A Monster(Warning Mature Context And Gore R-18)

As the last suns rays fell on the French window Genesis watched as a platoon of people made out of 3 squads of 14 people fully geared up wearing black military uniforms, helmets with bandana's mask's with white skulls paint job's, bulletproof vests with H-straps with pouches full of magazines, elbow and knee pads and combat boots holding mostly MP5A2 submachineguns hoped into the cars one by one and drove off.

Were moving out over.

Dracs voice came from the wireless earphone in Genesis's ear.

Copy over.

Genesis replied while subconsciously rubbing her neck.

Your not gonna talk about it with him?

Margaret said sitting in a gamer's chair dressed in a fancy bathrobe exposing her bronze-tanned mature women's long legs with red nails.

What's there to talk about?

Genesis said while turning around while subconsciously grimacing as she remembered her first time feeling the pain of her neck being pierced, her bones crushed and her blood constantly sucked out with a body of flesh and blood.

So you love him that much?

Margaret asked with a light flickering in her ocean blue eyes.

Yes, I do.

Genesis said while staring daggers at Margaret.

Well, that's good but the question is does he love you that much too?

Margaret shot back while staring daggers at Genesis too.

Genesis's face muscles twitched after hearing that while her hands clenched into fists.

Don't push it old hag.

Upon hearing these words Margaret's murderous aura overflowed the room as she shot up from her gamer's chair and was about to fight it out with Genesis only to reluctantly sit back while exhaling deeply.


I can't win against someone who can dematerialize and materialize not to mention be as good as new after being sucked dry for a full hour plus if I do anything to her Drac will tear me to pieces.

Margaret thought in her mind.

I'm sorry we started on the wrong foot but I'm not giving up on him.

Hmph, you can try.

Genesis said while smirking.

'This bitch just you wait ill have him under my foot soon enough.'

Margaret thought while chewing her lips and sticking out her chest showing off her F+ breasts which were threatening to burst out.

Only for Genesis to smile in a mysterious smile.

'He, he, my image and body was created according to Dracs deepest desires do you think you can win him over with those milk trucks of yours you fucking bimbo'

As Margaret saw Genesis's mysterious smile suddenly her confidence as a woman flattered.

'Fuck don't tell me that he doesn't like bigger breasts than E size?'

Anyways Margaret enough with the bullshit let's finish up what we have to do since time isn't on my and Drac's side.

Margaret raised a brow at this.

Fine, let's finish it.

As Margaret said this dozens of files popped out in her pc monitor's screen.

Just how do you do this?

Margaret asked with astonishment even after knowing that all the data from smartphones and CCTV's were deleted from the accident site making the police writhe off the witnesses as people suffering from PTSD and closing the case after some pressure from her.

He, he, it's a secret not telling.

Genesis happily said while sitting down on a gamer's chair facing Margaret.

I'll figure it out one way or another...

Margaret said while looking through the files only to have her mouth form an O after reading them

....rename my financial group as Death Reich, every employee has to wear a black military uniform with ranks, names, and a new logo...

Margaret continued to read, only for her brain to shortcircuit.

After finally finishing reading them all Margaret pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers while exhaling loudly.


What's up with the names, and this logo.

Margaret said turning over her pc monitor to show a logo of a black 9 headed hydra with bloodred glowing eyes coiling its heads together.

With its legs claws clutching an upside-down black cross with a white skeleton with shark-like teeth with long and sharp vampire canines and bloodred glowing eye sockets nailed on it in blood-red cover.

Don't ask me it's what Drac wants.

Genesis said while shrugging her shoulders.

Alright, I can still understand the logo and the names but...

Margaret stood up and started screaming her lungs out.

...what the fuck is up with the black military uniforms and military training that all the employees must wear and receive, are you trying to take over the country or something?!

Jezus no need to shout.

Genesis said while picking her short and pointy ears.

Margaret slumped down on her gamer's chair and ran her hand over her face.

Jezus Christ just with kind of lunatic I fell for?

Margaret said in despair and self-mockery.

Only for Genesis to snicker at her.

You have no idea.

You know what fuck it I got nothing to lose everything goes to his name anyways!

Margaret screamed while flailing her arms in the air.

Now, that's a good attitude to have if you want to conquer Drac.

Genesis said while grinning.

Eh? Are you not against me taking your man?


I know him better than even he knows himself.

Genesis said while slumping into her chair.

Care to elaborate?

Margaret asked with a hand supporting her chin.

That horny Baka won't just be satisfied with me it's in his nature thou of course I'm not planning to make it easy for you to get on his dick.

Oh, so it's game on then?

Margaret said while smiling.

Only to see Genesis's face become dead fish-like.

But Margaret can you bear to share him with other women because if you succeed you won't be the last, only two won't be enough for him in the future.


Margaret fell into silence.

'No I can't bear to have my man sleep with another woman but I just know I won't be able to have him just for myself'

Sigh let's stop this here and finish up with business.

Genesis nodded.

So why do you need me to completely buy out this IT company that I have shares in?


Genesis said just one word which made Margaret laugh her ass off.

You mean you want to create an AI just like in sci-fi.


You're... kidding, right?


Genesis started counting with her fingers.

...ill need about 15 days give or take.

This caused Margaret to become dead silent and her eyes almost pope out from her sockets.

'Is she a lunatic too?'

Margaret thought but Drac's words floated up in her mind from her memories.

"Hmmm... would you believe me if I told you I came back from the future?"

As this thought arose in her mind Margaret's heart rate accelerated while her breathing became rough.

'It's crazy talk but my instincts are saying that he's not lying.'

Well, I guess we will see in 15 days then.

Margaret said only to see and hear Genesis start talking with Drac.

Were at the mission objective over.

Copy turning off anything that's connected to radio wawes over.

Copy over.

Watch this and then tell me if you are still interested in Drac after this.

Genesis said as she made a live video feed of a camera connected to Drac's helmet appear in Margarets pc monitors screen.

In Death, I Live.

Margaret heard these words and as she did through the screen she could feel Drac becoming an emotionless killing machine.

Soon Margaret saw and heard AK-47 fire at 500 meters distance in short burst in the darkness as the discharge from the assault rifle illuminated the surroundings she could see the three 7.62*39 mm bullets terrifyingly accurately hit a criminal in his heart, middle of his neck and right between his eyebrows in the skull and exit through his back staining the area behind his back with flesh and blood.

This much Margaret could stomach easily it's not her first time seeing a man die from bullets and she has killed personally.

He really isn't a human, no human can shoot that accurately at that distance.

Margaret thought in her mind while feeling even more attracted to Drac as even fighting he continued to command people.

But soon she saw things become more bloody, gory, and terrifying.

She saw Drac dodge bullets just in the nick of time while he massacred criminals left and right in a calculated, efficient and coldblooded way almost like if he was a machine as blood, flesh, and bullet marks covered the interior of the building.

'This is no longer attractive this is way too much its as if he's a machine without a soul.'

As she continued to watch soon she saw Drac getting close and personal.

She saw Drac tear-off criminals' limbs and crush their heads with sheer superhuman strength, cut a criminal's stomach open with his combat knife, and strangle the man to death with his own intestines while continuing to blast the criminal's head's with his Glock-17 pistol one bullet each.

Even for her, this was too much to the point that she had to cover her mouth with her hands in order to hold down her rising vomit which threatened to escape from her mouth.

Just as she was about to stand up and run to the toilet she heard a faint sound of chuckling as Drac slowly tore a man apart limb by limb as hot breathe escaped his mouth forming a white mist due to the surroundings low temperature from his death mana.

Upon seeing this Margaret couldn't stand it anymore she vomited her guts out on her keyboard and glass see-through Pc table.

While Genesis upon noticing the anomaly started screaming her lungs out.

Drac snap out of it this instant!




I heard Genesis shout in my ear through my wireless earphone.

As did I finally came out of my trance only to find that I'm holding a trash's torn-off leg in my hand as the trash kept screaming and squirming as blood leaked out from his torn arteries and veins.

It didn't even take a millisecond for my brain's 2.2 intelligence boosted by drugs to analyze and conclude what is happening to me.

"Just now the monster inside me once again took over no the correct term would be that it blended with me for a moment."

Warning users' ghoulification progress has reached 87 percent.

I looked at the system's notification.

"So this is what the system meant then it said game over then the progress reaches 100 percent the monster inside me will completely take over and my consciousness will disappear."

I thought as I turned around to look at my terrified soldiers who were trembling nonstop as their eyes looked at my body completely covered in red blood.

Clean up and secure mission objectives.

I said in an emotionless coldblooded tone neither too loud nor too quietly.

But it was enough to bring them out from their daze.

All of them clapped their combat boots together, straightened their backs, and saluted me as their submachineguns and assault rifles were held by their synthetic straps with one of their arms on their guns grips.


I turned back and activated my magisionic power and started gulping down blood as it collected itself as if it was alive while glowing with black particles and crawled up my body and entered my mouth after I lowered my bandana mask.