Chapter 76


We were waiting for Hyungwon to get here. Wonho was tense. The kid that we had was sitting in the conner scared and had bruises all over him. He was bleeding in a couple spots. Daesung was trying not to get caught talking to him. Daesung did get home 30 minutes ago. Jack came downstairs from the room that Tang was in. Jack stood next to me.

Jack: Don't lay a finger on that kid. Be prepared when they get here. We don't know if he is armed or if he has others with him. Those are your orders.

Jack looked at me.

Jack: Tang wants to see you.

I followed him to the room. Once he opened the door he said something to Tang then looked at me. He motioned for me to come in. I did and Jack left the room, closing the door behind him. I had my head hung low. Tang looked at me.

Tang Yi: What's wrong? Your never like this.

T.O.P: I know.

Tang came up to me and made me look at him.

Tang Yi: T.O.P what's going on in your head? Are you getting worried again?

I hugged him tightly. I started crying. Tang was trying to calm me.

Tang Yi: Hey, I'm okay. You know that I'm supposed to be protective of you since I'm older right?

T.O.P: I don't care. Your still my boyfriend. You kept pushing me away for all these years.

Tang Yi: I know. I'm sorry. I didn't want the others to think that I was toying with you.

T.O.P: But you still make me hurt people! We have a 19 year old boy downstairs! He's hurt badly!

I pushed Tang away from me. I was still crying.

Tang Yi: I'm sorry. Seunghyun, I don't want you to be mad at me.

T.O.P: Mad!? I am frustrated with what you put me through!

Tang put his arms around my waist. He looked at me and then wiped my tears away.

Tang Yi: How about later on after this happens, I show you how much I care about you?

I looked at him and he smiled.

T.O.P: Make it enjoyable this time. Last time was to hard. I couldn't walk straight for 2 weeks.

Tang Yi: And how are you not pregnant yet?

T.O.P: I don't know.

There was a knock on the door. Tang kissed me before he went and grabbed his mask.

T.O.P: This is why I hate you sometimes.

Tang Yi: Give me a second.

Tang put his mask on and opened the door. I heard Daesung's voice telling Tang that Hyungwon was almost here. Once Daesung left, Tang closed the door and took his mask off.

(Smut ahead please skip if you don't want to read)

He looked at me then pointed to the couch. I obeyed and soon it happened. Tang had taken my pants off and then kissed me passionately and took my dick into his hand. He squeezed my dick and moved his hand. I became more needy for him. I tried to pull him closer to me but he didn't move. Tang had continued to kiss me as he stood and hovered over me. He had layed me down on the couch. I started to moan.

T.O.P: Did you lock the door?

Tang Yi: Yes. Of course I did. And the guys won't know about this.

T.O.P: Won't they hear us?

Tang Yi: No they won't.

He took his pants off and then he took mine and his shirt off. He inserted his dick into me. I started to moan louder. He started to move his dick and took my dick in his hand. I was still moaning at what he was doing. Tang started to pick up the pace and I started to come close to my my high.

T.O.P: Tang, I'm close.

Tang Yi: Hang in there a little longer babe.

He went back to kissing me. Soon there was precum on my dick and Tang took my length into his mouth and made me come into his mouth and he swallowed all the cum. Tang had pulled out and looked at me.

Tang Yi: Hands and knees baby boy.

I obeyed and he rammed back into me.

T.O.P: Ah!

I started moaning like crazy and I had arched my back. Tang had started kissing my back while he was moving in and out of me. I was about to cum again.

T.O.P: Tang, I'm about to cum again.

Tang Yi: Then cum for me baby boy.

T.O.P: Yes daddy.

After a few seconds, I cummed and he did soon after. But he made sure that he was deep in me before he cummed. He pulled out and he let me lay down. Tang had covered me with a blanket and then he got dressed.

(End smut)

I had dosed off while he got dressed. Soon I was in a deep sleep. After a while, I felt someone shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and saw Tang in front of me. He smiled at me.

Tang Yi: Hi baby boy.

T.O.P: Hi.

Tang Yi: Still sleepy?

I shook my head.

Tang Yi: I know your still sleepy but I got a text from Jack saying that Hyungwon was here. So when your ready let me know.

T.O.P: Okay.

Tang kissed my forehead and went over to the bathroom. I sat up and grabbed my pants. I put them on, but when I went to stand up, pain shot through my back. I groaned and sat back down.

T.O.P: Tang!

Tang Yi: What's wrong?

He was walking towards me and he had a concerned look on his face. I looked at him.

T.O.P: I can't stand. It hurts my back.

Tang Yi: Okay. Come on, I will help you.

He helped me stand and I put my arms around his neck while he pulled my pants up and buttoned them. He helped me sit back down and grabbed my shirt for me. I put it on and he sat down next to me. I leaned into him while he put his arm around me. He had let me relax a little bit.

Tang Yi: Ready?

T.O.P: Yeah. But can you help me stand?

Tang Yi: Of course baby. Come on.

Tang helped me stand and walk to the door. He put his mask on but he kissed me one last time before he did. He unlocked the door and walked out while he had his arm around me. When we got to the staris we heard people talking. We walked down and saw that Hyungwon was inside. Wonho was trying to reason with him. Before we were seen and heard, I looked at Tang.

Tang Yi: What's wrong?

T.O.P: I'm scared.

Tang Yi: It's okay. I will be fine. I promise.

T.O.P: Okay.

We fully got downstairs. Hyungwon had looked towards us then back at Wonho.

Hyungwon: You saw the kids now let us have Felix.

Wonho: Okay. But one thing, I need to know from you if we are actually getting a divorce.

Hyungwon: Yes and after that, you won't be seeing the kids anymore. Nor me.

Wonho: Okay. Dae, the kid.

Daesung had helped the kid up and walked him over to Bangchan. He mouthed something to Bangchan then stepped back. Bangchan made sure that the kid was okay and he hugged him. G-Dragon had taken his gun out and set it on the table. So did Seungri and Taeyang.

G-Dragon: No more fighting. After this we're done fighting. If a gun goes off and it was an accident, then we won't do anything.

Hyungwon: Deal. Stay away from all of us.

G-Dragon: Deal.

Hyungwon went to leave with the kid. Bangchan had glared at Wonho and then left.

T.O.P: What did you tell Bangchan Dae?

Daesung: Unlike you guys, I'm actually nice to people. I saw fear in his eyes. And I saw it in the kids eyes to. Bangchan was scared that he wasn't going to see Felix. Both of them were hurt. None of you saw it. This is why I don't follow some of these orders. I don't hurt people anymore but I still stay here because you guys are the only family that I have.

Daesung had stormed off to his room. Everyone started to talk to each other but I didn't hear anything. I started to get dizzy. Jack looked at me and saw that something was up. He was about to ask me something but I blacked out before he could ask it.

~Time Skip ~

When I woke up, I was in Tang's room. My head was hurting badly. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't. Tang and Jack had walked in. Jack looked at me.

Jack: How are you feeling?

T.O.P: Tierd, exhausted, in pain.

Jack: Well you blacked out. Remember anything?

T.O.P: Yeah. Hyungwon had come and then he left with the kid. Daesung got mad and stormed off to his room. Then I started getting dizzy then everything went black.

Jack: Well that was 3 days ago.

T.O.P: What? It feels like this happened like 2 hours ago.

Tang Yi: Seunghyun, you've been out for three days.

I had put my hand to my head.

T.O.P: What happened after I passed out?

Jack: Well I caught you before you hit the ground. But nothing really happened when you were asleep. We did call the doctor and he said that you were undernourished and need to eat better.

T.O.P: You all know that I don't eat.

Jack: We know. But that's what the doctor said.

T.O.P: Who was in here when the doctor said this?

Jack: I was.

T.O.P: What else did the doctor say?

Jack: He also said that you need to eat better because you are pregnant.

T.O.P: What!?

I tried to sit up but there was a pain in my stomach. Tang came over and helped me lay down.

Jack: That's the other thing. Your on bed rest for a couple weeks.

T.O.P: How many?

Jack: 3 weeks.

T.O.P: Okay.

Jack: Try and get some rest okay. You need it.

T.O.P: Got it.

Jack left and it was just me and Tang now. Tang looked at me and he caressed my cheeck.

Tang Yi: You scared me.

T.O.P: I'm sorry. I didn't know what was going on.

Tang Yi: It's okay. I'm thinking that the gang should take time off for a while. And we could probably come back together after the baby is born. Just so the group doesn't ask any questions.

T.O.P: Okay. That sounds good. I'm exhausted baby.

Tang Yi: Then sleep. I will be here whenever you wake up.

T.O.P: Okay. I love you.

Tang Yi: I love you more.

He kissed my forehead and then I fell asleep and I felt Tang cover me with the blanket.

~ Time Skip ~

When I woke up again Tang was still sitting next to the bed. I looked at him and I grabbed his hand.

T.O.P: How long have I been out this time?

Tang Yi: 4 days this time.

T.O.P: Did you get any sleep?

Tang Yi: Only a couple hours. 5 at most.

T.O.P: You need to sleep.

Tang Yi: I know. But I'm worried about you.

T.O.P: But you still need sleep.

Tang Yi: I know I do. But you come first.

I smiled at him. He kissed me on the lips. My stomach grumbled.

Tang Yi: Hungry?

T.O.P: Well I haven't eaten in like a week since I have been sleeping.

Tang Yi: True. I will be back.

He kissed me on the forehead and left to get me something to eat. I layed my head back down on my pillow. Soon I heard Tang come back in. I looked at him and he smiled at me. He put the food down and helped me sit up. Then he helped me eat.

Tang Yi: So what do you want to do?

T.O.P: Babe, I'm still bed bond for two more weeks.

Tang Yi: I know but after. What do you want to do after?

T.O.P: Vacation? Me and you both need one.

Tang Yi: True. But to where?

T.O.P: You pick.

Tang Yi: What about California? We can go to the beach.

T.O.P: Sounds like a plan. Beach house?

Tang Yi: Beach house. Just me and you. I promise. Unlimited sex too.

T.O.P: I am pregnant and you still want to have sex!?

Tang Yi: I'm joking. I know your pregnant. I wouldn't do that to you.

T.O.P: Are you sure about that?

Tang Yi: Of course I am.

T.O.P: Tang?

Tang Yi: Hmm?

T.O.P: I'm scared. This is the first time I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do.

Tang Yi: Your going to be okay. I will be right by your side every single day.

T.O.P: Thank you.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

T.O.P: When are we going to tell the guys about us? I mean we have been married for 3 years now.

Tang Yi: I know. Later okay. I want to see if you can stand and possibly walk too.

T.O.P: Let's start with me standing first. It would be stupid if we tried to make me walk right off the bat.

Tang Yi: I know. But I want you to get some rest before we do anything.

T.O.P: But you know how I have been sleeping. What if I sleep for the last 2 weeks? What if I don't wake up?

Tang Yi: I know. You'll be okay. Sleep.

T.O.P: I won't sleep unless you come to bed and sleep to.

Tang Yi: Okay.

Tang had gotten up and got changed and then he came back over and helped me lay down then got in bed. I turned to face him and snuggled into him. Tang put his arms around me.

Tang Yi: I love you.

T.O.P: I love you more.