
Ketsushou's POV:

Do I really have to get this person alone? I don't know why, but if it can free Grandpa, I don't have much of a choice.

This person must've really upset these crazed "Liberators" if they are going this far to take them down. I don't know why they are going so far.

From what I heard, they saved a single human from their disease. Why is that such a big deal that the Liberators have to attack an entire school?

Well, I guess that we normal people will never understand the minds of psychopaths. That's just how it works. I guess that is why criminal theory exists.

So, how exactly am I gonna do this?


Jess' POV:

Ugh. One more day until Thursday. I am not looking forward to that. I guess before that, this class has got to end.

"And so that is how the theory of magic as we know it today became what it is."

Oh, did I miss something important? Oh well.

After the last attack by the ML, some of the Sapients around the school have stopped attending school as much. I've heard some of their parents have considered transferring them to different schools.

Seems like William is staying though. I asked him about it, and he just said that it isn't like any other schools will be safer. We have our mysterious and weirdly strong principal after all.

Hey, is that Ketsushou?

"Hey Jess, can you follow me, there is something that I need to show you."

"Oh really, sure I guess. After class is over."

I had no idea that I was in the same class as him. I guess he noticed though, he was the first to say anything. Also, isn't what he just said kind of suspicious? Oh well, whatever.

After class is over, he leads me to a hallway I've never been in before. The hallway is dark and I swear I just saw a cobweb. I never knew our school had a place so abandoned.

"This is an old part of the school. None of the rooms are used anymore because they aren't properly wired, and weirdly our school would rather invest our money into new classrooms than fix the old ones."

"Oh, that explains the creepiness. Why are you bringing me here?"

"You'll see soon."

Well this is weird. You know, I'm gonna use my new trick here.

So basically. Gravity is not a force, but the bending of space-time around a center of mass. You know what that means? I can bend the curvature of the light in the hallways and see around corners.

Why do I not normally do this? It is extremely hard. Not because it's complicated. It is much simpler than some of the other stuff I've done. Just picturing it in my head was difficult. Getting a good image of what is supposed to happen was difficult for me for some reason.

Now, I don't see anything around this corner, but there is something weird about the one after. It's not that I see something weird, it's the opposite, I don't see anything.

I get the feeling that it is too dangerous to turn back now. I feel like something will happen if I try to teleport too. I need to just keep walking like nothing is wrong, that is what my intuition tells me.

"So... where are you bringing me?"

"It is just around the corner."

I turn the corner and the pitch-black I saw before covers everything around me. Before everything goes black I see Ketsushou say something but I couldn't hear what he said, from his lips, I think he said: "I'm sorry."


Ugh... My head. What was that black stuff, and where am I? Well, at least now I know not to trust Ketsushou. Seriously, why did I trust him in the first place?

Well, it is too late to have regrets. I still can't see anything, so that doesn't exactly help.

I wish I could just teleport out of here, but there is a barrier around this place. I can tell because it is made from Gravity magic. If I try to teleport, the location will be redirected back into this room.

Now, there is another way to escape. I just find whatever is sustaining the barrier, I know it's not a person because this type of magic is impossible to sustain without a tremendous amount of MP or talent. If I find it, I can put it in 'Singularity' and be able to teleport out of here.

Now, back to the first problem, if I can't see, how am I supposed to find the source of this barrier. I honestly have no clue.

I have to think of something. I have a bad feeling that I shouldn't stay here too long. I also have my sister's thing to attend on Thursday.

Hmm... well, I think the best way to find it is simple. I just have to feel around the room. If I touch something infused with MP, I should instinctively be able to tell. Then I can just store it and see if the barrier is down.

Thus begins my two-hour-long search of feeling around things in the room. I finally feel a crystal infused with magic and store it in 'Singularity'. Finally! I can teleport out! Wait... the barrier isn't gone.

"Congratulations, you found that crystal. Here, as a reward, I'll return your vision."

"Who are you!"

The man I see in front of me is a Dragon-kin. Staring at me with glowing red eyes that practically radiate insanity. His hands are stained red with blood, and there is a scar down his face, from his left eyebrow to his chin.

"I am who some would call a psychopath, but honestly I prefer the term "free"."

"No offense, but that sounds like something an insane person would say. Also, are you really fine revealing your face to me?"

"I don't mind, your trump card has been revealed after all. I know how strong your Gravity magic is. I just saw you absorb that barrier crystal."

Sh- oot... did I do that in front of him? I guess I wouldn't realize because I couldn't see... That sucks. Wait? Does he think that that's my only trump card?

SSR rarity! Donald Trump Card! The ultimate trump card! He won't be able to counter this one! Okay, in all seriousness this guy is dangerous. He clearly isn't afraid of anything, and will kill me the moment he thinks it is beneficial to him, or if he finds it entertaining. This guy is crazy.

"Sir, if you would please, I have places to be. Can we get this over with and leave?"

"Oh sorry, I should introduce myself. I am the leader of the Magic Liberators, codename Draco."

"That's a generic codename... Well why is the leader of the Magic Liberators after me?"

"It just so happens we need a Gravity Magician for something."

"Why would I ever help you? Are you an idiot?"

The leader of the Magic Liberators is a Death magician, if this man is actually what he says he is, then I am in more danger than I thought.

I need to get out of here. I cannot break through the barrier with teleportation. Hmm. I can only think of one thing I can do.

I need to get close and touch the barrier, no need to go after the core. This is a risk, but it is my only chance.

I can still teleport to places within the barrier, that is the good news, so I teleport to right at the edge of the barrier, away from that crazy Death magician.

I thought he would go after me, but he is just standing there, looking at me.

"So this is the 'Teleport' spell. It is incredible, you really can teleport without help from magi-tech. You will be a great help in our ambition to..."

While he is doing his stupid monologue, I need to take this chance to escape. Touching the barrier, I redirect its magic flow away from where I am touching and my hand passes through. It worked! Just like when I was helping the people from before with the anti-sleeping curse during the tournament, I need to do the same thing to this barrier.

As soon as I'm through the barrier, I teleport home. Huff... good I'm finally away from that crazy dude.


??? POV:

"Did you do it?"

"Yes, the tracking spell has been planted, she has nowhere to run. Her location will show on this device."

"She really managed to break through this barrier. She is exactly what we are looking for. The final piece of the puzzle."

"Sir, I have one question?"

"What is it?"

"When did this become an action web novel?"



"Finally, quiet."