Chapter 90


  Rao Tong Zhao couldn't help but froze for a while.

  I've never heard such a request when I grow up so big.

  Tong Zhao: "If you need it, you can discuss it with your agent first."

  Tong Zhao said it implicitly.

  The main reason is that the two are not familiar with each other. She can't say anything to suggest that the other person take a look at the brain department. However, according to the movie script, this desire to fight should be a temporary impulse. After he talks with his agent, he will definitely calm down and realize himself. How naive it is.

  "Could it be..."

  Jiang Dang's tone became even more puzzled: "Tong Zhao, you think I am not worthy of being your opponent. Do you want me to call my agent two-on-one?"


  Good fellow, Tong Zhao called good fellow in his heart.

  Well-trained and full of professionalism, she resisted smiling, but the other characters in her mind were about to burst from laughter.

  Before she settled down and spoke, Jiang Dang suddenly realized: "Ah, I understand, I'll just say it."

  Well, the best way to understand...

  Jiang Dang: "You want to call my agent to be the referee!"

  You know a geoduck!

  Tong Zhao clenched the phone tightly, his fist hardened.

  "We are in the same box to attend any event, there is a possibility of rumors, it would be better to discuss with the agent."

  She is very free here, but she will report.

  The agent does not restrict her social interaction, but a whole team is worried about her image and she gives maximum cooperation and trust.

  "Then say so, thank you."

  After Jiang Dang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.




  we have a deal?

  How is this human brain circuit fat?

  Duan Ge: [So do you really want to fight him? ]

  Chen Guifei: [Fighting fairies can be considered. ]

  [No,] Tong Zhao quickly stopped the imperial concubine's wild thoughts, she said: [Actually, it's not impossible... I mean fighting, just like to learn from each other. When I was in the martial arts gym, I played with my nephews. . ]

  Tong Zhao said to his agent.

  Sister Chu was also dumbfounded.

  However, Jiang Dang's reputation for not taking the usual path in the circle is very good, but it is reasonable. She said on the phone: "Maybe I want to chase you, see if you like it, don't interfere with this, although his personality is very strange, but It's hard to refuse even with that face and throat."

  Jiang Dang is a rare amphibious artist among the younger generation. His songs are more famous than his plays, and he is also famous for singing.

  I heard that I was not so nervous when I first debuted.

  There is a legend that Jiang Dang loves to sing very much. At that time, his agent lied to him that if he wanted to be a professional singer, he had to talk less and take good care of his voice. Then he became so popular after two years. , The agent thought that he should be burdened by idols when he was so popular, so he told him that it's ok to talk less.

  Once this seal is lifted, it is gone forever.

  Jiang Dang's best-selling album became popular throughout Asia.

  The poster for this album shows that he is wearing a drenched white shirt with a pair of silver handcuffs buckled in his hands, and the lower half of his face is firmly shackled by the pure black leather mouth for the vicious dog. The emotions on that naturally evil face are indifferent, as if the eyes that are hiding the 4d love song are dark and moist. The photographer adjusts the light to make his eyes shine, and the extra love will be unspeakable when it reaches the depths.

  Later, when I interviewed Jiang Dang, what was thinking when he was shooting this poster, he said: "The lighting engineer seemed to want to put the light in my eyes and wanted to complain to the agent, but his mouth was buttoned by the muzzle."

  Countless fans imagined how charming this vicious dog would say.

  Who would have thought that later will become a basket of dog words.

  Sister Chu said that she bought the album, and also saved the high-definition picture file of the poster and sent it to Tong Zhao. Since joining the industry, Tong Zhao has seen too many handsome men and beauties. The most in line with her aesthetics is Han Zhi, who is hidden in her mind. She looks a little numb, and is not very moved by Jiang Dang's appearance, and because of the previous phone call. , The more I look at it, the more I think he may not be too smart.

  But it's not a husky.

  Wei Zekai's kind of kind has a bitter taste.

  Tong Zhao shook his head and left the trivial matter behind.


  So, what thought did Jiang Dang make this presumptuous request?

  When he woke up from the holographic camera cabin, Fu Xuancheng's role influence still remained in his mind, but this influence was minimal, and the average actor might ignore it and laugh it off. But who is Jiang Dang? A man of temperament, just do what he thinks, not to mention that he didn't feel anything unreasonable after thinking about it.

  What a serious invitation for a fight.

  When Tong Zhao "yes" him, he is satisfied.

  Tong Zhao asked him to ask his agent's opinion, and he obediently asked--fans like to call him crazy about beauties, which is actually not correct. Jiang Dang is very okay and willing to abide by the rules, but sometimes he does. With few roots, it seems a bit crazy in this vanity fair dominated by rationality and profit.

  After listening to his report, the agent was silent for a while: "Excuse me, Jiang Dang, can you say what you are going to do again?"

  He suspected that there was a problem with his ears.

  Jiang Dang said in a particularly pleasant tone: "I want to make gestures with her!"


  Oh, it turned out that there was a problem with my own artist's brain, so it's okay.

  The agent knew that he was filming "I Don't Be a Chivalrous Man", so he persuaded: "You calm down, don't get too into the show, she is the last personal disciple of Curator Deng! The 1.8-meter big guy can't beat her. , Have you also studied martial arts?"

  "No!" Jiang Dang still had that particularly pleasant and refreshing tone.

  The agent was sad: " will be killed!"

  Based on his understanding of Jiang Dang, this guy will be particularly persistent once he has a strange idea. The agent is too lazy to talk to him, so he has to think about finding an opportunity to intercede with Tong Zhao and don't beat anyone. If it's broken, try not to slap him. If you can make him dumb, it's best... No, that's not okay. There are concert arrangements in the middle of the year, so you can't be dumb.

  Coincidentally, Jiang Dang's agent, Aaron, and Sister Chu had some friendship, and it was not troublesome to manage.

  Let's go back to the shooting work.

  The actor who plays the protagonist boyfriend Cheng Siwen is a normal person. He does not have as many dramas as Jiang Dang, holding the simple idea of ​​"multiple friends, multiple paths" and Tong Zhaoping often adds friends and lie down quietly.

  After taking a rest for a whole day, everyone reentered the holographic shooting with full energy the next day.

  The villain Fu Xuancheng is entangled with the protagonist played by Lyric and wants to fight her.

  And she chose to blend in with the crowd and avoid fighting, not even returning home.

  During the entanglement with Fu Xuancheng, Li, who believed that everything had an answer, took the initiative to contact the so-called "martial man in the martial arts." Faced with the middle-aged crisis, the plum blossom swordsman's eyes gleamed when he talked about his sword, saying that he saw it. It's too late for the student to study. If no one is accompanied to go home, he will secretly follow up with light effort. Once he was misunderstood as a wretched stalker, and it took a lot of effort to get out...

  Gu Xiaopan, a descendant of Baixiaosheng who has known all over the world, is a serious dead house. When the takeaway is delivered to the door, he dare not look at the rider. He will emphasize in the remarks that it is placed in a plastic basket hanging by the door.

  But she still knows a lot of information.

  Because Gu Xiaopan is only in the real world, hitting hard on the Internet.

  Not only did they teach these elderly uncles and aunts over the phone to use computers and mobile WeChat, they also obtained a lot of information on the Internet, and hacked into many monitoring systems to narrow the scope of Fu Xuancheng.

  There are many PSD files of "Wulin Cheats" stored in Gu Xiaopan's computer.

  These were not passed on to outsiders before.

  Now it is compelling to pass it on, I am afraid it will be lost.

  Gu Xiaopan said: "I told my uncles and aunts that as long as they are stored in the computer, they will live the same life as the world. I put one copy in the cloud and one copy in the computer, and three copies are stored in three different solid state mobile hard drives. The waterproof safe is stored."

  It's too hard to learn, so it's better to go to a hobby class.

  After all, being able to fly lightly on the water does not add points to the college entrance examination, nor can it hide from bullets, and cannot be an extrajudicial fanatic, such as Fu Xuancheng and the protagonist who are one in a million wizards.

  The most important thing is not to make money!

  When the cost of time invested is not proportional to the return obtained, the same craft will disappear.

  No one learns, how is it different from being lost?

  All kinds of urban knights have different looks.

  The only thing in common is the love of martial arts.

  After going through the guerrilla war in the female dormitory, Fu Xuancheng couldn't help it and shot to Cheng Siwen.

  Cheng Siwen was taken captive to an abandoned school, and Fu Xuancheng forced him to send a message to the protagonist, leading her to come alone. After he resolutely refused, Fu Xuancheng had to send her a voice message-in the template setting, due to his father's deliberate abuse, he did not go to school for a few days and learned very few words. At that time, he only understood the secrets of evil works The movements and mindsets.

  Did not understand the text warning left by the predecessors, told him not to learn.

  This is a turning point in the protagonist's idea in the script. In the process of using the martial arts taught by Xie's father to protect important people, he also accepted that he actually loves martial arts.

  When the protagonist saw her boyfriend injured, she was also provoked by Fu Xuancheng.

  At this moment, the shooting paused.


  All the actors are still sleeping, only Tong Zhao woke up.

  The staff intimately handed over a hot towel to wipe her face: "I will re-inject your consciousness in ten minutes. Do you need more preparation time?"

  Tong Zhao shook his head: "Anytime."

  Contrary to Tong Zhao's self-confidence, the director, assistant director, and supervisor who ultimately stood in support of this decision, without exception, were so nervous that they would not be able to produce the desired effect. The assistant director comforted them: "Even if the change is not successful, the effect is mediocre at best, but it's not bad. Do you think the first half is bad?"

  "Of course it's not bad,"

  Shu Yi presents a protagonist who possesses peerless martial arts, but is calm and introverted, and whose thinking is very modern.

  It is easier to please the audience than their preset Xie Guiya, and the performance is very pleasing.

  "But in the last 1/3 of the plot..." Director Shi cast his gaze on the frozen surveillance screen, and was beginning to count down sixty seconds. When it reached zero, the second delivery consciousness was completed: "I want to see one. The protagonist with contrast and emotion...really, look at Xie Guiya, played by Tong Zhao, it's hard to imagine that she would push people to the ground, right? She's the kind of guy who will directly control the gangster. It's hard to imagine her lynching by the type of alarm."

  The assistant director nodded in agreement and ridiculed: "I can imagine the scene where she restrains the gangster and sets out all his past events and little secrets."


  The world in the play becomes operational again.

  Fu Xuancheng waited for a while, before the protagonist's reaction, he shook his head in extreme disappointment: "You are also ready to rescue the soldiers this time."

  Before that, Shu Yi was always one step ahead of him and ready to reinforce troops.

  Fu Xuancheng guessed that this time was no exception.

  As the still picture moved again, the hearts of every behind-the-scenes staff also hung up nervously, for fear that Tong Zhao would be as smart as before, again and again, avoiding the battle. In fact, if you change other actors, you won't have such a problem at all, because as long as the template artist adjusts the adrenaline value, the actors in the play will feel like they have been ignited, making them more extreme and more extreme than usual. Operations that meet the needs of the climax plot...

  But this trick is useless for Tong Zhao!

  They almost suspect that Tong Zhao has undergone any special training, so that he can ignore the physical discomfort and make the best solution at any time.

  Damn it.


  In the play, after Tong Zhao helped the injured Cheng Siwen to the wall, he repeated these two words slowly.

  Fu Xuancheng threw her a mobile phone from a distance, reminding her: "You can still call the police."

  The supervisor was stunned: "I'll go, when does he have a mobile phone."

  In the play, Fu Xuancheng suffered from domestic violence and was too poor himself. He had never touched electronic products at all. He was an out-and-out electronic blind. Besides, at this time, give the phone to Tong Zhao...

  The assistant director slapped his forehead, thinking that Jiang Dang's brain circuit was also a bit magical.

  "Call the police?"

  At this moment, Tong Zhao in the picture repeated his words again.

  She caught the cell phone thrown by the villain.

  Do you really want to call the police?

  Everyone was a little disappointed, and the supervisor turned his head irritably, a little unbearable that Tong Zhao's subconscious was overly restrained. Nei Xiu is very good, but she needs to break out here, why did she pull her hips?

  However, the development of the next moment made everyone's eyes wide open.

  Seeing Tong Zhao stand up and let go, the phone fell to the ground.

  Immediately afterwards, she stepped on the phone in a terrifying manner. The downward glass screen slammed on the uneven ground, crushed by the pressure, and the glass splashed all over the floor.

  Tong Zhao kicked the broken glass away.

  The staff held their breath, and Fu Xuancheng watched her steadily.

  Screenwriter: "Wait, is that her boyfriend's cell phone?"

  Templater: "Okay, you have already ruined the atmosphere very much."

  Fu Xuancheng stared at her for a while, and asked her:

  "You obviously have a good martial arts suit, but you always avoid struggle, why?"

  The hearts of the staff are broken, and with Tong Zhao's subconscious behavior, this is a precursor to chatting!

  Tong Zhao raised his head and looked up.

  The moonlight fell in her eyes, and it broke into pieces.

  There was no smile on her beautiful face, and her facial lines were stretched into sharp lines.

  Needless to say, even across the icy screen, no viewer could not feel her anger.

  The template master hissed secretly, and quickly clicked on the backstage to check if the hormone he had given her was too much. How could the effect be so good? But no, the data clearly shows that the amount is at most the amount that allows a worker who usually accepts 996 to take a shot and start fighting with his boss.

  Doesn't it look like you're going to kill someone?

  At the next moment, Tong Zhao in the surveillance screen rushed up!