Balance Braker e Mordred ?

Astolfo had even thought that something was wrong, his body seemed light but he could feel his sacred energy being pulled at such speed that he was startled, Then he heard the scream of girls he immediately stopped pouring his magic into the spear. He staggered a little and fell to his knees, using his spear for support his head went a million trying to think what happened, he he felt very powerful and he didn't understand much, he snapped out of his reverie when he felt a hand on his shoulder, when he turned his head he saw Xenovia crouched with a worried look Jeanne and Gianna were right behind also worried.

Xenovia - Astolfo what the hell is that, what armor was that and you Okay???

Astolfo looked at her a bit and said still with a downcast look - I'm fine....but armor? what armor? -

Jeanne - You were like... wearing chain mail and... medieval armor only halfway through ?????

Gianna and Xenovia - You looked like a Paladin

They talk a little more and read explain his appearance, he recovered after a few moments and went back to training, he always had in his head why he didn't have the armor that Astolfo but now he has discovered why it is simply his Balance Braker. From the strength he felt when he entered this state he most likely entered the High-Class Rank. He has to train more if want to use it in battle, since the expense was so much that in a matter of seconds he almost fell unconscious for lack of magic!!!!!



He always wanted to be in the Vatican, the place is beautiful and his aura feels cozy. It seems that any being with sacred energy can feel good just stepping close to him when you are inside. It's almost like you're under a very fluffy and warm blanket all the time. I showed the entrance card and everything was fine, our group was walking in silence, I've never seen Jeanne so serious....

We entered a spacious room that had several statues around it, I had to hide my shock when I saw one that had Arthur Pendragon, specifically the male form. He was holding an Excalibur pointed towards the middle of the room...I also saw other characters like Mordred himself. Aka my favorite character from Fate.He wasn't pointing his sword in the middle, he had it pinned to the ground. He was in her female form but what caught my attention was the small red glow that came out of her eyes. It seemed to be following me as I walked around the room but no one said anything so it must be imagination.

The walls were decorated like castles in the Middle Ages. A Priest that was giving off an aura more than unsettling was on top of the pulpit, with several exorcists sitting on the sides, i could feel the gaze of several of them on me...., i could even feel someone looking directly at my back or more specifically my spear.....

We bent down to the priest and sat down on one of the many benches inside, the priest took a little look at me and I could almost feel him sucking my soul from just that. he waved the head and began to speak....he said prayers and blessings to many exorcists there, also asked about many cases of requested demons across the country and even from some neighboring countries. Me I understood that it was more like a meeting to discuss what to do and to learn what is happening within the church's territory. Ivan talked about the requested demons that we are going to hunt tomorrow, and that everything is ready, the last days I will spend here will be more for formalities and tourism.

Father - Huummm... Astolfo right? I would like to ask about your spear... it seems to be very powerful he asked as he looked at me, not just him but everyone inside that room particularly.

Contrary to what my heart was saying, my brain also seems to have no control and simply spoke with happiness and childishness - My Spear is called the Trap Of Argalia, it has the power to go against any form of regenerative power since it not only hits the physical body but also the soul of my enemy, not only that but it can also purify the soul of the people I choose, and about her being powerful... Of course she is, she is mine after all hehehe....-

{ his spear doesn't do that in the Fate series... it's just that I thought it was better to put it that way than the original }

Xenovia was amazed at how happy I talked about a spear, then scared as she heard about what it can do, she remembers how close she came to being hit in the head

The priest looked at Astolfo intensely as this spear was known to all members of the church, the exorcists around him were silent but his eyes were bulging as much as possible. The priest was also shocked by this, but decided not to say anything as the Blessed weapons as he liked to call it, chose their bearer and would die with it in battle, it was like that with all the Sacred Swords or Excaliburs, some weapons like the Joan of Arc spear that is in Jeanne's possession passed from descendants to descendants this is most likely how the Spear Trap of Argalia fell into Astolfo's hands.

The priest nodded and asked some more questions, soon after he called some people who were among the exorcists, he said some things about swords and that they would choose their bearer today, honestly Astolfo paid no attention at all.

He called some priests from behind the Altar, who came with some briefcases, and he showed them 2 Excalibur Fragments. More specifically Excalibur Rapidly and Excalibur Transparency

The serimonia continued the priest called the names of the chosen ones to try to wield the swords, little by little the line was falling

and falling

and... falling down

it all took a long time, and in the end no one was able to wield the two swords, the ceremony ended and everyone started to leave, our group would also go but Ivan wanted to talk to the priest about something, we started talking to pass the time, and out of the corner of my eye I could see the Mordred Statue looking at me with eyes glowing red... Jeanne and Carlos saw mine discomfort about something and asked what I had, I replied that the Statue of Mordred seemed to be looking at me...

Jeanne as always laughed in my face and said that statues don't do that, but Carlos seemed to have seen a ghost, his face turned white sweat started to appear on his forehead, he looked at me with a startled face and looked at the Statue, he turned and went to the priest and Ivan who was just discussing some things. Everyone got kind of weird since they didn't know what was going on...

The priest and Ivan listened to what Carlos said, so again they looked at the Statue of Mordred and at me, the priest ran into a room that was beside the altar, while Ivan and Carlos came to our group.

Ivan - Astoflo You can't get out of here until we tell you, got it? ... we have to discuss something with the Pope