Waking Up(Warning Nudity and Sex Scenes R-18)


Urghhh 5 more mins...

I whispered under my breath.

Suddenly I shot up from my bed dressed only in my underwear and for a second just sat there on my bed frozen trying to understand what's happening.

As I stared at my hand it finally hit me.

"Why is my hand so small and where are my unhealthy pale skin, my scars, and neural interface implants!?"

"What the fuck?"

"Wait where am I?"

"Shouldn't I be dead?"

"Don't tell Me..."

I took a look at my room only to freeze on the spot once again.

"It all looks so familiar and yet so foreign to me."

"No fucking way..."

I quickly grabbed my smartphone only to confirm my guess.

2022-08-04 08:00

"You got to be kidding me..."

I slumped down onto my bed.

As I was still in disbelief of what was in front of my eyes suddenly in my view a holographic image popped out.

Loading APEXER system.



Suddenly an inhuman head-splitting pain assaulted me and I passed out.



Wake up Drac!


Suddenly I felt my cheek burning.

"Eh, this sounds and feels way too familiar."

I thought while opening my eyes.

Only to be greeted by Genesis with her natural-looking long pink hair tied into a ponytail with a few bangs of her hair sticking out and falling on her forehead dressed only in her skin-tight synthetic black tank top showing her nipples and her skin-tight synthetic shorts showing off her athletic body not leaving much to the imagination sitting on me in my view.


''Wait a minute this isn't right I know a simulation when I see and feel one being played in my head plus I don't have an AI chip in my brain anymore!Plus...''

As I looked at Genesis sitting on top of me I saw sweat running down her forehead, neck, and cleavage and smelled her youthful natural 20 years old women's scent full of pheromones mixed with her sweat I couldn't help but feel my dick getting hard.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

''Gods almighty, it's alive!''

Immediately the question as old as humanity itself popped out in my brain.

''To touch or not to touch?''

''Fuck it! I need to be sure!''

With one hand I grabbed her athletic, perky and curvy medium-sized heart-shaped ass while with my other hand I grabbed her E-cup firm and full breast and gently squeezed and rubbed them.

A moan escaped from Genesis's sexy lips.

I saw Genesis bite her black plump lips with her longer than usual sharp canines piercing them and drawing red blood while her sharp black nails dug into my athletic chest drawing blood.

''Bloody hell it hurts even though my mind has already gotten used to pain to the point that I can ignore the pain of my severed arm long ago my current body hasn't yet but fuck this is such a turn-on.''

I pushed Genesis down under me and interlocked our mouths together allowing our tongues to taste each other.

While I started grinding my dick against her skintight fabric-covered moistening pussy I bit down on her short and pointy ear while one of her hand's sharp nails started shredding my back like cat claws and together with one of her legs she locked my legs and with surprising strength pressed me against her while she also started grinding her moistening pussy against my dick.

I couldn't hold it anymore after all I might have been a supersoldier with demigod level stamina but now I'm just an above-average joe now.

As I came and shot out my load on Genesis's stomach Genesis also climaxed drenching her synthetic shorts while she bit into my neck with her longer than usual sharp canines drawing blood and subconsciously squeezed me so hard because of her muscles contracting that I thought she will break my back and legs.

But it was fucking worth it even if my back was bleeding from all the deep scratches she gave me.

''Fuck yes! after so many years finally!''

I was breathing heavily and indulging in ecstasy until I felt my nose dislocating from Genesis's punch.



I looked at my 1.8 meters tall athletic image with a perfect V- shape image with my deathknight tatto on my right forearms inside part with my life's motto written under it.

In Death I Live.

Another one made out of viking runes on my same arms upper outside part.

And black bloodvessels tatto traveling from my left chest to my left sides neck down to my left hands fingers all over my left arm.

Deep scratches and bite marks that finally stopped bleeding in my bathroom's mirror with a still fresh hair cut with my heads sides and back shaven clean straight out of the army and my metal dog tag hanging around my neck.

I exhaled deeply at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

As I pushed a pencil into my dislocated nose and with all of my strength, I relocated it.

"Fuck! it hurts."

I thought while the bloody pen fell on the ground as I pressed a towel against my bleeding nose.

Drac, wash my back.

Gen, you could have just said no you know...

I murmured as I took a sponge and stepped inside the shower to wash Genesis's naked back.

Hmph, you deserve it!

Genesis turned her head around and said with her puffed out cheeks.

Immediately my heart rate accelerated and started pumping my blood through my arteries and veins filled with adrenaline, and hormones while my dick started getting hard again although I currently might be just an above-average joe I'm still young and full of vigor 20 years old youth.

I pressed Genesis against the wall with my hardening dick pocking against her pink pussy while one of my hands grabbed her hands interlocking them and raising them up and pressing them against my bathroom's wall while my other hand slid in and grabbed her breast with my fingers pinching her hardening nipple.


Genesis murmured with an angry face.

Heheheh I know you liked it after all you drenched your shorts completely.

I crackled with an evil grin on my face.

I was about to do some foreplay but suddenly I felt my head getting light and my body weak as I lost my balance while blood started leaking out of my nose like a fountain thankfully Genesis turned around with surprising speed and strength and caught me.

As I was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath with one of my hands squeezing my bleeding nose.

What the fuck is happening to me?!

I roared out with anger.

Genesis clicked her tongue in frustration.

As I was going to explain before you got all horny on me...

Horny my ass do you think a man who has been suffering for decades with ED after getting back into his young and healthy body full of vigor wouldn't get horny after seeing his 3D waifu coming to life and sitting on him in that get-up?!

...your current body is dying.

After a moment of silence while staring at Genesis's purple cat-like eyes trying to see if she's pranking me I erupted.

Son of a bitch what kind of shitty time travel is this?

Drac, calm down there's a solution for this...

After getting my shit together I finally calmed down.

Hmmm, so what's the solution?

Think status in your mind.


In my view, a systems interface appeared showing my body stats and other things.


Race: Human

Real name:***...

Self-given name: Dracula

Nickname: Drac

Strength: 0.7

Perception: 0.7

Endurance: 0.7

Charisma; 0.6

Intelligence: 0.8

Agility: 0.7

Luck: 1.6

A human's natural each stats limits are 1.

An physically unfit and mediocre human's average stats are 0.3.

I guess all that PT during my 9 months of basic in the military were worth it.

I said out loud feeling proud of myself.

Stop feeling proud of being just above-average and look at your current missions.

I gave Genesis the stink eye.

Hey, I'm at least above average.

Hmph lasting for just a couple of minutes is nothing to be proud of.

Oh yeah, I still made you climax even without putting it in.

Hmph! It's my first time experiencing sexual stimulation with a body of flesh and blood of course I would climax.

Genesis defended herself with her cheeks turning red.

Sure whatever you say...

I focused my attention back on the system.

Main mission:

Your soul is trying to synchronize with your old body but all the death mana in your soul that the system has absorbed for you from the people that died in WW 3 is killing your body after all for those who aren't necromancers death mana is like poison so as the one chosen by the apexer system you should prove your metal that you are the right person for the job as for how. Think!

What is your greatest advantage from being a time traveler?

Misson requirements:

Plagiarize cough* cough* "Invent" any future technology from the future that is at least one generation more advanced compared to current earth's technology and get your deserved fame, status, influence and most importantly get filthy rich fast!

Rewards: gen 1 cybernetic brain AI implant (This will solve your current problem)

Bonus reward upon exceeding missions requirements: occult runes.

P.S. the clock is ticking so less thinking with your dick and more chop chop.

''What a cheeky system but wait death mana does it mean that magic exists and what's up with the bonus reward..."

"Well, I guess I'm living proof of magic existing since there's no way I was sent back in time with the help of technology.''

Hmmm, I see but Gen what's up with you?

Your clearly not a simulation in my brain?

Well about that how should I explain this.

Genesis thought with a finger under her chin which looked cute as fuck to me.

Well for starters I seem to be connected to that system of yours in your soul although I can't control the system I can help you understand it as for what I'm currently am.

Suddenly Genesis seemed to become transparent and this time I didn't need to check to make sure because I saw the water droplets from the shower fall straight through her.

So you're a ghost or something now?

I said while Genesis materialized again.

I guess I am something like that since I'm feeding on that death mana in your soul to exist and materialize and also can you see the floating mana particles in the air.


I shook my head.

I see ... well anyways I can feed on them too but there's just so little of them in the air.

My veteran weeb mind with decades of experience worked at high speed and I soon came to an exciting realization.

''I fucking knew it at some point magic should have existed on earth but for some reason, it almost disappeared after all legends and myths don't come from nothing.''

Well anyways...

I stood up still feeling weak and dizzy.

... let's wash your back.

Genesis gave me a suspicious look.

Don worry I know how to set my priorities straight.

You better or else next time it will be your balls.

I grinned at this cheeky devil.

Oh yeah...

I hugged her from behind and while biting her short and pointy ear I whispered.

... I still remember someone crying her eyes out for me.

Genesis immediately blushed.


I kept hitting my fingers against my pc table while sitting on my chair only in my boxers because currently, it was still summer so the weather was quite hot while puffing out clouds of smoke from my mouth.

While I was thinking about what to "invent" Genesis wrapped in a towel walked in and sat on my legs.

Let me try.

As I gave Genesis my vape my eyes met Genesis's eyes and a light bulb turned on in my mind.

''There's no point in killing my brain cells I got a living and breathing black tech sitting on my legs.''


I don't get it, why you humans poison themselves with these things.

Genesis said while giving me back my vape.

Hehehe after trying a few times you'll be craving for it I said while Genesis and my stomachs growled.

Drac I'm hungry.

Hmmm, now that you mention it I am too in fact I'm famished.

I stood up and carried Genesis in a princess carry into the kitchen.

As I placed Genesis onto a chair I couldn't help but blurt out my thoughts.

Damm, you're heavy.

You're just too weak.

Fair point I said while opening the fridge.

Alright, let's see what we have here.

As I stared at the contents of the fridge I couldn't help but feel my drug unsuppressed emotions and feelings take over me.

Truly you can only understand the fortune and happiness of seeing natural products in you're fridge when you have eaten reprocessed shit and piss.

Suddenly I heard my smartphone ring.

It's your friend.

Eh, how do you know ?

I asked loudly while running to pick my smartphone up.

Although I'm like this I still seem to have characteristics of an AI I can remotely connect to electronics and even the Internet but it's really unpleasant with all the information overflow when I tried earlier...

I heard Genesis say while I stared at the caller's name.

Yo, what's up Drac I heard you got discharged from PCIMS(permanent compulsory initial military service) sorry I couldn't come to the bar last night.

Drac you there?

Drac can you hear me?

It took a couple of seconds for me to compose myself before I answered in a crackling voice.

Yea I hear you sorry I accidentally pressed the mute button.

Happens so anyway I'm free now I thought maybe you wanna meet up?

Yea sure man when will you pick me up?

Maybe in 20-30 mins, I think.




As the call ended I slumped down on my bed with my eyes moistening and buried my head in my hands.


Only now did it finally hit me.

''My family and friends and close ones they're still alive now...''

Only to hear and feel Genesis run over and press her breasts against my ripped back while her hands and legs wrapped around me.

It's okay now Drac your friends and family they're all alive and well.

Edited 2022 April 22