Chapter 51

  Starring in an instinctive movie is a wonderful experience.

  When watching the sample when leaving the holographic cabin, most people will think that it is the same as the AI ​​face-changing program, "I haven't done such a thing", "Hahaha how could I do this...", wait until When I dreamed back in the middle of the night, and when everything was silent, all kinds of memories came to my mind, and then I had a real feeling.

  So an actor with a little experience will not say it too deadly.

  Wei Zekai didn't know.

  Not only did he speak very hard, but he also pretended to be forced.

  That night, Wei Zekai tossed and turned on his KingSize bed.

  One of the benefits of being wealthy is that when you can't sleep on the bed, you don't worry about rolling and rolling to the floor. The rhythm of his memory recovery is gradual, first thinking of being dragged over, and then thinking of the first time he secretly kissed his good brother...


  Classmate Wei, who was kneeling on the bed, held his head in his hands and knocked on the mattress.

  Trying to knock out the shame memory by kowtow.

  However, it is useless and clearer.

  "Don't think about it, Wei Zekai, you can't think about it as a man!"

  Wei Zekai tried to command his brain.

  After banging for three minutes, there was no consensus between the brain and the mouth.

  He Tong Zhao's "love" was too high, and with Wei Zekai's forehead smashing action, his memories were also smashed out little by little. At that time, he responded to the girl's liking for the first time. He wanted to be nice to her. He was also full of joy when he was stupid. He smashed and quickly popped a pink bubble. Wei Zekai really wanted to die.

  At six o'clock in the morning, he recalled happily making breakfast, and found that someone went to the building empty, and was told by the authorities that he had been fooled.

  Tong Zhao has never chosen him as a beloved choice.

  The girl I loved is fake.

  Then he wanted to die even more.

  Growing up in a greenhouse family full of love and warmth, Wei Zekai developed a lower tear point. In addition to the first time "lost in love", he did not hold this huge sense of betrayal for a while and was broken on the spot. He cried out. At this time, he thought that Tong Zhao had said that he had a fantasy habit of waking up at six o'clock to meditate, so he touched the phone from the bedside table and dialed her.


  The call was quickly connected.

  The female voice on the other end of the phone was slightly mute, with a trace of laziness just waking up: "You wake up so early? Didn't you go to bed...what's the matter, just call me and kowtow to me, Master. "She chuckles when she hears his very rhythmic bang.

  "I didn't fall asleep, I had insomnia. I didn't kowtow to you, but I wanted to smash you out of my head."

  Wei Dashao's tone was full of resentment.

  It's so fun. It made Tong Zhao who was a little bit angry and chuckled again and again: "If you get sick, you can cure it."

  Wei Zekai sniffed firmly and asked, "No, I want to know, just, in a variety show, have you liked me? I'm very entangled in this matter, I'm so miserable."

  Originally, the staff and friends said he was miserable, but he didn't feel it.

  He has a miserable ball of wool, rich and handsome, and life goes smoothly and in good health.

  Unexpectedly, I was caught off guard and suffered from love.

  "It's just a variety show." Tong Zhao made him sober.

  "I just want to know."

  Like all people who have no experience in love, after falling out of love, they struggle with whether the other person has loved themselves.

  Seeing that he was crying and pitiful, Tong Zhao called the autistic concubine to help him ask her for an answer.

  The imperial concubine is very ruthless: [That puppy? It's pretty cute. You might like it if you keep it around for a few years. ]

  Tong Zhao: [Ah this...]

  Tong Zhao pondered for a while, and said to Wei Zekai: "I liked it that night, but because the script is set to leave immediately after completing the task, if it wasn't for the variety show, I planned to come back and continue talking with you."

  The personality who was watching and knowing the truth all laughed at her gently.

  Duan Ge pointed and pointed: [It is time for him to experience the sinisterness of love, so that he will not be fooled by other women in the future. ]

  Lu Xianchang agreed: [Emotional losses will not be less, but it will come sooner or later. ]

  [Hahaha,] The concubine Chen, who was awakened by Tong Zhao, is more mean than usual: [One who has never been in love, another has been picked by her husband, and the sword is split from the shoulder to the thigh. Gong Xiao was energetic. ]

  Tong Zhao pressed his temple to suppress the noise in his mind.

  After listening to her remarks, Wei Zekai was obviously more happy: "I also know that things in the instinct variety show can't be confused with reality, and I didn't covet my brother, but... it's my first love anyway, if it's completely to me If you don't feel it, it's a little bit sad. After listening to you, I felt sleepy when I got energized. I went to sleep. I went to sleep and went unconscious to meet again. It might be a matter of the night. You help me tell them that they should go, and you don't need to say hello to me. ..."

  "Hold on," Wei Zekai remembered something: "You can simply live in, anyway, the place you rent is so shabby."

  "I just moved." Tong Zhao reminded him.

  "From being totally incapable of living to being barely improvised, I am very worried about where you live!"


  Tong Zhao felt that he was still too used to him, so he hung up the phone after scolding him with a smile.


  After leaving the dangerous house, Tong Zhao kept rushing many announcements.

  In comparison, shooting variety shows can be called a vacation.

  The previously agreed perfume endorsement entered the filming process. Half of her was in reality, and half of it was modeled by "Han Zhi", and again staged self-defeating and self-acceptance in the advertisement. The specific plot is very simple-Han Zhi is a family The bartender in the bar, every time he leaned across the bar to pour the guests, the guests can always smell the very light [Midnight Lover] on his body. This ocean-scented incense is linked to his handsome and magical appearance. A crazy admirer A.

  The admirer followed Han Zhi after get off work. He wanted to watch him go home and know where he lived. Just waiting for him to enter the door, A who still stopped and experienced the battle between heaven and man. Through the special effects in the later stage, the composition of this perfume was traced next to A while looking at the door of the apartment.

  A wants to confess to Han Zhi.

  Unable to control his A, walked upstairs and knocked on the door.

  But the one who opened the door was a clean-looking woman, wearing a red pajamas with suspenders, half-sleepy eyes looking at the suspicious person wearing a hood and hat. A took two steps back in shock. The male fragrance that filled her mind was replaced by the strong rose fragrance that a woman brought... This is obviously a fragrance that is not suitable for use before bedtime, but it is for the woman in front of her. With such an appropriate body, she should be full of bright and warm charm for 24 hours.

  A mistakenly believed that Tong Zhao was Han Zhi's girlfriend and killed her under jealousy and anger.

  After breaking into Han Zhi's house, he discovered a house of cross-dressing tools.

  During the day, it is a beautiful violinist pulling in a cafe, and after nightfall it is a handsome bartender.

  The end of the commercial stayed next to the wig. The big bouquet of roses sent by A when he was at work in Han Zhi was carefully inserted in a glass vase, and it was in full bloom. As the emotionally out of control A hits the dining table with a punch, the camera freezes and ends in the scene of one of the very large roses falling onto the table.


  After the commercial is filmed, it is the corresponding hard film. It is easy to make up and styling Tong Zhao. She has good foundation and proper maintenance. The makeup artist praised her for good skin: "Some people of your age need to put on a sheet to strengthen hydration before making up. The mask is not stuck on powder."

  After putting on makeup, Tong Zhao stood in front of the camera and directly handed the tiring work to Han Zhi.

  The best thing about this golden finger left over from the system is that it can be divided into two parts and cooperated.

  Wei Zekai imagined with her when he was in junior high school. If there are two of them, the other is responsible for homework, and he is responsible for playing video games. Tong Zhao pointed out at the time that if there are really two Wei Zekai, the end will be two of them playing games together.

  Fortunately, Tong Zhao has developed a good habit of not being afraid of trouble in various fast-moving worlds.

  The handsome guy is speechless: [I took hard photos of men's clothing, I haven't taken photos of actresses. ]

  In the world where Han Zhi has become the top performer, he has sworn all kinds of luxury brand endorsements with a Chinese face. Whether it is a mature man or a cold and cool wind frame, he can easily control it. Stop at the camera, just casually An expression can murder a lot of memory, and it is a happy and easy job to shoot him.

  Tong Zhao blows a rainbow fart to him: [You have experience! you can! ]

  OK, Han Zhi couldn't listen to the woman begging him.

  And as Tong Zhao said, he quickly adapted to shooting in the body of a girl, and the results were excellent, charming and glamorous and with a blade-like core... The photographers invited by the manufacturer were also top-notch. It hit him right away. After the filming, he smiled and complimented her with Tong Zhao's agent: "If these two perfumes sell very well, your girl will remember her first merit."

  "So confident without post-processing?"

  Sister Chu smiled and praised the artist she brought, she was happier than praised herself.

  "The post-processing has nothing to do with Tong Zhao's face, she can hit the same as the original film."

  The person who was praised as a god is removing the heavy makeup used for shooting, and replaced it with a light makeup that can cope with being photographed by passers-by while walking on the road. After removing her makeup, Sister Chu sat down next to her and talked to her about her work by the way: "A good news and a bad news. The good news is that after "Sea King Kills", almost all the variety shows that have vacancies are thrown at you. Olive branch, if there is no room, as long as you say something if you are interested, you will immediately kick off the small coffee to make room for you."

  "What about the bad news?"

  "The bad news is that I think it's not good to connect too many variety shows. It's almost a matter of interspersing halfway through. You still have a lot of potential in instinct movies. There is no need for the audience to characterize you as a variety show. Besides, I plan to push the rest. What do you think?"

  After Sister Chu finished speaking, she cast her enquiry gaze to Tong Zhao.

  Since there is a company that was signed after "Mingdiwaizhuan" started a good start, Tong Zhao had a certain bargaining capital when signing the contract. She didn't want to be a puppet of the company, so

  Sister Chu said it hard, but in the end the artist's consent was needed.

  She was psychologically prepared for Tong Zhao's dissatisfaction.

  Tong Zhao: "Well, I see."


  Sister Chu, who had prepared a lot of speeches, was dumbfounded: "You...don't you want to see which variety show invitations you have?"

  Although the company had held a small meeting to discuss Tong Zhao's next direction, Sister Chu was also very sure that Tong Zhao should not waste too much time on variety shows, but she agreed so happily...and she was a little surprised.

  "One, I believe in your professionalism and business ability, and two, my next job will definitely get busier and busier. If I don't trust you, it means I'm going to read the invitation you've seen a long time ago. It's a waste of time. Energy, what else do I sign with the company? I can do it alone. I don't care what work you pushed for me. I just want to know what resources you think are suitable for me."

  No doubt about hiring, no doubt about it.

  After listening to Tong Zhao's explanation, the smile on Sister Chu's face was obviously much more sincere.

  "There is a good project,"

  Sister Chu handed her a script: "Look at it and have a meal with the screenwriter if you are interested."

  "The Ruthless Tribulation" written in black on a white background.

  Tong Zhao took the script and glanced at her.

  Sister Chu quickly explained: "It's not an unspoken meal. If you are worried, you can make an appointment in a public place..."

  "The box is just fine." With her current popularity, she is waiting to be watched in public places: "It's just that, isn't it usually a director or investor?"

  "The screenwriter is the investor."

  Tong Zhao opened the script, and the screenwriter's name was written on the first page.

  Time goes by.

  "This name is familiar..."

  Tong Zhao searched on Weibo, and he found the Weibo that he had read in the first place and left his memory.

  At that time, "Countdown to 72 Hours" had just aired, and Shi Qianqiu praised the movie.

  Xu Zhu said in "The Girl of the Stars" that when Qianqiu was her most admired director, she wanted to take advantage of this to have a dream with him.

  In the end, Qianqiu's response turned this into a magical linkage: "Xu Zhu? I am very surprised why she is obsessed with the noble and sweet positive role. Her id is the most selfish subconscious I have ever seen. I am sure in this respect. There is a lot to do. Apart from Tong Zhao, I admire her most in "Countdown 72 Hours". Ordinary people can't be so selfish with confidence. She is very unique."

  "She is unique."

  "I admire her most."

  These two sentences are the compliments Xu Zhu dreams of.

  But the whole paragraph adds up...

  In short, the next thing is that Xu Zhu will never see the heat of the director on the show again.

  Tong Zhao searched this time and realized that Shi Qianqiu had publicly praised her so many times.

  When I clicked on his Weibo, I still paid attention to her one-way.