Chapter 105

  The crew came too fast, like a tornado.

  The crew of "Never Island Girl" was quickly assembled. Xu Yiming thought that he was dreaming-since the director determined that it was Qianqiu, he has always been a little restrained in his affairs. The attitude towards the two mountains is a sincere and fearful one. It is obviously disadvantageous for a producer. Fortunately, Qianqiu deliberately gave him a lot of power in the middle of the journey, and asked him to do it and get things done. Xu Yiming evolved from dog licking back to human beings.

  Tong Zhao said he didn't expect him to be able to train people.

  Is it the night mother's face and mother's heart?

  Shi Qianqiu: [Who can be recruited with a budget of 40 million yuan? It is still necessary to find a contractor who meets this level of consumption. ]


  Yes, she looked at him highly.

  Tong Zhao secretly changed his WeChat note to the director of Versailles.

  Both Versailles and annoying.

  Shi Qianqiu: "By the way, a bunch of people want to audition for the protagonist's parents, are you going to be the supervisor?"

  They are in the same city.

  It's just a busy person, and I can't bump into it during the holidays, and I've never asked to come out to play.

  Tong Zhao thinks that since she came back from her rebirth, the star journey has been smooth sailing. She hasn't experienced auditions much, so she tried "I Don't Be a Chivalrous Man" twice without seeing other auditions. Since I wanted to upgrade from a chess piece to a chess player, it is also necessary to understand the film production process, so after asking about the audition date, I squeezed time from the schedule: "I can come."


  After the decision was made, Shi Qianqiu hung up the phone neatly.


  The audition is set at two o'clock in the afternoon.

  In order to save costs, the audition will choose relatively simple scenes, and the clips will be very short, so that the fit between the actor and the role can be seen in the shortest plot. Tong Zhao had done a spa in the morning and arrived at the audition location 15 minutes early in the afternoon.

  The heating in the babysitter's car was fully turned on. After passing through the cold air in the parking lot, she walked into the warm studio building. The hot and cold air hit her eyes jerky, she regretted being lazy and not wearing sunglasses. Up.

  Find the number of the audition room and open the door, just to see Shi Qianqiu pointing the country.

  "Sister Xiao Zhao."

  Someone from the other side recognized Tong Zhao and greeted the reception warmly.

  When Shi Qianqiu heard the sound and looked back, the two looked at each other, and Tong Zhao saw a surprise on his well-mannered face. He stepped over and looked at her somewhat curiously: "Who bullied you and cried?"

  "I'm crying from nowhere."

  Shi Qianqiu motioned her to look at the mirror hanging next to her, and asked the actor to check her makeup.

  The round mirror reflected a pair of moist and red apricot eyes, as if tears were hanging.

  "When it gets cold and hot, the eyeballs are irritated,"

  Tong Zhao disapprovingly explained: "Are the people here?"

  "Here, you are debugging the equipment, do you want to see the script?"

  Tong Zhao nodded.

  Because the rental price of the luxury house in the feature film is too expensive, the cost of the audition will be overrun, so Xu Yiming rented another set of residential codes as the background of the audition. This wave of skilful money-saving operations has been amazed by the ages. In the WeChat group, he said that he would like to call it the king of the king.

  At the time, Tong Zhao thought to himself that this counts as crew bullying?

  As a result, Xu Yiming was so happy that he was praised by the idol, and Ma Lier changed his group nickname to Xu Yiming, the king of the king.

  ... The idea of ​​licking a dog, humans really don't understand.

  And bring the topic back to the status quo.

  Tong Zhao opened the paper script.

  The background of the script takes place in an unremarkable apartment. There are three characters on stage, an old couple and a daughter who returned to her natal family after being subjected to domestic violence.

  The script is only two thin pages and there are not many lines, but the scene is full of tension, and the beginning is conflict.

  "Audition Script"

  Time: six o'clock in the afternoon

  Location: Residential Apartment No. 01341


  Father Nie

  Nie Mu

  Nie Siyan

  Mother Nie was cooking dinner, and Father Nie was sitting at the dinner table reading the newspaper. The doorbell rang, Mother Nie put down the spoon and hurried to open the door, and found that it was her married daughter. The daughter looked tired and wore a heavy scarf (used to hide scars on her neck) that did not match the current season's temperature.

  Mother Nie asked her why she came back at this point, what about Lu Junsheng?

  Nie Siyan said embarrassingly that she was homesick.

  The sirloin and potatoes had just been stewed. Mother Nie asked her daughter to sit down and eat, and her parents cared about her current situation. After a brief period of depression, Nie Siyan confided that she had suffered domestic violence.

  The parents didn't believe it at first, until the daughter produced a certificate of injury.


  The audition script of the instinct film is set with the plot, by observing how the actor's subconscious chooses, and then the director team judges whether it is appropriate. The crew of "Never Island Girl" is relatively simple, basically the Eryantang of Shi Qianqiu and Tong Zhao.

  There are more than 20 people waiting for the audition. The queue is sorted by fame and price. Those who are satisfied with the candidates do not have to try, and the cost is kept to a minimum. It was the first time that Tong Zhao saw this kind of audition posture, and he was a little excited.

  The news that Tong Zhao came to supervise the work did not tell the auditioning staff. This was a confidential trip.

  The staff was busy, and asked Xiao Zhao if she needed anything.

  Tong Zhao shook his head.

  Before the audition started, Shi Qianqiu didn't know where to get a large glass of honey water and snacks.

  Potato chips popcorn toffee sweet potato fries, salty and sweet.

  Like many people, Tong Zhao didn't bother to eat when he was really hungry and thirsty, but it would be different if it was delivered to hand. She took the warm honey water and a basket of sweet fries. When she caught a glimpse of a large bucket of popcorn, she couldn't help but laugh: "Are you going to watch a movie?"

  "You are right."

  Shi Qianqiu sat down next to her, and the screen lit up on the big screen in the audition room.

  A slight difference from the general holographic surveillance images is that each auditioner has their number and name on their heads, which is a bit of a netizen feeling. The first pair of auditions is Chen Feilan and Su Qihua, a pair of Luye actors who often work together in sitcoms. They are subconsciously known for being strong and domineering. You can see their shadows in more than half of the irritating family dramas on the market.

  In the family dramas performed by the two of them, the audience often shouted, "When will the camera installed in my hometown" be heard. They often do not need script pre-written lines to perform very down-to-earth content... What sorts of methods are used to urge marriage? Kidnapping and getting their children to attend blind dates is totally natural.

  Instead of Tong Zhao, a subconsciously more docile woman who plays the role of her daughter is acting.

  The purpose of the audition is to let the auditioners play and see how well they fit the role. Tong Zhao had thought about going into battle in person, but was stopped by Shi Qianqiu-he said that he didn't want to be surprised, and secondly, it was not smooth after the day of the audition. It would have to be filmed many times. He prepared two pre-shows, so there is no need to toss her.

  The first pair of auditions began.

  Chen Feilan was cooking, Su Qihua read the newspaper, the doorbell rang...

  There is nothing wrong with the beginning of the plot.

  "Why come back at this point, Junsheng?"

  "He... he's busy, I don't know him, I just miss you and want to go home."

  "Come in first and sit down. If you are homesick, come back for a meal with Junsheng. Mom doesn't bother to cook one person's meal."

  A pot of stewed sirloin with potatoes was held to the center of the dinner table.

  Chen Feilan continued to care about her, one sentence after another, and the strong maternal love and worry could be heard in the words, and each sentence pressed her daughter's head down and couldn't lift it up.

  Shi Qianqiu made comments on the Ipad.

  Tong Zhao glanced at it: [Satisfied the suppression point in the name of love. ]

  The daughter wailed and explained that there was a reason for her abrupt return, and then she cried: "Mom, he beats me every day, so life can't go on..."

  "Hit you? How could it be possible?"

  In the script template setting, the two old sons-in-laws are delicate white-collar workers, and they don't look like the ruthless characters who would beat their wives in their imagination.

  Faced with the distrust of her parents, her daughter can only roll up her sleeves to prove it.

  It's the point of divergence in the plot.

  Su Qihua frowned, accusing her daughter of something wrong, and annoyed her son-in-law: "Going back to her natal family to seek justice at every turn will only make the young couple more distracted, so you just ran back, what will your family think? You?" Chen Feilan hid her face and wept, feeling distressed for her daughter's fate, and stopped her husband from letting him say: "Wait for mom to accompany you back, buy some gifts and talk to your family."

  After preaching, the daughter was silent and desperate.

  Chen Feilan pulled her sleeves back to cover the bruises on her arms, and told her neighbors to gossip.


  Tong Zhao frowned: "They are still more suitable for TV series."

  Shi Qianqiu agreed: "The subconscious can't play that kind of spoiling feeling."

  The two whispered to understand the role.

  "The original intention of the heroine's parents to raise their daughter in captivity was to protect her, for fear that she would die unexpectedly like the eldest daughter. Even if the love changes unknowingly, the focus should be on over-protection of the daughter. Their subconsciousness can indeed help. It will bring out contradictions with a strong sense of substitution in a short time, but it is not what I want."

  Tong Zhao said.

  "Yes, I also want to make this movie romantic and beautiful, rather than a short-term sitcom at home."

  "But with them, the part where the protagonist quarrels with his parents for personal autonomy must be wonderful."

  "Look at the performance of other people."

  Tong Zhao nodded.

  The second pair of auditioners offered to take their daughter to the police, but they hesitated again under the obstruction of their daughter. The family faced the gloomy face of potato stewed sirloin.

  Even though the third pair of auditioners saw the scars on their daughter, they still did not want to believe that she suffered domestic violence, and more willing to believe in the good impression of the son-in-law in the memory. So how could a gentle scholar hit a woman?

  Tong Zhao opened his eyes when trying this pair.

  Shi Qianqiu was very patient and didn't see any irritation. As usual, he asked about the information about the auditioners. Since the audition is ranked from high to low, when the fourth pair was tried, there were very strange names that Tong Zhao had never seen before.

  When the screen lights up again, the two cheer up.

  The previous plot went down smoothly, and the daughter said that she had been cruelly treated at her husband's house. Shi Qianqiu: "I'll recite the next line--really? How could it be? Did he push you a bit and you overreacted?"

  Tong Zhao put a handful of potato chips on his popcorn bucket: "You can't plug your mouth."

  The face of the parents changed drastically in the monitoring screen.

  The actor who played the mother trembled and stroked her daughter's bruises, tears streaming down silently, hugging her into his arms and patted her back to soothe her. It's the fourth time that she has entered the same plot in her daughter's pre-act, numb and unknowingly, sadness and pain are like a mask on her face.

  And this mask collapsed and melted in the mother's embrace.

  "The girl won't go back, so will you stay at home in the future?"


  Seeing the parents offered not to go back to the house, the daughter hesitated instead. The mother persuaded her with a half-coaxing and half-deceptive tone. She looked at her father hesitantly, and his father nodded: "Listen to your mother."

  This time, Qianqiu did not stop in advance, and let the three of them continue to perform for a short while, guiding her daughter to ask specific questions in the background: "If I divorce Junsheng, there will be no place to live..."

  "How come there is no place to live? Just stay at home and sleep with your mother. You slept among us when you were young."

  "At my age, it's hard to find a match for the second marriage."

  The mother hugged her from behind: "If you don't marry, you will live with your mother for the rest of your life."


  When the two protagonists came out of the holographic camera cabin, there was a time when the guidance assistant stepped forward to inform them that they had obtained the role of the heroine's parents, which was a pleasant surprise.

  Since the previous generation grew up in the era of traditional movies, most of them are somewhat resistant to instinctive movies. They always think that such high-tech things must have a lot of radiation to sit in. Therefore, except for the green leaf actors who are serious about this industry, most of them audition in the studios. All of them have a bad life and try their best to make extra money.

  These two performances are also one of them.

  Zhang Silian, who was chosen as the mother of the heroine, is a single mother. She was still waiting to get her salary back to subsidize her married and married son. She immediately smiled and thanked her assistant.

  "Thank me for what? It was Shi Dao's decision,"

  The assistant laughed, watching the two temporary performers look terrified after the surprise. For fear that they might not be able to play such an important role, they offered reasonable and well-founded comfort: "Today is not only the guide, even Sister Xiao Zhao is here. Both of you think that you two are suitable for this role, so please wait for the shooting with peace of mind!"

  The other auditioners have already gone to the next audition, and only the first pair is still waiting for notification.

  Chen Feilan and Su Qihua had observed other opponents before the audition, and felt that this time the audition was very stable. They waited and waited, but unexpectedly they waited for the treasure.


  Chen Feilan muttered, "Didn't you say that you are familiar with Shi Dao?"

  Su Qihua, who was punctured, felt a little frustrated.

  Because of his friendship with Shi Qianqiu, he would often meet in the city's studios. He defended: "Didn't you hear that the leading actress is also here today. She doesn't like us, and Shi's director can't help her." "

  "Really lacking insight."

  Chen Feilan believed that it was true, and his impression of Tong Zhao fell drastically.

  Strictly control freak parents, they have played a lot better, is it too expensive to dislike them? Chen Feilan really thought about making a movie addiction, so she put this account on Tong Zhao...

  On the other side, Tong Zhao accompanied him to audition for the rest of the odds and ends, and was called by Shi Qianqiu, "Do you have any plans next?"

  Tong Zhao shook his head.

  "I'm hungry, so I just stopped by for a meal? Last time I said I wanted to treat me, but I never had a chance."

  The last time here has to be traced back to the time when "The Ruthless Tribulation" was filmed.

  Tong Zhao's evening schedule was indeed empty, and the experience of seeing the audition together was very relaxing and enjoyable, so she agreed after a little thought, and told the assistant that she didn't need to send her back.

  The assistant got off work early in the nanny car.

  Five minutes later, Tong Zhao was standing next to Shi Qianqiu's fluorescent green sports car, and the idea of ​​calling the driver to drive the nanny car back came up.