Chapter 80


I woke up and Tang wasn't next to me. I looked around and didn't see him anywhere. I got up to look for him and there was pain in my back. When I got downstairs, I saw that everyone wasn't there. I looked down and saw that I had my clothes back on. I walked into the kitchen and saw that there was a note from Tang saying that he would be right back and that the guys were doing there own thing and that they would be back later on. And he put the time that he left. And he left an hour ago. So I called him and he didn't respond. So I tried again and there was no answer so I called Jack. Jack picked up on the first ring.

Jack: Hey whats wrong?

T.O.P: Tang left a note saying that he would be back and put the time that he left and he left over an hour ago and I tried calling 2 different times and he's not picking up and I'm getting worried about him.

Jack: Hey, it's okay. I will call him see if he answers and if not then I will track his phone and find him.

T.O.P: Please hurry.

I was crying while still on the phone. I knew that I was having a panic attack. I sat down on the ground while leaning against the counter and having an arm around my stomach.

Jack: It's going to be okay.

I heard him ask Daesung to see his phone and gave him his phone so he can talk to me.

Daesung: Hey. Breathe. Your going to be okay.

T.O.P: I need Tang.

Daesung: And we will find him. You will get Tang, I promise but we need to find him first.

I heard Jack in the background.

Daesung: Your on speaker right now. But Jack may have found Tang.

T.O.P: Where is he?

Jack: He's closer to us so we are going to go get him and bring him home.

T.O.P: Please hurry. This painc attack isn't getting any better.

I was still crying. Daesung had ended the call after I said that about the panic attack. I was still crying and had both of my arms around my stomach. After a couple minutes, my phone started ringing. I quickly answered it. I heard Tang's voice as soon as I answered.

T.O.P: Tang!

Tang Yi: I'm sorry. I had my phone on silent. I'm on my way home.

T.O.P: Please hurry.

Tang Yi: I am. I'm turning the corner now.

T.O.P: Okay.

Soon Tang had came in and came straight to me. He took me into his arms and calmed me down. I was still crying but I was calming down. Tang still had his arms around me and knew that I was calming down. There was a noise in the house like something broke and I grabbed Tang and I started to panic again. I started crying harder. Tang looked at me.

Tang Yi: Stay here. I'm going to go see what that was.

T.O.P: No please stay here. Please don't go.

Tang Yi: I will be right back.

T.O.P: No!

Tang Yi: Calm down. Your fine.

Tang had stood up and went to see what that was. He came back and showed me that it was just a broken vase. I was still having a panic attack. Tang had thrown away the broken pieces and then came back to me.

Tang Yi: You need to stop crying. Your going to get sick.

I looked at him and he wiped my tears away. He picked me up bridal style then carried me to his room. He put me back in bed and then climed in with me. He had pulled me close to him and I put my head on his chest. Tang had started running his hand up and down my back to calm me. I had looked at him.

T.O.P: Can you tell me where you went earlier?

Tang Yi: Seunghyun, you know that your protective right?

T.O.P: Whenever it comes to you, yes. So please answer my question.

Tang Yi: I went to see if I would get stood up by an old friend of mine and I was. So don't worry.

T.O.P: But you were gone for more then an hour.

Tang Yi: I know Seunghyun. I'm sorry.

T.O.P: Promise me that you won't leave me.

Tang Yi: I promise.

T.O.P: And promise that you won't leave if I fall asleep.

Tang Yi: I promise.

I cuddled up closer to him while he was still running his hand up and down my back. Tang had pulled me closer to him.

Tang Yi: How are you feeling?

T.O.P: Fine.

Tang Yi: Are you sure?

T.O.P: I'm tired and my stomach hurts.

Tang Yi: Then sleep.

T.O.P: But I don't want you to leave while I'm asleep.

Tang Yi: I promise that I will be here whenever you wake up. Trust me.

T.O.P: One kiss as a I really promise that I won't?

Tang kissed me on the lips for a minute straight.

T.O.P: I love you.

Tang Yi: I love you more.

I fell asleep in Tang's arms. And I fell into a deep sleep.

~Time Skip~

Once I woke up again, Tang was next to me like he promised. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

T.O.P: You did stay!

Tang Yi: Like I promised Seunghyun. I'm not leaving you and our baby.

T.O.P: Correction, babies. I'm pregnant with twins remember.

Tang Yi: I'm not leaving you nor our children.

T.O.P: No your not. Because I will dump your butt if you do.

Tang Yi: No need to be hostile. I never go back on a promise. I'm still here right?

T.O.P: Yeah. But I still missed you.

Tang Yi: I missed you. But you were sleeping right nexted to me.

T.O.P: You know that I'm going to be showing in a couple days right?

Tang Yi: Yes. I will still love you either way.

I smiled at him. He kissed me passionately.

Tang Yi: I will love you and our family with all my heart.