Let me Out!

*Knock Knock*

Ugh, it's early morning and they're already knocking... I look over to the clock and see it's around 5 o'clock. Well, better get ready. I change into some clothes that they had prepared in the closet and head out.

"Today, in order to attempt to find the attacker of the previous incidents, we will be asking you all some questions about the incident. We have a magician who specializes in Detection magic on standby so we can tell if you're lying or if thinking of escaping, therefore please cooperate during this time."

I knew this would happen eventually. Obviously, we are the most suspect in this incident, well it's not like I'm suspicious or something.

They ask everyone the same questions then get to me, and ask simple questions that I can answer like "Where were you when the prince and princess were hurt." and all that stuff. Obviously, they don't care that I was hurt. I don't mind, I mean they're just worried about the twins and can't worry about every little person, they aren't the police, they're guards.

I answered honestly up until the question I feared the most. "Did you know the identity of the prince and/or princess before the spell was broken?" A worrying question because the answer is yes, and only makes me look suspicious.

I take a second to answer, then I say, "Yes," and instantly the guards are on high alert... obviously. I continue, "However, I only knew because of how suspicious they were acting, I noticed the anti-recognition spell and thought they might be dangerous, so I broke the spell on one of them, and then I noticed he was the prince, there was completely no ill will in what I did."

"She's telling the truth..."

"I understand your point, however, you will be closely monitored for the time being."

I can really only respond with a "yes sir."

Great, now on top of being restricted in a cramped room, I'll have people constantly watching my every move. Well, it beats the alternative.

Well, I guess I have homework to do. I grab a pencil and (reluctantly) start doing my homework...


Prince Kronos' POV:

Well, this all sucks. My sister and I just wanted to have some fun at a local competition, we prepared a spell and everything to make sure no one could notice us, but in the end, some random person went around trying to kill everyone and just happened to hurt my sister and me.

I feel bad for the other people at the competition because, in a way, it was stopped because of our safety. There's not much I can do about it though, that's just the way it is.

Currently, the other remaining competitors are being questioned here, and the ones who got eliminated are being questioned by the police. They are adamant about finding the person who did this. I mean they did technically commit treason, well not technically, they DID commit treason.

To be fair, I would be a lot more worried if they WEREN'T trying to find the person. Apparently, there is one person here who seems kinda suspicious, but she's been mostly cleared. It started with a J, Jess I believe it was? Well, she apparently found out about our identities while trying to find out who stabbed her, or at least that's what she says.

Her words were verified with magic that can detect lies, so she was telling the truth, however, the truth doesn't always tell the whole story.


Jess' POV:

You may not believe this, but I'm still bored. With that obvious sarcasm out of the way, I log onto Spell Craft Battle and start to play some rounds. William currently isn't on, that sucks. I'm getting kinda lonely here, I wish I could talk to my friends or family at least.

Well, I guess that is too much to ask for, I hope that the guards will at least let us outside soon.

=== One Month Later ===

... Okay this is stupid. One month!!! Why!!! Let me go home!!!

Okay, I've gotten it out of my system, but seriously, try staying in the same room for that long with nothing to do with school work! Wait, did I just describe 2020? You get the point! At least then, I got to walk around the house and stuff, but no! I'm stuck in a glorified hotel room!

I'm just happy this place doesn't have hotel WiFi, y'know the trashy kind that never works? I would have actually gone crazy if that was the case.

Also, William still hasn't been on in a while, it's not like him to not get on, Havoc also says he hasn't been on in a while, so that means he really hasn't gotten on his computer in a while. It's weird when someone is inactive for so long.

Seriously though, I want to go home. Even with royalty looking after the attacker they still haven't found anything... are you actually kidding me. This person didn't succeed in actually killing anyone, but can somehow hide themselves from the entire government!

Sometimes I just wish that I didn't have to deal with this stuff. How did I go from your average joe to someone being protected from an attacker who can erase their traces to the point that even royalty can't find them... with magic!

I hear a knocking at my door, "Hello? Jess Heart, if you could please follow us." That can't be good, well at least something is finally happening.