The Second Event

"The next part of this competition is a race! Contestants will race around a specified track that has been cleared of bystanders ahead of time! Don't you worry, magic is completely on the table and is free to use as you see fit, as long as the buildings around the trail do not sustain any major damage!"

I see, it's a race to see how effective we are at using our magic in various circumstances. On top of that, preventing damage to buildings not only keeps them from paying for their repair but also works as a shackle for the contestants.

"All contestants will receive a map of the track ahead of time, I recommend you memorize it before the race starts! You have thirty minutes starting now!"

For the next thirty minutes, Sasha and I just go over our plan for this race. Sasha has the agility of a cat because of her Transformation magic, and I can reduce how much I weigh to allow for lighter movements.

I can also just float over the competition and control the speed in which I move, but I don't want to be too big of a target yet, so I need to lay low until we are past the beginning of the race, that way I'm less likely to be targeted by other opponents during the beginning.

"Just go talk to her! It's not that difficult you wimp, you wanna know how she absorbed all those spells don't you?"

"Yeah, but... I can do it later!"

"You may not get another chance like this!"

Who are those two arguing behind me... Carl Flame and Jane Tear?!? Those people? What are they arguing about, talking to someone? Are they walking towards me... what do I do?

"Are you Jess Heart?"

"Uh... yeah..."

"Well, could you tell me how you absorbed those attacks and the ground in those last two rounds? I've never seen anyone do anything like that with Gravity magic before..."

"Well... it's my own spell... I can't tell you anything about it though."

"Why not!"

"B-because... well..."

"Whatever, it's fine."

"W-why do you even care, it's not like you use Gravity magic after all."

"Anyone would be interested after seeing what you did. In fact, I think that everyone else in this room wants to ask you how you did it, but are too afraid to ask."

"Why would they be afraid?"

"Because you obliterated half the stage in a second."

"That's... fair I guess..."

"Time for the next part of the tournament to start! May all the contestants enter the field!"

Whelp, saved by the clock, or announcer in this case. Time to make this a race worth remembering! There is no way I'm going to just lose this match y'know! Mobility is where I peak really, being able to practically fly and all.

"When the countdown ends, you may begin the race! Three, Two, One, GO!!!!"

Instantly I start running. From the map earlier, I know that the first obstacle in the way of this race, and yes there are obstacles, this wouldn't be interesting without them, is a rock wall. I guess it's to see how we will use magic in various circumstances, one of which is to climb a wall.

I could just float over the obstacle, but that doesn't show the people what they want to see, if people just fly over the obstacle that's not interesting, so I'm going another route.

I adjust the gravity on me and Sasha so we can walk on the wall just like I did in my room that one time. It takes her a second to get the hang of walking up a wall, but she adapts quickly. We run up the wall and are onto the actual race.

It's really just simple running for a while, but that in and of itself is a challenge. A lot of the other contestants train so much with magic that they forget to train their bodies, therefore this part of the race is the most challenging.

Not for me though! My partner definitely doesn't have any problems with endurance, and I quite literally have nothing holding me down, with the whole Gravity magic and all. Therefore, I start to float the whole thing. It's quick and energy effective!

Also, Sasha and I have practically passed everyone else already, because we passed the rock wall so quickly, that thing was tall y'know, probably made by an Earth magic magician. Therefore, there are not really many people to target me because I can float.

We make it to the second obstacle pretty quickly, the cliff, I guess it's not only a challenge but also gets everyone level with where the original terrain was.

Anyway, this part is pretty simple, I just float down, not anything too special, don't need to stick out on every competition... just kidding, I float down with an umbrella in hand yelling that I'm Mary P*ppins. C'mon sometimes you gotta do it for the joke.

And if you are wondering where I got the umbrella, well, some questions will never be answered I guess... Oh yeah, and I do help Sasha down I guess.


Sasha can't handle extreme heights huh, good to know... In all seriousness, we get back to running, or in my case floating after that. The next part of the race isn't all that far. You would(n't) be surprised at with people are in front of us, Chris Flame and Jane Tear.

Chris Flame and Jane Tear are doing really well. Jane created a sled out of ice, and Chris propels it with his flames. It is a simple strategy, but with their magic effective. I mean they are in first place right now.

I feel bad about his but I'm going to mess with them a little bit. I negate gravity on their sled, and with the propulsion from the flames, they go spiraling. I mean flying everywhere. Chris quickly extinguishes his flames, but it's too late as the force is already there.

Now they are both right in front of us. After what I did, they decide to race on foot, poor guys, that strategy would have worked if it wasn't for me.