
Okay, so something is going on with the Shift. For almost six months, nothing had happened, and now suddenly my friends are having dreams of the world pre-shift, or regaining their memories entirely.

I don't really know why this is happening, but something is definitely up. I just thought of something I need to google we are on our way to William... Hah! I knew something was up!

"Hey Sophia, I think I just discovered why you regained your memories!"

"Huh? What is up?"

"Look at this, according the internet, the Earth has a population of ten billion humans! Of course, the term human includes Sapients, Elves, Beastmen, Zodiacs, Dwarves, etc."


"I checked the population when the Shift first happened! It wasn't anywhere near ten billion! That means that more people must have been affected by possibly a different Shift that happened recently!"

"So you are saying that the same phenomenon that changed the world into... this... happened again and brought a lot of people to life, possibly including me, and made your friend have that weird dream."

"Well, it might not have been a different Shift, but aftershock of the first one. You know like how earthquakes will have aftershocks."

"But hasn't it been almost half a year since the Shift happened? Why would an aftershock happen now?"

"The Shift literally changed history and physics, and you are questioning its timetable? For all we know, the Shift could have been constantly changing small things I didn't notice this entire time, like small ripples in the water."

"When you put it like that..."

Look at that, we are finally at William's place.

"Jess, it still is weird though."


"People's houses are literally trees."

"Oh yeah, that, well you'll get used to it over time."

*Knock Knock*

"Oh hi Jess, William is coming down right now."

"Thanks, Mrs. Jackson."

Once William finally gets down, me, Sophia, and William start to walk to the park where we can talk. Mostly because we need somewhere to sit. On the way, Sophia and William start talking about something, I couldn't hear the conversation, but they sounded like they were having fun.

Once we're there, we find a bench to sit at, and I cast the same spell I used on my house to avoid those reporters a while back, basically cutting us out from the rest of the world.

"Okay William, there is something we need to talk to you about."

"Huh? Okay, but why the barrier?"

"What we are about to talk about is very important. The person next to me, you've already talked to on the way here, but she's Sophia, my childhood friend. The reason we need to talk to you is about your dream, the one where everyone is Sapients, and there is no magic?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

This time, Sophia starts talking, "There is something important about it. Did it in any way seem "real" or like a fragment of a memory?"

"There is no way that that dream was real. It seems ridiculous!"

Hah, if only he knew, to me and Sophia this reality after the Shift is ridiculous, but to someone who only remembers this post-shift reality, I guess one that is different from his own is the weird one.

This time I pick up the conversation, "Okay William, Important question, what is the population right now?"

"Like Sapients? Elves?"

"All humans."

"Around 7-8 billion, right?"

I knew it, his memories weren't affected by the most recent aftershock of the Shift. If anything the aftershock started bringing his memories back, but not completely. It's strange that only a few people's memories are left unaffected by the Shift and its aftermath. More like, it's strange that anybody's memories survived the Shift and now its most recent aftermath.

"William, there are 10 billion people."

"Huh? I thought it was smaller than that."

"It WAS smaller than that less than a few days ago."

"That makes no sense, how does the population jump 2 billion in size over the course of a few days?"

"That is what we are trying to find out, and more than just the population was affected. These dreams you are having, they might be from before all this, before reality itself changed."

"Have you been eating strange mushrooms you found in the forest, you know how crazy you sound, right?"

"Yeah. I do."

"Okay, let's say that theoretically you are right. If so, why do only you, Sophia, and I have memories of reality before it changed?"

"Well, I've been thinking about this, I've been told by someone that I have a special kind of soul that may have protected my memories during the Shift, but doesn't also explain why my physical body wasn't safe from its effects. Sophia seems to have a special kind of MP that could have protected her, it's so dense that it might have protected her memories as well."

"That still doesn't explain why only you two kept your memories. There are plenty of people with dense MP, but none of them are bringing up your outlandish claims."

"You're right, it's just a working theory."

"Well Jess, if you want to prove to me that my dreams are real, you are gonna have to show me something that proves it."

"Fine, I'll work on getting evidence, although I don't think that a reality-changing event will leave any, for now, let's just put all this behind us for now and just have fun, enough serious talk for today. Also, what were Sophia and you talking about before."

They both say at the same time, "Don't worry about it." Yeah, as if that makes me feel any better.

Honestly, William probably thinks we are crazy, but we'll need him on our side if we want to find out more about the Shift, I don't know why, but it's a gut feeling. Time to take down the barrier, we don't need it up anymore.

The rest of the day we just spend hanging out, talking, and Sophia and William start getting to know one another.

For some reason, I think Sophia is giving me and William a strange look when we talk to one another... I don't know why though. I think she whispered something about ships? I don't know why she is thinking of ships, we aren't near water.