Chapter 47

  The afternoon sun shone lightly on the grass.

  The properly manicured lawn is plated with a layer of gold, which is as beautiful as an oil painting. Tong Zhao, who wears a straw hat and puts on sunscreen, is the protagonist in the oil painting. She also has the protagonist's self-consciousness and prepares friends for the heat. After tasting the vegetable salad desserts one by one, I started to comment:

  "This sweet and sour pork ribs and potato braised sirloin is done well, but the ribs can be sweeter."

  Chang Xiaonian stabbed her coolly: "Do it yourself if you want to eat sweets."

  "But I didn't make it as delicious as Mu Xi," Tong Zhao looked at Zhong Muxi's face to No.2, who was full of cooking tools, and pinched a gentle and gentle voice and pressed his palms together, begging: "It's still Mu Xi. It's the best. I can't hold the pot because my hands hurt, and I've never learned how to cook. Fortunately, I'm here, and I don't know what to do without you."


  Your hand hurts!

  Chang Xiaonian saw her stomachache.

  But the person has a good attitude, holding each sentence, Zhong Muxi's face is thin, she blushes with her praise, and she is strangely happy when she looks at it. Chang Xiaonian can't say anything, so she has to persuade herself-at least Tong Zhao knows that soft rice can't Hard to eat.

  Chang Xiaonian was still naive.

  When the relationship really gets closer, the imperial concubine empress can perform on the spot.

  Tong Zhao: [The cultivation of tool people is subtle and silent. ]

  Tong Zhao: [In the beginning, I just made my part and praised me by the way, and then I was asked to make my favorite flavors alone, and then I knew how to take care of my preferences without needing to tell me... Not bad! ]

  [Suddenly I understand how my cat puas me. ]

  [Ben Shit Shovel Officer tears come out. ]

  [Congratulations to sister Xiao Xi for getting a cat owner! ]

  [The only normal person who is sober at the scene may be Miss Chang...]

  Zhong Muxi, who was blushing with praise, lowered her head in a panic, and whispered: "If I like it, I will add more sugar next time."

  Humans are social creatures.

  Zhong Muxi is not a cold and outlying independent child. After being abandoned by a man, she resists men and desires a safe friendship more than ordinary girls-most of the pain after being dumped comes from being denied by the closest people. Betrayed, the original expectations and plans were torn away like a calendar, leaving the abandoned party at a loss for memories.

  Tong Zhao happened to give her the approval of not having enough money.

  When Chang Xiaonian watched her open her mouth, her stomach aches silently.

  "Ah, it's finished." Tong Zhao lost his mouth after drinking the last sip of mango juice.

  "Do you still drink mango juice? Or change to another one."

  Han Zhi and Zhong Muxi made many freshly squeezed juices and put them in the refrigerator.

  Tong Zhao: "Mango juice is a bit tired after drinking, I want watermelon juice."

  Chang Xiaonian took the empty cup to the kitchen and rinsed it and put it to dry on the side, then took out the watermelon juice from the refrigerator and put it in front of Tong Zhao, she seemed to connect two threads of the brain with a click-[ Ah, what am I doing! ! ! ]

  [I can't help the abuser! ! ]

  [Why should I listen to her? ? ? Does she have no hands or no feet? ? ? ]

  "Thank you."

  Tong Zhao took the watermelon juice with both hands, raised his face and smiled sweetly at her.


  Touching his conscience, Chang Xiaonian is really straight and only likes men.

  She likes to read romance novels and watch idol dramas.

  Before Tong Zhao was indifferent to them, she had a bad impression of her.

  However, when Tong Zhao acted like a coquettish to her with a set of dealing with men--

  Heartfelt is not deceiving: [I'm so annoying, why are people so cute when they laugh? ]

  [...I take back Miss Chang's sober words. ]

  [Why hate green tea, that's because the object of green tea is not you/dog head]

  Chang Xiaonian sat down with a face, and couldn't accept her own behavior.

  It must have just been ignored for a while, it means nothing...!


  Zhong Muxi's emotional situation seemed to get better day by day.

  The injuries on her hands have decreased, leaving different shades of color, so she only wears long-sleeved clothes to hide herself, and even wears a dark coat that can be used when swimming. When the camera was taken, she often stared at the injury on her hand when she was alone, regretting the self-harm.

  There was a barrage criticizing her for not caring about her body.

  There are also barrage showing understanding.

  As an amateur, Zhong Muxi's single cuts are rarely viewed.

  After all, her life is nothing to watch, the only thing to watch is to interact with Han Zhi, then Han Zhi fans might as well go directly to see her brother's single cut.

  It's just that the popular comments under Zhong Muxi's single cut version have received a lot of approval:

  [That's how it is for broken love. I figured it out yesterday, but I can't do it today. When I figure it out, I regret and hate myself for being unsatisfactory, but when I am overwhelmed by emotion, even breathing is a luxury. Even if he doesn't love that man anymore, he can't face the unchosen self. ]

  Netease Cloud was ridiculed as Net Yiyun, and it was time to be depressed.

  However, the large amount of love-lost literature and sentimental copywriting on Douyin proves that there is a corresponding market demand.

  The program team of "Kill of the Sea King" noticed this and cut some clips for Zhong Muxi with sad background music and put them on many marketing accounts and Douyin Internet celebrities, helping the variety show to attract a wave of fans, as other guests continued Show kindness to her and heal many audiences. Invisibly, this passer-by's favorability also radiates to other guests.

  Except for He Shun, everyone benefited.

  "A Variety Show of Love Instinct with Tear Force and Warmth: "Aquaman Killing"

  "If I had this group of friends when I was broken in love, I would not collapse every night"

  "Crash later, make Tong Zhao sweet and sour pork ribs first"

  The last one is derived from a short video:

  Zhong Muxi suffered from insomnia and went to the kitchen subconsciously to hurt herself. As a result, she ran into Tong Zhao, who was out for a walk, and was asked to do supper. The cooking at night was full of oily smoke. Who wants to? However, her attitude was taken for granted. Zhong Muxi was at the weakest mental state, and she really put down the fruit knife and made her supper...

  Tong Zhao couldn't finish the meal alone, so he pulled her down and ate a big bowl of rice with sweet and sour pork ribs.

  That carbon water, absolutely.

  Zhong Muxi followed the meal and was stunned, and was escorted back to the room in a daze.

  After being awakened by this movement, Chang Xiaonian was also in a half dream state. Tong Zhao's meaningful sentence: "Watch your sister." He prodded and hurriedly pulled the person into the quilt, washing his face and brushing his teeth, and tucked the four corners of the quilt. Strictly reassured.

  Only the audience of God's vision knows that Tong Zhao is truly shallow.

  Since the Little Corgi incident, she has even moved the sofa behind the door and slept directly behind the door, without letting go of any movement, she must catch the dog. The audience was cute by her true spirit, and named her the 999th generation leader of the Beggar Gang and learned how to beat a dog with a stick.

  It's a pity that I haven't waited for that little Corgi.

  Tong Zhao was annoyed, and he became more unbelief in evil.

  There were six people living in the manor, and five of them played in a group, making it more uncomfortable to be the one who was left.

  In the past, He Shun had a cold relationship with other people. It was because of his eyes above the top that he felt that he could not talk to women and kids, and had nothing to talk about. It was the result of his active choice. But now others ignore him, even if they meet in a narrow path, they will immediately look away. This feeling...


  He clearly exposed Tong Zhao's true face under the eyes of everyone.

  Unexpectedly, not only did she not get squeezed out, but she also had a better relationship with other people-it was clear that Tong Zhao had only relied on him before. He watched silently, and his mentality began to collapse. He Shun could not accept that he was a loser, he was the loser of this game. He not only lost love, but also the respect of others.

  And all of this is thanks to Tong Zhao.

  He Shunyue thought the more he didn't understand, he wanted to find someone to tell his grievances.

  It's impossible for the man to understand, it's all Tong Zhao's dog licking.

  Chang Xiaonian is too aggressive and doesn't understand the difficulties of men.

  The rest is Zhong Muxi who is weak and talkative.

  His thoughts were fully revealed under the AI ​​scanning, and the audience was terribly sickened.

  [Bullying and fearing hard real man/Like/Like]

  [Rolling, what kind of ability to hit the idea on sister Xiao Xi, there is a way to go to Tong Zhao. ]

  [Tong Zhao's mockery is MAX, I'm afraid he won't be able to get up again/dog head]

  It's a pity that the audience can't control the development of the variety show, they can only send barrage and comment to vent their unhappy. Even worse, this issue ended with He Shun's dark and violent brain activity---

  [I don't need you to prevent me from being addicted when I'm an adult, I'm going to be addicted! ]

  However, it's useless. No matter how urgent it is, you have to wait for the next episode to start.

  Zhong Muxi rarely places orders, but He Shun has too much free time, and the program group deliberately let the two meet each other-this dirty calculation will never be leaked, and it will also improve the right He Shun's monitoring level, once there is any sign of violent behavior, he will be forced to wake up and expel from the holographic space before giving orders from his brain.

  Variety shows are forbidden for gimmicks to induce conflict, but in order to avoid leaving a psychological shadow on actors and guests, the corresponding personal safety protection laws are also perfect.

  In short, in the early morning when Zhong Muxi woke up very early and wanted to make porridge for his friends, He Shun blocked her in the kitchen.

  "Miss Zhong, I want to talk to you."

  He Shun walked to her.

  Mr. He, who was very careful about his personal image, was already exhausted, and he was already tired. Zhou Zheng's face had a faint cyan color under his resolute face, and he was a careless wild beast. Zhong Muxi flinched: "What's the matter? I'm cooking..."

  "You listen to me first."

  He Shun interrupted her, turning a blind eye to her terrified body language: "I remember when I arrived at the manor on the first day, you said that you can't cook, why did you lie to me?"

  He knows how to bully.

  First point out the other party's moral flaws, so that Zhong Muxi, who is good at self-blame, falls into a disadvantage in the dialogue.

  "At that time... I didn't want to cook." Zhong Muxi clenched her fingertips.

  "Okay, I won't hold you accountable for lying." He Shun pretended to forgive her generously, and then raised the issue that he really cared about. "But what you do excludes me, don't you think it's too much? I am obviously. The one who was deceived and injured... I heard that you were also broken in love, why can't you understand my feelings? You are an accomplice on Tong Zhao's side."

  Unexpectedly, the wound was opened, Zhong Muxi looked at him in surprise.

  She shook her head, tears in her throat.

  The audience seemed to be about to have a brain hemorrhage, and some of them scolded her buns a little bit more irritably, but more of them called for her anxious brother.

  From her reaction, He Shun regained his confidence.

  Although the appearance is a little ordinary, this woman also has advantages.

  At least he wouldn't taunt him mercilessly like those two women.

  He continued to reason: "Don't deny it first, and don't say that Tong Zhao doesn't welcome me. Half a month has passed. Have you ever thought about asking them to invite me together? No, in the cold violence, silently watching It's an accomplice, I really... didn't expect you to be this kind of person, or you didn't even notice it? Men care about the details. I fell in love because I was maliciously deceived. Maybe you were too cold and numb."

  Mr. He has a particularly deep grievance.

  I was aggrieved and squeezed out.

  "I don't, I don't know, don't tell me, I don't want to talk to you..."

  Zhong Muxi's usual logic is quite strong, the only thing that is abandoned is her pain point. When she poke the pain point, her eyes are filled with tears, and she can only hold back tears and shook her head to deny it. She turned sideways and wanted to escape, but was stopped in time by the keen him. This time he was not angry at all, so he controlled himself without any physical contact-Mr. He disliked violence and thought it was a savage and uncivilized behavior. The last time it was a pure misunderstanding, and Tong Zhao was so irritating. Up.

  "Don't escape--"

  Before He Shunyi's rigorous line was finished, he got a kick on the waist.

  The kick was quick and hard, and his body was swayed aside, stumbled and staggered for a few steps before he could stabilize.

  It was supposed to be a violent act, but it was prejudged by the program team as a legitimate defense. As long as the owner of this kick did not chase him, he would not cross the red line.

  And obviously, Tong Zhao was not interested in continuing to beat him.

  She has limited strength, maybe even discounting her hands may not make a rough-skinned man feel painful.

  Tong Zhao is very delicate, ridiculing and cursing others, and inciting others to fight.

  Do it yourself? Dog men are not worthy.

  Tong Zhao raised her chin and looked at He Shun, who looked back in shock. She curled her lips, her tone was slow and determined, with a haughty, condescending smile: "If you can't beat a woman, you can bully a weaker woman? Okay, I'm good at it."


  "Shut up, did I let you talk?!"

  Tong Zhao, whose smile faded away, had a cold expression. She was still wearing a white skirt that did not stain the dust, but her momentum was domineering, which made He Shun aphasic.

  "You don't need to ask her, it's just that I hate you. I'll be annoyed when I see you. You are not allowed to invite you to such a bad thing at any party. Ask me if you have any comments and complain to others..."

  Tong Zhao slowly raised his chin towards Zhong Muxi, motioning her to hide behind him.

  As if she had found the owner's puppy, she immediately followed Tong Zhao.

  "First, it seems that you are very bullying and afraid of hardship."

  "Second, it's useless to find them, I'm the one who has the right to decide. Understand? They can't."

  You can stand up to praise and abuse, Chen Guifei never likes to block guns.

  It's just that she doesn't think this is protection.

  She only believes that beating a dog requires seeing the owner.

  He Shun went over her to find Zhong Muxi's troubles. This move completely stepped on her minefield, which made her feel ashamed. She had to find the place and ridicule her to vent her anger.

  "Also, is that you have been pointing to the reason for breaking up just now? According to your logic, the person who has thrown away can evaluate the person who has been thrown away. That's OK, you listen carefully,"

  Tong Zhao, who was held tightly by Zhong Muxi's arm, only frowned briefly, and tolerated her move like a gift, pouring this slight irritation on Mr. He, and his bright apricot-core eyes moved him from head to toe. He looked at it for a while, then shook his head.

  He also shook his head at him, Zhong Muxi made him feel very powerful.

  Tong Zhao shook his head, but he was frustrated and humiliated. He felt like he was treated as a fool:

  "I refuse you to confess because I look down on you and hate you from head to toe. It's annoying to see you. If anyone can kneel down and give me a kiss, then you don't even deserve to lick my shoes on the ground. "

  She was arrogant and cheerful, and she was happy to belittle the enemy from the bottom of her heart.

  He Shun was scolded stupidly.

  The audience was also restrained by Tong Zhao's impromptu and arrogant speech.

  [One person's blood book asks Tong Zhao to start a class and teach a student! ! ! ]

  [Tearful eyes, why didn't I curse people as well as her? ]

  [Tong Zhao, where is green tea, she is a fighter in black tea, Qimen black tea... This is how people with high confidence quarrel, and I can't learn. ]

  There are also concerns that have gone crooked.

  The passers-by are curious, and the protagonist's "self" is so good at scolding, her fans should also be very powerful! Tong Zhao's fans shook their heads and waved their hands to clarify that there was nothing wrong. My sister has been kind since her debut, and has never conflicted with others. Originally, a fan of Han Zhijia almost quarreled with them... But the quarrel, the flood overwhelmed Dragon King. The temple, it turned out to be a family, hurt.

  Tong Zhao didn't intend to stay and scold him.

  Is he worthy?

  She finished talking about what she wanted to scold, and when she was happy, she didn't care about other people, she was a woman who played no one to the extreme. She turned off the fire and led Zhong Muxi out of the kitchen upstairs. After recovering, Zhong Muxi hesitated and said: "You said you wanted to eat scallop porridge last night..."


  [... So you did a good thing, Tong Zhao! ]

  [No wonder she appeared so timely, it turned out to be the supervisor hahahahahahaha...]

  "Waiting for the house, I will let Han Zhi do it. Now the kitchen is too bad, and it is not suitable for people to step into it." Recently, I have been playing with Wei Zekai a lot, and she has also been contaminated with some jargon.

  Zhong Muxi asked in a low voice, "Is Brother Zhi a hellman?"

  "Well, he's quite underworld, too."

  Han Zhifeng criticized the victim.

  He Shun couldn't stand it anymore, and applied to the official to leave the event early.

  He Shun's consciousness was extracted from the holographic space after the approval of the program group and the vote of the VIP audience.

  And what greeted him was the sympathetic gaze of the program staff...

  He Shun smiled politely: "Thanks for your hard work, everyone, my head is a little bit painful, let's go take a rest." He decided to wait for the memory to recover, and then watch the variety show replay. You should be able to know the reason why other people's eyes are strange.

  Let's talk back to the instinct variety show.

  After arriving on the second floor, Zhong Muxi thanked Tong Zhao, her voice full of tears.

  Tong Zhao hissed: [Should I comfort her at this time? ]

  [No way, I can only scold and ridicule... and act like a baby...]

  The imperial concubine was in distress.

  Soon, her little bit of sympathy caused by her conscience was consumed in her thoughts, and she nodded very calmly and accepted her thanks: "If you are grateful to me, I will have tea-marinated chicken wings and squirrel mandarin fish in the evening."

  "Okay, I'll do it all for you."

  To make squirrel mandarin fish, the fish must be deboned first and then beaten with a knife. It also has to be oiled, which is more troublesome in home cooking.

  The barrage sighed and witnessed the birth of No. 1 Tool Man.

  [Comforting people? Tong Zhao doesn't know how, let's order something from the shit shoveler. ]

  [A la carte comfort, learned. ]

  [I want to be protected by kittens too...]

  Tong Zhao was satisfied.

  After Zhong Muxi felt relieved, she couldn't help crying, clutching Tong Zhao's sleeve and crying softly, making her a little numb.

  So leading Zhong Muxi, who was crying out of control, knocked on Han Zhi's door, and when he came out with his slippers, he pushed the person in and briefly described the ins and outs of the matter: "I'm going to sleep. Going back to sleep, I hope I can have scallop porridge at eleven.

  [It's my favorite Tong Zhao ordering session again! ]

  This barrage was highlighted and bolded by netizens.

  After speaking, Tong Zhao left directly.

  She believed that Han Zhi would not do the bad things that took advantage of the futility to do the girl. It was too low-grade, and he estimated that he would not do it either. When she woke up at eleven o'clock on time, before going downstairs, Zhong Muxi took the hot scallop porridge to the door and waited.

  The audience's desire to complain about the barrage was so high that they lost their desire to express.

  Tong Zhao, how much have you killed the life of the shovel officer!

  Until the evening, everyone received an official notification-player He Shun decided to quit the game midway due to personal reasons. His beloved choice will be retained, but other players will no longer be able to choose him as his beloved object.

  Chang Xiaonian said, "Even if he is the only man left in the world, I won't choose him."

  "well said."

  Tong Zhao happily enjoyed the squirrel mandarin fish specially made for her.

  Seeing her eating deliciously, Chang Xiaonian also tasted something: "It's so sweet, how can it be made so sweet?"

  Zhong Muxi glanced at Tong Zhao swiftly, and then quickly retracted her gaze.

  Tong Zhao loves sweetness, and also likes sweet and sour recipes when he eats hot dishes.

  Chang Xiaonian understood immediately: "...Xiao Xi, you just get used to her!"

  The laughter on the dining table temporarily swept away the haze on her heart.

  However, when night fell and Wan Lai was silent, Zhong Muxi couldn't sleep thinking of what Teacher He had said to her. She couldn't control herself to recall that failed relationship. The person she seriously liked didn't even give her a decent ending, so she couldn't wait to leave her.

  She broke up without crying or making trouble, and letting go was not difficult.

  It is difficult to think about why he is unwilling to stay thousands of times.

  Every time, she feels that she is terrible, otherwise why can't she keep the closest person? Reflecting on every etched detail, did she notice it at the time, and if she did better, she would be able to restore the relationship?


  Unconsciously, when he reacted, Zhong Muxi got out of bed like a walking dead and stepped out of the corridor.

  She stood there sobbing for a while, again filled with negative emotions in her mind.

  Tonight, there are two people who can't let go of sleeping late.

  One is Han Zhi.

  One is Wei Zekai.

  When Han Zhi opened the door of the room without seeing anyone in the corridor, he walked downstairs. Wei Zekai took a step slower. He hesitated again and again, thinking of that crying face, he still became a little Corgi again.

  Another person sleeps very late every day and sleeps lightly.

  Tong Zhao wasn't worried about Zhong Muxi.

  She is here to catch the dog.

  Wei Keji, who consciously shouldered the responsibility of justice messenger, met again in the corridor with Tong Zhao, the dog-catching captain who was holding the sheet in both hands.

  Wei Keji: [...]