Information Gathering (2)

On the way back from getting information about the Shift, Sophia, William and I decide to take a break from all of the information gathering and get some food. Of course, after the existential crisis of discovering that reality itself may just change itself every once and a while, we might need one.

Anyway, let's just eat all our worries away with good food!

William is the first to recommend a restaurant saying, "I know a good place to eat, the food is delicious, and the people are nice."

Well, obviously William has to find places with nice people, unfortunately tensions between the EUT and the EU have been getting higher. Since Sapients run the EU, unfortunately, the Sapients living here are taking the brunt of the building up tension among the people living here. Racism is not a rare sight to see right nowadays.

Apparently, the reason for the high tension is because the Magic Liberators have been attacking trade ships and planes on the way from Europe to the EUT, claiming "We don't need inferior goods." The EUT hasn't handled the solution well, and there are corrupt nobles that have been caught in collaboration with the Magic Liberators.

Of course, if the corrupt nobles of a country are collaborating with terrorists, it would cause some worries, and the people receiving the brunt of the attack are from the EU, a group of nations run by Sapients.

This tension is causing exactly what the Magic Liberators want, isolation. People have started to isolate the Sapients living in this country out of fear of retaliation.

Enough of all this negative stuff though. Onto the food.

The place that William took us to is called the Rabbit's Foot, because of course it has to have the name of a shady bar from a fantasy novel. Okay, in all seriousness, the place is run by a Rabbit-kin couple, so the name makes sense, but still.

"Hi, Mrs. Rayna." William greets the woman running the small restaurant.

"Hey William, I see you brought some friends with you, I didn't know you had any!"

"Your one to talk, do you ever even leave this restaurant!"

They both look at each other and start laughing, they must be close.

She brings us to a table and asks us what we want to drink, I just tell her I'll have water, and so does Sophia. William asks for a type of tea I won't even bother trying to pronounce.

Looking over the food there is a lot I don't recognize, I seriously don't know what half of this is. The other half just sounds weird. I mean, I don't know about you, but eating something called Giant Jackalope Pudding sounds a little weird to me. Especially saying that Jackalopes are extinct.

Well, best not question it. I'll just get the most normal food I can find, seems like the Mutated Cow Steak is the most normal, I'll just get that. Only one question, why is the cow mutated? Is the mutated meat healthy? Ah well, I'll find out.

This small restaurant seems pretty full looking around. It is a good sight to see, something I don't see often lately is so many races getting along so well. With rising tensions between nations, its nice to see that some places are unaffected by the hate being spread around. Even if the food is a little weird.

Eventually, Sophia sorts out what she wants to order, and we tell Mrs. Rayna what we want. William just asks for the usual, I never thought I'd actually see someone say that.

While looking around, I see an old photo of the Rabbit's Foot. In it, the place is called the Rabbit's Foot Guild. I ask William about it and apparently, this place is a place that has been passed down in the family for a very long time. Back when Adventurer Guilds were a thing, aka before the monsters in this world became endangered, this place was an Adventurer Guild.

Obviously, the place almost went out of business when monster hunting became illegal. Luckily, the owner was a good cook, and the food sold here was good enough for people to keep coming back, Eventually, the place became the restaurant it is today.

That's... actually a kind of cool story. And that also means that the place has been around for a while.

After waiting a while, and William chatting with some of the other regulars, eventually, we get our food.

I get my Mutated Cow Steak, and I'm honestly kind of disappointed with how normal it looks. I mean I'm happy that it doesn't look unappetizing, but with that kind of name I was expecting something more... over the top, y'know?

It literally just looks like a normal steak, now the most important question is if it tastes like a normal steak or if it is really good.

*nom nom*


I mean, it is juicy, and perfectly cooked to a medium rare, just like I asked! It tastes delicious! Magnificent!

Okay, I'm obviously overexaggerating, but this food is seriously good for how much you pay, I understand why people go here, even with the weird names, the food is seriously high quality.



Oh great, I have a feeling that this perfectly good meal is about to be ruined after hearing that from across the entire building...