Chapter 91

  Is this really the same person?

  At this moment, the staff behind the scenes and the villain simultaneously issued soul questions.

  In the final battle, the action template is prepared. It belongs to "the heart is just moving, and the mind and body have a complete set of operations." Just play the game with you and play the same role. After playing thousands of games, the a1a3a3 combo has become instinct. Action, no need to think about it, it is guaranteed to play wonderfully.


  Tong Zhao kicked Fu Xuancheng away!

  The director is still calm: "It's okay, you have to adjust a lot of camera angles in post-processing. This scene is very impactful."

  The action designer also prepared a lot of templates for him to value.

  In short, the film crew of the age of instincts really broke their hearts in order to make actors who had never learned martial arts perform wonderful action scenes. Like Te Mo playing music games, they faced Tong Zhao again. The guy who doesn't follow the routine...Her subconscious mind is really talented! The fight scenes that I handed over are really punchy, especially good-looking!

  Just giving her a "director" was really stressful and painful and happy.

  So, is there no way for action designers?

  of course not!

  "Okay, Fu Xuancheng was kicked into the air. This is also in my calculations." The action designer of "I'm Not a Chivalrous Man" flew ten fingers in front of the console, so fast that his fingers appeared afterimages: "I have long been Thinking that Tong Zhao's subconscious mind will not proceed as planned, I have prepared many sets of records in advance, and I will wait for her to move!"

  Good guy, the other staff looked at him admiringly.

  This is professionalism.

  Fu Xuancheng, who was kicked out, got up and switched to a defensive posture in less than a second, and was about to make a move, but Tong Zhao was faster than him, as if only a blink of an eye, she had already appeared in him. In front of him, Fu Xuancheng was shocked-too late to escape!

  Outside the play, the action designer sneered coldly: "Don't underestimate my reaction speed, I have played professionally in e-sports for a year!"

  The action code that is hard input in the background will be performed before the brain, which is the legendary "subconscious action". This kind of operation cannot often occur in normal literary play. After a long time, instinctive actors will suspect that they have mental problems and make the play unable to proceed. , But in the high-frequency action scenes, there is no such concern. Like the villain Fu Xuancheng, he will only feel that he is too proficient. The fighting instinct makes his body react before his brain.

  With the help of the action designer, Fu Xuancheng dangerously turned sideways and let the key avoid the sword, only to be hit in the shoulder.

  It was obviously a wooden sword, but the dull pain it fell did not lose metal at all.

  Fu Xuancheng's whole body tightened, lowering his body and staring at her.

  Unexpectedly, she did not take a quick attack, but stood in place and looked at Fu Xuancheng from a distance, holding the wooden sword in her hand.


  The song in the play received the complete character memory at the moment of waking up.

  Duan Ge has not always been a heroic character who is brave and innocent. On the contrary, leading his friends to survive in the apocalypse requires constant avoidance of war, and then it is the key, when necessary, to make the most accurate and precise shots. It's like killing ten, she doesn't have the wickedness of bloodthirsty. It's just that the personality cultivated in extreme environments is incompatible with the peaceful and prosperous age.

  for example.

  Ordinary popularity in the era of peace will explode and slap people in the face.

  In an extreme environment, Duan Song is so angry that it is about to cut people's heads.

  Nowadays, Duan Ge really wants to screw off the dog's head of the man who hurt her boyfriend and play football.

  "You want to fight with me again and again,"

  "To be honest, I don't like martial arts at all, and I hate violence. I can't understand you, a creature who takes pleasure in fighting."


  She moved her hands, and then waved him with her palms up.

  "Let you experience the essence of traditional martial arts, until you die."

  After the speech, Duan Ge smiled.

  The corners of his eyes curled up with gorgeous and fierce arcs.


  Whenever a fight scene appears, it is the time for action designers to flex their muscles.

  Everyone can only guarantee quietness and try not to disturb his work.

  "Humph, Tong Zhao, I see how you are going to fight me!"

  "Ah, haven't Jiang Dang's physical fitness improved? Why is it still so weak?"

  "Templater, templater, can you adjust the background data again? By the way, let him open a blood lock plug-in!"

  The entire work backstage is full of unreasonable demands from action designers that are gradually becoming frenzied.

  The template teacher raised his hand weakly: "Um, it is adjusted to the maximum, I really can't open the plug-in..."

  The action designer is incredible.

  Even with the help of his own operation, Fu Xuancheng still couldn't beat Tong Zhao!

  How could there be a female celebrity with such superior combat literacy?

  Is this girl really doing announcements instead of playing mixed martial arts competitions?

  A deep sense of frustration enveloped him.

  If there is a mountain named Tong Zhao in front of you, you can only look up, not cross it.

  Since the protagonist of the previous movie was in contact with many martial arts secrets in the process of searching for the villain's intelligence, she greatly improved her strength and began to accept this "family study". She has learned longer than Fu Xuancheng, who was a monk, but she has never been willing to admit that she is. So strong.

  The first 2/3 of the plot is "This protagonist is obviously super strong but overly conservative".

  The climax that erupted at the end was particularly refreshing.

  The villain is the object that makes the audience cool.

  Fu Xuancheng was beaten to death, and Duan Ge was injured.

  From the beginning, the action designer wanted to manipulate the villain to defeat the protagonist, to even share the colors, and finally concession became the humble purpose of "don't break that handsome face"...

  Duan Ge handed Fu Xuancheng to the police. Before leaving, Fu Xuancheng grabbed her hand: "Didn't you say it's time to kill?"

  "The times have changed, the demon."

  Duan Ge tilted his head and gave him a chivalrous smile.


  Later, because Fu Xuancheng did not really kill and was a minor (Duan Ge: He was so young???), the official finally chose to let it go. At the same time, there were related organizations to help him go back to school, saying that he wanted to be the protagonist's younger brother. , I want to pursue her.

  Duan Ge said: "It's not possible with your IQ, but you can come to my martial arts school to apprentice to learn art."

  After multiple considerations, the protagonist and his father reached a reconciliation and decided to inherit the martial arts hall.

  She couldn't be too busy alone, so Bai Xiaosheng and Gu Xiaopan at home squatted in a different place and squatted to her martial arts gym. They work together to study whether the traditional martial arts can come up with an improved version, which is not so hard, but it can also strengthen the body...

  In the impact of the torrent of the times, what has been washed away may not be the survival of the fittest. It is more likely that it just doesn't meet the standards of the new era, and it is still good. The protagonist resists martial arts because her father taught her, which is the opposite of what the school taught her. She is a diode when she is young, so she firmly believes that it should be eliminated.

  After experiencing a series of dangerous and somewhat joyous events, the two things reached a reconciliation in the heart of the protagonist.

  The story ended successfully.

  Screenwriter's words: "Although...but...but..."

  how to say?

  The ending is right.

  But the process seems to have nothing to do with what he originally wrote.

  A huge sense of disappointment enveloped him, but thinking about the rewards received in the account, it was a little better. After all, "I Don't Become a Chivalrous Man" was not originally a film with a screenwriter as the main feature. Everything is based on the satisfaction of Shi Dingjun, and he seems to be eager to cut the feature film.

  Unlike traditional movies, the most cumbersome process of instinct movies lies in pre-preparation and post-editing. The middle actor actually shoots the segment very quickly.

  Everyone celebrated for the successful conclusion.

  The joys and sorrows of people are really not connected! *

  As the screenwriter thought painfully, his eyes collided with the action designer who was sitting sadly. The moment they met, it was as if two lonely whales were facing the Wavelength Channel. They have a common enemy and clearly work. It ended successfully, but there was no happiness, only a sense of frustration. When the eyes were intertwined, they seemed to be soothing each other, almost sparking...

  But this is really gay in gay.

  The two men who were very sexually stuck at the same time turned their heads blankly.

  How do you say this feeling?

  It's like a screenwriter playing a mid laner. Tong Zhao is a jungler, playing wild and eating his mid lane. In the end, Tong Zhao's economy crushed the super fat and flew the audience, and successfully won the stars of this game, and the screenwriter stroked the water all the way. While lying down to win, I was killed by the opposite side as a pig...

  Did the game win?


  Are your teammates happy?


  Only he 0/22/0 collapsed and had no game experience.

  Not only unhappy, but also a little wronged.

  "If it weren't for Tong Zhao, I must be very tired. I really want to take Tong Zhao to replay."

  "Yes, I didn't expect her subconscious power to be so explosive."

  The staff were excitedly discussing the original film.

  Movies are always art and need to be exaggerated, but in many cases instinct movies are too real and fail to achieve that exaggerated turning effect, and Tong Zhao's subconscious did it! ...This is like the saying "photogenic is three kilograms fat", the photogenic effect is so thin, I have a lot of bamboo poles? Someone discussed Tong Zhao himself.

  The field clerk said, "But I think Sister Xiao Zhao is very kind."

  "Yes, I'm a normal person at ordinary times, and he doesn't put on airs except that he talks a little bit."

  "I am her fan..."

  The screenwriter felt that his friendship with the template maker had come to an end.

  No, there is another person who should be in the same mood at this time!

  The screenwriter thought of Jiang Dang who was beaten up.

  Well, after Jiang Dang recovers his memory in the play, I can talk to him for a while.


  Due to a farewell notice, Tong Zhao didn't stay in Qin City for a long time after waking up from the cabin. He took the nearest flight back to the company and was taken to the studio to shoot the cover of the magazine as soon as he landed. Jiang Dang had a three-day holiday, so he slept well in Qin City Studios, and waited for the screenwriter who wanted to talk to him at the celebration banquet.

  The screenwriter deliberately arranged himself next to him, and said during the dinner: "Oh, I think only you understand my feelings!"

  Jiang Dang nodded: "Yes, we are all eating steamed sea bass."


  Screenwriter: "I'm talking about feelings."

  Jiang Dang looked back frankly: "Is there any difference in your bass?"

  This table happened to be the main dish of steamed sea bass, and they happened to have chopsticks together. Isn't it the same feeling? At this time, the screenwriter remembered the rumors that Jiang Dang's brain circuit is different from ordinary people, but the rumors in the entertainment industry have always believed only half: "Maybe I didn't make it clear just now, I mean you were beaten by Tong Zhao. Feeling half-dead."

  Jiang Dang's face changed slightly.

  Upon seeing this, the screenwriter was immediately excited.

  Yeah, right? It's a sore spot!

  Let's hug each other and cry, lick each other's wounds!

  "Have you been beaten by her too?" Jiang Dang lowered his eyes slightly, a little inexplicably unhappy.

  The screenwriter was taken aback for a moment: "This is not true."


  He watched Jiang Dang slowly pick up a piece of tender white bass, dipped it in white sugar, and ate it. The evil and handsome profile and elegant appearance could not suppress the screenwriter's nausea when he saw this scene... The problem may not be the brain circuits, but the taste buds.

  The screenwriter decided to make things clear: "Isn't it uncomfortable for you to be beaten so badly by her?"

  After chewing and swallowing slowly, Jiang Dang once again set his sights on him.

  Jiang Dang has a pair of eyes that are alone and stable in the glorious and prosperous age, and his rock-solid heart seems to have deep thinking and connotation, instead of "the original sea bass with sugar is really unpalatable, and I was fooled by the post bar." Complaining.

  The screenwriter's heart trembled slightly when he saw it.

  It is indeed a star who is called the face of the singer...Unlike when he looked at the action designer, this time he feels that sexuality really doesn't need to be too deadly. If the target is Jiang Dang, he can!

  "It's not uncomfortable,"

  Jiang Dang curled his thin lips, his eyes flashed with crazy excitement: "I like it very much, and I want to be beaten by her again. You said that you feel the same as mine... You also want to have an appointment with her Do you want it? If you really want it, I can help you contact her agent, but it's her freedom to agree or not."


  "no need."

  "I didn't mean to monopolize her."

  After seeing the change in the screenwriter's expression, Jiang Dang felt that his face might be too fierce, and tried to soften his tone.

  "Hmm, I really don't have to, thank you."


  The screenwriter turned around and asked the modeler: "Can you exchange seats with me?"