Sharing a moment with her prince charming.

"The next morning,Alicia woke up early and got ready quickly,surprising her mother.She hums her favourite song " if you come back" A very popular chinese song from the famous singer, Sa Dinding.Alicia has been a long time lover of chinese songs.She wears a wedge shoe and comes downstairs for breakfast.

"What?Did the sun rise from the west today? You seem very eager to go to work today." Mrs.Jones teased. " Yes mom,you do not know how happy i am."Alicia said smiling and gulping down a glass of orange juice.She hurriedly packs her cross bag and leaves for work." Ok mom i gotta go now or i will be late for work.Bye"

" Bye dear" Mrs.Jones shouted waving her hands at Alicia as she left.

Damien stood at the receptionist office to personally greet Alicia when she arrives.Edwin sees him and mocks him."Aren't you ashamed of yourself?You are waiting patiently for an employee as though you are waiting for your bride at the altar".

" Come on Edwin,Am i standing on your head?And...cant i be friends with her?Don't force your opinions on me.Just because you don't like her does not mean everyone else should hate her.Go to your office now,she will be here anytime soon,or do you also want to welcome her like me?" Edwin is irritated and leaves. A while later,Alicia arrives at the office and Damien welcomes her with flowers.``Good morning.Are you ready to begin today's work?"

"Um...yes thank you" Alicia slowly received the flowers and smiled.Damien accompanied Alicia to Edwin's office.``Good morning sir" Alicia said, smiling  and showing all her teeth.

"You do not need to show me that you brushed your teeth this morning." Alicia's smile faded immediately. " He is your boss and not your escort.why will you have him following you around?" Alicia slowly looks at Damien behind her and realises what Edwin meant by his statement.She. look at Edwin again." Let me make one thing clear,you are here on probation and can be fired at any time.Do not make any personal relationship here.Understood? 

"Yes...sir" Alicia slowly replies.Her excitement to work suddenly vanished into thin air.Her prince charming really isn't who he thought he was after all.

"Go to the finishing department and take the files of the past and recently concluded fashion runways.After that schedule my meeting with the clients for tomorrow then you have to contact the company's fashion designers for the inspection of the latest designs.After that make a list of the models that will be needed for next week fashion runway. Then you can....." He is interrupted by Damien." That is really enough work for one day,she won't have a time to rest by doing all of these.

"I don't care,she is being paid to do her work it is not like she is working for free.And besides everyone has to work hard to accomplish their task.She is not some princess who will just sit and enjoy while the rest work their butts off.She has to realise this.Now miss…?"

" Alicia Jones '' Alicia replied. " Miss Alicia,you can get back to work now.You are dismissed '' Alicia leaves disappointed and Damien angrily stares at Edwin.

" What will you gain by doing this?"Damien asked. " I want to prove to you that she does not deserve to be here and that she is an opportunist." Damien leaves his office and goes to meet Alicia on her way to the finishing department.

"Where are you going?That is not the way to the finishing depatment.You know what?Let me take you round the company so you won't get lost." Damien says and smiles at Alicia who is looking down and disappointed." Come on,don't tell me you took Edwin's words to heart.Listen i know you are very capable of handling this work.All you have to do is prove to Edwin that you are worth it.Don't worry,i will help you.``

" Thank you very much,at least ever since i stepped into this company,you have treated me like a good human being.Thank you but it will be good if you don't help me or sir will think that i am taking advantage of you"

" Don't worry about that.Let us go." Damien leads the way and takes Alicia to a tour round the company.After they were done touring the company,Alicia goes to the finishing departments and gathers the files of the past and recent fashion runways of the company.

"Let me help you take it to  your office," Damien suggested." No, it's okay,I can manage."Alicia tries to carry the heavy box on her own but Damien takes it from her." Thanks,i wonder why it is so heavy".Damien drops the box on the table when he gets to Alicia's office.Alicia opens the box and is shocked.

"Oh my goodness,when am i going to finish accessing so many files?" Alicia takes the files out one after the other and counts it to a total of 50 files. "Don't worry i will help you.It is not necessary that you check all the files,you can just skim through it.Besides you only need to check the recent  ones.Edwin told you to check the past files just to trouble you." Damien says and separates the old files from new ones."There.There is a total of 30 recent files so you only have to check 30 files."Damiel said with a huge smile.

" Thank you so much for helping me sir.I don't know where i would have started if not you.You don't need to help me access the files.I am strong and capable of doing it myself.You know,when i was in school my classmates used to call me strong woman.This is just an icing on the cake for me.

"That is the spirit!I knew you were capable of doing your work.You don't have to thank me and yes,don't call me sir just call me Damien.I prefer that and if Edwin says anything to you,just tell him its my order" Damien and Alicia bursts into laughter.They are unaware of the fact that Edwin is actually watching them through the window.

"I wonder what spell she has cast on him for him to like her so much" Edwin muttered softly and left.

" By the way,i never knew you were such a chatterbox" Damien said staring at Alicia.She replies with a smile.Alicia begins to check the files one after the other.Damien increases the temperature of the air condition when he notices Alicia was starting to sweat.She muttered a thank you and continued her work.

"If you are done babysitting her then can you please come to my office? i need to talk to you.Edwin says glaring at Alicia.

"Ok,lets go'' Damien said.``Go on i will join you" Edwin replied still glaring at Alicia.Damien reluctantly leaves while Edwin moves closer to Alicia.``Stop trying so hard to work here.This company doesn't need you.Just leave!" Edwin said to Alicia in a very serious tone but to Edwin's surprise, Alicia bravely stood up to Edwin glaring at him as well.``I am sorry sir but i wont leave here until i have proved my capabilities to you.In Fact the day i prove my ability to you,you will have no choice but to appreciate me in front of everybody" Alicia replied." That will only happen when the moon appears in the sky during the day``.He mutters and leaves her office while She continues to do her work.

"Your so called brave and capable beauty with brains needed your help to access the files?" Edwin mockingly said to Damien who was patiently waiting for him in his office.``No!She didn't let me help her with it.She said to me that she was capable enough to handle her own work.You should really change your perspective about this girl Edwin." Damien replies.

" I am really curious to know why you are supporting her so much.Is it because you find her attractive?" Edwin asked." Well that is not the case at all Mr.CEO. Alicia has proved to me that she is a capable employee and friend.I like her because she is free spirited and because she is also determined to prove herself.Maybe the reason why i am able to see this is because i actually belong to the rest of the world" Damien sarcastically replied.

" And where do I belong to? The outer space? Anyways let's stop talking about her.You need to go and meet our foreign investors and talk business with them" 

" Alright,i will go but please do not toture Alicia more than you have already done."He leaves." Now that you are gone,let's see how you help Alicia with her work.Edwin smirks.

Alicia looks at her wristwatch and finds out that it is time for the office break." If i leave this place and go for the office break now then i won't be able to finish all my work for today.I have to continue with this work.There are only 15 files left but i am so hungry.``Alicia continues with the work.Suddenly Edwin calls Alicia through the office telecom.

"I need you to get me some coffee from the Coco shop" Edwin says staring at Alicia expecting her to decline." Alright" Alicia says and leaves hurriedly.Few minutes later she comes back from the Coco shop with Edwin's coffee breathing heavily.It was clear that she was running.She drops the coffee on his table and leaves to continue her work.Edwin looks on.

It is getting late and Alicia just finished accessing the files.She writes a report and takes it together with the files to Edwin's office.She was exhausted yet still confident.``Here are the files.The report i wrote state the models and designs the company used in the past.I have also written recommendations for next week fashion runway." Alicia said.

" Okay.If you are tired just give up.The way out of the company is that way" Edwin said pointing to the door." I do not know the reason why you are so indifferent towards me but i am going to change your views about me very soon.I won't give up no matter what." She leaves his office.

Mrs.Jones  and Bethany becomes really worried by night time as Alicia has not given them a call since morning."What kind of work is Alicia so busy with? This is 6pm and she has not even made a single call to me since she left for work." Mrs.Jones said extremely worried." Don't worry aunt maybe she is busy.I will try calling her." Bethany suggested.She dials Alicia's number.Alicia's phone rings for sometime then she picks the call.

"Hey,how are you?Are you still at work?" Bethany inquired."Yes ….yes. I am actually doing the last work of the day now,i will be home when i am done here." Alicia replies and disconnects the call while Edwin watches from afar.He contemplates about whether he should really trust Alicia or not.

Alicia wraps up her work,packs her bag and prepares to go home.On her way to the elevator she collides with Edwin."I am sorry" she muttered and enters the elevator.Edwin also does the same.2 minutes later,the elevator arrives downstairs and they both get off the elevator but suddenly there is an electricity black out.Edwin who is afraid of the dark hastingly clings onto Alicia for help.She looks on in surprise and shock.She stares at Edwin and burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?How dare you make fun of your boss?" Edwin said still scared and clinging tight onto Alicia's hand." I just can't believe that my boss is afraid of the dark." She continues laughing." Shut up" Edwin said and covered her mouth with his hand.This sparks butterflies in Alicia's stomach again. "Why does this happen to me every time,could i be falling in love with him?" Alicia thought to herself.Edwin and Alicia's moment is interrupted by a shadow. "What is that?" Edwin asked, feeling scared. "It looks like the shadow of some creature." Alicia replied and she also seemed to be getting scared.As the shadow continues to approach, Edwin and Alicia hug themselves and screams.

"Sir….sir its me." It turns out that the shadow they say was that one the security guard with a torch. "I have brought the electrician to fix the power blackout." He said. Edwin and Alicia stare at each other and realise they are still hugging each other.They immediately let go of themselves and the electricity is restored.

"Thank you so much sir" Alicia said to the security guard." Good night sir"she muttered to Edwin and leave. Edwin also leaves the company.

Few minutes later,Alicia arrives at her house and is greeted by her mother.

"What happened dear? You are so late" Mrs.Jones said, hugging Alicia. "Bethany even waited for you to arrive but she later went to her home." She added.

"Oh no i am so sorry,i just had a lot of work to do." Alicia said." Alright but make sure to call me sometimes so i wont get worked up unnecessarily.I hope they treat you well there." Mrs.Jones asked." Of Course mom.I even have a new friend.But you know what mom,i am really very hungry."Mrs.Jones made noodles for Alicia.After eating she goes to her room and laid down on her bed.She stared at the ceiling and couldn't stop thinking about her moment with Edwin during the power black out.

"How can you still think about him when he is hellbent on making your life miserable?He thinks that you are nothing but an opportunist." Alicia talks to herself and gives a deep sigh.``Damien is such a loving human being.Why does Edwin think i am a bad person?" She plays  the song Darkside by Alan Walker on her phone and sleeps off.

" Why on earth am I not able to sleep? Edwin switch sides on the bed." Why can't i just stop thinking about her?" He remembers Damien's word about Alicia being a kind person and willing to prove her capabilities." Am i really making a mistake about judging Alicia?" He plays the song Darkside by Alan Walker on his phone and sleeps off.

The next morning,Edwin,Damien and Alicia are in the conference room in a meeting with their business partners.

"You do not have to worry just as always Fashion X is going to provide you with the most Elegant and Classic themes with experienced and famous Fashion designers around the world" Edwin said concluding the meeting.They all shake hands and come outside.

" So how was your first conference meeting?" Damien asked Alicia." It was great Damien,thanks" Edwin glares at Alicia.

"How dare you call him by his name," Edwin said." It was his order" Alicia replied.She and Damien giggles.Edwin is irritated and leaves.Alicia follows him to his office." Do you need anything sir?" Alicia asked.

"There will be a party tonight.The location will be texted to you in a while.The theme is Western.It is a party that our foriegn clients have invited us to.I do not want you to make any scene or cause trouble.Do you understand me? 

"Yes sir" Alicia replies and is about to leave when she sees that Edwin's hand is bruised and bleeding."OMG sir your hand is bleeding" She hurriedly takes the first aid box and tries to clean his wound but Edwin stops her." What are you doing? Mind your business" He said and tries to cover up his wound but Alicia stops him.

" Don't be so stone hearted.It is okay if you are indifferent towards me but at least don't be cruel to yourself.If something is wrong then you should seek help from people." She said and cleaned his wounds." Its okay,stop lecturing me"He said and continued to stare at her as she cleaned his wound.When she was done,she packed the first aid box and was about to leave but he stops her.

"Don't forget.I don't want you to create any unnecessary drama during the party.He said."Alright Edwin" She said smiling but her smile quickly faded when she realised she just called him by his name."Sorry sir" She muttered and leaves his office and Edwin smiled.