All eyes on were on her.

In the evening,Alicia is getting ready for the party in her room; she vents her anger out on Bethany when she doesn't know what to wear.

"Just leave me alone Bethany please.Can't you see i am trying so hard to get ready? But i don't have new clothes to wear.What do i do now? Alicia sits on the bed." I do not know why you are worrying so much? It's just a party and its not like you are some celebrity that all eyes will be on you." Bethany said helping Alicia to select some clothes. " You do not understand what i am trying to say.I mean we are going to meet our clients at the party and our company is a fashion company for goodness sake how will it be like for me,the CEO's secretary to look like a beggar at the party? I should also look elegant and classy there.I am his secretary after all."

" Hmmmmmm,yes secretary," Bethany replied, staring at Alicia in a suspicious manner. "Why are you staring at me like that?And what do you mean by hmmmmmm,yes secretary?" She asked.

" Do you really want to dress well for the party or do you want to impress someone?" Bethany asked, drinking a glass of water. " What? What are you saying?Why would I try to impress someone? Who do I want to impress? You have been saying so much nonsense lately." Alicia hurriedly denied her allegations.

" Alicia! Alicia! Come downstairs someone is here to see you.Mrs. Jones called out from the living room while Alicia and Bethany are surprised as to who could be here at this hour to meet her.They came downstairs and Alicia is shocked to see who came to visit her.

"You? How come you are here? How do you know the address to my house?" Alicia asked dumbfounded." Am i not welcomed?" Damien asked." No,no that is not what i meant to say.Of Course you are welcomed.I was just surprised." " Its okay.Hi everyone,My name is Damien,Alicia's friend" He greets Bethany and Mrs.Jones who are looking at he and Alicia in a distance.``hi" Bethany and Mrs.Jones replied looking surprised.

Damien gave a big gift box to Alicia." What is this'' Alicia asked Receiving it and opening the box.She is surprised to see what is inside.." A dress and a matching high heel? " She looks at Damien." I am sorry but i can't accept this." Alicia said, returning the box back to Damien.

" If you have ever considered me your friend then please accept this. It's just a small gift. If it had been anyone else that was my friend then i would have done the same." He said giving the box back to Alicia." Okay, i will accept this dress because you are my friend and i do not want you to feel bad." Alicia said with a smile while Damien claps and laughs." You should go and dress up now i will wait for you here." Alicia is surprised by his statement." What?" She remarked. " I will take you to the party.Please don't refuse.If you take a taxi to the party it will ruin your dress and you will still have to walk a few distance to the venue of the party.How will you do that with a high heel? Just let me take you to the party please." He pleaded.

" Okay then,i will go and dress up quickly" She smiled and went to her room.Bethany also follows her while Mrs. Jones treat Damien to a coffee."I guess your dilemma of what to wear to the party has been solved now by your prince charming".Bethany laughed and teased Alicia.

" You have started with your nonsense again.He Is just a good friend.Ever since i arrived at the company, He has been treating me well.He is not like Edwin who always sees my flaws and not my capability." Alicua replied.

"I  do not know who this Edwin is or what he did to you but i am definitely sure that the guy downstairs is definitely interested in you.He likes you.I think you should not waste time once he tells you he likes you.Just say yes to him." Bethany suggested. " You seem to be out of your mind.You should see the doctor soon" Alicia said and went to the changing room to the changing room to dress. 

After some minutes Alicia came downstairs. Damien couldn't stop looking at her as she was looking extremely gorgeous and stunning.With great difficulty,Damien managed to get a grip of himself. He walks up to her and gives her a hand.Alicia puts her hand in his while Bethany and Mrs. Jones can't help but giggle." Mother, Bethany i will be back soon.She said and she leaves with Damien.

At the party, Edwin is chatting with his business partners while the other company's staff are marrying. After some minutes, the party was interrupted by Damien and Alicia' s arrival. The moment they arrived, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked only at Alicia making her feel very uncomfortable. " I think i should go back.I am going to create a scene and sir Edwin will be angry at me." She said to Damien.

" You are not going to go anywhere.It isn't your fault that you are beautiful." Damien replied and took her inside while Edwin glared angrily at Alicia.As Alicia walked in,all eyes were on her.The married women had to turn their husband's face multiple times to stop staring at Alicia.

Alicia and Damien arrives in front of Edwin.Damien introduces Alicia to the clients." Good evening Mr. Gilbert.This is Miss Alicia Jones,Mr. Edwin Stathon's new secretary. " Nice meeting you" Mr.Gilbert shake hands with Alicia." She is looking really gorgeous and smart,befitting to be your secretary" He added.

" Thank you." Edwin reluctantly replies.After Mr. Gilbert left, he gives Alicia an earful." I told you not to create a scene here didn't i? Edwin rebuked Alicia." But i have not done anything wrong now have i?" Alicia replied. " She is an human being Edwin and she also has rights to.What is the problem if i brought her to the party? Damien said to Edwin who leaves irritatedly.

" I told you it would be best for me to just leave" Alicia said." Don't worry everything will be fine.Enjoy the party i have to go see my friends." Damien leaves.Some of the female staff of the company comes to see Alicia.

" Hi Alicia,i must say that you are really looking beautiful tonight.Beatrice complemented." Thank you, '' Alicia replied. " Mr. Damien brought you to the party,are the two of you together?" Aisha asked. " We have seen the both of you a couple of times at the office as well.Just tell us.We are very happy for you" Lora said.

" All of you are mistaken,nothing of the sort is happening. He is just showing me humanity." Alicia replied to their questions hoping to clear their doubts.But they kept on asking her over and over again.

" What is the meaning of this? Have you all forgotten how to behave? This may be a party but dont bridge the company's rules.Now get out!" Edwin rebukes them. " We are really sorry sir." They muttered and left. " And you,didn't i tell you not to create a scene? What if one of our business partners heard what they were asking you? I care a lot about my company's reputation so be careful from now on.Stay away from Damien.I do not want this rumour about you and Damien to escalate any further." He said to Alicia and left while Alicia looks on sad.She goes to sit in front of the bar tender feeling like an outcast.

Alicia goes to the restroom after some time still thinking of Edwin's insulting words.Unknown to her she entered into the men's restroom instead.She intends to leave but is stopped by a random guy.

" I am really sorry,i know i shouldn't be here.I was so engrossed in my thought that i didn't notice the sign board.I am sorry."Alicia pleaded. " No,its okay.People make such mistakes sometimes.Why are you worried? You can tell me." He said trying to get close to her.

" Where is Alicia?" Damien asked Edwin." How would I know? I am not her bodyguard." He replied. "You know what? It is useless talking or arguing with you" Damien said and went.

" Please let me go now,i do not need your help." Alicia tries to leave but the random guy grabbed her by her arm and stopped her from leaving." A beautiful lady like you shouldnt be worried." He said, trying to caress Alicia's cheek. "Leave me alone! Please leave me alone i said i don't need your help." Alicia cries as she tries to resist him.She shouts for help but he covers her mouth.Alicia hurts her hand with a glass while struggling to leave.

" Have you please seen a beautiful lady around.She has blonde hair and brown eyes.She is slim and is wearing a green dress.''Damien asked the bartender. "Yes,she sat here before and told me she was going to the restroom a while ago." The bartender replied.

" A while ago?" Damien goes to the restroom and hears some noise coming from the male rest room.He sees the guy trying to molest Alicia and immediately goes to free Alicia from him.

" How dare you touch her? " Damien continues to beat him to a pulp while Alicia stood at one side shaking and trembling in tears.Damien beats and drags the guy outside the restroom to the party while Alicia slowly follows in tears.Everyone stopped partying.Edwin asked Damien what the matter is.

" This stupid guy was trying to molest Alicia in the men's rest room." Edwin looks behind and sees Alicia in tears with bleeding hands.``How did she get in the men's restroom in the first place." Edwin asked. " I…..i…...i entered...there by mistake. I was about to go outside but….but he stopped me and started to harrass me." Alicia said in tears.

" How do we believe that you didn't go in there on purpose?" Edwin asked.Alicia looks at Edwin surprised by his question. " What are you saying sir? Are you trying to say that i intentionally went inside the male's restroom myself? Alicia asked hoping to get a response that would soothe her pain a little. "How can we be sure you didn't" Alicia is broken by his response. "How could you even say that Edwin?Just because she entered the rest room by mistake doesn't give this monster here the right to harass her." Damien shouted at him.

" I knew she would create a scene." Edwin said staring at Alicia.``I can't believe you are still concerned about your reputation when you should be supporting Alicia instead.Today i feel like i do not even know who you are any more.The friend i knew wouldn't be this cold hearted." Damien rebukes Edwin and walks up to Alicia covering her with his suit. The police arrive and arrest the guy while Damien takes Alicia out of the party.

" Mr.Edwin  is right, i cause problems wherever i go.I ruined the party for everyone" Alicia muttered to Damien." Don't say that.I apologize on Edwin's behalf.He really shouldn't have said that to you.This is my fault. I brought you to the party but couldn't take care of you.I don't know how i will face your mother after what i have done." Damien apologized to her. " Let me drop you off at your house" he added.

" No...thank you so much but I would like to go home on my own." Alicia returns his suit and takes a taxi home.