Chapter 130

  Spoilers are inevitable.

  Spoilers with warnings are shared harmoniously. Spoilers without warnings may be unaware, and there are some spoiler parties who are disgusting with others-came into being. Of course, there are also movies that are about to be released and the scolding is put on hold. The spoiler little policeman, in short, forbids things about human nature.

  However, today when instinctive movies are popular, copyright awareness and the quality of viewing movies are improving, and most people also have the consciousness not to spoil them or to warn them of winning bids. The rest is deliberately disgusting, to catch up with the first and second days of the show, just to spoil those fans who are full of expectations for the new movie and can't make it to the premiere day because of the work schedule.

  So what is the essential purpose of these villains?

  Is it a spoiler?

  It's the disgusting pleasure of success after the spoiler!

  After watching "The Myth of Iya", this part of the little bad guys did not escape the disgusting fate of Qianqiu when they were the ultimate boss behind the scenes. They were tortured with a dazed expression. After careful consideration, they found that they were justified and well-founded. If there is reason and evidence, the more difficult it will be.

  When they want to spoiler, what do they think of?

  If it's spoiled...

  Later, the audience watched with a psychological warning, which was equivalent to bringing their own protective shield, so they were not so sad.

  Is this alright?

  This is not good! ! !

  The gang wanted to get rid of the disgusting little bad things through spoilers, so they closed their mouths unanimously.

  If hair knife is an art, then Shi Qianqiu is the top art master. His traditional art is to wrap the knife with the sweetest candy, and Tong Zhao is the sharpest blade in his hand. There was a netizen who said that "Yiya Mythology" was spoiled all over the sky without the first day of the show, so I just went to catch it after get off work to see what it was like.

  Smiled into the cinema and walked out in tears.

  There was a grand occasion in the film review area-

  "Can Shi Qianqiu die?" ? ? ? "

  "I'm so stupid, really, how can I believe the movie of the old thief!" "

  "Summary of the movie of the old thief the shining knife with jewels"

  "Isn't it like crying on the day of becoming a god?" ? ? "

  Netizens who are not interested in fantasy themes will also be curiosity aroused by the overwhelming anger, and reply to the post and ask [Is the movie bad? Tong Zhao's word of mouth exploded? The movie is boring? ]

  As soon as the question about whether the movie was rotten or not, the audience who originally scolded the old thief on the forum suddenly closed their voices, and their attitude changed

  [Movies, movies are not bad, they look good...]

  [It's just not the end, you never believe what movie this is]

  [Dare you assume this is a love movie? /狗头]

  [There is love, and fantasy is also great, and it's not a loss to watch the special effects. Sister Zhao's word of mouth did not explode, and her beauty and aura were bursting. Alas, I would know when I went to see it. I also had to brush off with my sister. ]

  You can't bully when Qianqiu doesn't have a fan, he has a fan, so let's analyze it on the forum and Weibo——

  Speaking of the director's movie, the first time you see people, the second time you see the scene, and the third time you can understand the plot.

  I don't understand it very well, but it feels great.

  Of course, running water alone is impossible, and the film crew did not make little effort to announce the release. This will ease Sun Sa's emotional state a little bit, and he and Tong Zhao joined hands in two variety shows. Under the propaganda offensive that spares no expense, in addition to fans who are looking forward to Tong Zhao's new works, many netizens also bought holographic viewing rights with curiosity...

  What kind of movie is "The Myth of Yiya"?


  Due to high enough investment, "Yia Mythology" opened up the latest immersive viewing method.

  That is, it can be substituted into a specific character, although it cannot speak, and cannot affect the plot, it is attached to the character like a lonely soul, watching the movie in the first person of the character, and at the same time, you can experience his psychological changes. . Due to the complexity of the technology, the current technology can only "possess" the main role, and the data collected by the supporting actors is not enough to support this technology.

  Of course, this is another price.

  This is a special service that is not available in traditional movies.

  Because it is too expensive and the cost is very high, there are only a few super-produced movies every year willing to do so.

  So when "The Myth of Yiya" only had the male protagonist Dion's visual options, although there were some complaints, most of the fans agreed-in the first person, you can't see "self", so look at the child Zhao still depends on Sun Sa, they will still choose the former.

  After all, the fare is small and expensive, and those who are willing to spend the money are mostly out of confidence in Tong Showa's time, or really addicted to the immersive movie-watching experience.

  As a result, this group of core fans was substituted for the actor Dion.

  Among them, Song Wanzhuo is also included.

  This technology is too front-end, you can't enjoy it with a helmet at home, you have to go to the cinema. He thought that it would be too pitiful to watch it alone, so he bought more tickets and invited the agent to watch it together, but people said no, it was inconvenient.

  Song Wanzhuo [What's inconvenient? ]

  Agent [I want to accompany my daughter-in-law to see it. You can go to the cinema by yourself. It's best not to bring a girl. ]

  Subtext No one wants you, but someone wants me.

  Song Wanzhuo's mentality on the spot was a little broken.

  In fact, it's okay to go and see it alone, but I bought all the tickets, so I arrogantly sent out a circle of friends, thinking what if the marriage came? There are many beautiful ladies in his WeChat, and he usually talks to him, but he has no interest and always finds it boring.

  Like many good single dogs.

  The sea king in psychology, the widowed king in action.

  As a result, someone Song Wanzhuo didn't expect to comment.

  Not only comment, but also directly chat with him privately, and send voice notes.

  ——[I have time that day, so I can watch it together. ]

  Very gentle voice.

  It's a pity it's a man.

  Song Wanzhuo [No, Jiang Dang, are you sure you want to watch it with me? ? ? ? ]

  Jiang Dang [Is there any problem? ]

  Jiang Dang [[The kitten comes out of the trash can.jpg]]

  Song Wanzhuo [Fine, go and see, I tell you not to be cute, my brother will not eat this set. ]

  Jiang Dang didn't think he was selling cute. He had planned to watch Tong Zhao's movie, but he happened to see it in his circle of friends and he made an appointment.

  As for Song Wanzhuo, he thought more realistically.

  Jiang Dang has been very popular recently, and his popularity is a little bit higher than him. It doesn't hurt that the two are familiar with each other.

  The two came to the cinema fully armed, which happened to be the third day of the release of "The Myth of Iya".

  Through Dion's eyes, they embarked on an adventure in Garland.

  I didn't see Tong Zhao in the first 15 minutes.

  "I want to see Tong Zhao soon, but the movie itself is not boring. Dieng passed the test in order to gain the status of a paladin, but also brought out the worldview. It is a mature narrative lens, worthy of being a time guide," Song Wan said. Commenting, these fifteen minutes are the beginning of a very traditional cool film, with a little to show off the money-burning scene "Damn, the male protagonist is not a pendant in the movie, this newcomer is dead, so envious, how can such a good thing fall? What about my head? I feel like him subconsciously."

  Song Wanzhuo's subconscious image is very mature.

  It is a stable and decent leadership personality with a bit of straight male cancer.

  Jiang Dang nodded, "Yes, why does this kind of good thing fall on me? My subconscious mind is also very suitable."


  Song Wanzhuo turned his head to look at him "Are you serious?"


  You may have a little misunderstanding about the subconscious...

  After watching the handsome face who didn't think he had a big problem for a while, Song Wanzhuo felt that he should wear a helmet and concentrate on watching the movie.

  The film has developed to the stage where the heroine Iya appears.

  Under the immersive experience, the audience completely felt the shock of the actor Dion when he saw the saint Ia.

  And even if you don't have an immersive experience, you can feel it from the holographic viewing.

  How can it look better than the beautified picture in the trailer?

  The girl stepped forward to give a salute, and the light of the temple shone on her face. All the audience's breathing stopped for a moment. They couldn't separate their eyes from her face-she was so delicate and fragile, even a strand of hair was tinged with light. As holy, loving the weak is not a man's privilege, even if it is a female audience who comes to watch the movie with her boyfriend, she really wants to engage in lily with her at this moment.

  Yan control is gender-neutral.

  Song Wanzhuo is a typical example of an aesthetic crit among straight male audiences.

  "My god... it's worth it just to face her face, oh oh oh, she should take more such beautiful movies, less fights and kills, girls are gentle and delicate, how fragrant I am It's Diang Benang, to protect the saint forever!"

  He mumbled while watching the movie.

  Anyway, it is the box that will not disturb others.

  "She is indeed beautiful."

  Jiang Dang had a meal "However, I think she is also very attractive when she fights and kills."

  Especially when hitting him.

  Song Wanzhuo's licking emotion was interrupted again.

  Fortunately, the immersive experience of the male protagonist's perspective is simply a top-notch benefit for his boyfriend fans. He enjoys Tong Zhao's gentle and soft language in the first person, which makes his desire to protect unprecedentedly inflated.

  The main line of "Yia Myth" is the crisis of the red moon and the sacrifice of light.

  The pope promised that as long as Iya completed the mission and returned alive, he would choose her as the true saint of the royal palace.

  The main line and plot rhythm of the commercial blockbuster are very clear, which is also the consensus of the audience, so when the "radish" hangs in front, the audience subconsciously remembers this and thinks at ease-well, this should be It's the benefits the protagonist will get in the finale, not bad.

  The plot line is that the protagonist squad and a group of people go to the Youhua Forest to destroy the dark temple, which is based on the danger that occurs in the forest.

  A mediocre movie takes a long time, and a wonderful movie has no pee. The plot of "The Myth of Yiya" is very fast. The protagonist group soon entered the Youhua Forest, setting off a new perspective and wonder——

  In Dion's perspective, there was a thick fog around him, and Norrence set up an enchantment vigilantly. The young magician immediately discovered with horror that his enchantment eggs were not used, and they were drawn into the hallucinations.

  In this illusion, they seemed to fly, looking down the entire Garan continent from above.

  Look at this continent from only birds and beasts to the beginning of human civilization.

  This is the perspective of the gods.

  This movie-watching experience was so enjoyable that Song Wanzhuo suddenly forgot that he was visiting his wife. He was so excited that Qianqiu was the god of money-burning aesthetics.

  It turns out that entering the Youhua Forest will play a simulation game from the perspective of the gods?

  As a god, the protagonist witnessed the war between the gods on both sides. Song Wanzhuo, who had bought the perspective of Dieng, felt like a blow, and he wanted to fight the dark camp for three hundred rounds. Dion thought so too. He was originally an activist of faith, and this would be even more determined to his sweetheart, promising that as long as he lives a day, he will use his life to guard the Temple of Light, and will never allow the Dark God to invade the king again.

  Iya didn't speak, but looked at him tenderly, with pity and affection in his eyes.

  Jiang Dang moved in his heart.

  Song Wanzhuo didn't doubt that he was there. When the goddess looked at him, he made a pink bubble in his heart "I can't do it anymore. I'm so screaming because of the goddess, Jiang Dang, give me some reaction!"

  "What reaction..."

  Jiang Dang looked a little dazed, he hesitated, and said, "It feels like Alice in Wonderland."

  Facing the differences in the history of the gods' wars, the actor did not hesitate to stand on the side of the god of light.

  In the "illusion", they came to the center of the sea of ​​time and saw the scene of the negotiation between the two gods. Although it was only a remnant phantom, the volume that stood shoulder to shoulder with the sky still carried a vast and unpredictable coercion, and the sun slowly moved from the east. As it rises, the sea level pulls a ray of golden light, and Iya turns a blind eye to the coercion of the two gods. She is as petite as an ant stepping on the water and walking briskly.

  If you look at it from the public's perspective, you will find that the scenery stretches far, and Iya is between the two gods.

  From the perspective of Dion...

  He only saw the girl's light and beautiful appearance like an elf, sweet in his heart, in this shocking visual spectacle, he could only see her, and he could only see her.

  At this time, Iya looked back and raised a bright smile at him


  "Is this what a god looks like?"

  If there is a sound when falling in love, it must be the saint calling his name.

  The movie is all sweet here.

  It's sweet to Song Wanzhuo's boyfriend. He imagined that his love with Tong Zhao should be like this. Although she is very capable, he can also be a great hero in her world and save Jialan mainland—though I have a secondary disease, but which teenager has never dreamed of it? Be a big hero and hold a big beauty.

  Solved the mystery in the illusion and found the door to the dark temple.

  Entering the door requires a bright believer to dedicate his heart.

  Here the audience really let go of their hearts.

  Sometimes Qianqiu's movies have no inner taste without doing something.

  Isn't it the same as in "The Ruthless Jie" Set a dead end for the protagonist.

  "Hmm, the old thief's knife finally came," Song Wanzhuo was confident, he was also a person who had watched "Relentless Tribulation" "My Xiaozhao sister is here, why won't you break the game? Can it be rare? Live her subconscious?"

  After trying to forcibly break the door and fail, Dion volunteered to dig his own heart before Iya could speak. This made Sun Sa a lot of viewers who like purely big boys.

  -"No, I don't want you to sacrifice yourself."

  Yiya shook her head, still looking soft and beautiful.

  Her voice is clear and beautiful, and anyone who sees this will feel that she has to sacrifice herself. The supporting actress Norrence, who had been a little prejudiced against her before, and changed because of the difficulties he faced together, was even more moved and ashamed at this time. He felt that Lord Saint's ideological consciousness was high.

  With the solemn and heavy music, the fans are very calm, thinking that Tong Zhao's subconscious must have a way.

  A director has never been rare to live her!

  Isn't Shi Qianqiu also fond of her ability to break games?

  Haha, want to abuse us, there is no door.

  Just wait to see Tong Zhao come back, hey, but the atmosphere is really touching. The little couple Dion and Iya are really sweet cp...

  The next second, the music stopped.

  ——"Isn't there a ready-made one here?"

  Yiya asked questioningly, her voice was always innocent and childish.

  After being assigned to the Saintess Reserve, these orphans were very well protected and could easily hide from outsiders. Therefore, what Iya showed was her innocence and innocence. Norrence has always bothered her very much. She didn't know the sufferings of the world, and Versailles was simply annoying.

  And at this time, she scratched in the void--


  On the snow-white and tender hand, there was a bright red heart still beating.

  Norrence did not have time to ask why.

  She stared at Iya in astonishment.

  Just like countless viewers, with the confusion of not understanding the status quo, he died of horror and despair, and fell back on the mud.

  The audience is thinking, is Tong Zhao the collapse of the people? From her subconscious performance in "One Life Survival", it is indeed possible to kill teammates and sacrifice knives. With a lighter concept of good and evil, she seems not very suitable for the role of Yiya...

  While thinking about it this way, Iya placed the bleeding heart in the center of the door.

  "Do you know why only people who have a pious belief in the god of light can enter the Youhua Forest? Because the key to open the temple is the heart of the believer," Iya still said softly, without background music, but her beautiful voice More exciting than any piece of music "I am not willing to let you be the victim..."

  Dion reacted.

  At this time, he still didn't think Iya was a bad person, only that she hurt the killer to protect herself. He lifted up the body of his teammate and put it aside so that it would not be submerged in mud. Then, Dion caught up to her and asked her.

  The interior of the dark temple is intricate, but the saint is like returning to her hometown.

  "Protect you? No,"

  Yiya glanced at him in surprise, a little funny "For someone like you, it is more painful for your teammates to sacrifice for you than to sacrifice yourself? For Norrence, she cherishes her life the most, even if you Being a friend, she also hopes that she will survive when she chooses one of the two."

  In Dion's panic gaze, he saw the blood-stained white skirt.

  She is still beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful.

  But he couldn't understand her anymore.

  Yiya's tone was empty and light, and there was even an echo in the empty temple "Seeing that she wants to live so much, I want her to die."

  At this time, audiences who are confident in Tong Zhao know that something is wrong.

  However, the rhythm of this period is very fast, and the audience is not given time to stop and think. Iya walked into the temple and activated the magic circle, accepting the inheritance of the dark god. At this time, the actor and the audience remembered the beginning of the movie. , I thought it was just garbage time to explain the worldview boringly...

  Why is the pit buried here?

  With you, a handsome fellow who betrayed the revolution?

  Iya showed him the war from the perspective of the Dark God.

  At this time the audience thought

  Well, there are shady scenes, the dark gods are actually good people and have hardships

  Let the audience guess, does Shi Qianqiu still use chaos?

  The dark god is indeed a representative of evil, and it has no place to wash white.

  However, as early as a hundred years ago, the Dark God did not exist in Jialan Continent.

  The God of Light has long turned his back on its followers.

  The advent of the red moon is a hoax made by the Holy Court, summoning dark creatures to suffocate the creatures, in order to intimidate the king and make him obey the Pope and the Holy Court.

  ——"Since the guards and worshippers are false gods, and they like to cause disasters, why not come to believe in me."

  ——"I am the new god of Jialan Continent."

  ——"It will also be your only faith."

  The white dress on the saint who was inherited turned black in the blink of an eye, and the graceful figure of Iya snow-white was wrapped in ink. Her logic was very easy to understand. Hasn't the church been committed to creating "natural disasters" to gain a stable position? Then she will satisfy you, the true darkness god descends on Jialan Continent in the red moon, are you satisfied? You should kneel down and worship her!

  Dion was lost.

  Of course, the movie is only halfway through at this time.

  The audience only needs to look at the length of time to know that the movie has left him time to counterattack and kill.

  Iya let him go and let him return to the royal capital with Norrence's body safely.

  What came back with him was the news that the Dark God had descended on the Jialan Continent. The inside of the church was very calm. They thought that this was the "false image" they made and succeeded until the dark creatures attacked on a scale that exceeded the estimate. I found myself playing off.

  Shi Qianqiu is indeed very provocative.

  Child Sun Sa is a partner of justice, and his sense of mission is unprecedentedly strong. He feels that since he has learned the truth, he has the obligation to set things right-looking at this sense of justice, it would be a waste of talents not to go fast. After a series of battles, the truth about the deception of the church was revealed by the male protagonist, but even if the previous dark god was fake, the current dark saint is also real!

  The birth of the Dark God means endless war and suffering.

  The responsibility of God Tu fell on the male protagonist again.

  Iya, who had just acquired the inheritance, didn't have the strength of a god, but had the ability to summon dark creatures. Just find her and find a way to kill her. The protagonist shoulders the hope of the entire royal capital, but all the viewers who have purchased the immersive experience know that he still loves her.

  He didn't even want to win, he would rather die in her hands.

  But the sense of justice made him do his best and didn't stroke the water.

  Movies are commercial films, and Shi Qianqiu has always served well in terms of "coolness".

  After going through hardships and dangers, the actor came to the place of the ultimate decisive battle-according to the documents he found and deciphered, it is best to rest in the place where the breath of the old gods is strongest after accepting the inheritance of the gods, so he found the center of the sea of ​​time. Where the two gods left...

  This is the first time he has truly come to the core of the sea of ​​time.

  The last time it was just an illusion.

  Countless audiences met his sweetheart with Dion.

  Yiya took off the red crescent moon in the sky and used it as a seat, and put her long legs on the tail of the red moon, shining with cold light, reflecting her cold white skin like snow. With platinum curly hair draped over her slender shoulders, she turned her head and smiled

  "You really came."

  This scene was not designed by Shi Qianqiu.

  He has a good aesthetic, but he didn't expect to take the moon off and use it as a mount so mad.

  This is the habit that Yiya left over the long years.

  The world, the sun and the moon are all used by her.


  The actor and Jiang Dang thought together.

  He seemed to fall in love with her again.