Chapter 7

The next day TJ was called to get her uniform. Amaya skipped along happily. When they reached the designer's office, TJ was surprised to see Dean there.

"Good morning, Mr. Moriarty," TJ greeted him.

"Call me Dean," Dean smiled at her. TJ smiled back as the designer came into the room.

"Ah, the famous new student, Tiffany is it? I'm Madeline Caramia," The lady introduced herself.

She looked as if she was in her 30's, tall, unbelievably slim, and wore a body-hugging dress with a stylish belt.

"I'm TJ," TJ said, and Madeline wrinkled her face.

"Darling, Tiffany is a beautiful name. Why do you call yourself TJ?" She asked.

"It sounds cool and also helps to scare away people," TJ said with an amused smile as Amaya snickered beside her.

"Okay, enter here," A booth appeared. TJ stepped inside the booth as the door closed and an automatic voice spoke up.

"Select primary color choice," As soon it said so, three colours appeared, Red, Black, and Yellow.

"Asher, a bit help here!" TJ called Asher in her head.

"Black," Asher said.

TJ chose black.

"Choose a pattern," The computerized voice said. A choice of a shirt and skirt, a tunic and shirt and trousers and shirt appeared.

"Skirt, obviously a skirt," Asher said.

"I am not wearing a skirt, Asher. You know I hate skirts," TJ countered.

"No, Annie. Don't choose trouser. Period" Asher's voice was stern, and TJ groaned.

TJ chose a skirt.

"Chose a supporting color," The voice said. TJ was confused as White, Maroon, and Beige appeared.

"White, although I think Beige would do too," Asher said, and TJ tapped her chin.

She chose White.

"Stand straight for measurements," The voice commanded, and TJ stood straight.

She saw lasers on her body, which tickled her a bit.

"Process complete," The voice faded as the door opened, and TJ stepped out.

"I can't wait to see your uniform!" Amaya squealed, and TJ gave her an amused look.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it," Dean said, coming to her side. TJ grinned.

"I hope so," She laughed.

Amaya's phone rang, and she walked out of the room as she answered.

"So…TJ," Dean asked as Madeline went inside to check TJ's uniform.

"Yeah," She turned to Dean.

TJ saw that she was not that short when compared to Dean. Her head came to his chin. While she reached Asher's face, she didn't even need to tip-toe to kiss him. What was she thinking?

"About kissing me, obviously," Asher said smugly, and TJ wanted to hole up and die.

"TJ?" Dean called out, and she realized he must have thought she spaced out.

"I'm sorry. I was just… thinking," TJ said lamely.

"I was asking if you tried your powers again," Dean repeated, and TJ shook her head.

"No, never got a chance," TJ told him, and he nodded. "Although, I am pretty interested in yours. Telekinesis. Wow!" TJ said, and Dean rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool now, but when I started, I couldn't even lift a pencil on my will. I used to lift myself rather than the pencil in front of me," TJ laughed.

"That must have been a sight. Well, maybe I would do something like that. Trap myself in a couch or something," TJ mused, and Dean laughed.

"No offense, but that would be the coolest trick ever," Dean chuckled, and TJ shook her head and laughed. "But seriously, I don't think that would be the issue. The only issue you faced was calling your powers. It would take some time, but you'll get a hang of it," Dean told her, and TJ smiled.

"TJ von Stein" The designer came out with a pile of clothes. "Here is your uniform," She said and gave TJ the clothes. "You'll get your books in the book shop down the hall, Dean will take you there," She said, and TJ nodded.

"Thank you" TJ gave Madeline a warm smile and turned to leave.

As they were out, the designer, Madeline Caramia sighed. 'The girl is so much like her father', she thought.

Dean led TJ to the book shop as she couldn't find Amaya anywhere. Where did the girl go?

After getting all her books, and a short tour of the school, TJ told Dean that she would go to her room to keep all her stuff.

"I think you should really practice after school hours too, TJ, the kids here are pretty strong, and I heard about your fight with Emilia," Dean said, and TJ's brows wrinkled.

"How did you know?" TJ asked.

"I'm your mentor and Emilia's too. Mentors keep track of their mentee's actions. Also, Amaya cannot keep anything from me," Dean said, and TJ groaned.

"I didn't do anything, okay? I slipped, and my tray went over her. I apologized but she was too snobby. I'm not afraid of her. I don't care if she makes zombies follow me. I can take care of myself," TJ told Dean honesty.

"Look, there are things you need to be careful with, alright. You could be in much more trouble than you think," TJ was confused.

"So you think you can help me after classes?" TJ asked Dean, who smiled at her.

"That's what I am here for," He smiled, and TJ mock saluted him and went to her room.

Amaya was in their room when TJ arrived. She apologized for disappearing as she got a call from her parents, and had to take it to Rafael.

The day went uneventful, and at night Asher was by her side as they slept together peacefully.

Early next morning TJ got ready for school. As she got into her uniform, TJ groaned. The skirt came above her knees. It was a box pleated plain design which made it look like a Scottish skirt. The fabric used didn't need ironing, which was what she was told by Amaya. Her shirt was a half-sleeved button-down shirt with its plackets black in colour, matching her black skirt.

The shoe type was a free choice, so TJ picked up her favourite black ankle-length boots and paired them with the uniform. She tied up her hair in a high ponytail.

"TJ!" Amaya squealed as she came out of the bathroom.

"Yep?" She asked.

"You look great!" Amaya said. She wore a red-coloured skirt under the beige coloured shirt. The combination looked beautiful on her.

"Thanks. I like your uniform too. Although I would have preferred trousers," TJ grumbled the last part to herself.

"No silly, the trousers are for the boys. They wouldn't have given you trousers anyways," Amaya told her, and TJ nodded.

A while later TJ let Amaya go to breakfast alone making an excuse to use the washroom urgently.

Asher appeared as soon as Amaya left and greeted TJ with a kiss.

"Who knew a uniform could look so well on someone," Asher complimented.

"You're such a cheeseball, Ash. I wonder how I got you to love me," TJ said as she wrapped her arms around Asher's neck.

"Simple, you looked at me," Asher said, and TJ thought her heart would run out of her chest. That was how fast it was beating. Her face was red, and TJ knew that.

"Let me go. I'll be late on the first day," TJ said, and Asher raised an eyebrow at her. "If I'm late the whole class would stare me. I don't think you would like that," TJ smirked, and Asher groaned in frustration.

"'Alright, let's go," Asher said and took TJ's hand as they ran towards the cafeteria.

They were the last ones, TJ quickly grabbed 2 sandwiches and drank a glass full of fresh mixed fruit juice, and ran towards the classrooms. She was glad she let Dean show her the classrooms yesterday. TJ sighed with relief when the classroom was still in chaos which meant the teacher was not there. She entered the room, and suddenly the room was quiet.

"Shit!" TJ cursed in her mind. "Thanks for the make out early morning Ash. Now I'm being stared at," TJ grumbled. She walked into the classroom and sat next to Amaya and Rafael.

"Hey! Not my problem you are irresistible!" Asher groaned as TJ turned to Amaya.

"Why are they staring at me?" She asked.

"I don't know?" Amaya said, and TJ asked the same question to her brother.

"Let me see. One, you were the last one in the class, two you're the new kid. Three, it's because Emilia is giving you death glares, and four because you have sexy long legs" Rafael said looking at his tablet, and TJ raised an eyebrow and Rafael showed her the polls on the screen making TJ roll her eyes.

The class returned to its noisy self, and TJ sighed in relief. The door to the class opened and a man who looked like in his late 40s entered the class.

TJ checked her schedule and saw that he was Mr Jamie Aimes who was their history teacher.

The class went by, and TJ learned about the origin of Iiliria, the dimension Aldcoast was located in. TJ didn't like history much but this was definitely interesting.

Next was Computers which was Rafael's favourite. The teacher taught them about the basic devices used for creating shields and weapons.

Classes went by, TJ learned about other species which existed, the ancient languages, and the famous cuisines. Finally, it was time for lunch.

After lunch, the whole four hours were given to fighting or practising their powers and combat techniques.

When she arrived on the ground, TJ was in awe. There were shooting boards, track fields, separate nets, everything which was needed for a fight like spears and shields, even bows and arrows were kept.

The students were divided, and every 6 students were with 1 mentor. TJ knew Dean was her mentor, so she walked towards him.

"How is the first day in Aldcoast High?" Dean asked her.

"Pretty good. I'm actually liking it here," TJ said with a smile.

"Well, we hope you have the same review after this," Dean said with a smile as the others approached.

Amaya, Rafael, Emilia and two others Miriam and Lionel were with her under Dean's supervision.

As Emilia and Miriam went to fight, Amaya, TJ, and Lionel were to work on their powers.

TJ saw that Emilia could manipulate the trees, and plants and everything related to nature around her, Miriam, on the other hand, was a fire manipulator. The match was a tough one but Emilia won. She really was good.

"Alright, I want the three of you to concentrate. Amaya, you have to concentrate on this dummy and make it laugh. It has sensors, and will react to emotions," Dean told Amaya.

"Lionel, concentrate on this picture. I want you to shift, and look like this person exactly," Dean showed Lionel, Messi's picture and TJ chuckled to herself.

"Alright TJ, we are going to do this again. I want you to concentrate on your powers. Feel them inside you. Channel them to your hands, and open me a portal to the cafeteria" Dean told her, and TJ nodded.

TJ planted her feet firmly on the ground, and closed her eyes, she took a few breaths in and thought of the tingling feeling she felt in the simulation room which was in her hands. TJ focused on something flowing in her hands but it was too weak.

"It's happening. Concentrate, TJ," Dean encouraged.

TJ pushed harder but the feeling was still weak.

"Your hands are starting to glow, good. Let the spark take its color" Dean said, confusing TJ but she continued.

She thought of the moment of panic when she thought the couch would hit her. She felt her body tingle and the sensation in her hands became stronger.

"Very good, TJ. You have the spark, now think about the cafeteria," Dean said and TJ obeyed.

TJ opened her eyes and saw her hands, the spark coming out of them was black. Her whole hand was covered with black sparkle. TJ took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and thought of the cafeteria. She thought of the environment, picturing the cafeteria. She took her hands slowly in front of her, wished for a portal to open to the cafeteria, and slowly opened her eyes.

Suddenly there was a small hole in the mid-air, and TJ gasped, she concentrated more on the cafeteria and the hole increased in size.

TJ heard some murmurs behind her but she paid no attention, she was excited that she was creating a hole in the air that would lead to the cafeteria. The whole increased in size, and now TJ could clearly see the tables in the cafeteria.

"Now hold the portal TJ, don't let it close. I'm going to go in. Don't close it," Dean said slowly, and TJ gritted her teeth, this was taking too much energy she was getting tired.

She planted her foot firmly on the ground again as Dean put his hand through the portal, then slowly he tried to get his whole body into the portal which was wide enough.

"TJ, you did it. I am in the cafeteria!" Dean said and TJ grinned, sweat dripping from her face.

Dean came back to the practice ground, and TJ slowly closed the portal.

"Well done!" Dean complimented her with a grin, and TJ realized that the whole school had accumulated around her to see what she was doing.

"Uh…why is everyone staring at me?" TJ asked Dean who just laughed at waved his hand at the others as they got back to their work.

"Nobody has ever seen anyone making portals here. In my whole existence, I never saw a person making portals," Dean said as he gave TJ a bottle of water.

"Thanks," TJ said and drank the water greedily. "This took a lot of energy. I am so going to take up your offer for extra classes," TJ said and Dean grinned.

"Dean?" Emilia approached and wrinkled her face in disgust as she saw TJ.

"Yes, Em?" Dean asked her, and she smiled at him.

"Can you help me with the roots, I just can't get my hold on them. While this one was making that portal, the roots became quite uncontrollable," Emilia said, pointing at TJ, and Dean frowned.

"Okay, let's see, Emilia conjure the roots of this plant," Dean pointed to a small sapling. "At the same time, TJ, think of the homeroom and make the portal," Dean said and TJ nodded.

TJ closed her eyes and tried to feel her powers, this time, the process was much faster, and soon she felt tingling in her hands. As TJ tried to open a portal to the homeroom, Emilia tried to conjure the roots of the sapling. A small portal opened up while the roots danced above the ground. As the portal grew bigger, TJ had to plant her feet on the ground to not give out. The portal was fully made but the roots were another story.

They were dancing on their own and expanding their area as the plant grew somewhat.

"TJ close the portal," Dean said and TJ slowly pulled her hand back and closed the portal but the roots were still dancing above the ground and the plant was growing.

"Emilia put the root back in its place," Dean said looking serious.

"What do you think this means?" TJ asked Dean. She had no idea how Emilia's powers worked but this was pretty cool stuff.

"I have never seen this happening," Emilia said, "All I was doing was keeping the roots above the ground, nothing else, but you saw what happened. How did the sapling grow?" Emilia asked, and TJ furrowed her eyebrows.

"Maybe the portal had some effect on the plant. I'm not so sure about it. Em, go back and practice alright?" Dean said and Emilia wanted to say something but Dean turned to TJ.

"Now TJ, I want you to sit down here and concentrate on your powers," Dean told TJ and she did what he said.

"But Dean…" Emilia started to say but Dean cut him.

"Go practice Em, you need to polish up you combat skills, we'll talk about this later," Dean said, not looking at her but at TJ whose eyes were now closed and her hands were black.

Emilia turned around and left them. She was thoroughly pissed at TJ. That girl was 2 days old and she managed to spoil her favourite dress, take the attention she was getting. She hated TJ so much. Emilia hatefully eyed TJ who was now half sparkling as her hands glowed black.

"Good, good, now put your hands on the ground, and think of your dorm," Dean told TJ.

TJ did what she was told. She pictured her dorm room as she placed her hands on the ground. She opened her eyes and she saw that she could see her room. She opened a portal on the ceiling of her room, and now she had a full view of her bed, even Amaya's.

"I think you are doing pretty good and now you deserve a break," Dean said as TJ withdrew her hands from the ground, and the portal disappeared.

"This is crazy stuff I swear," TJ said with a big smile on her face.

"Nope, all you," Dean told her.

"Everyone, end of the week, simulation day. Be prepared!" Dean announced, hearing a collective groan from everyone.

TJ got up and dusted her skirt, and went where Amaya was. The emotion sensor dummy was now crying.

"Good job, Amaya," Dean said, patting her on her back and Amaya looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Nopes, you have to work harder," Dean said with a chuckle and went to Lionel who was now looking like Daniel Radcliff.

"I am so bad at everything," Amaya cried as tears fell from her eyes.

"No, you're not. This happens," TJ told her and Amaya looked at her, "When I couldn't score a goal, I too would be disheartened but then one day after a tough day, my coach told me that if I want to score a goal I have to want to do it from my heart and keep on trying," TJ told Amaya. "You will be good if you try from your heart. Doesn't matter how many times you fail. You have to keep trying," TJ said and Amaya smiled.

"Yes, she's right," Rafael said as he approached his sister, and sat next to her. "You'll do it, I promise," He said and Amaya smiled at her brother and hugged him.

"You're the best," She said and Rafael laughed.

"Would I be the best if I say that there is ice-cream for dinner today?" Rafael said with a smug smile and Amaya hugged her brother again.

"You hacked the menu again! You are the bestest," Amaya laughed, and Rafael ruffled her hair.

"Now are you up for another try?" TJ asked her and Amaya nodded.

Amaya took a deep breath, got up and faced the dummy.

"Amaya, anger," TJ said. She knew it was opposite to what Amaya felt and this would be a challenge to her.

Amaya looked at the dummy with concentration, her hands glowing baby pink as she waved them in front of the dummy. The dummy turned red and steam came out of its years. As soon as she saw the steam, Amaya jumped with joy, and Rafael's fist pumped in the air.

Finally, she was able to control her emotions while using her powers.

"Now that's what I call a good job, Amaya!" Dean exclaimed with a smile, and Amaya grinned and jumped.

"I call it a day, guys, see you tomorrow," Dean said and the 6 of them sighed with happiness.

"So what are your views on the first day?" Dean asked as they went inside.

"It was an amazing first day!" TJ grinned.

And there were more to come.