In class Oliver approach Bon and sat by side him,Oliver asked if he was okay and Bon said no they had a meltdown told Oliver that it was his dad who used black magic on him.Oliver was speechless and just told Bon that they will find away out of this mess he promised Bon looked at Oliver and smiled, At lunch Bon went to go sit down with Kayla he now didn't mind his friend's joining in, Oliver brought Conejo, Daisy and Vilkas to sit in the table Bon decided to introduce Kayla to them he noticed August walking to the table and excused himself Bon told August that he will need to sit far from them for awhile,August asked why and it was really because he disliked that he sat with them so Bon said they will be discussing dark spells and stuff and he didn't want anything bad to happen to August, but real quick he decided to introduce August to them and let him sit far Conejo felt nostalgia when she saw August but it stopped,Vilkas told her it was nothing and to leave it Kayla asked Daisy if she still was a spoiled brat but before Daisy could respond,Nikolas called at her:Nikolas is a male cat and is part of Judaism, He looked disappointed and he had a friend next to him Oliver said "here we go again" he got up getting ready to pull if they were going to fight