Conejo told Oliver that it'll be fine there won't be any "physical contact" Oliver shrugged, Daisy Mary wasn't sure about that she said What do you want?,To Nikolas in a Angry tone Bon and Kayla realized that she was acting like she use to Bon got up to see the chaos" Nikolas told Daisy Mary not only Jewish people have different beliefs so do Catholics Mary gasped and told Nikolas that was stupid and all religions,cults were dumb except for Christianity as Nikolas was going to say something Conejo got up and said to Daisy that it was not right to disrespect other religions Daisy said of course it is but look at what they are saying Conejo told her to remember 1 Peter 2:17 said Nikolas agreed with Conejo that she had a point Vilkas and Bon got up to see the commotion Vilkas actual he believed that things like Nikolas and other people's beliefs is a disgrace Nikolas was pissed his friend cut off and told them to shut up because everyone has the right to believe whatever, Vilkas coughed and called her a feminist" Daisy thanked Vilkas and said at least someone's on my side Conejo was disappointed at him and Mary she said Nikolas and his friend are just like us beings why cant you see that Nikolas put his hand on Conejos shoulder and nodded his friend( mouse named Christina) she said even a Christian agrees with us what do you call us "outstanders" a teacher noticed all of them getting all feisty,Oliver told Kayla to wait he got up and standed in the middle of them and showed them his hands as a stop and signaled a teacher was coming they all sat down and Conejo invited Nikolas and Christina to sit with them although Christina said she was fine and just advise Conejo not to hangout with idiots while Nikolas said to Conejo and Christina they have a chance to to change their attitude, the teacher came by and just walked slowly like if it was a game of hide and seek and walked off and of course Daisy Mary made funny faces to Nikolas for he can understand that his beliefs we're dumb for her Conejo told her to stop and so she did