Admiring Oneself

Kaneki experimented with the system panel that appeared before him by tapping around it here and there. Nothing happened.

"Don't tell me that's the only thing it does? It shows how many ghouls I need to devour to level up but hey...a system is supposed to do a lot more than that..." Kaneki muttered his thoughts out. 

He soon gave up on it and as Kaneki's focus shifted from system texts to the surrounding behind it, the texts vanished. He thought of those texts and they appeared again and in the same way as before they disappeared.

'That's convenient,' He muttered.

Kaneki didn't think more about the issue as he had something much more important to do. Putting his shirt in the washing machine!

There were blood stains on it and he had no idea whether washing it in the washing machine would help. He still thrust it in and waited. 

With his shirt off Kaneki stared into the mirror to look at his frail body. 

'Ugh...this body looks weak af,' He muttered. 

Now that his hunger had alleviated to a certain extent Kaneki thought about trying to release his Kagune. He tried to sense something in his lower back and could distinctly feel something inside him there. This feeling was not present earlier.

This was the presence of his Kakuhuo. He immediately positioned himself in the centre of the room and tried to push his Kagune out and like a limb being pushed out of a shirt's sleeves, Kaneki's Kagune released itself from the Kakuhuo.

Four tail-like objects burst out of his lower back and if not for Kaneki's immediate control they would have damaged the wall behind him. 

Kaneki turned behind to look at his Kagune which looked similar to four bloody tails. He tried to shake them and just like how he was able to control the movement of his fingers he could control the movement of those tails in the same manner.

However, there was a problem here which Kaneki soon realized once he tried to take a step towards the mirror to admire how cool he looked.

What was supposed to be firm steps turned out to be wobbled. He was having trouble with his movements now that his body's centre of gravity had changed.

'It will take some practice,' Kaneki said as he supported himself to the mirror.

"How cooool," Kaneki said as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. Four wavy tales moved in Kaneki's desired direction in the mirror as Kaneki admired their elegance.


"What?! Didn't I just eat?" Kaneki exclaimed but soon realized that the usage of Kagune required much more energy from the body and as a result, he was hungry yet again...

"Well this is annoying," Kaneki said as his Kagune soon disappeared and he was back to his formal frail-looking self.

The pang of hunger thankfully wasn't very much so all Kaneki could do was gulp in some water and go to sleep.

'I'll have to request food from the old man again tomorrow,' Kaneki thought as he went to sleep.