Chapter 38: 

  No one thought that Tong Zhao would stand up and speak out.

  Her Weibo, at first glance, is to clarify the show.

  Taking a closer look, but protecting Han Zhi's meaning is even heavier.

  She hasn't quarreled with anyone since her debut. Fans didn't expect that her sister would suddenly stab Lu Siqi with a sincere disposition. Fans of Han Zhi were also very moved by her sister's righteousness, and she was about to follow the master's cheering fans, and both fans thought of it at the same time. one direction--

  Ah, I'm not really talking about it, right?

  The memory is restored after leaving the shooting cabin, and it is very likely that the two will really see each other.

  Just when the undercurrents turned into a pot of porridge, the "Aquaman Killing" program team belatedly released a behind-the-scenes footage and a certificate of approval.

  It's easy to have official documents!

  Han Zhi's fans' eyes brightened, and the backstage became hard and legal. No matter how you think, the former is better.

  However, when I clicked it carefully to read the text, I was even more puzzled.

  This approval certificate is not "Declaration of Long-term Instinctive Filmmakers", but "Declaration of Instinctive Film Consciousness Split (Subsequent)"...

  And most of the netizens and fans who eat melon don't read the text carefully. They chose to click on the more simple and understandable shooting highlights.

  When the short buffer was over, the first thing that sounded was a shocking national curse:

  "I'm fucking—Lu Siqi is in the game? What is the charge, is he over-beautifying?"

  In the busy shooting backstage, the entire program group of "Aquaman Killing" gathered together to debug the equipment in an orderly manner. Through the monitoring window, you can also see the shooting cabin with the breathing light on and some waiting guests. Although the camera was a bit shaken and the time was not marked, netizens immediately learned from the rich amount of screen information that this should have been taken when the filming of "Aquaman Killing" was about to start.

  The director's face changed drastically when he heard the news that the scene had hurriedly informed.

  "Don't, I can't come? It's me [BEEP], is he [BEEP—] [BEEP] Oh, there are not many guests, and one is missing directly. How do you write in the contract? Can you ask him to compensate?"

  "It's not important. The problem is that the rented studio cannot be rescheduled."

  "When he waits for him, he will rent the shooting cabin again. If he doesn't wait for him to shoot, the effect will definitely be bad.

  "I really took it!"

  Knowing that Lu Siqi was also slightly injured while driving while drunk, it was impossible for him to arrive at the shooting scene today. Several core members yelled at him. Although this curse has been silenced, through their involuntary angry faces, netizens who don't know the truth know how much trouble Lu Siqi has caused everyone.

  The netizens who originally wanted to accuse the program group were also infected, and their emotions calmed down a little.

  This is truly a disaster for them.

  The cost of the holographic camera cabin is very high, not to mention a prepared medical team. After reviewing one by one, it is all human, money, time, and can't afford it. Which wage earner has never encountered such a thing? After working hard to do the preliminary preparations, I ended up in a dilemma after being harmed by a fool.

  How to do?

  Accompanied by the dense and heavy drumming of bgm, anxious emotions diffused in the background.

  "I have a suggestion," the modeler said swiftly: "I guess it is the only solution at the moment, but if the show is messed up, it will be worse, she doesn't necessarily agree..."

  "Are you still selling it? Say it!"

  The director urged.

  However, there is no scene explained by the modeler in the extravaganza, only the scene is cut to the point where the director walks from the backstage to the shooting room nervously, looking around looking for people. At this moment, Tong Zhao arrived at the scene.

  The director whispered to her why the guests were absent.

  Then came the most critical words: "We can do another male model for you, just to give you the sea king card the ability to change sex in a variety show."

  Seeing this, the eyes of the netizens who eat melon are widened.

  Help, this melon will change sex!

  The passers-by who had no interest were surprised, and the fans on both sides were so dumbfounded that they even forgot the accusations. If they were whales, presumably, there would be slumbers echoed in the ocean again and again, resounding into a slumber square.

  The tidbits are still playing.

  Tong Zhao agreed to this outrageous request, and even rejected the original conservative suggestion of [one person has two genders]. In the original plan of the program group, it is safer for her to only create a male model for her, and not to separate her thinking.

  Just like Wei Dashao can become a dog, people and dogs will not appear at the same time, nor will the male and female version of Tong Zhao. Just give her the ability to switch identities and let her act.

  Tong Zhao is willing to bear a heavier burden and divide his consciousness into two.

  So there is Han Zhi.

  The tidbits recorded the birth of "Han Zhi" in a double-speed format, which originated from the imagination scanned in Tong Zhao's mind. The Monkey King's behavior that is divided into two cannot be modeled casually. People's self-cognition is a very sensitive thing. To make a model to force Tong Zhao's consciousness into it, she who appears in the instinct variety show will only constantly doubt her own existence.

  The higher the fit, the more natural it is and the more like a real person.

  Like the previous actor who played the two roles alone, he also asked for the ingenuity of the role setting, and incorporated the self-doubt into the plot contradiction.

  And Han Zhi's rush product actually fits 100% with Tong Zhao's "intrinsic self".

  When the modeling was completed and half of Tong Zhao's consciousness was invested, the original double-speed playback suddenly slowed down.

  The process that guests put into instinctive variety shows will often appear in places that will not arouse people's suspicion, just like infinite flow novels. This time is no exception. The well-dressed Han Zhi slowly opened his eyes in the elevator of the high-end hotel, and an impeccable handsome face was given a soul in an instant.

  Those gentle and melancholy eyes are the original intention of countless fans.

  The sound of consternation fell silent when he didn't know what to do.

  In the not-so-long tidbits video, they witnessed that the birth of Han Zhi was a misunderstanding, he did not really exist, but the moment they touched them actually happened. of...

  Star chasing is originally a very illusory and very real thing.

  Excited and worried about the frustration of the idol's achievements, a person who has never been able to have a relationship has become one of the closest and most important existences in the hearts of girls. It has truly reached the state where others laugh at me too crazy, and I laugh at others invisible.

  Girls have long been used to fakes.

  Personality is marketed, and the face can be whole.

  It doesn't matter, their love is real, pure, warm and sincere.

  In the eyes of outsiders, the star is the moon and the fan is the sun.

  When fans look at idols, their eyes are bright.

  So devout believers took them to the altar, plated with a shiny golden body.

  The end of the highlight is a Vlog that Han Zhi was not affected by his ID card, and he knew his origins.

  Accompanied by the sound of the mechanical keyboard, a line of words appeared underneath:

  [The room layout is personally selected by "Han Zhi"]

  The program team always treats Han Zhi as an independent person and respects his will.

  This little detail made his fans feel better.

  After all, a few minutes ago, they thought they were fans of flesh and blood.

  The layout of the spacious room is simple but not cold, with subtle and elegant colors, and small potted plants can be seen as green plants. Han Zhi, sitting in an ergonomic chair, relaxedly adjusted the lens and evoked a gentle smile at the screen: "Hello, this is Han Zhi."

  This smile is so familiar, it is the brother who makes them look so soulful!

  Han Zhi wore a linen trench coat with beige T-shirts and sweaters, which gave him a more casual lifestyle than on the show.

  The indoor light fell on his handsome face, softening his deep and distinct outline.

  "Let me think about how to put it? I know that I am actually a person who has no past. All my background identities in "Aquaman Killing" were written for me by the screenwriter of the program group."

  It was heartbreaking words, but Han Zhi's voice was full of smiles, indifferent and helpless. Others think he is bitter, he doesn't think it, it's kind of fun:

  "Now my memory is empty, oh, there are still memories that belong to Tong Zhao. In fact, it is quite good. Compared with false memories, it feels better to be clean and open. I don't need to have too much."

  It's hard to imagine that there is a part of the "self" that is so calm and self-conscious in Tong Zhao's mind.

  Some handsome guys shut up and are shocked, wishing that he is dumb when outputting their opinions.

  Han Zhi is not such a handsome guy.

  Fans want to listen to him more.

  It is also gentle and calm to speak out the big things from his mouth. The irrelevant details are also full of soft interest and joy. It is conceivable that if there is such a person, whether he is a lover or a friend, he can be trivial and mediocre. His life is shining.

  These days, Han Zhi's rapid popularity has made his fan base become full of hostility.

  In some garbage entertainment companies, this is a gold mine.

  The younger the fans are, the better they can harvest and make money.

  Once Yang Gu opened the bow, there was no turning back arrow.

  Unless the master himself comes out to stop it.

  But when the idol himself is also the marionette of capital, or wants to profit from it, how can he speak up? In other words, the Tas who signed the contract to become the end product of the assembly line have been cut off the vocal cords.

  And Han Zhi had no such worries.

  He said: "In the real world, the only people who really have contact with me may only be you who have gathered for a short time because you like me. Fame comes and goes fast, and you will soon forget me.

  Han Zhi took off his glasses, his poetic eyes were filled with lingering thoughts.

  "However, I hope you have the only one, not to be affected by negative emotions in your time like me."

  "Love me just a little bit more purely."

  "Don't ignore my relatives and friends studying life just because I like it. I hope that through my good feelings, I can absorb positive power... When you don't want to recite words, think about me, when you don't want to live, think about me and I will be sad."

  Han Zhijie's big boned hand gently opened the corner of the collar of his windbreaker, as if he had opened his heart: "Look, I am not a living person. I have unlimited time to love everyone who loves me. What about that sentence? Say? Brother has only you, yes, so before you love me, love yourself more."

  He teased his identity; smiled at the thought of happy things.

  When Han Zhi didn't smile, that face was perfect, almost coldly handsome.

  But he smiled, and the glacier melted instantly.

  "If I can embellish your life, it would be an honor, I am very happy."

  When the playback ends, it will automatically skip to the next video.

  Only the teary fans are left.