passionately, Wei Zekai's eyes lit up, and the two brothers wrapped around his shoulders and got better.

  In fact, I only understood the phrase "starting to make money".

  The project he invested in has started to make money!

  Tong Zhao Niu Bian!

  The two hit it off, bragging while holding their shoulders: "Come on, I don't think I should ask for other sponsorships. I have cooperation with several companies on hand. I will be the leader. I Wei Zekai is bad at everything, just not bad money. !"

  The director's shooting skills are mediocre, and the relationship between people is top-notch, and he is very insightful to coax the dangers and the young.

  Not only did he increase his investment, but he also forgot that the program team turned him into a puppy.

  Some platinum viewers gave the show a gold-plated body, and Wei Zekai was all about helping. The live broadcast qualification was soon approved. The "Aquaman Killing" program team quickly posted the good news on Weibo---


  [The third episode will start to be broadcasted in the form of a live broadcast in the emotional category in the instinct variety show. The success of the program cannot be separated from everyone's support. I hope that it will be better! PS. After adjustment, the guests will enter the shooting cabin on time at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. The dehydrated version of the clip will be put on the shelves in the future. Forced users who have purchased the right to watch the live broadcast can download it for 0 coins with the same ID and do not need to purchase it again. ]

  This thunder thunder smashed down, and Weibo was all expected.

  [really? You can lick your sister's beauty anytime, anywhere! ]

  [Checked, "Aquaman Killing" has gone to platinum. Tong Zhao is really a star-rising killer. I remember that the episodes of "Mingdi Side Story" that have skyrocketed in the middle of the episodes are all episodes with her appearance, right? ]

  The program level is publicly viewable, and netizens are happy after checking it out.

  Only Han Zhi's fans spoke sourly.

  [Someone's fan criticizes too much, she really does all the credit? ]

  [Thank you to check the number of search terms, and Han Zhi, who is related to the show, is not bad. Our brother is low-key and doesn't ask for credit, but doesn't it mean to be invisible? ]

  [官博@了全客独独不@韩执, please treat Hanzhi fairly]

  Fans are most sensitive to differential treatment.

  Mostly because of the fact that countless passers-by were staring at the official blog, the two fans did not fight directly, but each uttered sour words under their own comments. Fans of Han Zhi felt that the show team was so mean to his brother in order to promote Tong Zhao, and they were very affectionate:

  [Yes, before the broadcast, it was indeed for Tong Zhao's charisma. I didn't say that I didn't thank her. It was because of her that I knew about "Aquaman Killing", but since the brother-in-law showed his value, the program team couldn't give fairness. Treat? Don't talk about taking care of him, we just want fairness. ]

  [Is it possible that Brother Zhinian doesn't use Weibo...]

  [There are really people who don't use Weibo these days? ]

  The style of Tong Zhao's fans is relatively rational, but they also feel sorry for her sister from another angle:

  [I did my best to take the show, but it was still rejected by others, and the empress was too unlucky. ]

  [Cross the river and demolish the bridge, convinced. ]

  [Have you noticed that there seems to be public opinion inciting us to quarrel with those fans? Focus on yourself, maybe after the variety show, whoever will become a brother-in-law. ]

  Speaking of this, both sides are a bit discouraged.

  The program official noticed this incident and was about to seek Tong Zhao's opinion to see if she should disclose Han Zhi's identity in advance, so that playing with fire would become a fan behavior that deceives fans by holiday news.

  The director hadn't made a good idea yet, and the Dongchuang incident happened on the other side.

  The original male guest, Lu Yiqi, was released on bail for drunk driving and found that the show was booming. Han Zhi, who had replaced his position, became even more silly. He is just a small internet celebrity, and it's also wrong for him to drunk driving. Originally, he just pinched his nose to admit his fate and missed a god-given opportunity, but when I saw the rhythm of the water band put by Xu Zhu, he said that there are millions of endorsements waiting for Han Zhi...

  Lu Yiqi didn't have his manager to stop him. He caught up with the family and didn't buy peanuts. He drank two more glasses of white and his eyes became red, and he cried on Weibo live broadcast.

  He is not very popular, but he is particularly daring to talk about it after drinking. The topic mentioned is also very popular at this time. Fans and netizens who don't know the truth rushed to him after hearing the news, and they made him a small Internet celebrity. The broken live broadcast room topped the top ten real-time popularity.

  "Yes, it's wrong for me to drive after drinking. I was beaten right away. Drinking is really not a good thing."

  "Can't you wait for me for a day or two? I'm really uncomfortable seeing the person taking my place so hot."

  "Don't scold me, I know it's stained, but who is clean?"

  "I was arrested on the day the filming started. The holographic variety show is 24 hours a day. Every guest has undergone a medical examination and handed them up for trial. One less person is fine, but one more person is not. I really don't know what methods the show team used temporarily. Add the newcomer,"

  When frustrated, people's thinking tends to diverge.

  The more Lu Yiqi talked, the more distressed he was. After breaking the news, he also conspiracy theories: "I am ready to apologize for the delay in filming, but Xiao Zhang told me that everything was filmed as usual... Illegal means? No, I don't think so. I can do it, I just think... the co-author has long wanted to replace me! I just didn't tell me."

  "Look at the recent hot searches. The person who replaced me is much better backstage than me."

  "It's not that I am confused, there is really no such person as him, shit."

  Lu Yiqi thought simple, he just couldn't calm his mind.

  The cheap navy that Xu Zhu ordered can't wait to blow Han Zhi until the end of the show. He is the top star.

  The fans didn't start dreaming, and Lu Yiqi's mentality collapsed first.

  The most painful thing is not that he has never had it, but that he could.

  Lu Yiqi felt that he could go to him.

  Fans of Han Zhi, who were cueed by the cue, swarmed into the live broadcast room to take a look, took a backhand screenshot, held a picture of him and Han Zhi in the comment area, and wrote five characters [you can't do it], [our brother without you Same fire], and some fans cited Yang Li's famous saying, "They obviously look so ordinary, but they can be so confident." The main idea is one-you don't deserve it.

  Say no to Tong Zhao's fans? It's a positive competition.

  It's too bad to be caught up by the popularity of Lu Yiqi, an internet celebrity who relies on his beauty to act as a handsome guy.

  Fan Zhi, who was blown out by the navy army, felt that his brother was about to rush out of Asia, so he didn't like Lu Siqi at all, and refused to tie up and take away cue.

  This is nothing at all.

  I can't hold back the intentions and broke a little--

  No matter how fast the approval process is to add people to the instinct variety show, it will take a day or two to delay.

  This is common sense in the industry.

  Why does "Aquaman Kill" have privileges?

  This is not a precedent for not being bold. At that time, the program team chose to kick out the temporary guest to preserve the overall situation. Going deeper, in case there are unclean places, the program should be broadcast and rectified continuously, and it must be constantly fighting for survival.

  Han Zhi has become a hot topic recently, but his little fans are not so mad that they can make the show team abandon the big ones and save the little ones, and they panic immediately.

  Xu Zhu's navy does not include after-sales service, nor does he really want to help Han Zhi marketing.

  It would be great if the entire "Aquaman Killing" became pornographic. The believer Xu Zhu was willing to become a vegetarian for a year and change Tong Zhao to shoot anything pornographic, wishing she would die immediately.

  But just think about it.

  What does this matter have to do with Tong Zhao?

  She wasn't the one who violated the law, and kicking Han Zhi out of her would make it easier for her to take credit, but it would be cheaper for her.

  However, just when Han Zhi's loli fan was so anxious that her eyes were teary, like a headless fly, a person they had never thought of came forward.


  I guarantee that Han Zhi's appearance in "Aquaman Killing" is compliant and legal.

  @陆思齐 has only one sentence to say right, if it weren't for him to be confused, Han Zhi really didn't appear.