Chapter 53 

  Tong Zhaogang nodded to set a schedule, and the promotion of "The Ruthless Tribulation" immediately kept up.

  This play is really holding back for too long too long.

  She was pulled into the crew group, and said "Hello everyone, please advise me" before it was sent out, but she was swiped by other people's news-

  Director Zeng: [Welcome the savior! ]

  Chen Zhuzhi: [Welcome the savior! ]

  Ding Jiao: [Welcome the savior! ]


  In addition to the assistant director, actor and supporting actress, the rest are some of the more important role actors and staff.

  With a big hat buttoned down, Tong Zhao suddenly couldn't tell whether it was a run or sincere.

  Fortunately, Ding Jiao, who played the supporting actress, immediately came out to explain: [Qiu Ge couldn't find a satisfactory heroine. Over the years, I tried to start a few times. The newcomer of the audition... As a result, the heroine died in the water prison every time. If we didn't find you, we would have to wait. Although our schedules are free during the waiting period, there is no production of a drama comparable to Brother Qiu! ]

  Deputy Director Zeng: [Qiu Ge's business level, that is this [thumb][thumb]]

  Shi Qianqiu: [mainly have this [gold coin][gold coin]]

  Everyone roared with laughter.

  Although Shi Qianqiu has a gray industrial background, the crew members really seem not afraid of him at all.

  It's just that the deputy director listened to Shi Qianqiu's words in particular.

  Tong Zhao curiously teased him about this in private, and Shi Qianqiu readily told her the answer: [Because he used to be addicted to gambling, and finally owed me several thousand. ]

  Tong Zhao: [Are you as many as thousands? ]

  Shi Qianqiu: [tens of millions [love]]


  Tong Zhao took over "The Ruthless Tribulation", and the news that he collaborated with the editor and director Shi Qianqiu went away.

  The entertainment industry has been renewed very quickly. It was the senior who debuted a year ago. When "Relentless Tribulation" first started looking for people, it was very popular. After such a delay, netizens really couldn't remember what it was, and fans cheered. My sister took another big resource until she saw Shi Qianqiu's name, and her marketing account intimately reminded the reason for the movie's delay ---

  "Four times the hostess chose to break the halberd three minutes after shooting, and the longest one was ten minutes."

  "The Choreographer and Director of the Actor Who Loves Making Things Difficult"

  "Shi Qianqiu: I took a fancy to Tong Zhao's ability to solve problems"

  Shi Qianqiu's words are not like evaluating an actor.

  Since the rise of instinct movies, there have been two genres in the world of directors.

  A way to ensure that actors walk on the plot they have set through highly rigorous details, so as to achieve the effect of traditional movies in the era of instinct movies. Chen Shengwen, the leader of this genre, once said: "The only advantage of instinct movies is that they can be holographic. Watching movies and shooting big scenes that cannot be achieved in reality, otherwise it has no meaning at all."

  The other is Shi Qianqiu, who believes that instinctive movies should be shot from a new angle.

  "Shi Qianqiu: I saw a new era in Tong Zhao"


  Although Shi Qianqiu is sincerely looking forward to Tong Zhao's business abilities, but because he has a handsome face that can make a direct debut, Tong Zhao's long series of scandals has one more him. "The Ruthless Tribulation" will be more powerful than both of them. A strong alliance of love...

  No, there is no.

  Except for work matters, Tong Zhao has not been contacted privately by Shi Dao.

  Soon, "Relentless Tribulation" restarted, and the actors gathered on the 23rd floor of the movie theater.

  Everything is readily available.

  The scene modeling has been done a long time ago, and everything is really ready and only owed to the heroine.

  Chen Zhuzhi, who plays the leading actor, has a resolute and awe-inspiring face. He is well maintained after his thirtieth birthday this year. He looks only in his early twenties and is a very orthodox handsome man.

  As soon as Tong Zhao arrived, he smiled and greeted him: "I finally waited for you. It's the first time that I look forward to my opponent so much. I hope I won't be robbed of all the roles."

  This is not the same as his confident statement in front of Shi Qianqiu.

  "Senior should be asked not to be too heavy."

  Tong Zhao's humble reaction surprised Chen Zhuzhi.

  He has observed Tong Zhao's previous works beforehand. Although she seems to have very different personalities in "72 Hours to the End", "Mingdi Gaiden" and "Sea King Killing", there are actually similarities-they are all very arrogant, Must be strong and show offensiveness and aggressiveness, so he speculated that Tong Zhao would prefer to use men when she has a man to rely on, and she can rely on herself when a man is unreliable.

  Like Han Zhi, Chen Zhuzhi turned Tong Zhaoding into a difficult woman.

  From the perspective of "Countdown to 72 Hours", it will be a strong opponent.

  According to the contract, whoever performs well is the real first protagonist.

  If you don't perform well, you may lose 1/3 of the role.

  That was a development that Chen Zhuzhi would never accept.

  Chen Zhuzhi is different from Tong Zhao. He lost a lot of money for compensation because he was reported to the police for domestic violence by his girlfriend outside the circle three years ago. I began to receive invitations from some negative characters one after another, so I opened up a new way of acting. It's just that no movie will use him as the leading actor, and "Ruthless Jie" is his unique opportunity.

  "The instinct movie is not good at this point. I can't control myself if I want to put some water on the little fairy."

  He said so, but after knowing the heroine candidate, he began to hint that he hated this woman. Instinctive movies will be affected by the subconscious mind. For example, Song Wanzhuo in "The Legend of Ming Emperor" at that time had a bad impression of Tong Zhao's first audition. After the filming started, he almost didn't give a chance before meeting him.

  Chen Zhuzhi not only didn't want to release the water, but also wanted to be harder.

  Although I am a little sorry for the little girl, he is determined to be the leading actor.

  "The Ruthless Tribulation" has failed too many times on the heroine. Chen Zhuzhi has been persuading Qianqiu that it is better to give up the dual protagonist and directly change it into his cool film. Shi Qianqiu also wavered, Tong Zhao is his last choice, as long as Tong Zhao also fails, his unique plan will succeed.

  Anyway, with Tong Zhao's current popularity, there is no shortage of this opportunity!

  Tong Zhao smiled and did not speak.

  It just so happened that other people wanted to talk to the prosperous actress, and Chen Zhuzhi's false positive words were passed away without a trace.

  "Zhaozhao, I really like Feng Yanqi as you play!"

  Ding Jiao is a petite girl, as the name suggests. In the past, she mainly played the role of willful and squeamish. Her family is doing business in other cities, and the business is not small. I grew up smoothly. Everywhere I go, others let her go. I haven't been angry, so the role that needs to be instructed is particularly realistic. Shi Qianqiu occasionally regrets in the WeChat group, Ding Jiao is more than spoiled and not vicious enough, if only Xu Zhu could be invited.

  At that time, Ding Jiao hesitated for a long time whether she should be angry. In the end, the little sister talked privately to persuade her not to care about this peerless big KY, she didn't think she had seen it.

  She is not vicious!

  "Then I'm so happy."

  Being praised by the girl, Tong Zhao hooked his lower lip and smiled more sincerely this time.

  She hasn't been in the industry for a long time, but she can't stand up to what she can do, she's a great ride among her peers. Ding Jiao made her debut earlier than her. While envious of her fate, she knew that she could not play the role she could play, and the play did not conflict with each other. If there is no reason for jealousy, only appreciation is left.

  If Tong Zhao can act well, it will be good to everyone!

  "In fact, I wanted to add you a long time ago in the group. I was a little shy at the time. I wanted to say that adding hello after meeting and saying hello seemed more sincere." Ding Jiao took her hand and added WeChat friends to each other."

  Ding Jiao spit out her pink tongue, and when she laughed, the dimples on her cheeks were revealed.

  It is indeed very well protected.

  "I also watched "Kill of the Sea King", and thought you might be a more amorous genre."

  Tong Zhao: "Ah? Am I very unfamiliar now? With makeup."

  Even so, she actually knew the reason.

  Tong Zhao is still dressed low-key today.

  Black shirt and jeans, not only wearing a crisp ponytail, but also wearing a peaked cap that can be pulled down to cover half of her face with shadows. From a distance, you can only see her beautiful chin lines and moist lips. It is the most beautiful cool cover in the whole street.

  Anyway, Tong Zhao has the halo given by the imperial concubine Chen, and he can always overwhelm the audience.

  Every time she appears on the stage with a feminine taste, and after a long time, it makes the watch bored, so unless the agent says that she must grab the front page and murder the scene, otherwise her clothes are mainly comfortable. How comfortable is it? Top Take more cute items.

  It looks like the black peaked cap that Tong Zhao wore at this time, with a pair of pointed cat ears on the top.

  When talking to her, Ding Jiao couldn't help but look up.

  It's so cute!

  I didn't expect Tong Zhao himself to be so cute and cute.

  "Ah, it's not that you don't look good!" Ding Jiao shook her head, hating her poor expression ability: "Your facial features are very beautiful. Really, blind people would say that you are not good looking, but it is not the same as the feeling on the camera... "

  Tong Zhao thinks this girl is a bit funny.

  She smiled and asked, "In "Kill of the Sea", do you prefer Han Zhi or Tong Zhao?"

  Ding Jiao immediately showed an awkward expression of being said to be the main thing.

  "Ah, I'm Han Zhi's girlfriend fan..."

  In Tong Zhao's mind, other personalities laughed at his brother too hiring.

  Tong Zhao: [I was underestimated, so I had to show her a hand. ]

  Han Zhi: [Good. ]

  As soon as the voice fell, in Ding Jiao's vision, the temperament of the person in front of her changed at that instant.

  It was an invisible and intangible change that only the people she looked at could feel, and I am afraid that only the top traditional actors could do it-Ding Jiao was not sure, traditional movies had been in decline for a long time.

  Tong Zhao is taller than her, and today she is still wearing a thick heel. She is almost a head taller.

  At this time, Tong Zhao lowered his head, his thin lips raised a three-point casual smile, and his light-colored eyes filled with jade syrup, as intoxicating, the indoor lights reflected in her eyes, like a starlight: "What about me? Don't you like me?"

  Ding Jiao was scalded by her eyes and her ears were numb.

  A woman in love will not mistake her boyfriend, this feeling is her brother!

  "Like it like it!" She held up her watch for three times.

  It's a pity that that feeling disappeared in an instant, and Tong Zhao patted her on the head: "It's useless to like it, I'm straight."

  "I am also straight."

  Ding Jiao retorted by covering the place where she was filmed.

  After that wave of operations just now, the relationship between the two has really gotten closer. Ding Jiao is surprised that she changes her temperament when she says it changes, but she likes it no matter what kind of things: "Ah, I have always wanted that kind of love in a relationship before. I didn't expect to find it in a woman. If you change sex someday, you must tell me. I will move the Civil Affairs Bureau over!"

  "Your thinking is dangerous."

  The two were lying in front of the holographic camera, and Ding Jiao was still chattering to her.

  Tong Zhao had to let Lu Xian take the voyage ahead of time, so Lu Xianchang had to come and chat with her for a while.

  "Can I gossip?"

  Lu Xianchang: "Yeah."

  "Are you and Wei Shao real?"

  Ding Jiao heard from her father that Wei's family is really rich, much richer than hers.

  If she snatches someone from Wei Zekai, she feels she can't do it.

  Lu Xianchang frowned uncomfortably, "Fake."

  She can tell who is a friend, but she still has a deep-rooted resistance to men.

  "That's good, don't rush to fall in love, now the men are too obsessed, and you don't have any feelings for Han Zhi, who you play as a sister, oh, oh, I love..."

  Lu Xianchang: "...Thank you, but love yourself more."

  At this time, the instrument began to operate, and their consciousness gradually blurred.


  "Relentless Tribulation"


  Chen Zhuzhi as Shao Xuanzheng

  Tong Zhao as: Mu Yingchen

  Ding Jiao: Li Qiaoqiao


  Tick, tick...

  Tong Zhao felt heavy eyelids and endless pain in his limbs.

  The good news is that the pain in your legs should be lighter.

  She endured the pain, barely opened her eyes and lowered her head.

  The bad news is that the reason for the lighter is the soaking in ice water.

  Tong Zhao was in a solitary water cell surrounded by solid stone walls. She looked up and there was a cistern above. There is a water injection port in the pool, which is slowly falling into the bottom water jail in her field of vision...Compared with the time when she entered, the water level has risen a lot. She estimated that it would be seven days away. Her mouth and nose drowned her.

  There is a mystery in the iron chain that locks her, a little shortening, making her slowly unable to move freely.

  When he first came in, Tong Zhao could sit and lie down to rest.

  Later, the water level got higher and higher, and she could only sit without her calf.

  And then...

  She has remained standing all day.

  There is a high platform in front of Tong Zhao with a sword on it.

  Swords are the most common. A sword made by a mortal blacksmith can't break the chain that locks her.

  Shao Xuanzheng said to her: "My way is to leave a thread in everything, and your only way to liberate is this sword."

  Implied this sword for her to use herself.

  Shao Xuanzheng made a plan to smash her golden core when she was weakest, and her spiritual roots were also damaged and fragmented. It was very difficult to run spiritual power. There was only a trace of spiritual energy to protect the body, which was barely avoided because of soaking for too long. The problem that appears is just the endless source of pain.

  In order to pursue the effect, Lu Xianchang signaled Tong Zhao to actively sign a contract that refused the pain exemption.

  Tong Zhao felt that she didn't need to fight like this.

  She thinks this is a good opportunity to cultivate the heart again-the instinct movie is simply the sea of ​​illusion in the world of comprehension before, and the effect of the pain exemption is not so good. Without the pain of piercing the heart, how can it be truly ashamed. This is also the reason why she particularly disagrees with double cultivation when she cultivates immortality. Enjoying the fusion of lust can improve her cultivation. Without the process of cultivation, she will sooner or later succumb to the demons.

  At this time, the staff of "The Ruthless Tribulation" is watching the picture.

  The set decorator whispered: "Even if Tong Zhao said that you don't need a pain exemption, you shouldn't agree to it so happy! Several people who used pain exemption before can't bear to commit suicide. Scared the heroine away, we have to wait again."

  If the heroine has a life-changing Gu, if she commits suicide, the effect will be better.

  To a certain extent, it will also alleviate the causal obstacles entangled in Shao Xuanzheng.

  After a 50% pain relief is issued, the pain will be greatly reduced.

  It's just that the setting is too depressing. With the constant sound of water and rising water levels, even actresses with good psychological endurance have chosen to commit suicide after trying to escape to no avail.

  Shi Qianqiu is plausible:

  "Monks should lie less. What Shao Xuanzheng said is true. There is a hollow part of the stone wall behind Mu Yingchen. As long as you break the hilt of the sword and slap the hidden talisman on the hollow stone wall, there is a tunnel. He He did leave her a way out. In her case, he was certain that she would still die from the poisonous attack if she lived outside for no more than seven days. What's more, he believed that Mu Yingchen tried several times without solving the mystery. It's time to kill yourself with a sword."

  The set designer continued to spit passionately: "Who would find that the stone wall is hollow! Will you hit it with your head?"

  "Others can't," Shi Qianqiu believed deeply in the heroine of his choice: "Tong Zhao can."

  However, the assistant director who monitored the actor Shao Xuanzheng's picture slowly raised his hand: "Well, when the shooting officially started, Shao Xuanzheng didn't put the talisman in the hilt of the sword. He hesitated for a long time, and almost took the sword directly to her. Killed directly."

  Shi Qianqiu: "..."

  Public staff: "..."

  Shi Qianqiu: "I believe Tong Zhao, she will definitely be able to come up with a solution in desperate situations!"

  Everyone looked at him.

  Shi Qianqiu: "The big deal is restarting again, I have money."

  Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

  Chen Zhuzhi's self-persuasive tactics are very effective.

  People's thoughts are changing rapidly. Tong Zhao threatens his actor status. His guard against Tong Zhao is deeply rooted in his subconsciousness, which leads to the self who he plays as Mu Yingchen. He also raises his guard against Mu Yingchen, preferring to fight for immortality. Mengchen also put an end to her way out.


  In fact, Chen Zhuzhi thought too much.

  Even if there was a talisman in the hilt of the sword, Tong Zhao would not have thought of it.

  Because of cultivating immortals and cultivating swordsmanship, Lu Xianchang was the one who thought about things most simply and directly except Xiao Zhao (Tong Zhao who was down to five years old at the time). All unnecessary distracting thoughts will only affect the sword intent, and the belief is "*Don't be the sacred heart, the state of goodness, if you are the sacred solution, you will suffer from evil.". Because before crossing to that body, the original owner often asked why, why should the husband take her, why would choose the former between being a fairy and a wife and a child---

  How thin is the sky, how thin is it than me?

  Later, the husband knelt in front of Lu Xianchang and explained to her that she wanted her to spare his life, but she didn't ask.

  In short, Lu Xianchang is a personality that is not good at solving puzzles.

  As the staff watched nervously and breathlessly, she stretched out her hand to Fan Jian and swiped it twice weakly, her face was disgusting visible to the naked eye: "Forget it, just use it..."

  Tong Zhao was quite straightforward, and committed suicide faster than others.

  When she saw her holding the sword towards her, Deputy Director Zeng signaled that the logistics could be ready to restart.

  "Are all the instruments ready?"


  "Look at the assistant director!"

  "Too ruthless!"

  Just as the assistant director Zeng turned his head, one after another inhalation sounded behind him.

  He turned his head, also stupefied.

  Tong Zhao directly chopped off the locked left hand palm, and the snow-white jade hand fell into the water, swaying blood flowers on the surface of the water.

  And she lifted her palmless left hand, coldly opened her face and dipped the fingers of her right hand with the gushing blood, then lifted her right hand, and turned her back to draw a detonation curse on the chain using spiritual blood as a guide. There is not much left. Motivated by his spiritual power, the iron chain was blown up.

  After the Jin Dan was broken, Tong Zhao's spiritual power was too little, too little.

  Only a small part of the spiritual blood still circulates in the body, scientifically speaking, it is close to the artery. Originally, it was enough to hold the blade in your hand, and the blood on the right hand was not enough to make a spell. This was also a restriction Shi Qianqiu gave the actor, otherwise he could use his spiritual power at will, and the water prison would not be able to hold her.

  This is also what makes the hero confident that she can't run away.

  Who knows that people are so cruel to themselves.

  Immediately afterwards, she plunged into the ice water and blasted the chains on her legs in the same way.

  Personal freedom is restored, and the usual hands are still there, and then there are more ways to escape.

  The staff members talked with question marks on their faces:

  "The heroine's left hand is gone? That's it?"

  "It's so ruthless, how can it be so ruthless, she hasn't granted a pain relief yet!"

  "What do you think, can the woman who can pick up bullets with tweezers be an ordinary person?"

  The guard outside the water cell was a tall, dumb, illiterate, to prevent him from seeing what he shouldn't read, and Tong Zhao clinging to her sword to kill the first mob, snatching his waist, Putting the broken palm in it, he decided to flee Shao's Village first.

  Deputy Director Zeng was so touched: "Finally once the heroine can successfully escape from the water prison!"

  "Brother Shi's level is really inappropriate."

  "This is not pertinent," Shi Qianqiu defended himself: "For humanitarian reasons, I set the plot to start at the time when the supporting actress Li Qiaoqiao came to Shao's Village as a guest. Shao Xuanzheng made full preparations to welcome the pampered guest. The lineup invited theater troupes and mortals who played acrobatics from the folks, when the guards were the weakest..."

  "Very humane."

  "Old thief Miyazaki wants to give you a bit of praise."

  "It can't be said to be the difficulty of hell, it can only be said that it is impossible to pass.

  When Tong Zhao left Shao's Village, he heard about today's big event.

  Shao Xianchang's Taoist companion reportedly ran away with a man who cultivated the evil way, leaving only a letter asking him not to come to pursue it.

  A few days ago, Shao Xianchang and his childhood sweetheart Li's daughter had a correspondence relationship, and recently invited her to be a guest. It can be seen that they have let go of their love.

  I just heard that Ms. Li was suffering from a heart disease, and she didn't cure her after spending a lot of elixir.

  Immortal cultivation is not bad, but it is also destined to live soon, Shao Xian is really suffering.

  Although they are not destined, Miss Li and Shao Xianchang are also from the immortal family, they are both good friends, and their personalities are much more gentle than Mu Yingchen... Moreover, with Shao Xianchang's current cultivation base, there is no need to force herself to double cultivate with the people who match the fate. Come to improve the repair base. The little boy who spoke rudely smiled and said that no matter if the woman had left, she just made room for Girl Li.

  Tong Zhao laughed.

  Yes, not only to make room for the newcomer, but also to use her to extend her life.