Chapter 77

Shownu's POV

I was still waiting to hear news about Changkyun. While I was waiting, Baekhyun had walked in with Bangchan and Felix. And Hyungwon was walking in after them with the twins. Hyungwon had come over to me. I looked at him.

Hyungwon: Wonho and his gang had attacked Bangchan and Felix and then took Felix. We had went and got Felix back but Wonho wanted to see the twins in return. Daesung is the only nice one there. We came right here after we got Felix back.

Shownu: Is Bangchan and Felix okay?

Hyungwon: Felix is hurt badly and Bangchan is hurt but not as bad.

Shownu: Are you okay?

Hyungwon sat down next to me and he leaned against me. I put my arm around him.

Hyungwon: I'm really tierd. I might go see Taemin and take the twins with me.

Shownu: Okay. You know where I will be in the mean time if you go now.

Hyungwon: I know. But I might stay here for a little bit and see if Bangchan and Felix are okay before I go.

Shownu: Okay.

~Time Skip~

Hyungwon had fallen asleep while we were waiting for news. Dongwook had come out and saw that Hyungwon was asleep. Then he looked at me.

Dongwook: Changkyun is okay. He's asleep right now but he's better. He might have back pain still but I can give him pain killers for that.

Shownu: What about Bangchan and Felix?

Dongwook: Bangchan is fine, all there is to Bangchan is that he had a stab wound that was deep but he didn't want to sleep while I did stitches so I gave him enough numbing medicine so he didn't feel it. And Felix, he is going to be traumatized and right now he is getting an MRI to see if there is anything going on. Felix is also very dehydrated and needs to eat. Bangchan is very stressed out and is very protective of Felix.

Shownu: Thank you Dongwook.

Dongwook: No problem. I will give you an update on Felix in a little bit.

Dongwook had walked away. I looked at Hyungwon and saw that he was awake.

Shownu: How much did you hear?

Hyungwon: Everything.

Shownu: Feeling any better?

Hyungwon: Yeah. Do you mind if I go see Taemin?

Shownu: No, go ahead.

Hyungwon: Thank you.

Shownu: No problem. I will be with Changkyun.

Hyungwon: Okay.

Hyungwon's POV

I walked into Taemin's room and saw that Taemin and Minho were cuddling. Taemin looked at me and smiled and he tried to sit up to see what I had but Minho didn't let him.

Taemin: Let me go.

Minho: No.

Taemin glared at him. I set the twins down and looked at them.

Hyungwon: Minho, chair, now.

Minho sat in the chair and looked at me.

Hyungwon: Close your eyes and hold out your arms a little bit from your chest.

Both Taemin and Minho did as I said. I got Seohyun out of her carrier and handed her to Taemin. Taemin was scared at what it was. Then I gave Hyunwoo to Minho. Minho got scared too. I took a step back and looked at them.

Hyungwon: Okay. Open your eyes.

They opened their eyes and Taemin started smiling once he saw Seohyun in his arms. Minho started holding Hyunwoo the correct way then didn't know what to do from there.

Minho: What do I do?

I laughed and showed him what to do. Taemin was smiling from ear to ear while he was holding Seohyun.

Taemin: Is this what it's like to have a child?

Hyungwon: Yes it is.

Taemin: She's beautiful. I can't wait to have a child of my own. Let alone two.

I smiled. I looked back at Minho and he looked terrified about holding Hyunwoo.

Hyungwon: Hey, your doing good.

Minho: What if I forget everything you told me about how to take care of a child?

Taemin: We can always ask for help when and if we need it. Plus Hyungwon is someone we can go to.

Minho: How so?

Taemin glared at him.

Taemin: Pabo. He has been pregnant two times and has taken care of twins and is going to continue taking care of twins plus one more. So he has some experience!

(Another friendly reminder that Pabo means idiot)

Minho looked at him. Dongwook had stepped into the room holding something.

Dongwook: Hyungwon.

I turned around and saw that he was holding my baby girl.

Dongwook: She's ready to go home. Shownu has suggested the name Silvia.

Hyungwon: The one time that he comes up with a good name just has to be now?

Dongwook: Sometimes I don't even think of good names until suddenly it just happens.

I laughed and then took her from Dongwook.

Hyungwon: Silvia it is then.

Dongwook smiled and then walked out.

Minho: How in the world do you stay calm during this?

Hyungwon: Umm because I am good with kids?

Minho: You literally have 3 kids!

Hyungwon: And your gonna have 2! I beat you by 1!

Taemin: Oh stop you two.

There was loud arguing coming down the hall towards the room. Soon Jonghyun, Key, and Onew came in.

Onew: Say it!

Jonghyun: I'm sorry Hyungwon.

Onew: All of it!

Jonghyun: I'm sorry for the other day. I hope you can forgive me.

Onew: Better!

Minho and Taemin were confused at what was going on.

Hyungwon: Yes but I swear to god if it happens again I'm not doing anything with you.

Jonghyun: Okay.

Taemin: What's going on?

Onew: Care to explain it Jonghyun?

Jonghyun started to explain what happened between us that day and Minho started to get mad at him. Taemin grabbed Minho's arm before he did anything. Silvia started crying and I had stepped into the bathroom to breastfeed her. She was hungrier then I thought. Once she was done, I walked out and Minho was yelling at Jonghyun. Key had Hyunwoo in his arms. I went up to Minho and pushed him back. Onew had taken Silvia from me so I could deal with Minho. I turned to Minho and he was steaming. Minho was still looking at Jonghyun.

Hyungwon: Minho, don't do anything that you will regret.

Minho looked at me.

Minho: Jonghyun started it!

Jonghyun: I didn't mean it!

Minho: Says the one who wanted to have sex with him when he was still grieving!

Jonghyun: No I didn't! I already told you that!

Minho had pushed me out of the way and he did it with a lot of force that caused me to fall and hit my head hard against the wall to make me start bleeding from my head and to knock me out. The last thing I heard was Taemin calling my name and Shownu coming in. Then I blacked out.

Shownu's POV

Once I handled Minho I looked at Taemin. He pointed towards Hyungwon and then that's when everything dropped. I quickly went over to Hyungwon and checked on him. He had blacked out and was bleeding from his head. I quickly picked him up and took him to Dongwook. When Dongwook saw me with him, he quickly guided me to a surgery room. I put Hyungwon down on the bed and Dongwook stopped the bleeding and looked to see how bad Hyungwon's head was.

Dongwook: Small cut on his head. He's going to be okay. He has suffered a mild concussion. He might be out for a couple days.

Shownu: Thank you. For everything.

Dongwook: Don't worry about it. Anything for you.