
Wait, isn't this place a bit too empty? There is literally nothing here. Look, I know most buildings in the EUT are basically trees, but nothing here sticks out. No doors, windows, no anything, it's just a forest!

"I know you have your questions, but just keep walking." Wow, that soldier is giving us a death stare, what did I do?

As we walk, I feel a familiar feeling of passing through a veil, but (luckily) this time I don't end up in a random space laboratory! Instead, I'm greeted with the first modern-looking building I've seen since the Shift. Wait, what! It's not a tree building!?!

"As you can see, this building is made for comfort, while being protected in a specialized personal space bubble. While in here, only authorized personnel can travel in and out of this area. Anyone else will wander into the forest, never seeing this place."

Wow, that is surprisingly advanced, as I would expect from royalty. I wonder what would happen if you nuked this place? I mean, will the personal space barrier protect it, or be blown to smithereens? That's a dangerous thought, um, well whatever.

"Please wait while I escort you to your rooms where you will be staying until further notice."

He first takes the royalty to their rooms, which are sealed by magic, obviously. Only those who are allowed in can turn the handle, for those who aren't, the door won't open.

Next, they take the rest of us to our rooms. The Dark Elves got two rooms that are honestly quite nice, but not too great, not nearly as good as the rooms the royalty got, obviously. The rooms look like hotel rooms, I guess that's the best way to put it.

Sasha and I are taken to similar rooms. I walk into mine, and Sasha walks into hers, then the staff close the doors. We are both given papers telling us when breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served, as well as a password to the internet. Sadly, I think the IP is spoofed so I can't find out where this place is using that.

Well, I guess I'm stuck in this room for a while. At least I have internet. Watching some U-Tube would be nice.

=== The Next Day ===

So... I've been here for a day now... it's not gotten any less boring. I woke up, ate breakfast, and went back to my room. That's literally it. There isn't really much to do. We're not allowed outside, because of the confidential location we're in, and going out of our rooms is really only allowed for food and going to the restroom.

And also, our rooms are being surveyed at all times! Literally, there are like four cameras, each on a different corner of the room, so there's nowhere to hide.

This feels more like a prison than a space for protection. We can't leave or do anything. The only thing that makes this better than prison is the food and the internet. For us to have internet without revealing our location they must have a really good VPN lol.

"AHH! Why did this have to happen to me, I mean seriously! What did I ever do, I just wanted to participate in a stupid competition! Why do I have to be imprisoned like this, I wanna go home!"

"Shut up in there, you're being loud!"

Uh... did I just say that out loud... Also, can't I go home? I mean, I don't know this place's exact location, however I have been here before and I can get a good picture of it in my head. Also, now you may be wondering why I didn't use the Elves ability to tell where we were going and... I honestly just now remembered I could have done that. AH, I'M AN ACTUAL IDIOT!

Okay, I'm actually going crazy, no reason to fret on the past, and I can't teleport because I'm being monitored. I don't know what to do... They should already know that I can teleport without a machine because of how I used it at the tournament too.

Night comes and still nothing has happened, other than my school work being brought over of course. In order to not ruin our grades and stuff, the staff are bringing us our schoolwork to do, at least it isn't as boring here now. I can actually do something.

Also, in the meantime, I've been practicing some spells I remember seeing in some Gravity magic books. One of which allows you to calculate the mass of an object instantly by the natural pull of it's gravity. You never know when it will be useful.

There's also a lot of books I've found in this room. One of which I read on magic theory. It stated how and why spells use more and less MP to use, and why spells take less MP the more you use them.

What is said was along the lines of, "Magic is using physics to create pheonomina and shape reality to ones will. The use of MP is because of human's lack of understanding of physics, and reality trying to pick up the pieces. As one uses magic, our brains start to subconsciously fix the inaccuracies and specifics of how the spell affects reality, and thus results in mental strain. For example, if you try to create ice thinking of freezing water, it will take more MP than thinking of slowing down the motion of the atoms within the water."

So basically, the use of MP is because, quite simply, humans don't fully, and probably will never, understand all of physics. Well, that and the fact that we have to comprehend, calculate, and execute an arrangement of scientific understanding in order to cause it to work.

The reason that I can use my teleportation spell is because even with my lack of full understanding of how it actually works, I have the the MP to handle the rest. The more I use the spell, the better my brain subconsciously understands how it works, and the less MP it takes to use the spell.

I guess some good things came out of this study session...