Party!(Warning Mature Context R-18)

So how does it feel having a body of flesh and blood?

I asked Genesis while giving her a once over.

She was dressed in my gray sleeveless t-shirt and my sister's green short shorts with black ring earrings in her short and pointy ears standing under the hot sun with my spare black sunglasses.

It sucks I keep sweating all over.

Yea no kidding.

I said while puffing out clouds of smoke from my mouth while running my eyes over Genesis's sweat-soaked athletic body.

''Thankfully I managed to find barely fitting bra and underwear for Genesis from my sister's old clothes or else with how tight those sweat-soaked clothes are clinging to Genesis's body.''

''Well, let's just say that without the bra and underwear there would be not much left for the imagination.''

''Although the bra is barely holding back those firm and full E-cups from escaping their hold.''


Inside black golf, a 1,75 meters tall 21 years old AM with glasses and blond short hair was driving while listening to YouTube's nightcore songs group called the weebs holy scriptures created by Dracula himself.

As AM finally arrived he parked his car and walked out only to see me dressed in my black military field uniform with my jackets sleevess rounded up showing off my tattoos on my athletic arms pulsating with my expanded from the heat green bloodvessels.

My neck coupling on my neck, black shins length waxed and polished combat boots, black fingerless with knuckle guards and same black earrings decorating my ears as I puffed out clouds of smoke from my mouth hugging a 1,80 meters tall, sexy and athletic Genesis with explosive calibers.

AM's eyeballs almost popped out at seeing this.


AM muttered out.

You got fat mate and you should close your mouth otherwise you'll swallow a flie.

I said while I went to give my still stunned best friend a bone braking bro hug.

Yo Drac you're gonna squeeze my lungs out.

Sorry, it's just been too long since I saw you, dude.

Eh, I mean it's been only 9 months it's not so long.

"9 months my ass you have been dead for decades mate."

I thought while poking my friend's T-shirt-covered belly.

You should really start working out or else you'll grow a real bear belly soon.

I know.

My friend exhaled heavily as he embarrassingly scratched his head.

Anyway, who's that.

Oh that is my waifu a.k.a my girlfriend.

I said while pulling Genesis in for a hug and giving her a peck on her cheek.

Hey, who said I'm your girlfriend you old pervert Genesis shot back while puffing out smoke from her mouth.

I gave Genesis's perky and curvy athletic ass a squeeze.

"You're the one who made your wish, not me."

I said in my mind while Genesis stiffened while bitting her plump black lips as she pouted.

''Apparently, I and Gen can talk mentally as long as we are close enough.''

Wait wait wait, Drac you are joking right you an anti-social loser got yourself a girlfriend?!


I noded with a proud expression and grin on my face.

Jesus christ Drac what the fuck happened to you while you were in the military?

People change mate I patted my friend's shoulder.

Alright, chop chop let's go I and Gen are both starving.


While I and Gen were busy waiting for their orders while puffing out clouds of smoke AM was sitting in his car still in disbelief.

''Just how? How?''


AM tussled his hair in frustration.

''Fuck!I got to let the gang know.''

Am took his phone out and opened the texting app.

Drac just got a girlfriend.




P: HaHaHa!

D: HaHaHa!

R: HaHaHa!


P: Good one AM

D: I haven't laughed like that in a while.

R: HaHaHa the dude won't even dare to try to hook up with a chick and you're telling me he got himself a girlfriend Ha!Fat chance!

AM: Guys, I'm serious.

AM quickly took a photo of me and Gen puffing out clouds of smoke.

Sending photo.

Photo received.




P: No fucking way!

D: My man finally!

R: That's it we need to meet I need to interrogate this fucker!

AM: my house is empty come over.





Drac, look at your smartphone.

I raised an eyebrow while giving Genesis her chef's special kebab while with my other hand I took out my smartphone as I held my chef's special kebab with garlic sauce.

''These cheeky bastards...''

I thought while reading the chat group's texts.

''...but I still fucking love them"

I thought while my undrugds body's emotions and feelings were threatening to overwhelm me.


I looked at Genesis having her first try at the thing I and my friends call food of gods.

''Damm... even the way she is eating is such a turn-on.''

Gen, stay still for a sec.

I said while with my thumb I wiped off the garlic sauce from Genesis's reddish cheek and stuck the thumb into my mouth licking it clean.

I exhaled deeply feeling just how lucky I am to taste natural garlic sauce again.

"Gods, it's good it's been decades since I tasted naturally made garlic sauce."

You know Drac, I could have wiped it myself.

Genesis said as she was stuffing her mouth full of the food of gods while pouting and giving me the stink eye.

I know...

I said while digging into my kebab.

...but your just such a turn-on even when you eat.

Genesis's reddish cheeks turned bright red.



"So how was your first meal as a real girl?"

I said in my mind while carrying shopping bags full of alcohol and food.

"The thing you and your friends call kebab deserves its nickname as a food of gods."

"I told you that it's the real deal, didn't I?''

I said in my mind while once again being surprised at Genesis's strength and endurance at easily carrying twice the amount of weight I was.

As AM unlocked his doors and we entered his house AM's dog ran over to greet me while wagging his tail.

Long time no see buddy...

I started scratching the dog's stomach.

...who's a good boy yes you are.


So Drac what's up with Gens horns, ears, and eyes?

AM asked while we were busy stuffing beer and juice into the fridge while Genesis was playing with the dog.

Oh, that she's just into cosplay.

Oh I see for a moment I thought that she's a succubus from a fantasy world or something with those "witchers" eyes, zero twos horns, and eyes.

"Oh, mate, you have no idea just how much of a succubus she is in my eyes."

I thought in my mind.


Gen, you want some?

I said while plopping my butt onto AM's armchair in the living room as I opened a can of beer.

As I did Genesis grabbed my opened can of beer with 7.5 percent of alcohol content from my hands and gave it a sniff.

SeriouslyDrac just why do you poison yourself like this?

I smirked at her.

You said the same thing about smoking and in the end, you can't get enough of it can you now?

Yea...and whose fault it is?

Genesis shot me a glare.

Hey, I'm not forcing you it's your choice if you want to or not.

I said while spreading my hands.

You should really not listen to this devil's temptations after all he's the one who turned me Into an alcoholic.

AM said while taking a gulp out from the 5 percent alcohol content beer can.

I looked at AM with complicated emotions and thoughts in my eyes.

"It's definitely true that its mine and gangs influence that made an impact on AM but that's not the biggest factor that lead a guy who would at max drink half a can of 2 percent alcohol content beer when the rest of us would be chugging down strong beer like water.''


Suddenly the doors bell rang pulling me out of my thoughts.

I'll get it.

I said while storming off to open up the door with a smile on my face.


Yo Drac what's up.

Paul with glasses walked in while extending his hand for a bro hug.

Nothing much Paul.

I said while feeling like a midget in front of my 1.92 centimeters tall athletic friend with curly brown hair and glasses while giving him a bro hug.

Long time no see Drac.

D the same height as me with short blond hair walked in with his shorter than him girlfriend.

Oh, K didn't expect to see you.

I said while giving D a bro hug.

Well, I heard you finally got yourself a girlfriend so I wanted to meet her.

Well the more the merrier.

Drac you asshole just yesterday in the bar I was trying to set you up with a chick and you didn't budge at all and now I wake up only to hear that you got yourself a girlfriend what the fuck man?

Robert started interrogating me right of the bat looming over me standing at the same height as Paul with the same still fresh buzz cut and dog tags dangling over his athletic chest just like mine.

Well, shit happens I guess.


Alright, I'm done.

Paul said while giving a final lick over the self-made magic nicotine cigarette and twisting the cigarette's end.

Alright, let's go.

I said while finishing my beer can.

Hey Drac, where are you going?

I looked at halfway dead drunk Genesis sitting on my lap.

Were going for a puff.

I want to go too...


''Although Genesis's endurance seems to be twice as good as mine at drinking but it's still her first time drinking and I know from experience that if she goes for a first time puff while having drunk at least 6 cans of 7,5 strength alcohol content beer its not gonna end well for her.''

...Gen I think you should sit this one out.


Genesis snorted with anger but it still looked cute as fuck.

I looked at halfway dead drunk AM.

What about you AM?

I think ill pass this one out Drac...

Good call keep Gen and K company.

I said while standing up and placing Genesis from my lap on the armchair.

Hey, Drac can you make sure D doesn't smoke too much?

Sure K.

I said while quickly catching up with my boys and putting on my combat boots.


As I and Paul, D, and Robert walked through the woods already halfway dead drunk while staring at the moon which was illuminating our path I couldn't help but see the destroyed moon's image overlap with the current moons.

I shook my head to clear my thought out from my head.

Soon we reached our puffing spot and Paul took out a lighter and light up the magic nicotine self-made cigarette and inhaled and exhaled 2 puffs of smoke and while coughing passed the self role to Robert.


Damm Drac you landed a real bombshell for yourself.

Robert said while coughing from smoking his magic nicotine dose.

I took the magic nicotine self-roll from Robert and inhaled and exhaled 2 times.


Yea she is the best girl there is and I would give my life for her.

I said while coughing and involuntarily thinking back at how Genesis was together with me through thick and thin all the way till my last breath.

I once again shook my head forcing myself back to here and now.

Anyways it's a shame Eric couldn't come.

I said while passing the cigarette to D.

Sigh Drac you know how it is with Eric.

Yea I know It's just that we already Lost Dan I just don't want to lose Eric and neither you guys.


Well, it's just how it is Drac were no longer teenagers who had all the time in the world we have to work if we want to eat.

Yea adult life sucks...

I murmured under my breath while going through the second round of the magic nicotine puffing ritual.

Soon after finishing the self-roll, the magic nicotine effects kicked in and all hell broke loose.

Edited 2021-10-18