Chapter 78


When I woke up, Tang was still asleep so I cuddled closer to him. There was a knock on the door. Tang was still asleep of course and so I grabbed a near by mask and put it on him just in case and I tried to stand up and succeeded. I started walking to the door and opened it a crack. Jack was standing there. I opened it more and saw that it was just him. I let Jack in.

T.O.P: Just be quiet, he's asleep.

Jack: Clearly.

He was looking at me then looked towards the bed a little bit. I looked at the bed and saw that Tang was awake.

Tang Yi: Why didn't you wake me up before you got up? And why did you put my mask on?

T.O.P: Protocol whenever I don't know who is at the door and your asleep. And you were sleeping.

Tang looked at me. I went back and layed down next to him and snuggled into him. He put his arms around me.

Jack: The others are worried about you T.O.P. And I wanna know when you two are going to tell them about you guys being married.

Tang Yi: Soon. Probably whenever Seunghyun is off of bed rest.

T.O.P: Wait, how long heave we been asleep?

Jack: When I came to check on you guys, you were still asleep and that was like 3 days ago.

T.O.P: And how long am I still on bed rest?

Jack: 5 more days.

T.O.P: Okay. So we will tell them in 5 days.

Jack: But here's the thing, the guys want to see you now.

Tang Yi: What do you say, wanna go see them?

T.O.P: I guess so.

Tang Yi: Come on. It's time they know.

I agreed and Jack helped me up off the bed.

Tang Yi: And it's time to stop hiding behind a mask. So I'm not wearing it.

Me and Jack were impressed by Tang. I smiled at him then kissed him.

Jack: I am right here!

(Please tell me that people know that meme!)

Tang looked at him. Jack glared at him.

Tang Yi: Leave us to do what we want. Just stay being your gay self Jack.

I started laughing.

Jack: Let's just go see the others. They are getting egar to see both of you because they don't know what to do and they miss T.O.P.

Tang Yi: Fine.

We went downstairs and saw that the others were in the living room. Daesung stood up and came up to me whenever he saw us.

Daesung: Jesus christ Seunghyun! You scared me!

T.O.P: You weren't in the room though!

Daesung: But I got told what had happened!

He hit my arm.

T.O.P: Don't hit me! Just because I blacked out doesn't mean I'm not okay.

Daesung took me into another hug. G-Dragon had come up and bowed to Tang then hugged me.

Seungi: Sir you look different with out your mask.

Seungi bowed to Tang.

Tang Yi: I know. But I need all of you to sit down. Me and Seunghyun have something to tell you.

Daesung: That's your real name?

I looked at him.

T.O.P: Just sit down. Plus you called me by that name just a second ago.

Daesung sat down. Everyone was silent and just looking at me and Tang. I stayed silent. Tang started talking.

Tang Yi: So you all know that Seunghyun has been on bed rest and you all know that he needs to eat more. I need you all to make sure he eats. But, um, Seunghyun is pregnant. So if he gets snipy at you leave him alone.

Seungi: If you don't mind me asking, sir, but who is the father?

Tang Yi: Me.

Everyone but Jack was surprised. Wonho looked at me then at Tang.

Wonho: Sir, how is that possible?

Tang Yi: I don't remember giving you permission to speak Hoseok. Last time I checked you made everyone turn against you in the same day on the same mission.

Wonho: Sorry sir.

Tang Yi: But yes, it is possible. It's possible because we have been married for 3 years and he is the only one who can get pregnant between me and him.

Daesung: So sir, why are you telling us this now?

Tang Yi: Because it was time you guys knew. And you guys would be asking questions about why Seunghyun looked a certain way if we didn't tell you now.

T.O.P: Don't be upset.

I looked away from everyone.

Daesung: Why would we be mad? Seung. You don't need to think like that.

T.O.P: But we have kept this from you for so long.

Daesung stood up and hugged me.

Daesung: I'm not upset. Nor will I ever be towards you and Tang. I think you two go perfect for each other. As long Tang takes care of you.

Tang Yi: What do you think I've been doing for the past 3 years? And these past couple weeks.

Daesung: Sir just promise me that you will.

Tang Yi: I promise.

Daesung: So, how far along are you?

T.O.P: I have no idea. I might go to the doctors and see how far along I am.

Daesung: Okay.

Wonho walked off to his room. He slammed the door behind him. I looked at Tang.

Tang Yi: Don't worry about him. He's just mad because he doesn't have Hyungwon anymore.

I looked back towards where Wonho went. Daesung had brought me into a hug and he let me stay in his embrace for a while.

Daesung: You wanna go shopping for the baby?

I shook my head in agreement. I knew that I was starting to be blank minded and at that point I didn't feel that excited. Daesung and Tang both noticed.

Daesung: What do you want to do first, go to the doctor or go shopping for the baby?

T.O.P: Doesn't matter. Wherever we end up first I guess.

Daesung looked at Tang. I wasn't really there at that point. I just felt like everything was just happening.

Daesung: How about we go to the doctor first?

T.O.P: Okay.

Daesung and Tang were with me the whole time. The others stayed behind. When we got to the doctor, Tang helped me out of the car and led me in. When we got called back Daesung and Tang explained what is going on and what they noticed in the change of mood I had but I wasn't listening to the conversation. Nor was I showing any emotion. I wasn't even talking. I felt someone shake my shoulder gently and that's when I came back to reality. I looked at Tang and he had a concerned look on his face.

Tang Yi: So the doctor wants to take a couple tests okay. And the doctor said that it's a possibility that you might have depression.

T.O.P: Why does that have anything to do with the fact that I wanted to come here to see how far I am along with the pregnancy?

Tang Yi: You have a change in mood. You seemed depressed before we left the house. Me and Daesung were just worried about you.

T.O.P: But-

I went to say something but I heard the door open and saw the doctor come in. Instantly I got scared and grabbed Tang's hand. Tang looked at me.

Tang Yi: It's okay. Your fine.

He took me into a hug. I started panicking. The doctor noticed.

Doctor: I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to make sure your okay.

Tang was still calming me. Daesung was looking at me not knowing what to do. When I calmed down, I had let the doctor do the things he needed to. After we got done, we had left the doctor's office.

Tang Yi: So now we know that you have depression and an anxiety disorder and that you are 3 weeks pregnant with twins.

I nodded and then looked at him. Tang looked at me.

Tang Yi: You okay?

I shook my head no. But he knew what I wanted.

Tang Yi: Later okay?

T.O.P: Okay.

~Time Skip~

Whenever we were about to go to bed, all of us went to our rooms and me and Tang were able to have our alone time.

T.O.P: Now we can have a little fun.

I smiled at Tang while he looked at me.

Tang Yi: You said that you didn't want to have sex because you were pregnant.

T.O.P: Well I changed my mind. I miss your dick in me. I'm needy for you.

Tang Yi: Are you now?

I went over and put my arms around his neck while he put his arms around my waist. I kissed him passionately. He kissed me back. He had lead me over to the bed and laid me on my back while hovering over me.

(Nother smut scene ahead skip if you don't want to read)

Tang had taken mine and his clothes off. He had kissed me all the way down to my dick then licked it and took my length into his mouth. Then he had moved so he was aligned with me. Then he inserted his dick into me. I started moaning and he took my chin into his hand and made me look at him.

Tang Yi: I'm not going easy this time.

T.O.P: Then don't. But just keep in mind about the babies.

Tang Yi: I know.

Then he started to ram into me hard.

T.O.P: Hmmm! Tang!

Tang Yi: Your okay. Your in safe hands.

He continued to ram into me and I wasn't enjoying it.

T.O.P: Tang, it's not comfortable. Slow down and go easy. Please!

Tang noticed how I wasn't enjoying it. He slowed down and made it enjoyable.

Tang Yi: I'm sorry baby boy. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. You know I love you.

T.O.P: I know you do but I need you to make sex as enjoyable for me especially if your toping.

Tang Yi: I promise.

He continued to thrust into me easily so that way I was able to enjoy it. I started to get precum on my dick and Tang took my dick into his mouth again and worked it until I cummed into his mouth. Not even seconds later, he released deep inside me. He made sure I was okay then he pulled out and helped me get into a more comfortable position and then layed down next to me.

(End smut)

Tang took me into his arms and played with my hair. I knew he was trying to make me feel better.

Tang Yi: I love you. More then anything.

T.O.P: I know you do. I love you too.

I kissed him and then fell asleep.