Chapter 131 

  The final battle is the most intense filming of the entire crew.

  Shi Qianqiu arranged the anti-kill mechanism for the hero.

  The problem is that his opponent is Tong Zhao.

  That's Tong Zhao!

  In holographic photography with a mature system and complete logic, her subconscious can often find a ray of life even in adversity. What's more, this kind of big advantage of her own side has caused her to be overturned? Even if it is as mean as the times, he has to arrange some powerful artifacts for the hero, such as the Excalibur "Twilight of the Gods", and add a setting...

  When the red moon descends, the dark creatures have multiplied and become particularly powerful, because the dark god has given part of his own divine power to its followers, so it has become a situation of strength outside and weakness inside.

  Weaken Yiya as much as possible and strengthen the hero.

  After doing all the black box operations, Shi Qianqiu still couldn't relax.

  It is very simple to make Tong Zhao win.

  Wanting her to lose is as difficult as the sky.

  The hero's weapon is a sword that can satisfy all boys' fantasies, shining lightly, and the paladin's armor is still white all the way. And what about Yiya? She jumped from the red moon, with her toes hanging on the water, is she going to grab an artifact out of thin air?

  Just as the audience was speculating, Yiya bent over, and her thin waist with an imperfect grip caught the attention of all the audience.

  Including the male lead.

  She stretched out her hand into the sea gracefully, grasped the "red moon" reflected on the sea, and pulled the moon's shadow out of the sea. A bright red sickle dipping the cold water was held in her hand, like a harvest. The god of death of all things.

  "Fuck! Isn't that a reflection?"

  "No way for this scene, I have to buy a video and watch it carefully. It's clearly a shadow!"

  Song Wanzhuo looked fascinated.

  He is regarded as a typical mainstream movie audience-as long as the plot is reasonable, watching special effects films will be daunted by the imaginative and shocking scenery, and it is easy to please. While he was excited by the scene of burning funds, he wondered how the protagonist would fight back against the disparity in strength between the two parties?

  The previous story also explained that the male protagonist is not fighting alone. He also has teammates in the capital divided into two soldiers. They go to the dark temple in the flower forest to find a way to break the game, and he comes alone to find the body.

  This is a very traditional commercial film routine.

  The protagonist is different from the villain. The difference is that the protagonist is very team spirit, but when it comes to the real part, the protagonist must defeat the opponent personally. The teammates are purely superfluous. These days are all familiar, and he never goes wrong in rhythm.

  Before "betraying", Yiya spoke very little and always looked demure and beautiful.

  And after "blackening"...

  "Anyway, you have to have faith, why can't you believe in me?"

  "Repentance is the real arrogance. Why did you choose the right path and I was wrong? The Dark God is the ultimate belief of the entire continent. The Holy Court creates dark creatures and provokes war in order to take control. This is not in line with me. Waiting for the doctrine?"

  The special effects produced by Shi Qianqiu burned the money to dominate the screen. The heroine Yiya's elegant and imposing aura was not taken away from the limelight in this battle. On the contrary, it made the audience feel that their eyes could not be seen, and they bought the immersion. The audience of the style experience feels that it is worth the fare, and the sense of substitution is super strong, and they can even deeply experience the strong love and psychological struggle of the actor for her-this is definitely an experience that only holographic movies can have! Just like the big 3D movie of "Avatar" back then, stealing can't shake its box office status, why? Because it's a movie that can't be experienced at home, and you have to go to the top Lam giant screen to experience the best visual effects...

  This is the reason why the audience must go into the cinema.

  With this special, why can't you get the money out of the audience's pockets?

  If you want to see such a bursting scene and the goddess played by Tong Zhao, you can only spend it in the cinema!

  All film critics who went to watch the movie saw this scene, and they all had to admit that Tong Showa was the real strong alliance.

  If you want to change into another actor, you will definitely be taken over by Shidao's aesthetic hegemony and become a supporting role-then the cool special effects will take all the attention of the audience, just like Sun Sa, who plays the actor, even though he is very acting. Yes, I have worked very hard, but in this climax part, I will inevitably become a tool man.

  But Tong Zhao will not.

  It's hard to explain the reason for it in words. Tong Zhao in the holographic world is as natural as she was originally a god. She is perfectly integrated into the character setting. The special effects of heaven, earth, sun and moon are only used as accessories to make up her, and the audience is still Will go to see her and focus on her.

  As the audience and Dion were immersed in the big scene together, Yiya opened her arms and said happily

  "Try to please me."


  The protagonist did not have a murderous intention at the beginning, he persuaded Iya, the church has been exposed to the atrocities, the king will not let them go. In fact, the king's capital has become a mess, and the pope will not end well, as long as she no longer orders the dark creatures to abuse it...

  "From the moment I accepted the inheritance of the Dark God, I was destined to only do evil. You told me to stop, just like calling a fish out of the water, so that people can't breathe, so that the sun won't rise from the east anymore."

  Yiya smiled, and her beautiful face against the light was plated with a golden halo full of divinity

  "The king's chaos has become a pot of porridge. What about the saints who have suffered so much? They used to be bets, cannon fodder, and playthings. Does anyone care about them? No one in the church is innocent, including me. I have never been able to save any. People leave the hell built by the church, but now the master of the hell is me, and it's my turn to make the rules."

  The two fought for a long time.

  However, from the perspective of God, everything happened very quickly.

  The entire Garan Continent fulfilled Yiya's wish. The dark creatures invaded the royal capital viciously during the period of the red moon, causing numerous deaths and injuries. The temple that once symbolized blessing became a key target of crusade. Everyone knows that the church has been deliberately deliberate. Summoned dark creatures, and even transformed the eliminated saints into dark creatures through the secret magic circle. Now that the play is gone, this thing is backlashed.

  The God of Light did not respond to the prayers of its followers.

  From the perspective of ordinary people, the Dark God does not seem to be so "greedy", but doesn't your church like to be summoned all the time? Artificial red moon coming? I like to play so much, OK, I'm here, I see if you can stand it.

  No one can stand it.

  The people's complaints were boiling, and the once supreme Royal Temple was smashed to pieces, hoping that someone would come out to clean up the mess.

  Shi Qianqiu uses the lens to the extreme here. Even the audience who chooses the immersive viewing experience can still feel the all phenomena of the world summoned by the heroine Iya. From the perspective of the gods, people's lives become very difficult. Tiny, too small to be ignored.

  There is a difference between humans and gods. Dieng can't be so high, he still feels compassion and guilt for the loss of human life.

  The sound effect of the hologram is so good that it explodes, and the dialogue when the decisive battle is determined surpasses the eardrums of every audience.

  ——Yia said "This is your weakness."

  ——Dion responded "But I am also strong because of this."

  Without suspense, the protagonist won.

  The victor did not feel happy. He was at a loss for a moment, and then showed a look of confusion. Everything happened very quickly. His deeds of killing the gods were simultaneously presented to the sky above the Jialan continent by some mysterious force. Everyone witnessed him. Great, it is believed that he has calmed down the incident. Although he did not obtain the godhead, he was pushed to the same height.

  The two gods are gone, and the people still need faith.

  So Dieng Chong, who defeated the villain, became the new pope.

  The red moon ended early.

  Everyone celebrated that the dark god was wiped out by the new pope, the old sins were liquidated, and the king was grateful to Dion.

  No one noticed that the new pope's once white and shiny sword was wrapped in a ray of red, and the cheerful and smiling he never showed a smile.

  The picture information given by Shi Qianqiu has always been sufficient, giving the audience the thrill of thinking and solving puzzles, and it is not so obscure that the movie can be understood only after the movie is over by watching the big-name film critics-that means the movie to Shidao. If it fails, it is a good thing for the film review to interpret more profound meanings, but you have to read the film review to understand it, that is, the director should go back to practice the narrative lens.

  The audience's perspective has been discovered.

  Yiya deliberately released water for him, and even pushed him to a high position.

  The evil of the old church was to be eliminated, and she also had a hatred of Jialan Continent. The truth that should be exposed was completely revealed, and finally died in his hands, which was the best ending.

  Dion also withstood her test.

  As observed by Iya, he possesses the most orthodox chivalry spirit, a man of noble character, wisdom and courage.


  "After watching the movie, I just want to say, have you seen the sea of ​​time in the final decisive battle?" That's the water that Yiya gave to the hero"

  "No, that's the tears from my eyes"

  "The old thief died for me"

  "The goddess who has loved is a fake, rationally discuss whether Yiya really loves Dion? "


  Many viewers who were too expensive to buy an immersive experience struggled for a while after taking off their helmets and then bought expensive tickets.

  And there are a lot of core audiences who are still interested and don't need money, they want to do it again.

  When they bought the second ticket, they suddenly found...

  Can I choose Yiya's perspective for immersive movie viewing?

  Can you unlock hidden perspectives in the second week? ?

  When the audience thought about it, they understood everything immediately.

  If you choose the Yiya perspective for the first time, there will be no "surprise" of reversal. From Dion's perspective, you will get the best experience when you first watch the movie.

  The audience who had been very satisfied after seeing it once saw this new heroine's perspective...

  Four characters emerged in the mind

  "Tearful Two Brushes"

  Tong Zhao also went to see it.

  She and Zeshan's little friend went to see it together, and the big and the young had booked the show, and the friends chatted unscrupulously about the sky, not afraid of affecting passers-by.

  Only Tong Zhao did not answer.

  She is busy interacting with the saint sister.

  When the movie is played, the heroine prepares to release water to Dion.

  Tong Zhao [Ah, this means that I am pure evil and want to destroy the world, sister Yiya? ]

  Yiya [...]

  Chen Guifei [No, no, no one will do good deeds under the banner of a villain, right? This is not as good as I am, I immediately summoned three thousand male pets to serve this goddess, and the Jialan Continent immediately became the world of women. ]

  Yiya [...]

  Tong Zhao [How do you say this? ]

  Duan Song [The female bodhisattva is myself? ]

  The saint sister became angry and slammed the eyeball embedded in the head scepter with one hand.

  Instinctive movies reflect the truest subconsciousness.

  Yiya said that he was absolutely evil.

  The little Zhao Zai came out [This is Tsundere? ]


  The lethality is not great, but it is extremely insulting.