Chapter 92

  Tong Zhao was still working while others were celebrating their merits.

  After spinning for two days, the assistant was dizzy and sleepy. Every step was like walking on cotton, shaking and shaking very unrealistically. This is unavoidable. It is very extravagant for a star as popular as Tong Zhao to squeeze a month to retreat and practice. It is a behavior that she loves movies very much. This action has won some praise from the film industry and gained some critics. Likes...

  After all, regardless of traditional or instinctive movies, the mainstream of the film industry after all likes to watch actors toss themselves.

  Beautifully named art dedication.

  Many times, Tong Zhao asked his assistant to go home and rest.

  The assistant resolutely refused: "Sister Xiao Zhao didn't rest, how can I rest?"

  "I can stay up for a week."

  Tong Zhao, who had only slept for four hours a total of two days, glanced at her. The slap-sized face of the spirit Yiyi is almost as if he wakes up full of energy after sleeping for eight hours. Seeing that the assistant has produced it, maybe everyone does not need Sleeping hallucinations: "Sister Xiao Zhao, stop making trouble, we will go back to sleep after taking this set of photos."


  After Tong Zhao replied, he closed his eyes again.

  The shot is in a cold and hard style. Just put a stinky face in front of the photographer in a camouflage uniform. This is very simple for her, she doesn't need any acting skills at all, she can do it herself. After all, after insisting on cultivating immortals, Tong Zhao actually needs very little sleep, but the less he sleeps, the worse his temper...

  Before the filming started anyway, Tong Zhao sat in the corner fully armed, ignored anyone, covered his sunglasses and mask, which looked like a suspicious person.

  Unknowingly, with the birth of a series of explosive models, Tong Zhao's status in the circle has also risen.

  Fully qualified to put on airs.

  However, this minimal ostentation is nothing in the entertainment industry. Even if Tong Zhao kindly invited all the staff to drink milk tea since entering the studio... the evaluation won't be much better, at least it is not worth her special effort to manage.

  Even, sometimes it is not a bad thing to make others think that she has a bad temper.

  At least the staff around now know that she is not a small person, and they all wisely put their hands and feet in life, and stopped chatting, so as not to quarrel with Sister Xiao Zhao. This moisturizing quietly flattered Tong Zhao to close his eyes and rest for a while.

  After taking the hard photos and removing the makeup, Tong Zhao didn't bother to go back to the apartment far away, and went directly to the Hilton Hotel next to the shopping mall to open a bay view suite.

  After waking up, I received a call from the agent and asked her where she was.

  After Tong Zhao answered truthfully, Sister Chu smiled and said, "The room is opened right. I'm just about to discuss something with you."

  It turned out to be a residential matter.

  Tong Zhao's status in the circle has risen as fast as the Rockets. The bachelor apartment that was good for the first-time young artist is no longer suitable. From the image to the security considerations, he should move the house: "In fact, I wanted to tell you a long time ago. , Was delayed by many things."

  Once the price of food, clothing, housing and transportation increases, these will all increase.

  "It's okay."

  Tong Zhao responded with understanding, and got up from the bed: "You can arrange for someone to send me to pick a house. I don't bother to choose a community."

  Sister Chu smiled: "Naturally I have to arrange it for you."

  After Tong Zhao finished washing and putting on makeup for going out, the driver and his entourage waited downstairs.

  The real estate that Sister Chu picked for her was a superior location, one high-rise building, and the security and privacy were top-notch. Of course, the prices and property fees are also considerable, but this is a must for Tong Zhao now, and she has never treated herself harshly.

  The large flat floor with eight bedrooms and four halls,

  The sales staff is very insightful, focusing on Yulongxuan's privacy strength and its own cleaning team, which can be enjoyed only by paying an additional fee, and there is no need to go outside and take risks to hire unreliable ones. He smiled and said, "Besides, if the outside cleaning is not carried by the landlord and tenant, it would be difficult to get in."

  Tong Zhao believed this.

  Just now they came in as if they had gone through five stages and cut six generals.

  After reading it, Tong Zhao was really satisfied, so he didn't pick it everywhere, and directly paid the down payment.

  In fact, she can afford the full amount as long as she puts forward the shares and some investments in her hand.

  However, tens of millions of circulating funds can be used for capital accumulation. It would be better to make money to make money, and it would be more profitable than saving that little interest.


  Next comes the moving company.

  After finishing the formalities, the master bedroom can move in after tidying up, which is more comfortable than the hotel.

  Tong Zhao sighed and shared with his friends in the WeChat group: [I will be the one who will pay the mortgage in the future! ]

  Second-generation A: [It feels so fresh, I want to try it too. ]

  Second Generation B: [I want to go to Sister Zhao's new home to play~]

  Second generation C: [Where did you buy it? ]

  Tong Zhao talked to them and laughed for a while, then went to chat privately with Wei Zekai who tried to pretend to die: [Don't pretend, what is Yulongxuan's relationship with you? ]

  Good properties are generally sold out before they are completed.

  The house that Tong Zhao bought was a new house, no one had lived in it.

  Although Yulongxuan is too expensive, it also belongs to the ranks of "good real estate". After all, it targets the rich in this city, and there is no shortage of rich people in this city. Sister Chu is very good in the entertainment industry, but this is beyond her ability, and Tong Zhao thought that Wei Zekai was on him... After the last "Sea King Kill" and the scandal, the agent has always had his contact information.

  Wei Zekai confessed honestly: [It's my uncle's real estate. I asked Sister Chu about what you should move. After Yulongxuan is built, a batch of the best will not be sold, so don't be angry. ]

  The broker probably only thought it was recommending a good real estate.

  I didn't expect to owe such a big favor.

  [Not angry, I should have asked you, this thing is familiar to you. ]Tong Zhao naturally doesn't care about the two people who care about her the most. Besides, she and this Zhuma have a lot of owe to each other, and she never talks about it.

  Wei Zekai: [I am familiar with a fart, I am unfamiliar. ]

  Tong Zhao: [Then what are you familiar with? ]

  Wei Zekai: [Entrepreneurship! ]


  Sometimes it is difficult for Tong Zhao to tell whether this guy is funny or true.

  In short, the moving company kept moving the things from her old apartment to a new home. There were too many steps to go through when buying a house. After all, the fact that she bought the luxury house with her money was not hidden from the media. For the remuneration and endorsement income, it is still a bit laborious to purchase the Yulongxuan mansion.

  The master is in the private sector, but within two days of work, someone has calculated the difference between her approximate income and the price of Yulongxuan A1 apartment.

  It's at least tens of millions.

  Netizens on Weibo and discussion forums were immediately uproar at her lavish shots.

  [Shook my family's community, why can I be so rich? ]

  [The plate of instinct movies is very large, and the profits made are especially the losses. The movies that Tong Zhao has made have all exploded. Her current film remuneration price should be very scary. The fan economy alone can't reach this amount. To put it bluntly Even if she is good at the audience, she will choose the film. ]

  [Yulongxuan A1 apartment is expensive, but there is no stipulation to have the full price! With just the down payment, Tong Zhao's income is completely affordable. ]

  The discussions so far have been very friendly.

  But in the world of the Internet, how can it be so sunny?

  Faced with a celebrity who seemed to be perfect, netizens called [Really? I don't believe it], I tried to dig out the ground three feet to investigate the suspects, and they picked up the leaked news from the bank-Tong Zhao is indeed a loan for the house, and there is no full payment.

  Netizens wondered, why did Tong Zhao buy such a big house?

  [Maybe because she is used to the wealthy life, think about her leaving home and moving from a mansion to a cheap residential area. ]

  [As a result, she moved into a better mansion through her own efforts! Zhao Zhao is so inspirational! /Tears]

  [I really want to show Daddy Tong Zhao. ]

  Tong Zhenming saw it.

  It's hard not to see that even if he only reads the paper news, he can see the news of the elder daughter's new movies everywhere. Even the advertising poster opposite his company is the eldest daughter's very cold face with heavy makeup, as if watching his company invisibly, making him so angry that it would be annoying to see Xu Zhu.

  It's the same kind of one's own, why is there such a big gap?

  Tong Zhenming couldn't figure it out.

  When I can't figure it out, I will see Xu Zhu not pleasing to my eyes when I go back, and sometimes beat her for trivial matters. It's just that Xu Zhu's wedding date is approaching recently, and he is not very easy to do it either. It was the young master of the He family who was married to Xu Zhu... Previously, he experienced a wave of inexplicable business shocks, and Xu Zhu could choose from a much smaller range. Seeing Tong Zhenming moved her to marry a wealthy businessman as a continuation, Xu Zhu He didn't dare to pick any more, and quickly settled down.

  In view of the face of the two marriages, Tong Zhenming bought Xu Zhu a ante-marital room with the full money, which was regarded as her dowry.

  The paparazzi reporter who blocked the news from Tong Zhao turned his attention to the father and daughter.

  Even if a bit of evil is dug out from their mouths, it is still news.

  No way. Tong Zhao, who has not launched a publicity campaign, has run the notice and the magazine cover has been photographed, just like an urban hermit.

  No one can find her, but everyone is discussing her.

  Now the public is so hungry for Tong Zhao's new news.


  On a good day when Xu Zhu went to pick up the wedding dress, three people rushed out of the store within two steps.

  "Xu Zhu, I'm a reporter from Guava Media, I want to ask you something."

  Xu Zhu had never seen this kind of battle, and she was so scared that she clenched her father's arm tightly.

  She was not very popular when she was an idol. The reporter who interviewed her at the time was still invited by the company to create momentum.

  "What are you doing!" Tong Zhenming glared angrily.

  Usually Tong Zhenming would not accompany Xu Zhu.

  But today I decided to have an in-laws meal with the He family's parents after picking up the wedding dress, so I came to accompany her and suffered a lot.

  Seeing that Tong Zhenming was also there, the three paparazzi Yuji were red with excitement.

  This picture seems to be catching shit with flies.

  "Do you have any thoughts on the purchase of A1 apartment in Yulongxuan after Tong Zhao and you separated from your father-daughter relationship?" The reporter asked in a row: "Do you plan to support her?"

  The eldest daughter dared to break away from his newspaper. This is the most embarrassing thing in Tong Zhenming's life. He suddenly changed his expression: "I am nervous! What she does has nothing to do with me. I never gave birth to this daughter! Why? Want me to support her?"

  Ordinary people have no experience in dealing with reporters.

  Whether it's panicking or denying it, it will give reporters room to make more articles.

  Knowing that the news on him is easy to dig, Yu Ji, with a keen sense of smell, smiled and deliberately said, "You can't say that, you..." He saw Xu Zhu walking out of a luxuriously decorated wedding dress shop. : "Ms. Xu is a good day approaching? Would you like to ask if you have a bowl of water on your dowry?"

  Another entertainment note echoed: "Tong Zhao is a house bought in installments with a loan."

  Yu Ji's questioning is particularly rushing, with statements in the question, just don't intend to speak well. Anyway, the other party's answer is news. It would be more perfect if it could knock out some flaws. It was completely bullying ordinary people, and Tong Zhenming was annoyed by the question. Now, shouting in his voice:

  "Impossible, it is impossible to give her a penny. I only have Zhuzhu, a daughter, and I only bought her a wedding house for the full amount."

  Xu Zhu was forced to pull out, so she smiled and nodded at the reporter: "Dad is very good to me, but gifts also mean responsibility. I will take my sister's share and support Dad well."

  She didn't want to be photographed ugly.

  it is good!

  This is great.

  Yuji exchanged glances. At this time, the driver, who had been driving around the mall for a long time, finally arrived because he couldn't find a parking space. The three of them rushed into the back seat of the car as if seeing a rescuer. The family of three who had regained peace and sprinted away after a hurdle and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Tong Zhenming's fat face flushed with anger, still after cursing his eldest daughter for a while: "It's the restless person who showed up everywhere and said that he wanted to sever relationship with me. Didn't it cause trouble for her Lao Tzu? Bad luck! Buy Yulongxuan She is also worthy of the house? Don't ask me if I don't get the loan, I won't even care!"

  Hearing this, Xu Zhu felt a little more balanced.

  She also wanted Yulongxuan's house.

  The neighbors are all rich or expensive, and the sea view is particularly beautiful, but Tong Zhenming is impossible to buy for her. Husband...When she gives birth to a son, if her husband's business does better, he might buy it for her husband, anyway. Neither will be in her name.

  However, anyhow she is the full ante-marital room.

  Tong Zhao really dare to take a loan?

  Flowers do not have a hundred days of popularity, and those who burst into popularity at the beginning of the year in the entertainment circle may be dead at the end of the year.

  Xu Zhu tightened the corners of her skirt, trying not to think about the possibility that the young man would give that woman a bag...

  Alas, if she has a choice, she also wants to marry the Wei family.


  "The Ultimate Victory of Junior Three!" Tong Zhenming prepared a full wedding dress for her youngest daughter, and said frankly: He won't pay a penny for Tong Zhao."

  Guava Media is a bit of Hong Kong media descent, and the title is full of grandstanding.

  This media is notoriously not impressed by the PR offensive. It only serves the audience's eyeballs. Traffic enthusiasm is everything. There is no conscience without three views. In short, it is a sensation! Under the report from this angle, Tong Zhenming and her little third daughter were naturally pulled out and scolded by netizens again, which is equivalent to an old friend reminding Tong Zhenming that he should shut up, it was too late...

  The scumbag is so superb, it also makes the scolding Tong Zhao too unfilial, and the extreme voice is too small to mention.

  However, in the eyes of the public, Tong Zhao, who needs a loan to afford the first real estate in his life and cannot get any funding from his native family, seems to have become a very pitiful and sympathetic existence...

  This is also detrimental to her image.

  After all, she is taking the almighty route, a weather vane for fans to admire.

  And Tong Zhao himself...

  "I don't need fans to worship me as a god, but I don't want others to think that I am pitiful,"

  In the company meeting, Tong Zhao, who was sitting in the main seat, did not take off her sunglasses. Others could only see her perfectly-lined lower half of her face, and her bright red lips opened together and said cold words:

  "It's just the right time to shake out my side business."

  It's good for these "pasts" to be as quiet as chickens, but if they can't control their mouths, even if they give her a handful of wind. There is no news to knock her down, and it is impossible for the dirty water to stay on her name for more than a day.