The Knight of Betrayal.

Astolfo Pov

We didn't understand anything... we sat on one of the benches that was beside us, Gianna Carlos and Xenovia asked me if I did something... which I said is obviously not the only thing that what happened was the strange glow on the statue....

Ivan and Padre returned with a figure that I would describe as strange! the person clearly used high-level magic to make his body almost made of static, his eyes glowed in blue and seemed to hold a kind of staff, he hit the ground in sync with his feet. Did they reach our group and the person? looked at me, then looked at the Statue of Mordred... the person continued to look at the Statue until Ivan started talking.

Ivan - Astolfo what you will hear now is a Secret of the Church itself, We know you are not part of any Faction.... but you have a deal with the Devil's Faction, believe me I don't want tell you this but Archangel Michael Himself got in touch with the Pope. Since one of the Swords started coming out of the Seal... Well let me tell you what you are going to do go after the Statue of Mordred, there you will enter an ancient Tomb, there is known to be the place where Mordred's body was buried, I mean he was buried in England but the church took his body and put it there... First of all, you're going to go in there with your spear, for God's sake go with your spear.

The Glitch-shaped figure steps forward and speaks in a strange voice - Every statue you are a statue of ancient church heroes or Legendary People, like King Arthur, All Knights of the Round Lesson, The 12 Paladins of Charlemagne, Joana D'Arc, Gêngis Khan, Richard I and many others.... all these figures were emperors, ruthless Warriors or Holy Nuns, the weapons of these legendary warriors are kept here... at least the ones we find and retrieve. You are Descendant of Astolfo son Of Otto King of England... for being a person who technically is Heir to the throne of England, the Seal of one of the weapons related to your title of Heir to the Throne has been broken. More specifically Clarent... Excalibur's seal was also broken, but the sword is fragmented so you can't technically own the Throne of England.

Astolfo - Wait a second... Why Clarent chose me??? the legends only say that she was a ceremonial sword that promoted knights!!!

The figure gives a small sigh and speaks - You cannot take the Throne.... Mordred also cannot take the Throne, All Excalibur Fragments and the Swords used by the Knights of the Round Table are technically yours!!!! as we do not know of another descendant of any King of England, but we cannot and will not give our swords to you as you are not part of the Church, Mordred had a burning Rage for the Church.... Clarent seeing this will seize the chance to corrupt the ul last living descendant...

Xenovia and the others are just looking at them with scared faces.... - Like what do you want me to do? -

The figure looks at the Statue and says - I want you to take Calibur and take it with you, no one in the church can use it and it is the only sword we can give to a descendant of Otto. It's a strong sword... but remember that when using it your emotional will change a lot.... and if by some miracle some other descendant is alive out there You will likely go mad with rage and try at any cost ..... it's like a curse from Clarent, and if someone with Excalibur Ruler is in front of you, get ready for sure it will be a fight to the death.

Xenovia - Wh--W--why exactly Ruler? - she speaks trembling a little while looking at the Statue whose eyes are shining in red

(???) - The Excalibur Ruler is special, whoever has it.... has the right to be called King of England..... Clarent chose him then someone either already has or will choose Excalibur Ruler, the curse will to make the spirits of Arthur and Mordred take over the user's body will not be a possession but the sword users..... at the time of the fight, it will be as if they themselves were at the Battle of Camlann, where Mordred lost his life to Arthur!

Ivan - You will likely have memories of Mordred Himself... that would be good for us as we could confirm what the fuck actually happened... I mean if you survive of course hahahahahahhahaha

Astolfo scratching his neck he laughs and says - Hahahahahahaha Of course I'll survive, when the time comes I'll let you know what happened hahahahahahaha

Astolfo takes out his spear and starts walking towards the Statue, he waves his hand to the others and - Byr bye I'll be right back!!!!!

The exorcist group can only watch in Shock as he simply walks towards the most feared Sword in the entire Vatican...

Xenovia Comes out of shock and then speaks - We can't let him down there..... no one knows what the hell can happen to him !!!!!

Jeanne - If he dies ..... it can be bad, I mean very very bad

The Glitch-shaped figure starts walking where he came from - Just let him go.....maybe we've got a surprise.....


Astolfo had been descending these stairs for a while, the walls around him were made of smooth stone, they were as big as his head and he could clearly see the division between them, to wooden supports that hold Torches by the Stem I, they had some engravings.... (probably to prevent the fire from going out )

He continued down for some more time until he reached an old wooden door and broken in some parts, beside the door a hand carved into the stone was there...

His spear starts to emit a small yellow glow as he puts his hand on the wall and the door crumbles into small pieces, on the other side of the door was a small room with an Altar in the middle and a wooden chest leaning vertically against the wall behind the altar. On the altar was a Silver sword with red accents.... it released a small red mist that was being directed towards Astolfo.

Astolfo enters the room with his Spear in hand, it lights the room and on its walls could be seen several drawings, a knight in armor that had large horns on his head and green details red, while the other was what a girl with blond hair and a dress looked like a knight, with a sword with gold and blue accents, each side had several figures of knights behind them - this is.... Camlann? .....

Astolfo then finds himself standing on a huge battlefield... thousands of hairs fighting each other, in front of him a blurry figure of a woman is running towards him... he prepares to fight and finds himself with Clarent in his hand... he runs and defends a sword thrust from the misty figure.

They exchanged blow for blow, cut for cut. The two were on an equal footing but did not give up...

Astolfo cuts towards (thing) "as he called it" and she defends, he uses it on impulse and lands a devastating kick in the figure's chest causing his armor to break, the figure is thrown back , a knight seeing this runs towards me, I defend his sword with ease and and cut his chest as if it were butter... his armor cannot defend Clarent. I look where the thing was and I saw that it was no longer there... I look around and see that it has run away? ..... ( WHY THE HELL DID YOU RUN AWAY FROM ME) I look to the side and see that my knights are fighting ( hehehe I'm not going after y you ..... I will make you come to me father.....)

I run towards the nearest enemy knight and rip his head off with a quick flick of my sword, I don't stop at him and run to another one piercing Clarent in his chest, taking out with a fluid horizontal cut in the left, this movement cut an enemy beside me in half, I continue to run and kill my enemies still blinded by rage, I cut them in half, rip their heads or arms off, my sword pierces them spurting more blood on the ground, My cuts are precise and powerful, causing huge explosions of earth when my sword hits the ground...

My anger increases and increases for some reason with each knight I kill my anger increases more and more ...

If it's been a while since the battle started, it's already afternoon and I'm tired....very tired...I cut one last knight and scream - WHERE ARE YOU ARTHURRRRR

Arthur - here...

I see him standing on top of my knights, killed by his stupid sword, that stupid ego, IDIOT SELFISH, IDIOT IDIOT...

I speak some words I can't understand, he attacks me and I defend his sword throwing it away... we talk for a few seconds until... he pulls out a white spear and appears n in front of me...I well against attacking...I could against attacking but...I'm too tired ...

Too tired...

Tired tired...

I...can't dodge...

His spear pierces my chest, while my arms were raised for one last attack... my armor that I loved so much breaks into several pieces....

My helmet breaks and I see my golden hair falling in my face... - Fa --- (Cof ) (Cof ) Father ....

He takes the spear from my chest and I fall backwards into my hand Clarent....the weapon that was just an my hand...wrestled with Excalibur .....

The corners of my eyes turn dark... the darkness only increases while I'm lying down...


I wake up again in the room where the Altar was.... my body has a cut wound on my left arm.... I can see a girl with blonde hair and red and silver armour sitting on my side.... we were leaning against the wall .....

Astolfo - Mordred?...

Mordred - I think you are Astolfo right?... Man this was a trip ..... like you controlling my body and everything...

Astolfo then lets out a sigh and runs his hand over his face - Yes... it was... why did you choose me?

Mordred - Well...I'm Mordred but at the same was Mordred and now I'm.... Clarent maybe? - She ruffles her hair with her hands and speaks loudly - AHHHH I DON'T KNOW ANY MORE OK -

She takes another breath and - I got tired of being stuck here... damn I was a Knight and made Clarent become a legendary sword.... Nobody can wield it because of it... .. damn Witch and her spells.... I want to get out of here...fight again and see how things are...then you showed up and BHAM SACRED ENERGY ROUND... And apparently you're Descendant of some English King and hey , it's not Arthur en so it's great.

Astolfo - Hahahahahahhahaha Alright Mordredo let's fight together then - He gives a radiant smile, which ends up showing one of his fangs

Mordred looks serious at Astolfo and gives a small smile, her body starts to glow and she speaks - As much as I would like to walk out of here... I remember them carrying me to the Vatican... If I walk out of here in human form they'll probably have a thing... soooooo good luck carrying me... my king

It transforms into a Silver sword with red accents, the sword is big but seems to be perfect for me....

I smile and stand up taking the sword and placing it on my back, my spear is in my left hand...I reach the side of the door and look back, the previously tidy room looks like be full of marks of swords and stones fallen on the ground...(What the hell happened?)

I shrug and start walking up the stairs...


In another part of the Continent a Boy with blond hair and glasses wakes up, looking from one side to the other....

A yellow-haired girl seeing this, runs towards him with tears in her eyes and starts asking questions


The boy puts his hand on his sister's head and says - I'm fine Le Fay... He was just an intruder and let's say I kicked him out.....

Le Fay then gives a radiant smile and says - Of course you did you are super strong right brother ????

Arthur - Yes... I am Le Fay