Chapter 95 

  After careful questioning, Tong Zhao understood the ins and outs of the matter.

  And set the timeline back to one day ago.

  Generally speaking, movie promotion is to discuss the schedule with the protagonist agent, what time period and where to go... A series of all needs to be arranged in advance, and some small stars will take advantage of this large number of exposure opportunities to obtain some personal announcements.

  Both Jiang Dang and Tong Zhao have passed this stage.

  After the closing ceremony, when drafting the content of the publicity announcement, the company asked if the artist had any thoughts? Tong Zhao is only interested in making movies, and the finished movie is just like the author's dug pit, turning into a yellow-faced woman... You can talk about feelings, yes, but something will happen again, that is, paying public food. Up. So she gave the agent the decision without any concern.

  This made Sister Chu both happy and regretful.

  Happiness is deeply trusted.

  Unfortunately, Tong Zhao has no idea about propaganda.

  But Jiang Dang put forward his opinions very seriously.

  This caused Jiang Dang's manager's heart to mention his throat.

  When he proposed to have a live-streamed kickboxing match with Tong Zhao, the heart swallowed directly from his throat.

  Once it sank to the bottom, it fell to the ground.

  "Big brother, are you serious?" Agent Aaron's mentality changed drastically: "Have you recovered your memory in the play? Are you not playing enough in the play?"

  Of course, as one of the few people who have seen the original film, does Aaron know that the subtext of this sentence is to be beaten enough? Jiang Dang turned his head, picking up a pulse of sight, his tone of voice was narrow: "There is an action designer in the play who is controlling it. It's not me who is playing, but I don't have the spirit of e-sports."


  Isn't this nonsense?

  Without a template designer in the background to increase the value crazy for you, without an action designer to manipulate you, you were beaten to death by Tong Zhao long ago, and you played a fart!

  And what is the spirit of e-sports?

  Aaron endured and endured, unbearable:

  "Aren't you just playing ball games? What does the e-sports spirit have to do with you?"

  Jiang Dang: "There is a professional league in the ball game."

  His voice is magnetic and attractive, but he often has some inexplicable tone when speaking in private, as if he is maliciously selling cute. Aaron, who is also a man, didn't get cute, and even felt a little goose bumps, but he didn't realize it. He still used his gorgeous voice that reached the top of the new generation of Chinese music to sell cute: "She promised to follow me If you hit it, ask her if you don't believe it."

  The tone is almost aggrieved.

  The refusal from the agent circulated in the mind of Jiang Dang like the vast universe. I don't know what the brain fills up. The more I think about it, the more angry, the emotions are all written on that handsome face, the deep and perfect lines are slightly stretched. Tight, the wicked and noble temperament is like a big demon whose head is falling upon a glance...

  Jiang Dang pulled out his phone, his big, well-defined hands typed words slowly...

  "What are you writing?"

  When the broker probe went over, it was a Weibo page.

  [Good, thinking, hitting, female, human...]

  The agent hurriedly grabbed the phone, his temples jumped suddenly, and found that he had cracked his official blog Weibo password silently...yes, others would lose if they said anything, Jiang Dang would lose a word, so In order to better manage his personal image, it should not be different from ordinary people's expressions (he said he really wants to beat a woman, but it does not involve any hate of the opposite sex. It is simply the fragments that flashed in his mind when he wanted to discuss with Tong Zhao. Emotional sentences) were thus corrupted by justice netizens.

  But you said that this person has such a low EQ, why is he full of strange skill points?

  He is not only a semi-professional player in ball-to-ball battles, but he has also been a hacker.

  Jiang Dang once explained to him with an unpredictable look.

  ——Because there are not so many twists and turns in the world of 0 and 1, it is much easier to understand than the world of ordinary people.

  The broker does not understand C language.

  He only felt that Jiang Dang's words were full of philosophical aura of anus.

  "If you post this kind of content, others will think that you hate your daughter, even if you say something else, this should not be said by a public figure, it will lead to wrong guidance." The agent was about to pull his ears, after five After a few minutes of preaching, Jiang Dang said that he deeply understood the impropriety of this sentence.

  His EQ is low, and he doesn't want to lead others to beat women, or his female fans ran to beat men to cater to his's terrible to think about it, and you have to be careful. After taking back his mobile phone, he Obediently apologize: "Thank you for reminding."

  This thank you very sincere attitude.

  I can feel that he is apologizing from the heart.

  The agent breathed a sigh of relief.

  Hey, Jiang Dang is a little nervous, and the person is still good.

  The pleased Yu Guang just swept over Jiang Dang and found that after deleting the initial text, he wrote new content:

  [I, think, be, female, human, beat...]


  The broker's breath of loosening almost didn't come up.

  Jiang Dang, whose mobile phone was stolen again, had an innocent look on his face, which made him annoyingly good-looking.

  After spending days and months together, the agent already understands his thoughts, saying that wanting to beat a woman may lead fans to do bad things, but if you want to be beaten by a woman, there is no problem! Little genius! The agent scowled and was about to preach, and his heart trembled when he saw his phoenix eyes pressed by his long eyelashes. When he said it, his taste changed: "Okay, Brother Dang counted me wrong, I'll go and make arrangements for you. , Don't tidy me up anymore, my heart is not good."

  Jiang Dang: "Okay."


  Agent: "Hello, shit!"


  Quietly listening to Sister Chu telling herself the ins and outs, Tong Zhao came to the conclusion: "So in terms of publicity, we decided to let Jiang Dang and I have a live-streaming free fight match, right?"

  "Yes it is..."

  Sister Chu's voice was weak: "Do you want me to refuse for you?"

  Tong Zhao chuckled lightly: "No, I did promise him, just hit it."

  She can't lose anyway.

  "It's quite interesting to think about it. You said Jiang Dang, what is in his mind?"

  Sister Chu was asked.

  I'm afraid this is a question that no one in the entire entertainment industry can answer.

  But because no one knows the real answer, Jiang Dang's fan girl is very keen to put all kinds of weird figures on his head, as if he was a strange-looking egg, and the bard imagined that there was something in the egg. A universe.

  The two brought the topic over and discussed other schedules.

  "Okay, I know everything, no problem."

  After speaking, Tong Zhao hung up the phone and raised his eyes to meet a pair of eyes that tried to restrain curiosity--

  Money made ghosts grind, Tong Zhao's house was renovated at an incredible speed, and it also became the headquarters of Zeshan Venture Capital, and some malicious speculations about how lonely she is as a single woman in the flat. On the contrary, the friends are eager to stay at her house and play every day, luxurious and comfortable. Through reliable channels, the agent hired her cleaners and cooks who ate and lived with her, and was responsible for her three meals and some banquet needs.

  For example, when friends come to play at home, all the fried chicken, fries and popcorn can be made fresh.

  Sometimes when Tong Zhao answers the call at work, this group of fearless guys will quiet down tacitly and wait for her to finish the call.

  The second-generation A can't hold back anymore: "Play what you want? Games?"


  Tong Zhao told them the whole story from beginning to end, and then commented: "Is a strange person, but not annoying. It seems to be a more temperamental type... a singer-songwriter, an artistic temperamental person, Speaking is very interesting, can be amazed, very fun."

  As the temper becomes extreme, it becomes selfish.

  Build your own happiness on the pain of others.

  Jiang Dang's degree is inexplicably well controlled. It seems that in addition to a broad-thinking head, he also has a good tutor. In several collaborations with "I Don't Be a Chivalrous Man", Tong Zhao had a good impression of him, and he also felt his strong desire to fight in the movie, so he should be satisfied.

  "What's more, this point is very gimmicky and has a positive effect on the promotion of the film,"

  After Tong Zhao finished speaking, he said with a smile: "Compared with him, I am still a very utilitarian person."

  After discussing the topic of Jiang Dang for a while, everyone moved to the game room to play online video games.

  Tong Zhao leaned on the sofa and said that he would go there later.

  Wei Zekai stayed with her.

  "Say it."

  Wei Zekai raised his eyebrows: "What are you talking about?"

  "You are full of thoughts written on your face, and you asked me what I said."

  Tong Zhao reached out and squeezed his face.

  It's a pity that when I was young, I had a baby fat pinch on my face. Now I am so thin that my face is barely fleshy. Although it shows the deep and superior facial features, it lacks the fun of pinching a small fat face. While squeezing, Tong Zhao also expressed his feelings. Wei Zekai disagreed: "I'm not thin, okay, I'm very fleshy."


  Wei Zekai lifted his shirt up, revealing the perfect line of abdominal muscles.

  With a little effort, you can see the tattoos on the mermaid's line slightly stretched.

  Tong Zhao glanced over and read emotionally: "Hmm, so awesome, so sexy."

  Wei Zekai saw through her perfunctory: "Can you be a little surprised?"

  Tong Zhao:

  "I can't help it. I have been taking hard photos in the studio recently. What about it? There are shirtless male models everywhere, and they look good."

  ! ! !

  Three huge exclamation marks seemed to pop out of Wei Dashao's head.

  Unhappy, very unhappy.

  "Do they look good with me?"

  Not really.

  Wei Dashao's appearance can be a star in the entertainment circle, and it is indeed not a level of exquisiteness.

  But all of them are handsome guys, and for the purpose of shooting, they will practice their muscles before going on the field (the muscle lines that are congested after exercise will be particularly beautiful, so there are a bunch of straight men taking selfies in the gym), and some of them are still oiled. , The visual effect...

  When the words came to his lips, Tong Zhao heard the frustration in his friend's tone, and then changed the front of the conversation dangerously: "What is it to compete with the model? You are the best looking,"

  Although Wei Zekai is easy to blow up his hair, he also has the advantage of being particularly good at coaxing.

  Tong Zhao said he was the best-looking, so he believed it.

  I turned the story over without a few sentences, and then said: "That Jiang Dang wants to fight you... Why did you agree to him? I haven't beaten you yet."

  Good guy, it's exciting, right?

  Tong Zhao grabbed a handful of toffee from the coffee table and stuffed it into his hand: "Eat some candies to stick your dog's mouth and get beaten up?"

  "I just think that other people have done things with you, but I haven't done them with you, so I feel a little uncomfortable."

  If you do...

  Tong Zhao stopped his thoughts that his speed had reached seventy yards.