Chapter 106

  "I don't like this one and there are others."

  There are two types of parking spaces under the studio.

  One is public parking spaces.

  Said to be public, in fact, it is only open to guests with reservations, so there is no contract. The little transparent extras who have not been invited by the studio can only take public transportation or park their car in a nearby parking lot before walking.

  Another type of private parking space is usually purchased by major entertainment companies. When your own artists come to film or

  With that, Shi Qianqiu took Tong Zhao to another low-key black Bentley. Seeing Tong Zhao's obvious relief, his thin lips raised a faint smile: "The cars at home are all black. I'm a little tired of it. When I buy a car, I want to pick some colorful ones."

  Fluorescent green is too colorful.

  When Tong Zhao remembered, Shi Qianqiu's family seemed to be related to some gray industries, and then he thought of "the cars in the house are all black"... Good guy, the image of a Jidao prince leapt on paper. Shi Qianqiu opened the car door for her. After seeing her expression, even if she didn't speak, she could still catch her mind with kindness: "Yes, I'm the young master who lived outside of Shi's family. The last time I went home The two rows of convoys were so crowded that the roads were blocked, and two rows of men in black suits bowed to me ninety degrees to welcome Master Shura back to his place."


  After getting into the car, Tong Zhao rolled his eyes at him without the image of a lady: "I thought that the aesthetics of your car selection and my childhood should have a common language."

  From Shi Qianqiu's mouth, he uttered a familiar name: "Wei Zekai?"

  Tong Zhao didn't expect that he could guess so accurately, and was a little surprised.

  "He's very simple."

  "Look at your strength, the scandal is true?" Shi Qianqiu curled his lower lip and sat in the driver's seat.

  Tong Zhao pulled the mask upwards, trying to hide his slapped face behind the mask.

  "Your tone just now, I think about it, where did you read it?"

  Shi Qianqiu said, shook his smart watch, and after a little operation, he picked out the section he wanted to find from the massive library. The small watch has powerful functions and is directly connected to the car stereo, so accompanied by a selection of eight o'clock gears, the screen lights up, which is a very substitutable stereo sound effect.

  ["Tell me, who is that woman yours?"

  Dressed in a plain original outfit, he grabbed the husband who was about to go out, and questioned with tears.

  "I don't even know who you are talking about."

  "You don't have to lie to me," the original partner sneered. "Your company's new assistant Mary, just graduated from college, right? You know how to seduce someone's husband at such a young age, so you can do it!"

  Hearing Marry's name, her husband frowned and pulled her hand away: "I don't know what you are talking about. Don't go crazy when I hear that there are new female classmates in my company."

  "Wow, don't you admit it, I even have her phone number and address. Would you like me to ask her family members with your room opening and chat records?"

  Hearing that his wife was going to confront Xiaosan, the husband finally couldn't help but change his face and yelled at her: "You are crazy, people are different from you, she is very simple, I want to protect her. Listen, we It's the business of your own family when you close the door, and you must be happy if you don't come to the stage if everyone has no face!?"...]

  This is really yelling.

  Tong Zhao only hated that the mask he pulled up could not cover his ears.

  "You can find movies so fast, do you have all the resources as long as you have a serial number?"

  Tong Zhao drove a wave of strange cars.


  Shi Qianqiu shook his wrist again, and the picture and sound disappeared at the same time: "Occupational diseases, I will absorb a lot of information when I am not filming. I have seen almost all the instinct movies on the market, including some bad ones, and sometimes I think they are bad. Very creative."

  Tong Zhao raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

  Although she didn't speak, Shi Qianqiu was able to follow her thoughts, as if she was doing an exchange of ideas: "This trick I used to often use when I was in love, no matter what the scene is, I can call up classic love lines that suit the atmosphere. …I'm a screenwriter and director, right? Let the movie speak for me."

  This trick is a bit high.

  Han Zhi: [I learned it. ]

  Tong Zhao: [You are not right. ]

  "It's very romantic,"

  While Tong Zhao expressed his approval, he was a little curious: "What happened later?"

  "Nothing later, I haven't been in a relationship recently," Shi Qianqiu's black Bentley drove quietly into the traffic, his faint smile reflected in the rearview mirror, and the background in his eyes was cold: "I I don't think you will be impressed by this set... If I were your boyfriend, how would you react to this trick?"

  Tong Zhao held his chin and looked at the fast passing scenery outside the window, and replied somewhat distractedly:

  "Me? You might say, don't talk about work when you are dating, just say it yourself when you love me."

  When she spoke of the word love, her expression softened, and the light outside the window fell into her Mingli Xing's eyes, with a crescent-like luster, so beautiful that Qianqiu, who saw this scene in the central rearview mirror, wanted to shoot. She can't wait to shoot.

  So Shi Qianqiu's thinking jumped to filming:

  "By the way, why did you fancy this script? The script is good, but there must be something that appeals to you in particular."

  When it comes to work, Tong Zhao also has the spirit.

  Although they didn't know where to go for dinner, the car seemed to be a long way away, but the two of them kept chatting on the topic of "Never Island Girl", and when they turned around, the swing would invite her to eat.

  The quiet Japanese restaurant adopted an appointment system. The two sat down in front of the sushi chef and never saw other diners again—Tong Zhao guessed that only a group of guests were received at a time.

  The characteristic of this Japanese food seems to be that there are many different wines. The wooden shelves are dazzling and even the wine utensils are very particular. Each meal is accompanied by different wines. Only two sips, the alcohol content is not high, Tong Zhaoyi The entrance knows that the other party is not drunk with her.

  Tong Zhao laughed and teased: "Drinking is quite a lot, but not intoxicating."

  "It's okay to get drunk," Shi Qianqiu pours the wine for her, and the amount is shallow: "I don't feel sorry for the wine and money. How can people talk when their heads are numb when they drink?"

  Shi Qianqiu subverted her impression of him again.

  In private gatherings, Shi Qianqiu is not a cynical young literary and artistic youth, but can make in-depth discussions on the film industry, with a novel and sober perspective:

  "My movies always sell well. What is the wealth code? To put it bluntly, I know what the audience wants to watch. The advent of the instinctive film era has changed the audience. What's interesting is that the audience has to adapt to the era ahead of many film practitioners. The torrent of change, when many directors are still struggling with how to refine the script to control the plot, the plot will become conservative and boring... Isn't it funny to use the subconscious shooting technique to think of the effects of traditional movies? "

  "You will become popular, and one of the factors is that your subconscious was born out of the constant product of problems like instinct movies."

  "The wonderful variety of your subconscious mind is the first time I have seen it in so many years as a director."

  Shi Qianqiu drinks a good amount, but he still drinks more than Tong Zhao.

  Slightly drunk, he softened his eyes. He looked at Tong Zhao with eyebrows and eyes, his tone suddenly softened: "They said that your subconscious is unstable and not suitable for instinct movies, but I don't think so, and I am a successful one. Director, many times more successful than the person who said these words..."

  He paused.

  There is still a lot to say.

  For example, Shi Qianqiu proposed that he wanted "Han Zhi" to play the leading role. In addition to seeing that his subconsciousness is really suitable for the leading role, he also hid his stubbornness to dig out the more attractive side of Tong Zhao's subconsciousness- -Why?-Just because Tong Zhao is subconsciously different, you say she is not suitable? He doesn't believe it.

  It's just that these words are a bit numb.

  Passers-by and fans who didn't know the truth heard it and thought it was a sweet conversation between a domineering director and a favorite movie star.


  Shi Qianqiu just wanted to have a fight with the instinct actor he fancyed, and slap all opponents in the face.


  The meal was very enjoyable.

  When the two of them took the elevator downstairs, the corners of Tong Zhao's lips behind the mask bend in a pleasant arc.

  When the elevator door opened, Tong Zhao still wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he was interrupted by the sound of the shutter. Tong Zhao turned his head vigilantly and looked at the sound source with a pair of apricot eyes whose smile disappeared in an instant.

  Paparazzi didn't expect her to react so quickly.

  But what about it?

  The target person looked at the camera, and Yuji took more joyful shots. Tong Zhao made a judgment within a second-she left her eyes indifferently and walked to Shi Qianqiu's car. She doesn't care about how these entertainment records got her action information, she can't prevent it anyway, unless she hides at home for 24 hours...



  As Tong Zhao expected, she almost arrived home on the front foot, and kept up with the hot search topics on the back foot. It seems that the batch of entertainment reporters can't help but want to sell the photos as soon as possible. Tong Zhao greeted Sister Chu at the time. The PR decided not to buy these photos, but to promote the film. The scandal is also easy to explain-the film cooperation, I went to the audition in the afternoon, after watching one. What's so weird about going for a potluck?

  Seeing the overwhelming scandal, Tong Zhao drank a cup of hot tea and was shocked and relieved.

  This time her WeChat is much calmer.

  It seems that her friends have learned to distinguish the true from the fake news-especially the small partners of Zeshan Ventures, who are particularly calm. They calmly watched Wei Zekai anxiously, and left it alone for 99.

  Tong Zhao clicked to take a look, and immediately laughed.

  Wei Zekai: [Are you not in a hurry? ? ? ]

  Wei Zekai: [The wild man wants to kidnap Tong Zhao! ! ! ]

  Second-generation A: [Come on, Sister Zhao will definitely tell us if she really gets out of the order. ]

  Second generation B: [He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry, he is in a hurry, he is in a hurry]

  Second-generation C: [No one really broke the defense against a few photos, right? No way, no way? ]

  No one understands the danger, and he feels bitter.

  Wei Zekai made an expression of punching out with anger:

  [You don't understand, Shi Qianqiu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I am afraid that Tong Zhao will be fooled if he is too innocent. ]


  When he saw this sentence, Tong Zhao was distracted, thinking of the eight o'clock dog blood TV series that Shi Qianqiu had shown her. The other friends of Zeshan Ventures were not impressed by his words. After all, no matter how you look at it, only Sister Zhao plays with others. She is too innocent to be fooled? Uh...

  Only Young Master Wei felt that way.