
P.S. Apparently I've been confusing pupils with irises this whole time ill need to edit my chaps.


Suddenly I clutched my heart and dug my fingers deep into my skin drawing black blood as I collapsed to the ground.

It hursts!It hursts!It hursts! It hurts so much that was all I could think of


I screamed in a blood-freezing voice and soul-shattering scream.

As I felt my bones breaking and reconstructing themselves while my muscles tore themselves apart and pieced themselves back while my cells died and reproduced like maniacs.

Margaret and Genesis immediately rushed to me.

Are you okay what's wrong?

Margaret asked with worry all over her face.

Getaway, get the fuck away from me!

I roared through my screams as I stared at the system's notification.

Warning due to the user's excessive use of death mana for his magiscionic power the user's ghoulification progress has reached 85 percent. (System)

The user is advised to quickly can consume as much human blood as possible to delay and decrease the ghoulification progress. (System)

Margaret crawled back from the death mana emanating from my body and my roar which made her feel like death itself is holding his scythe around her neck.

Take your daughter and run away with everyone else.

Genesis screamed at Margaret after materializing next to me.

Margaret nodded and stormed off barefooted.

Gen run!

I screamed in my mind.

No, I'm not going anywhere!

She said as she embraced me.

Please run away I don't want to hurt you!

I pleaded in my mind with black blood running out from my eyes and other sensitive organs.


At this point, I already started losing my consciousness and the monster inside me started taking over.




It happily screamed in my mind as my body mutated and grew.

The user's body lacks the nutrients, energy, and calories to complete the transformation using the death mana as a substitute. (System)

My body grew to 1.9 meters tall while my muscles expanded and became more ripped with my skin turning wax-like and the arteries and veins under my fatless skin becoming even more prominent while my ears became short and pointy as all of my teeth got pushed out by my new shark-like teeth and long and sharp vampires canines at the top and bottom from my gums while my nails too got replaced by short and sharp predatory claws.

My transformation finally stopped only for the ballroom to become covered in a thin layer of ice and the fire in the fireplace becoming frozen in ice.

Drac are you okay!

Genesis screamed as she shook my now tall and muscular body with my bloody clothes ripped in places from my body's growth.

Only for me to look up at her with my now terrifying predatory cat-like eyes, Irises glowing even more blood-red in color, and my pupils glowing ice blue with arteries and veins extending from my heart to my eyes making my scleras pitch black.

All stats except luck increased by +0.6 permanently. (System)

Even Genesis backed away while shivering from the ice-cold temperature in the room and the feeling of death from looking into my eyes.

Charisma in effect. (System)

Genesis's mental status terrified. (System)

Only for me to grab her into my embrace and open my mouth wide and sink my vampire's canines into her neck.


Genesis screamed in pain as I punctured her neck and started sucking out her blood while my arms around her started breaking her bones from my superhuman strengths grip.

It hurts Drac!


Please stop!

Genesis screamed with tears in her eyes but since the monster inside completely took over I can't anymore until I'm full.

Genesis virgin blood tasted so good, so heavenly I thought in my mind while a feeling of utter ecstasy overcame my body.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour.

That's how long I've been sucking Genesis blood until I was full.

Thankfully Genesis uses my death mana in my soul to exist so because of that she can use the death mana to rapidly regenerate otherwise I would have sucked her dry leaving her dead but still...

I thought as I yanked off my bloody mouth from Genesis's neck.


I screamed in rage and pain with tears of blood running down my wax-like skin cheeks for hurting Genesis like this.



Race: Ghoulification 84 percent complete.

Strength: 1.9

Perception: 1.9

Endurance: 1.9

Charisma: 1.9

Intelligence: 1.9

Agility: 1.9

Luck: 0.6

I checked my status while looking at the sleeping Genesis.

I clenched my fists so hard that my predatory black nails dug deep into my palms but barely any blood came out as I took a look at my palms.

This is the reason why I managed to survive after getting shot by a 50 cal bullet through my lung.

The more my ghoulification progress the more undead I become my heart rate, breathing and body temperature slows down with each percent.

I thought while exiting the room only to see Ilza staring at me with a teddy bear in her hands dressed in her pajamas.

Uncle, why do you have so many mouths?

Ilza asked tilting her head to the side.

I squatted down and looked at the girl's ocean blue eyes with a tint of red in her irises.

You're not scared?

I asked with disbelieve written all over my face.

Why should I be scared you saved me and protected mom you're a good person.

Ilza said while patting my white hair tied into a high bun with a streak of loose pitch-black hair falling over my left eye.

A good person?

I muttered under my breath with a self-mocking smile.

Anyways go to sleep kid it's only 5 in the morning.

Ilza nodded and went to her room while I stood up and took out my phone and texted John.


I walked down the stairs only to see the servants dressed in maids and butler's uniforms cleaning the wet ballroom from the melted ice and Alfred supervising them.

I walked to Alfred only for him to notice me and turn to me while nervously unbuttoning his sidearm holster and clutching his pistol ready to take it out only to stop upon seeing me.

Don't worry I'm full for the time being.


Alfred sighed while releasing his pistol and buttoning up his sidearm holster.

I'm sorry master it's just a reflex since your aura is like that of an apex predator now could you possibly suppress it?

I'm already suppressing it without using my magiscionic powers it's the best I can do.

I shook my head.

Anyways I want you to round up 28 of your best men and tell them to meet me outside.

Very well master.

Alfred bowed his head with his hand on his chest.

By the way, my people will be arriving shortly and also sir is enough.

I said while walking off.


One bad thing about my increased body stats and undead-like constitution is that I can barely feel anything from smoking.

I thought while puffing out clouds of smoke while the patrolling guards wearing bulletproof vests and carrying submachineguns gave me terrified glances.

Yeah, it's gonna be a problem to appear in public like this.

I thought while continuing to smoke.

Soon I saw multiple cars drive into the fancy courtyard with a fountain one after another.

John walked out to greet me only to freeze in place.

Drac is that you?

John asked with fear in his voice as his body shook from my appearance and suppressed aura.

Yea it's me.

You look like a literal corpse!

Well if it helps think of it as cosplay.

I shrugged my shoulders while giving still trembling John a bro hug.

Fuck your ice-cold man.

John said as he backed away rubbing his hands for heat.


Soon everyone that John contacted and the men and woman from Margaret's private security company gathered in the courtyard.

All of them were whispering about my appearance while shivering from fear but I could hear them clearly as if they were talking loudly with my superhuman hearing.

Shut up and listen up.

I said while scanning every one of them with my eyes which made them shut up and straighten out their postures from making direct contact with my eyes.

They were all athletic well-built men and women of course there were only a few women.

If you want to make enough money to live for the rest of your life as kings and queens then all you have to do is listen to my orders...

I said while puffing out a cloud of smoke.

...but if you don't then ill kill you myself.

I said this while fully releasing my hormones and pheromones from my body which made all of them shiver in fear from their survival instincts telling them that I'm not lying.


Margaret looked at Drac through the french style window and the crowd of people falling in line just from a few words from Drac.

Is he a vampire? But according to my family's books, a vampire should burn into ash in seconds in direct sunlight?

Margaret murmured under her breath while bitting her long red nails.

Margaret would be lying if she said she doesn't feel lust for Drac since he displayed all the qualities that a woman like her likes in a man.

'The way he acts and his presence is that of alpha while although he looks like a corpse it looks hot with his muscular fatless body with a perfect upper V-shape which can be seen through his tight-fitting ripped clothes with dried black blood.'

'He also took a bullet for me and most importantly brought my daughter back to life.'

After all, actions speak louder than words.

And Margaret isn't an idiot after all she's a woman with Hellsing blood running in her arteries and veins who runs a large financial group and a criminal organization at the same time.

So she can put 1 and 1 together and figure out that Drac sacrificed his own body to bring her daughter back to life.

Although yes he requested everything she has but, she can tell that he wasn't lying when he said he saved her daughter because he wanted to and not because she promised to do anything he wants if he does.

'And it's not like I didn't promise to do anything he wants after all a Hellsing keeps their promises.'

Could he really be a time traveler from the future like he said but that's crazy but then again he brought her daughter back to life and he didn't seem to be lying.

Margaret thought as she looked at her sleeping daughter.

But as Margaret thought of a possibility of Drac redoing whatever magic he did to bring her daughter back utter terror gripped her heart.

That's one of the reasons why she threw herself onto Drac since all men like sex.

'But he actually stopped himself.'

Any woman wants men to be loyal.

But that made her want to conquer Drac.

Even though she knows that even though she looks 30 years old she is older than that.

Plus it seems like his heart already belongs to another.


Margaret clenched her hands into fists while a fire light up in her ocean blue eyes.

...I will have him one way or another.

Margaret thought in her mind.