Cutting and crushing

Astolfo He went up and up the stairs, until he reached the part where his friends were, as he opens the door to the outside, his spear breaks up into various particles of light...everyone is looking at him and...(where did they go?)

When he opened the door the only thing he saw was, nuns... 4 of them.... they were praying and they ended up stopping when he opened the door, they are looking at him with wide eyes... one of them screams, and the others scream right after, this draws the attention of the priest who came running with a sword and a pistol in his hands. He then stops and looks at Astolfo with wide eyes he runs inside... leaving Astolfo alone...

Astolfo - I... think I'm leaving....

Astolfo then starts walking towards the exit, Clarent is still on his back, what he doesn't realize is that she is emitting a Red Mist, The name Clarent has already been said for the purpose of crowning Knights and has been hailed by the Church, the joke part in the phrase is "HAS BEEN", It is now a name that is feared by Christians, now this sword that is aware of the very being that "transformed" it, of course it was going to do something

Mordred - ( Hahahahahahhahaha That's for leaving me locked up in that fucked-up basement you bastards.... Be afraid you bitches)

When he was leaving, for some reason he felt a sweat break out on his head for some reason, he was strangely hungry, so he decided to eat something, as he left the Vatican he started walking the streets, until Clarent started to vibrate for some reason...

He goes to a nearby alley and takes her off his back, just as he does this Mordred appears in a very short sexy outfit, Astolfo turns red immediately and screams


Mordred gets angry and screams too - SHUT UP IT'S HOT IN THIS DAMN COUNTRY

Astolfo - PUT OTHER CLOTHES RIGHT NOW MORDRED THIS CALLS UNWANTED ATTENTION - He speaks hitting her head with a fist, her hand hurt as she is technically a sword.

Mordred - DON'T HIT ME YOU BASTARD CHERRY HAIR - Mordred's body then glows for a second and her clothes are less questionable, before he can Scream she puts a hand to her mouth and speaks - Now pinky I haven't eaten anything for Centuries, so learn this in that colorful head of yours that when I shake I want to get out -

Astolfo then takes her hand from her mouth and says - But how are you going to eat... you are a sword...- The two exit the alley and start walking randomly around town.

Mordred then looks at him and says - I had a lot of time to learn magic....not that I have made much progress but hey I could taste the food and then I just destroyed it.... which is good since I don't ever feel full hehehehehehhehe -

Astolfo - If you eat more than i can afford, I'll give you to the store owner ... ._.

Mordred - It seems, I'm a legendary sword you little shit, I'm also Mordred Knight of Betrayal ..... now what are we going to eat - she puts her finger on her chin and starts to think and to speak - If I'm not mistaken this country must be descended from ..... Empire ? ... no no ... Did I hear them bastards call Imalia? yes that Imalia..

Astolfo - The name is Italy, and let's eat noodles ..... it's good

They continued to walk and argue, they walked all afternoon driving people who were worried about them crazy.


Time Skip : Night

At the end of the day they were heading towards the church where Astolfo was staying, until he and Mordred stopped at the same time, In front of them was a shed with a large barrier around it. ... - Ah looks like they're in a hurry -

Mordred - Idiots hahahahahaha, Oii Astolfo let's do this our first battle together?

Astolfo - Sure, why not - Astolfo stretches his left hand towards Mordred, his hand starts to release small red Rays until with a Flash, Mordred's body turns into lightning and turns into a sword in the hands of Astolfo - It's show time hehehehe

Astolfo runs forward and slashes Clarent into the barrier, a horizontal cut appears and the barrier breaks into tiny colored sparks... Astolfo puts his hands on the ground and a transparent Dome appears around the shed, a basic barrier spell so he learned that pretty quickly, so he takes Clarent and pouring magic on it he points Clarent towards the Shed, a red mist starts to come out of Clarent and in a flash a reddish colored ray comes out from the tip of the sword, he walks through the door and enters the shed, causing a loud bang.

The priests were already around the block, he doesn't know why the plan started the day before but hey? for some reason he's here and the priests are already here too.... so let's get this over with

He runs into the Shed and sees the lost demons, with a happy smile he runs towards the first one and with a powerful vertical cut, he cuts it from top to bottom, as soon as Clarent hits the ground, a cloud of dust engulfs the Fiends of the demons' view of Astolfo.

Astolfo was extremely fast again and ran to the next one, a lost demon that looked like a bat, he tried to cut Astolfo with his claws by reflex. Astolf found his claws with Clarent, cutting his arm in half... he looks at another demon near him with a gleeful smile and continues his massacre


Ivan Pov

The week went well, too well, when I arrived at the Vatican I thought it would be fast and everything not that Astolfo would be trapped in a tomb fighting for two days. He managed to leave today but when we arrived there they said he just walked out the front door and they didn't stop him out of fear, as Clarent was clearly on his back and so the nuns they said it was releasing a sinister red Mist....seriously fuck you, we would contact him on trade but the lost demons started earlier... this only caused more problems

Now for some reason we're looking at a destroyed Shed, a pile of mutilated and burned bodies and a pink haired boy covered in blood along with a beautiful sword filled with blood....

Ivan - Did you kill them alone? - I ask in disbelief since good his current strength this would have been a serious problem if he came alone...

Astolfo - Of course not, Clarent helped me of course hehehehe - he says raising his sword towards us - Ah and why the plan started earlier? if I hadn't been Here I would have missed the chance to help -

Xenovia - first - You stayed there for two days, second when we got close, it felt like a war was going on inside, i even heard a woman screaming screaming - she breathes until her cheeks are swollen and she screams - AAAAAARRRRRRRRTTTTHHHHHHHHHUUUUUURRRRRR

Everyone looked at her with a strange face, like why did she scream out of nowhere at night?

Astolfo - Wait what do you mean two days? and about the noise of fighting is because......well I may or may not have fought like Mordred in the Battle of Camlann..... - He says leaving everyone there even more surprised and Jeanne scared.


Astolfo - I dunno... like I fought like Mordred, but when I woke up I only had a bruise on my left arm - he lifts his sleeve showing a small scar, he doesn't know why but he heals quickly.

Gianna - Astolfo you ... really... what happened.... how the legend ended.... I know both die in battle but who died first?

Astolfo gives a bitter smile and says - Mordred died with a spear pierced in the stomach, his last action was to open a hole in the right side of Arthur's stomach.....they talk a little but I couldn't understand.....a The only thing I heard Arthur say was "You weren't chosen because you does not have the qualities of a true King..." and it was over - he still has the battle in mind, and the anguish that Mordred felt upon hearing those words goes immense .....

Astolfo then laughs and says - But let's go let's go, we have a lot to catch up - with a radiant smile he puts Clarent on his back and starts to leave there happy as always.