Chapter 52

  Tong Zhao smoothly clicked back.

  Even if you fail to cooperate in the end, a great director who admires himself is worth making friends.

  "Sister Chu appreciates it. Then I will meet you. I'll watch the script slowly. Is there anything else?"

  Sister Chu handed her two more scripts.

  It's all tailor-made for the sea king scum woman, Tong Zhao doesn't want to fix the way of acting-she remembers a lot of personalities in the palace, and some have never appeared before. She asked the system, and the system gave her the answer she is now. The mental power is limited, not enough to make all the personality appear at the same time, let some of the personality fall asleep for her mental health vision, if you want to unlock more of the past, then work hard to practice acting!

  In systematic terms, it means shooting instinctive movies to connect consciousness, which is a disguised exercise of mental power.

  Kind of an upgrade stream.

  "I'm not interested in either."

  Tong Zhao refused. Sister Chu also happily stopped selling the benefits of these two scripts to her. She just said: "What kind of genre you want to act can tell me. Let me pay attention. In fact, many of them are good, just just now. The two for you are the most sincere."

  "Xianxia is fine."

  "Okay, pay attention to you."

  Tong Zhao thought for a while, and added another sentence: "The lower part does not want to accept too many emotional scenes."

  In recent years, there has been a section "What to do when the devil is in love with me at the same time". It tells about the one-month-old dozing off and accidentally connecting the heroine to two red lines. The other two ends of the red line are big men from the good and evil circles. The protagonist started a war to fight for her. The little junior girl only needs to sell cute salted fish to lie down to win the story of soaring... It is so cool to get something for nothing and two handsome guys to pursue it. This low-cost drama has been popular for the whole quarter. Since the meeting, the industry has found the wealth code, and there have been many more Xianxia film and television works with the theme of competing for the heroine.

  If Lu Xianchang is asked to perform a similar drama...

  Lu Xianzhang might secretly increase his strength with Huixu and Wei Snake. After his strength allowed, he killed the male lead male partner with one sword. After crossing the thunder and ascending, he went to hack Yue Lao, who had led the red line indiscriminately...

  When Tong Zhao thought of this, Chen Guifei was alive again, so she smiled and interjected: [The Immortal Palace has thought about it for her! It's called the lonely widow. ]

  Lu Xianchang: [...]

  Duan Ge: [Just take a modern self-cultivation film, put on the male-colored lipstick and kill the widows and immortals of the world's scumbags. ]

  Chen Guifei laughed.

  "Yes," Sister Chu nodded, "But you are really the most special artist I have ever brought."

  Seeing the assistant cleaned up the clutter, the three walked to the underground parking lot together, and the nanny car took her to the next publicity venue. Sister Chu continued: "Your subconscious mind is very special. The Instinct Film Association has listed you as a special attention target... Don't worry, it will not affect your reception, that is, if you have any psychological medical needs, they will help you. Recommend talents in this area."

  Only then did Tong Zhao withdraw his worried gaze.

  "Do you really need a psychiatrist?" Sister Chu asked.

  "If necessary, I will ask you for help as soon as possible."

  Tong Zhao guarantees.

  Multi-personality sounds cool, but in fact it is often accompanied by many negative traits, which makes it easy to be sensitive and suspicious. Tong Zhao's protection is set by the system to protect her through a long life in multiple worlds. It is different from the orthodox dissociative personality. Psychologists are mostly useless-even if they are useful, the doctors are running to make her symptoms disappear, and she feels that it is not bad to have so many personalities, and she wants to unlock more personalities.

  This has nothing to do with acting cheats.

  A person is a chat group, and Tong Zhao has long been accustomed to this peculiar excitement.

  Otherwise no one can share those fantasy experiences, how lonely?

  [No matter what happens,]

  Perceiving her depression, Lu Xianchang comforted her: [We will always be with you. ]

  As soon as the elevator leading to the underground parking garage opened, I was about to talk to Lu Xianchang about a couple of sentences. Tong Zhao met a few dark shots. It was a reporter who was staying in the spot. There were other artists in the studio today, which attracted some people who wanted to watch. A tabloid entertainment note for writing small essays in pictures. The spotlight flashed their eyes, and Tong Zhao blinked his eyes twice quickly, resisting the discomfort and looked at the camera.

  The three little reporters took a long shot of her emotional face wearing a black mask. Knowing that she couldn't take any new expressions, they were willing to look away from the viewfinder. He asked, "The youngest one is not here today. Will you take you to work?"

  Sister Chu patted her shoulder: "Let's go."

  With a cry, Tong Zhao went on walking without squinting.

  The three Yujis followed behind as if they couldn't understand the faces, and they walked straight forward.

  Even if no one takes care of them, they can raise a lot of questions, and they have their own hot spots: "I heard someone saw that after the filming of "Aquaman" is over, you left together from the studio. You and Wei Shao are already together. Have you seen your parents? What do his friends think of you? There is still news that you have moved. Is it because of the little money that you have paid? Wei Zekai's name is on the investment list of "Aquaman", and it is rumored that this variety show is He made it specifically to praise you."

  Seeing that Tong Zhao didn't mean to stop and answer at all, the reporter asked questions and snapped shots, trying to interpret the news from the changes in her expression. It's a pity that she was sniped by a series of malicious questions, and she didn't even move her eyebrows, giving no room for imagination.

  The three reporters followed all the way until they watched Tong Zhao boarding the unpretentious nanny car and determined that he could not photograph the scandal that Danger was coming to take over from get off work, and then left angrily.

  After getting in the car, the assistant drew up the blackout curtain and muttered, "It's really a swarm of flies."

  Sister Chu and Tong Zhao turned to look at her.

  The assistant later realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly apologized to the two bosses.

  "It's okay, it's quite annoying."

  As Sister Chu said, she also praised Tong Zhao for being calm and calm, with superstar fandom.

  "If you can't ask anything, just want to irritate me. They want me to scold the street, point their noses and scold them as if they want, and there will be news to write immediately when they go back."

  The assistant handed Tong Zhao the blindfold and noise-reducing earplugs. After she put them on, she tried to close her eyes and rest in the peace of this moment.

  The reporter wanted to photograph her too much.

  Tong Zhao is a type that makes brokers worry-free--

  She doesn't play or clubs and has no nightlife. She basically leads a life of asceticism at home. The biggest daily entertainment is to make a cup of coffee to read novels, open the live broadcast to watch other people play games, and take a few rounds of the glory of the king for exercise. Restraint. Sometimes when she plays games, classical music is played in the stereo at the same time, and all the Maili passers-by are scolding the street in the mobile phone. Daya and Dasu are played in the bedroom at the same time, which has a quite postmodern sense of humor.

  The reporter had no chance to photograph her at all.

  Not to mention the drunken gaffe shot in the middle of the night, even the decent street shots are so few.

  The reporter squatted in front of the community where she lived for two days, and found nothing except for the nanny car she had been in.

  Since his debut, Tong Zhao's private life has been so low-key.

  However, she does not lack news, nor does she lack topicality.

  As the entertainment record said, the little young master in the city was rumored to have a scandal with her, and it was photographed when he left from the studio-Wei Dashao's pink supercar that can be seen 800 miles away is also very difficult. Not be photographed. She doesn't care about the news here, just shoot them, whatever they say, whatever the fans think, just tell her to lose.

  Knowing that she would not fall asleep easily, Sister Chu analyzed: "Before the company did not encourage you to fall in love, now the broadcast effect of "Aquaman Killing" is good. Everyone says that you and Wei Shao have a sense of CP. If you really want to talk, everything It works. Although he is a rich second-generation, but he is handsome, netizens will not have a strong impression of you next to a wealthy family. It is also very convincing to say that it is true love. It will improve the image of your artist, just because you don't want to accept it. Movies with many emotional dramas also confirm that you are in love..."


  Tong Zhao waved his hand: "Speaking of goosebumps, I'll get up."

  In fact, these children can be avoided.

  Tell Wei Zekai to act separately and try to avoid suspicion.

  There are countless ways. She can also post on Weibo to clarify that she is single, and fans believe it. As long as the same frame is not photographed, the rumors will soon fade...

  But telling a lie requires countless lies. Tong Zhao intends to retire from acting until he is incapable of acting, and he will be 80 years old? It's miserable to think about it. It's better to be yourself. Fans had better not fantasize about falling in love with her. It doesn't exist. At least she won't think about love before winning an authoritative actress award. It's troublesome.

  Fans can really think about it.

  There are many Tong Zhao fans, and it is not obvious that there are accusations.

  And Wei Zekai was horrified to find that every time he posts a Weibo, there is a booze asking him and Tong Zhao to be together-

  [The Civil Affairs Bureau is moved here, when will you get the certificate? ]

  [It's really hard to end if you don't get married]

  [Is it fake? I don't believe it! ]


  Wei Zekai racked his brains and thought of a Weibo that could clarify the relationship between the two without looking like he was rejected by the party.


  My dad won't let me fall in love early.

  As a result, the CP fans underneath not only did not disperse, but the dignified and powerful young man was actually forbidden from puppies? This interesting melon immediately attracted more netizens to discuss it. Wei Zekai's background has also been revealed long ago. The prince of the Xiangze Group, so Guan Wei was also mad at Aite, which shocked the chairman.

  Wei Dong did not have Weibo, so he directly asked the secretary to refute the rumor.

  How can this be done?

  The secretary was speechless on the spot, and finally decided to do business by office, and reposted Wei Zekai's Weibo on the official WeChat account of @翔泽集团.

  [On the Internet, it is rumored that the director of Wei Wei's prohibition of his son's early love is purely a rumor. The infringement of dissemination of false information should be stopped immediately. Our company will reserve the right to pursue legal liabilities. Do not believe the rumors or spread the rumors, start with me! ]

  In an afternoon's work, Wei Zekai's original Weibo has an official logo-

  [This is actually false news and has been processed. Details>>]

  Wei Zekai looked dazed.

  The netizens underneath laughed so much that tears came out, and he complained that he was single and tossed the pot to the emperor father, and the emperor father backhanded him with a black pot on his forehead, causing him to have a concussion!

  Even if I was hahahaha by netizens, I was scolded when I went home.

  "I'm ashamed of my grandma's house! Don't blame your father if you don't have the ability. I told you not to be addicted to video games. If you play less games, you will be able to make a girlfriend? What do you think you make when you play games every day? Games can give you Come out with a girlfriend?"

  Father Wei told him that today my brother-in-law came to discuss things and eat dinner by the way. Watching the excitement is not too big to add fuel to the fire: "Brother-in-law, nowadays young people play games and talk about friends. I heard from my daughters that she has a website. Red girlfriends, during the peak period, they are running three times a month, one after another is the national service! Xiaokai, are you playing the game too badly?"

  Wei Zekai's heart stopped beating on the spot because of excessive embarrassment, and what was sitting there eating was just a shell of unreality.


  Under the matchmaking of the agent, Tong Showa's first meeting was in a restaurant box of a five-star hotel.

  The hotel is located on the river side, and the luxurious river view on the opposite bank can be seen from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

  Tong Zhao thought about it earlier, but he didn't expect to come five minutes earlier, when the waiter smiled and greeted him as soon as they arrived, saying that Mr. Shi was waiting for her inside: "Okay, I see." In the high-end restaurant during lunch time There were diners talking in low voices, and there were also beautiful girls who were taking the opportunity to take a selfie. Some people spotted Tong Zhao's figure and paid attention to her.

  Without causing much movement, Tong Zhao walked into the box.

  "Hello, Miss Tong,"

  In the afternoon, the sunlight on the riverside shone lightly on the man. The thin man was carrying the light, making his facial features obscure. The only thing that was clear was the figure of the model who could not hide at the table. Hearing his elegant and soft voice, coupled with his occupation, Tong Zhao arbitrarily made up a bookish face. He put one hand on the menu on the table, his slender and beautiful fingers sandwiched a slender electronic smoke--

  Tong Zhao smelled the faint peach fragrance.

  He turned off the e-cigarette and put it away: "Please sit down and order food first?"

  Yuhexuan is a Chinese restaurant. After Tong Zhao sat down and said hello, a tea artist immediately prepared welcome tea for her. The light golden tea made of sweet-scented osmanthus and peonies was poured out of a glass pot and held in a small cup held in golden lotus leaves. When the tea is half full and the tea is overflowing, the atmosphere is also engulfed. The inside of the cup is painted with six clever red koi, which symbolizes auspiciousness.

  Tong Zhao took the menu and ordered two items with particular interest, and he was in charge of the rest.

  "Anything to avoid?"

  "No, but I like to eat sweeter." Tong Zhao said frankly that he didn't cater to him because he was a well-known director.

  "The tomato and Sydney jade dew is here before that meal. At this time, the drunk hairy crab can't be missed. The eel here does not put soy sauce, the salty sweetness is very moderate, you can try... By the way, can you shade it? It's a bit too glaring."

  Under Shi Qianqiu's gesture, the waiter lifted the screen to cut off the glaring light source a little, and then she could see his face clearly.

  Shi Qianqiu has a gentle and elegant face.

  The dark black pupils have a little peach blossom on the corners of his eyes, and the corners of his eyes are dotted with moles, adding a bit of flashy and delicacy to his decent temperament.

  It reminded Tong Zhao of the brief information sent to her by the agent.

  Unlike Weitong's family, Shi Qianqiu's home was in the gray industry. Earlier it was pure black. His ancestors had the foresight to wash white and turn to the right line. From black to gray, there is a little connection with Hong Kong Island... …The content that Sister Chu found was very limited. Fortunately, Qianqiu himself was not a dangerous person. In the past, she had swearing wars with many celebrities and Internet celebrities because she was too upright, and she did not lack legs or arms.

  He was a screenwriter of the movie, and some actors who he fancy were reluctant to come, and he was not forced to shoot by a gun at his forehead.

  It's not dangerous, so the agent didn't push the job directly.

  Tong Zhao watched him politely order the dishes. After the waiter exited, he said: "Have you read my script?"

  "I've seen it, it's very interesting. But compared to the movie, I think it's more like a game that deliberately makes things difficult for players."

  She saw a superficial appreciation in his eyes.

  "One of my dreams is precisely because of the game designer of Soul Game."

  The most well-known soul games, "Dark Soul", "Bloodborne: Curse" and "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice", which broke out on Weibo at the time, are most famous for their difficulty, which is so difficult.

  The friendly page game gives you an automatic pathfinding crit 9999. Of course, the soul game also has a critical hit 9999.

  It's just that the mobs hit the player's head with a stab at 9999.

  If you die, you will lose experience, equipment, and money, and its difficulty makes soul fans feel very hardcore.

  Why is it hard?

  Maybe it's because the brains have been hit too much by the monsters, and the game designer's ruthlessness can be carried.

  Tong Zhao nodded: "I can feel it from the script you wrote."

  The main line of "Relentless Tribulation" is not complicated.

  It is a two-protagonist movie that revolves around a couple of Taoists.

  The male and female protagonists are destined for each other, and double cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort. In the past, the actor married a female protagonist who was only a middle-class fire root in order to improve his cultivation. For the heart-sick supporting actress, the actor wanted to take all the benefits, and gave the heroine a life-changing immortal gu in a water prison, making her wait for seven days of death in fear, despair and resentment.

  The heroine has to escape from the water prison when she is seriously injured, go down the mountain to survive, and find a way of revenge at the same time.

  Because there is only one solution for the life-changing Gu, which is to crush the mother Gu hidden in the heart of the supporting actress.

  If you don't want to kill the corpse and the wilderness is cheaper than the enemy, the heroine must go back.

  The only way to break the game provided in the script is for the heroine to crack the heart demon, find and pull out the legendary sword of love that has been sealed for a thousand years...

  Tong Zhao: "There is a high possibility that the heroine will die at the beginning. Every time a holographic film is remade, it will burn money."

  Shi Qianqiu: "What I have is money."

  Tong Zhao didn't doubt this.

  "My previous dream was to be a writer," Shi Qianqiu naturally brought up a topic that seemed to be irrelevant: "I have written suspense novels on Jinjiang. The layout is very large, and each character is full of doubts. The protagonist is always surrounded by death threats. Readers in every chapter say thrilling and exciting. They are looking forward to how they will consolidate the branches in the future and how they will solve those seemingly unsolvable problems..."

  "and then?"

  It's served.

  Tong Zhao was listening to him while tasting tea.

  "Then I found that I couldn't come back, I was pitted."

  Shi Qianqiu spread his hands, reluctantly to be so open and natural.


  Tong Zhao: "Ah, I really didn't expect this."

  Judging from the rhythm of this dialogue, Shi Qianqiu is still very talented in writing funny novels.

  "At the time, the readers said that the problem I designed was really attractive, and they also expected to see that my protagonist can do what he can do, within reason, but unexpectedly..."

  "So instinct movies are very interesting. I only need to be responsible for designing difficult problems. I am very confident in this regard."

  "At that time, I saw "The Countdown to 72 Hours". Under the premise that the NPC that provided key information was killed suddenly, you could make the movie go to the end and successfully pass the level."

  Shi Qianqiu's original gentle tone was filled with excitement and excitement, and the eyes that looked at her were also shining. The eyes were like a game designer watching high-end players, and she felt that only she understood him: "I am so moved, you are me. The player I'm looking for...ah no, actor."

  Tong Zhao: [System, he must have a common language with you. ]

  The dog system did not respond to her complaints.

  "Are you looking for the leading actor?"

  She asked.

  In this script, from the perspective of the male protagonist, it is a typical non-toxic, non-husband-style three-views and unrighteous essays. Soaring to become wealthy and changing a wife can be said to have all three happy things in life.

  With such a vicious subconscious, most people are really incapable of doing it.

  Shi Qianqiu nodded happily and said a name.

  "Don't worry, what I like to do most when Qianqiu Shi is to pay attention to those special subconscious minds. The protagonist in the murderous movie "Don't Look Back on Rainy Night", which was sold last year, was recommended to Director Zhang."

  Having said this, he sighed with great regret, saying that he was full of regrets for the talent: "I originally wanted to leave the role of that supporting actress to Xu Zhu who plays Feng Sisi. It is too suitable for her! It is a pity that her agent After hearing about the character's character and positioning, she refused. I really think it suits her."

  Tong Zhao, who was eating bamboo fungus, almost couldn't hold back a smile and bit his tongue.

  This meal enjoyed the guests and the host. After careful discussion, Tong Zhao found that Shi Qianqiu is a very thoughtful screenwriter. His understanding of instinctive movies is the innovativeness that many directors and screenwriters transformed from traditional movies do not possess ---

  "The more you want to manipulate, the more you will collapse."

  "The screenwriter can only play the role of layout and guidance. Instead of hoping that the actor will follow his own heart, it is better to understand what kind of actor he needs and what kind of personality the actor has."

  "Which one of the two protagonists performs well, will win more shots. If it is unilaterally suppressed, the protagonist may become a supporting role. The protagonist knows that this is possible before signing the contract. He is very I have confidence that no matter who I look for to play, I can't steal the limelight from him."

  "But I think Tong Zhao, you can try."


  Tong Zhao was very moved.

  This type of shooting suits her too well.

  This is the plot...

  [It's a bit similar to Lu Xianchang's previous experience, do you want to pick it up? ]

  Tong Zhao asked.

  She doesn't really like that memory.

  That time I was so embarrassed. I felt bloody and painful as soon as I walked through it. The memory of the original owner is even more full of misery and resentment. Therefore, the personality formed after experiencing that world is the most dissimilar to Tong Zhao himself. One one.

  Cultivating immortals is the heart and the way, and the most afraid of cause and effect.

  A generous person can smile and succumb, but it is a pity that Lu Xianchang has not laughed since he was killed by his husband.

  She only believes in a sword to kill her.

  Lu Xian long said: [What's wrong with cutting it again. ]