Arrival in Romania

Astolfo was now leaving Italy, he was getting ready to go to Romania, wearing black pants, a white jeans jacket with cross-shaped black arms and white sneakers. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, she had already noticed that when he smiled, he ended up showing a small fang in the corner of his mouth, he didn't know why he had that but yes, his canines are sharper than other people's , to be honest it looked like cat teeth?

He looked at himself again and looked at his hair, which he leave propped up on his shoulder.... he gives a sigh and throws it back, turning around he takes his suitcase and leaves the room, when he arrives at the door of the front of the church, he sees Xenovia and Jeanne, Xenovia will accompany him while Jeanne will take the plane to France, they greet each other and start walking towards the airport.

He knew it wouldn't be the last time they saw each other, Xenovia in a year's time will study at his school, while Jeanne... yes Jeanne could be his enemy if she decides to join the Khaos Bridage, CaoCao is an idiot, and Astolfo himself wants to kill that psychotic bastard. Jeanne, Xenovia and Astolfo talked about a lot things and promised to see each other after a while, (It's funny that they say that when they're probably going to fight each other)

Gianna Carlos and Ivan were still taking care of Astolfo's attack on the demons, they said their goodbyes first so everything was fine. When they arrived at the airport they went to a l cafeteria and talked more, the two are one of the few friends he has in this world... he has to enjoy it as much as possible, the first to leave was Jeanne, her plane leaving leaving a thoughtful Xenovia and a happy Astolfo.

Xenovia then looks at Astolfo - Astolfo you never told us where you came from, so may I know? -

Astolfo looks at her and with a big smile says - Of course of course, you see I come from Kuoh Japan, I'm not of course Japanese hahahahaha, actually I'm French and I live very young - he gives her a an awkward laugh, since he swore he'd already said it.

Xenovia then nods and says - But... aren't you going to Romania ?-

Astolfo then gets serious and looks forward, he looks at the front window and there is a strange silence between them - Xenovia I'll tell you this because I consider you a friend of mine.reason for me to go to Romania is... I'm looking for Longinus Sephiroth Grail..... by my information a vampire from the Tepes Faction found him.....don't tell anyone that Xenovia, but I can't let this power fall into the wrong hands -

Xenovia had her eyes wide open and for a brief moment she thought about telling the church about it, that idea was repressed by remembering that the Sephiroth Grail bearer was a vampire - What...understood I won't tell the church....but be careful you're fighting an entire faction Astolfo this is the same as suicide -

Astolfo chuckles happily and scratches the back of his head - hahahaha Don't worry ok I'll take the Sephiroth Grail just in time - he gets up and takes his backpack on his back, Xenovia also gets up and prepares to leave, but is surprised by Astolfo's Embrace. Cutting with embarrassment, she returns the hug, Astolfo lets her go and says - Bye bye Xenovia, I hope to see you again - he walks away and waves his hand, leaving a red and stuttering Xenovia

{ remember that here Xenovia is a member of the church and had not yet lost faith }


Astolfo left the airport exhausted, Mordred wanted to get out and walk with him, so when he left the airport the first thing he did was go to an alley and let her out.

Mordred - UHHAAA Seriously it's good to be able to walk again - she says stretching her arms over her head, causing little pops... she was dressed in an open red coat, a white shirt underneath and little denim shorts, his white sneakers had little red accents.

Mordred - Hey King what are we doing today? I was thinking about starting something and hitting some bastards.....

Astolfo then looks at her, his always cheerful face was serious and under his eyes had little black spots - Mordred let's talk to the Carmila Faction first, then let's hunt some bastards-

Mordred jumps happily on Astolfo's back saying - I knew I could count on you King - the two chatted happily while heading towards the Hotel, Astolfo shouldn't talk to the Carmila Faction but he wanted to find out if they knew anything... not that he needed since he himself knew about Anime and Novel, but he has to make it convincing that he actually hunted something. When he arrived at his Hotel, he registered and went to his room, Mordred went straight to a small fridge that was in the kitchen, Astolfo took his backpack and threw it on the sofa, as he sat down he picks up his phone , he would call Rias, he knows he has to say what he finds in Romania... he will probably have to meet Sirzechs or Serafall... He better tell about Clarent too, it wouldn't be a good idea to just show up there with Clarent, he called her and went straight to voicemail, right in front of him a red magic circle appeared, Rias' Face appeared, a few seconds later a blue circle appeared and Sona's face he appeared.

Before the two could speak Astolfo raised his hand and said - All right, I have 2 things to report, 1 is that I've already arrived in Romania so don't worry and second... I might have have something the Church gave me-

Rias nodded and said - Great that you have already arrived and all but... what did the church give you to be exact? -

I look at the two people in front of me and sigh - Well...she gave it to me Clarent - when he finishes speaking he does a simple sound-cancelling spell. Just as the two had screamed and they talked one on top of the other..... he raises his hand again and they stop talking, dispelling the spell he then speaks - The church gave me because I am descended from an Old English King and the sword reacted to me,Clarent is not broken like Excalibur and has many requirements for someone to use it. The main one being a direct descendant of an English King, and they can't get anyone else who could handle it so...they chose me to take it they treated it like a cursed sword

Sona nods and says - Alright.... this is a really big deal, a sword so powerful in the hands of someone so young, Oh what a headache.

Rias then speaks - Look.... I've already said that if you want to join my nobility, that's fine, but anyway Did you see anything strange in Romania?

Astolfo thinks a little about what he saw, he couldn't see anything different from normal, his sensory spells didn't capture anyone, just a few vampires taking care of their lives and he didn't even notice Astolf and Mordred. He says no and starts talking about other things, and finds out that someone went into Kuoh and left after a while...they know they weren't a demon or Fallen Angel, the normal angels don't come out of heaven unless he needs, rolled a few more things like the events of the Supernatural world until he hung up and sighed...

Astolfo - Whoever this person is doesn't want good... Hey Mordred

Mordred who was in the fridge eating something looks back and tilts his head a little - Yes *munch* King? - she speaks with her mouth full...

Astolfo - We have to sort things out here quickly..... when we get back to my house we'll probably have a surprise

Mordred gives a huge smile and is sincerely very psychotic, his eyes giving off little red sparks - Really? hahahaha I can't wait to see your King castle

Astolfo raises an eyebrow and speaks - Now that I understand, why do you call me King? - he sees Mordred then lose his smile and look at him intently...

Mordred - Basically it's one of the little changes I had when my soul got trapped in Clarent......I would call you cherry or pink. But for some reason when we're not debating I can only call you that

Astolfo then shrugs and looks at the ceiling, wondering what to do now (I wanted to get out of here with Valerie....or rather Mr. Longinus.....I need to think of a really good plan to get t getting it out of here... it would be one less card in Khaos Bridage's hand... Rizevin must already have his own goblet, but better not let the others get it )

Mordred then sits beside him and leans against Astolfo - You've got a serious face... it doesn't look good on your face you know....

Astolfo was surprised by Mordred's behavior....but ended up shrugging off - I's just......things are going to catch fire from now on... .....