
To get past Chris and Jane who are in front of me, I decide to resort to something that I would rather not do. Those two are amazing, however, if I wanted to, I could totally remove them from the tournament.

I could probably not beat them in a fight, but eliminating them in a race would be simple, just keep them from moving, and if you didn't know this, gravity is perfect for that.

As to not remove them from the competition, they deserve a chance after all, I decide to do something much more simple, let them get second place. The problem with that plan is while you see, I can teleport myself pretty easily nowadays, however teleporting someone or something else is still difficult. Therefore, technically I can't win through teleportation because my teammate can't teleport with me. Also, my solo teleporting without the need of a machine is something I want to keep secret for now.

That leaves me with one option to get ahead of them, now that they aren't going as fast without their sled, I can get ahead of them by simply going faster than they can run. Pretty easy, however keeping that up is a pain.

Even if they are on the ground, Chris is speeding himself up with his flame propulsion, and Jane is keeping her speed without much friction by freezing the ground. Basically, we are tied for speed with me floating and all.

The only way to get ahead of them is to get the lead during the next obstacle and keeping it. The next obstacle however is much more difficult than the other ones. It's a puzzle. No one knows what kind of puzzle it is, so they can't solve it beforehand.

This means that puzzle is the deciding factor between winning and losing. It's come down to the final stretch, and the winner is still being questioned.

You may be wondering why I want to win this round when really it doesn't matter because you can qualify for the next round just by getting top fifty. The answer is, well, winning looks good and can get Spectrum University to notice you more.

Also, who doesn't like coming in first! Whatever, finally we are arriving at the puzzle. The puzzle seems simple enough, it's a magical array designed to open the door to the next round, and there is a piece of paper showing the solution, but getting the array in the correct order is the hard part.

Oh yeah, I don't think I've described magical arrays yet. In magi-tech, just like in computers, there has to be something that tells the other parts what to do, as well as receiving and distributing information. That is the magical array.

Well, basically the puzzle is to slide these ginormous tiles into place and sort them out to get the right array set up. Just like a jigsaw puzzle, Sasha and I solve the edges first because they are the most obvious.

I use Gravity magic to make the ginormous tiles weightless and bring them to the correct spots. It takes like an hour, but finally most of the tiles are in the right spot. The last couple pieces are the hardest though, simply put, they don't fit into the array.

The pieces look nothing like how the pieces that go in the last couple of slots should look like, and so it's time for some problem-solving skills! In all seriousness, I put the pieces in upside-down, grab a piece of chalk I found on the ground, and draw the rest of the array from the picture on the backside.

Finally, the door opens. I don't think that is how we were supposed to solve the puzzle, but it worked and we are on our way to victory!!!

Sasha and I jump out the door and start bolting to the finish line, well I floated but you get the point. Going as fast as we can to make sure no one else can catch up, we are so close when Sasha's feet get frozen to the ground.

Ouch, that's gotta hurt! Imagine all the skin that's going to get peeled off, or the frostbite that'll cause! This isn't some anime or manga where the main character gets frozen, and somehow breaking the ice makes it fall off!

Ice does NOT work like that, sorry to burst your bubble! That stuff is going to cause frostbite, even if you can safely remove it somehow, and frostbite can be nasty if not treated right away! What is Jane thinking!

Well, I break the ice, pick up Sasha, and start floating as fast as I can to the finish line, dodging any attacks from Jane. That reminds me, where is Chris? Lol, he's getting carried by Jane, literally. He's passed out on her back, too much physical work for him apparently.

I keep going full speed to the finish line, and it is now in view. Basically, the whole race is going in a circle back to the tournament stadium, and it is finally close enough to see! Just a little further!!!

I decide to use a somewhat dangerous trick, I make myself super attracted to the wall of the stadium's gravitational pull, that way I start 'falling' towards the end. I will start to pick up the pace and will be falling right to where I need to go. Obviously, the dangerous part is stopping but I have a plan for that.

I can't stop right away without crushing myself under the change of force my body would undergo. If I stop myself right away, it will be the same as hitting a brick wall at full speed, no thank you. Therefore, as I start to reach the stadium I will negate my gravity and exert force in the other direction to slow myself down.

I start to freefall towards the wall with Sasha in tow, and when around one hundred meters away from the wall, I start to slow myself down. We zoom past the entrance right into the stadium, and I stop right before hitting a wall on the other side. I officially pass the finish line and finally, and Sasha and I are victorious. Now time to get her to a doctor.