Gathering Information (3)

I mean look, when you hear people screaming insults at each other while you are trying to eat food at a restaurant, what would be your first response? Because I speak from experience when I say, it is pretty obvious to me.

Sit there and pretend you have no idea what is happening, do not get involved.

Seriously, who actually just starts fighting people in a restaurant, we're trying to eat food here, take that somewhere else!


"Guilty as charged."

Yeah, I say calling someone a pig, when they are literally a Pig Beastman is a bad call. It would be like if I screamed at someone, "YOU STUPID BIPEDAL MAMMAL!" or something along those lines, makes no sense.

William cuts in while I'm busy thinking telling me, "You shouldn't worry about those idiots, they do this all the time. They are both scientists, but lately the Pig Beastman has been making theories and statements that go against what is common sense right now. Because of that the other dude just keeps dogging on him."

"That seems dumb, science is all about coming up with new theories and either proving them right, or going back to the drawing board." Sophia chimes in.

"People don't like new things," I respond, "and unfortunately that sometimes makes it hard for them to accept new ideas. By the way, what are his theories about?"

William says, "I don't know, something about ripples in space-time, and the alteration of physics through the change caused by it. Basically really complicated stuff."

Doesn't that sound related to the Shift? It is similar to what he was talking about before. I guess we have our next person to question about the Shift. We can't do it right now because he seems... preoccupied, but we can do that later.

Maybe I should do some digging to find more scientists that are doing research in related topics to the Shift? Stuff that could give us some insight?

Huh? I'm getting a call?

"Sorry guys, I'm gonna go somewhere more quiet to take this call, I'll be back."



"Osiris, why did you just call me?"

"Oh yes, there is someone who wanted to talk to you."

"Hmm? And who is that?"

"Someone you might know, I'll give them the phone now."

"Hey Jess, been a while since you met me, last time was at the Spectrum University Tournament. I am Princess Philyra, of the Kingdom of Saggitarius."




I might need to go somewhere more secure than out on the street for this call. To the restrooms it is!

"Um... why would someone of your status have a reason to call the like of me?"

"I have heard you are a master of Gravity magic."

"Ehehe, I'm no master."

Ahem, flattery will get you nowhere princess! Answer my question! I can't say that out loud...

"Anyway, Jess Sir Osiris has personally vouched for your skills and we would like to formally ask for your help in a situation we have been facing."

"Excuse me for asking Princess, but why are you formally asking for my assistance through a phone call?"

"Why would I resort to old-fashioned methods when a phone call is much quicker."

That is... a very fair point.

"In that case, what would be the problem you are facing."

"As you may know, the tension between the EUT and the EU has been rising. We would like to ask for your help in declining the situation."

"How will Gravity magic help in that situation."

"I have heard of your ability to make impenetrable barriers and infinitely repeating hallways, so your assistance in protecting government officials sent from their union to help lower tension would be most beneficial."

"So... you want me to booby trap the places they are staying at."

"That is one way of putting it."

Hmm, I could probably get a good reward out of this if I just help handle this problem. It does technically affect those close to me too. If the tension between the EUT and EU gets too bad, William could be affected by it, he technically already is.

"If I may ask, what benefits would I get for taking care of this problem."

"You may make a single request to the Royalty of this kingdom as long as it is deemed reasonable."

Hmm... that is actually pretty good. I could ask them to help me in researching the Shift, if not in a roundabout way.

Although there is a bigger question on my mind right now, I'll ask about it later.

"I will see what I can do."

"Thank you Jess for your cooperation, I will send you a secure way of messaging us in the future, do look out for that. We will also keep a close eye on the safety of your family."

Why would the safety of my family... oh. I was just talking to someone trying to de-escalate the situation on a normal phone that could be tracked and listened in on. Not easy, but still a possibility, so she is saying she'll guarantee the safety of my family at this time.

That is an unexpected benefit because my family has been targeted a lot lately. Like, to an annoying degree, WHO SENDS GIANT ROBOTS TO TAKE CARE OF A TEENAGER'S FAMILY?

All I need to do is carry the weight of the future of peace in this country for a little bit of information on something I probably can't even change. No biggie. Just an average day in the life of a protagonist.

Whelp, nothing I can do. If I want to figure out more about the Shift, I will need help. Who is better help than one of the most influential families in the country? They don't hold absolute political power, but their influence is still unrivaled.

I'm also worried about whether or not I possibly offended Princess Philyra. I mean, she didn't sound offended, but I'm not used to talking formally, so I don't think I was formal enough.

And why did Osiris recommend me? I didn't know he was so close to the royal family in the first place, but to recommend a seventeen-year-old to handle the safety of the country! Are you crazy?!?

Actually yeah, he is in fact crazy... forgot about that for a second.

Well, time to head back to my friends and finish that food.