Chapter 48

  When meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

  At that time, many thoughts flashed through Wei Keji's mind--

  For example, at the moment, I must have the characteristic dangerous character "Sekiro" on my head.

  For example, isn't this his comrade-in-arms?

  For example, how could Tong Zhao come out at this time?

  It looks at Tong Zhao, which is a mixed view of two identities, which is more complicated.

  Tong Zhao looked at it, and it was much simpler.

  This dog, she is determined to win!

  The thin piece of quilt behind the quilt was taken away, she threw the quilt out, and the big cloth fell in the sky and enveloped Corgi. It is too difficult to catch a dog with bare hands. There is a possibility of letting the other party escape. Tong Zhao never overestimates her physical stamina. When the puppies are covered by the quilt, she immediately gathers them up and packs them back to the room.

  [Get caught! ]

  [Hahahahaha This is not right for a pair of painting styles. ]

  [The scumbag sea king becomes the captain of the dog catching squad, and Wei Keji scores his first success and adds chicken legs! ]

  Wei Keji really doesn't want to eat shit chicken legs.

  The quilt made it a little uncomfortable. It was time for a normal dog to put on its paws, but he was afraid of hurting Tong Zhao, so he had to close his paws and kick it with symbolic anger. After kicking it twice, he found that the place where the powder mat was a little soft ...Fuck!

  Wei Keji quieted down slightly.

  [Obviously I didn't mean it, I was guilty of a ball of yarn! ]

  [Forget it, I'm afraid I stepped on her too hard to hurt her. ]

  [By the way, isn't her right hand hurt? Why do you catch me so vigorously, fuck! ]

  Wei Keji's grumpy dog ​​barking was heard clearly by the audience of God's vision.

  It stands to reason that spraying swear words on variety shows should get rid of powder.

  However, Wei Keji's incompetent furious dog called Sanlian, but it burst the cuteness and laughter of the audience, shouting that the young master is too cute and he can make his debut directly. It is more likable than many artists.

  One of the bullet screens that was praised to float red also spoke out the voice of everyone:

  [So only Wei Keji among the six really believes that Tong Zhao's hand is still hurt? /Candle/candle]

  The passers-by and the audience think he is cute, but the real Weijia and the one who knows both at the same time...

  Oh, I didn't see it.

  When Wei Keji broke free from the quilt cage, he first saw a magnified girl's face.

  Tong Zhao only turned on a bedside lamp.

  The warm yellow light set off from the side, tracing her already pretty face more tenderly. A close-up shot by the director casually is a blockbuster-level beauty. The screenshot of her holding Corgi in her hands was even taken by netizens to sell Amway-because it was so good-looking, she often commented on some cute pet bloggers and publicity. Seeing the unauthorized use of this picture on the animal-loving official account can be described as a new way of channeling the traffic.

  Everyone is aware of Tong Zhao's beauty.

  Except for dogs.

  Wei Keji: [...I was caught by her again! ]

  Wei Keji: [She is so nervous, why is she so persistent to me? I am going to judge Sea King and save true love! ]

  Little Corgi barked at her fiercely, warning her to put down Lao Tzu quickly.

  Tong Zhao was unmoved.

  What she thought was that Wei Zekai would be panicked when she found that the dog was missing. When she took the dog to confront him tomorrow, she might be able to swindle something and take the opportunity to narrow the distance between her soul. There is no way, this young master is too difficult to break through, so he can only take a slant and make some strange moves.

  As for this dog...

  Tong Zhaozhen didn't think about what to do with it, and kept it delicious and drinkable all night.

  Only when it barked at her, her eyes narrowed slightly.

  Even if you don't have to read "A Hundred Eye Languages ​​in Romance Novels", you can detect the smell of danger in her slightly squinted eyes.

  The imperial concubine hates others to provoke her the most.

  She only let the dog's head stick out from the quilt, leaving a short dog body still wrapped in the spring roll-like quilt to ensure that the dog can't run around.

  Tong Zhao: [You can't let the dog get angry. ]

  Tong Zhao: [Forget it, its barking pot is recorded on Wei Zekai's head, and will settle with him sooner or later. ]

  When he caught the dog, he exercised a lot, and his spirit was fully adjusted. Tong Zhao would not fall asleep for a while, and started to play with the dog when he was bored. She has always suspected that Wei Zekai is the judge, so this official spy dog ​​might have a mystery in him?

  Thinking of this, Tong Zhao put his hands into the spring roll quilt, trying to find possible cameras, tape recorders or locators from Corgi.

  Wei Keji didn't understand what she wanted to do at first.

  Until the sensitive snow-white belly was rubbed by her hand.

  [Fuck... trough! ]

  Tong Zhao has a basic love for small animals, he is firm and gentle, and he is careful not to hurt him, but this kind of gentle touch is really itchy to the dog, so itchy. Corgi screams twice. Then, out of fear of hiring other people to watch his embarrassed appearance, the original vigorous dog barking lowered down and turned into a grieved, whispered protest.

  It sounds like a baby.

  The barrage was also dumbfounded.

  [Is this content that can be broadcast? It seems really okay. ]

  [Wei Keji felt like he screamed twice and enjoyed it hahahahaha...]

  [If the goddess rua me, I can also be a dog, barking! ]

  The mainstream of the barrage was finally set to bark and bark full of screens.

  Everyone wants to be idol's little pets.

  Tong Zhao regretfully retracted his hand when he didn't find what he had imagined in Little Corgi.

  And Wei Keji has become a useless dog that can't even move his tail, and his brain is blank: [huh...huh... damn woman, why am I so ticklish? Annoying! ]

  Everyone who is ticklish knows that after being scratched severely, the psychological defense is the most vulnerable.

  Similar to sage time.

  At this moment, Tong Zhao slowly raised a question: "Puppy...or should I call you Wei Zekai?"

  Wei Zekai: [...]

  Her tone was very determined.

  Her voice is very casual:

  [I didn't find anything, now I can't sleep, so let's go to sleep again. ]

  This headless question is the product of the funny dog ​​that she can't sleep.

  But Wei Zekai didn't know that she was such a boring person, so he was stunned right now.

  Corgi, who was originally angry, stared blankly at his look a little cute, Tong Zhao touched the flesh of his chin, and continued to make up with a smile: "Do you think you are acting well? In fact, I have seen through it a long time ago. Now, some of your little actions are common to dogs."

  At this point, Tong Zhao, whose interests come and go fast, soon gets tired of it.

  She unwrapped the quilt spring rolls, intending to drive Corgi to the bathroom so that he would sleep for one night, so as not to mess around in the room: "I will untie the quilt for you now. You'd better change it back and explain it to me. Explanation..."

  As soon as the voice fell, a burst of smoke from an unknown source was accompanied by cartoon sound effects on the bed.

  After a while, the smoke dissipated.

  Tong Zhao: "..."

  Wei Zekai: "...I can explain."

  Under the highlighted brown-gold head was a beautiful face of surprise and embarrassment.

  Suddenly appeared in front of her face-to-face, Tong Zhao's thoughts were so fast that smart ai could not be played at normal speed. In short, after an incredibly fast monologue, she quickly accepted this supernatural setting, and I found the one that is most beneficial to me--

  Tong Zhao stretched out his hand, grabbed his collar, and pulled him in his direction.

  Compared with Tong Zhao's three lines of brain bullets in one second, Wei Zekai's brain was completely blank, and she was dragged by her unexpectedly, and even fell forward. Fortunately, his physical reaction speed was good, and he held the quilt with one hand in a dangerous situation...

  At this moment, he and Tong Zhao's lips were only one knuckle apart.

  The next moment, Wei Zekai retreated to the end of the bed with his hands and feet together, hitting the wall with his back heavy without knowing it.

  [Breaking the heavens, violating the heavens! ! ! ! ]

  [Wei Keji thinks that his reaction speed is particularly remarkable now? ]

  Wei Zekai still has lingering fears: [Fuck, I was able to hold on to this situation just now, I'm so awesome. ]


  [Laughing to death, what good do we do to you hahahahaha! ]

  Tong Zhao obviously didn't expect this to happen.

  She didn't intend to kiss him forcibly, she just wanted to talk closer.

  Even if he didn't hold the mattress in time, she would stop his shoulders, but she never expected that he would come to reverse the car.

  The two stared at each other in amazement for a while.

  What kind of charm in the romantic movie is not there anymore.

  The imperial concubine, a top love movie heroine, has also been transformed into a comedian.

  Rao is Tong Zhao, and he doesn't know what to do right now.

  While considering which tactics to switch to, Wei Zekai reacted first, and a handsome face instantly turned red: "You, what are you doing to drag me! It's almost a big deal!"

  The child was too scared to understand.

  Wei Zekai has never been so close to a girl in his life.

  He used to go to school, he liked to perm his head, dye his hair and tattoo. In the eyes of his classmates, he was a very wealthy senior bastard. Female classmates did not dare to talk to him. The daughters of the same class felt that he was incomprehensible. Only Tong Zhao could catch his nonsensical head and thorny sentences. Then... Even so, the two have not crossed the boundary.

  In the instinct variety show, Tong Zhao is a girl who has just met for more than half a month.

  At first, she didn't pay attention to her, but later it was pure and firm comradeship.

  At the moment when he almost kissed him, Wei Dashao's gender consciousness that didn't know which bump fell on his brain finally returned to the correct position, realizing that his comrades were soft.

  The really is so soft there, and the lips should be very soft...

  [Stop it! ]

  [No memories! ]

  Wei Zekai was startled by the thoughts that came out of him.

  The momentum that had been weakened because of shyness was even more vain: "It is not what I want to become a dog. I always think about catching me..."

  From the onlooker's point of view, Wei Zekai is accountable.

  He turned into a dog and turned into a dog, instead of chasing Tong Zhao, he just passed innocently in the corridor.

  But what is Tong Zhao's character? Even if Wei Zekai would reason with her clearly, her eagerness can also come up with crooked reasons to dazzle people-she is like a keen carnivore, and will never let go of every flaw that the other party leaks.

  When the enemy retreated her in, the enemy persuaded her fiercely.

  Tong Zhao raised his eyebrows lightly and leaned forward. This time Wei Zekai was irresistible:

  "Because I am very interested in you, Puppy."

  Her arrogant voice, which is always happy, is now heavy, and the halo of the bedside lamp dyes half of her body, and outlines her graceful figure wrapped in her pajamas. This moment when the female is strong and the male is weak, the audience feels like a deer, and it retains a subtle purity. The more you know that they can't really do anything, the more you look forward to development.

  "I feel interested!?"

  Danger stammered.


  Everyone in the program group was also able to look forward to it at this time.

  At this time, the writer of good deeds suggested: "It's better to keep Wei Zekai his biggest cuteness!"

  "What cute?" The director scratched his face.

  Screenwriter: "Dog ears and tail. Don't there always audiences want to rua him?"

  Everyone can have this link.

  The director glanced at the modeler, who said that this technique is very simple and can be added immediately as long as the director agrees. The director nodded happily: "Just add it to him, and let the audience see this very honest tail."

  The audience watched attentively, and saw an official announcement in black on a white background popping up from above--

  "The staff saw this and decided to return some of the dog's characteristics to the judge"

  "I hope the judge will take the plug-in we gave and fight against the army! "

  As soon as the barrage flew past, Duang made a sound, and the stuttering version of Wei Zekai's head and buttocks appeared respectively with Corgi ears and a small tail.


  Tong Zhao accepted this supernatural development frankly.

  There is only a bonus in her eyes, no matter how he becomes a dog, as long as he does not become a cockroach, everything is acceptable!

  "Yeah, I am very interested in you,"

  Tong Zhao forced him to the wall. Wei Zekai pressed his ears and tail violently, eager to press them back or tear them off, but when he tried to pull them hard, his eyes were red with pain. This panicked and poor appearance evoked Tong Zhao's abusive heart that could not speak to others. She held his wrist firmly: "Don't pull it, don't you hurt?"

  "It hurts!" Wei Zekai was furious: "This is the ability given to me by the government. It's just an hour to become a dog, and I can change it back at any time. What's the matter with the dog's ears and tail, my mother? Chicken..."

  So anxious that he blew himself up, his dialect accent also popped out.

  Tong Zhao couldn't help but feel his beast ears soothingly.

  With this touch, the dog's ears stand up.

  Wei Zekai slapped her hand away in a panic: "Don't touch it!"

  When I pulled it, I still didn't feel that when someone touched it...especially Tong Zhao's slightly cool soft hand touched it, and his nerve endings were itchy, making him feel bad. It was just a little bit hard to shoot. After reacting, he turned a lot of regret in his eyes and held her hand: "I didn't pay attention just now, damn, your hand was hurt... I was wrong, sorry, I'll admit it to you. "

  His face was remorse visible to the naked eye.

  [Poor Wei Corgi, completely deceived by the bad woman. ]

  [As of today, he still believes that Tong Zhao's hand is still hurting! Wake up! ]

  [He may be the type who believes in Santa Claus as an adult. ]

  Tong Zhao was as shocked as the audience.

  However, after listening to his self-destruction, he was already affirmed as a judge in his heart, and he had to be more careful to attack him...

  [Wei Zekai's personality is a bit off the line, and he cannot be treated with the same method as He Shun. ]

  [Playing with him implies that he either understands it as "Brother and I are in a good relationship" or he will not realize my subtext at the end of the month. It's useless. He has to dive to the bottom of the sea and dive slowly. . ]

  Tong Zhao's voice accurately analyzed Wei Zekai's character.

  So she chose a straight ball.

  "Interesting means, I like you,"

  Tong Zhao took out his mobile phone with his back to Wei Zekai and clicked on the album.

  There are three post-processed screenshots of the Xindong app software page in the photo album.

  In the three screenshots, the only difference is the name chosen by the heart:

  "You are my favorite choice."

  There was a pause. In the silence formed by all the audience hitting question marks and exclamation marks, and Wei Zekai holding his breath in a panic, she said a key sentence in a firm, gentle and pious tone, flipped the phone, and showed him it. After looking at the phone screen, she has been thinking about Wang Zhan for a long time!

  The offensive and defensive battle of "Aquaman Killing" tests EQ and challenges IQ.


  [I rush, I rush, I rush, who can play with her? ]

  [Is there this scene in Tong Zhao's single cut? Why didn't Holmes discover this foreshadowing? ]

  [I shed tears, my cub is going to be deceived by the bad woman. ]

  At this moment, the audience boiled over the bad women.

  This is exactly the wit and courage they expected to see in "Kill of the Sea". Tong Zhao, who was sober to the last moment, was really handsome...Of course, she was also very cool and very fierce in "72 Hours to the End". The action scene is so handsome that it makes people's legs soft and heart-warming.

  It's just that the literary play in "The Killing of Aquaman" makes the mind-conscious audience feel hospitalized. It is as pleasant as a surprise to eat a piece of cake and find that it is full of fresh fruit content.

  This woman thinks so much.

  "Aquaman Killing" is not over yet, various instinctive variety shows and movie invitations have flown to the agent, Chu sister, like snowflakes.

  The subconscious mind with its own program effects, who doesn't want it!

  Among them, Sister Chu's interest was the invitation to a fantasy fairy tale movie.

  "Relentless Tribulation"

  She checked the information and found that it was a big production that had been shelved for a long time. Everything was in place and could be turned on at any time, which made it difficult for the heroine to be selected. Because the screenwriter has set too many problems for the heroine, there is no suitable actress candidate for the time being. The person who wrote this script is a big screenwriter. He has a deep background and a reputation. He just doesn't change it. No one can do it. .

  Drag to the industry and forget about it.

  "... Let Tong Zhao come back and decide..."

  Let's go back to the show.

  Wei Zekai asked hesitantly: "Do you like me? How is it possible?"

  After confirming that Wei Zekai could see the content, Tong Zhao pressed the lock screen button and put the phone aside.

  "How can it be impossible?" She asked him back, wanting to hear why he could make up for it.

  As a result, this guy nodded thoughtfully:

  "Yes, it is right to like me. After all, I have so many advantages. I feel strange that no one has confessed to me before. It seems that now the world is finally back on track." Wei Zekai breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. He was really puzzled about this for a while before, why no one confessed to him! The world is out of order.


  Tong Zhao: [I really want to beat him up. ]

  But the little tail swaying triumphantly is kind of cute.

  Tong Zhao forgave him generously, and then went on acting: "Then do you have any feelings for me?"

  Tong Zhao has two thoughts: [One, is to seduce Wei Zekai, really make him like himself]

  [If it doesn't work, then Plan B. It's okay to say that you don't like yourself. I don't bother to mess with him, but I want to at least make a couple on the Xindong app. With his character, the possibility of agreeing is very high. ]

  The ruthless villain only sees through the game.

  "Huh? Feeling?"

  Wei Zekai's brain was almost overloaded and feverish.

  He was holding Tong Zhao's hand to observe the injury. She would clasp her ten fingers together, and her beautiful face had an expression of intent and expectation: "I play so many games with you, and you feel a little bit about me. Are there none at all?"

  After realizing that Tong Zhao is a girl, Wei Zekai can no longer treat her as before.

  Wei Zekai: [Fuck, she is a little pretty. ]

  [? ? ? ? ? ]

  [Give me a chance, you say it again, is it really just a little bit? ]

  [Big beauties like Tong Zhao have such a difficult strategy, I started to wonder what kind of girlfriend the young Master Wei in reality would have. ]

  "I think you're pretty good," Wei Zekai said word by word, as if looking for the appropriate wording: "Waner Diaochan played a lot, orange Guan Yu blew all the way, playing Sagittarius hit the bottom lane. Second, the support is also the god of the group..."

  Tong Zhao heard his temples jump.

  [Forget it, I didn't expect that my Tong Zhao would also resort to moral kidnapping, woo woo. ]

  The barrage rushed wildly.

  "...You are also very beautiful and a good person."

  Hearing this, Tong Zhao was already a little bit ashamed of wanting to die.

  Fortunately, there were only two of them in the room. To let the third person know that her confession was rejected, she had to shut herself down on the spot.

  [Hahahahaha I didn't expect it! We are watching! ]

  The bad-hearted VIP netizens also posted a screenshot of the current number of people watching the live broadcast, with the words "There are now 2516434 people watching Tong Zhao confession rejected", which made the audience laugh.

  [Bad woman you have today! ]

  [It's cool, so it's true that natural black can cure black belly. ]

  Wei Zekai finally said the most important words in one breath: "Where do you think the marriage room is suitable? I must go back to my own house during the New Year. If you are homesick, you can go back to each house. I don't mind at home. If you have me and then give birth to a child, if you like it, then give birth. If you don't like it, we don't want it. But it's better to have one. My family is quite rich. Although there is no throne, there is really a lot of money to inherit, male. I like women both. In fact, as long as there is a living thing inheritance, I won't lose it. Even if I give birth to an alien, I will love it."



  Tong Zhao: "Huh?"

  After the long series of words above, Wei Zekai found his rhythm. After all, in front of his girlfriend, you shouldn't be shy about anything!

  So he continued to talk about his and Tong Zhao's future plans: "I'm still holding my family's pocket money for the time being, and I still have shareholder dividends. I used to spend a lot of money and I don't have any money left. After I have a girlfriend, I will save some money, at most Stop starting a business, so you should be able to save 3 million every quarter to support you. After the show is over, shall we get the certificate? If you feel too hurry, you can get engaged first and listen to you. I don't care."

  It doesn't matter how dangerous it is, the plan is quite detailed.

  Get engaged, get married and have children, this is his best understanding of love.

  Wei Zekai raised his eyes while speaking, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled a little nervously. Corgi's tail was wagging as fast as a fan leaf, and the background color in his eyes was bright.

  As bright as his golden brown head.

  "According to our jungle rules, if you are with me, the Buff will be given to you in the future, but the pawn line in the middle will also be divided among me..."

  After saying this sentence that would make every mid-laner angry, he suddenly lowered his head and quickly pecked her lips.

  [... I stole it, and it really is soft! ]