Chapter 81

Hyungwon's POV

I woke up and saw that I wasn't at home. I looked around and saw that Shownu and Changkyun were in the room with me. Changkyun had noticed that I was awake.

Changkyun: Hey you.

Hyungwon: What happened?

Changkyun: Minho happened. He had gotten mad at Jonghyun for what he did and you tried to stop him from hurting Jonghyun but Minho had pushed you and you ended up hitting your head off of the wall in Taemin's hospital room and it caused you to start bleeding from your head and you had blacked out. Do you remember any of that?

Hyungwon: A little bit. How long have I been asleep?

Shownu: About 3 days.

Hyungwon: Is Jonghyun okay? What about Taemin?

Changkyun: Their fine. Taemin has been taking care of the twins and Silvia. He's not letting Minho anywhere near him nor the kids.

Hyungwon: Good. That's what I would've done.

Shownu: Of course you would.

Hyungwon: Well I don't blame Taemin. For all I care he's safe and he's also keeping the kids safe.

Dongwook had walked in. He looked at me.

Dongwook: Well look who's awake.

Hyungwon: Funny.

Dongwook: I was joking but I'm glad that your awake.

Hyungwon: Why?

Dongwook: There is someone, well two people here to see you.

Hyungwon: Okay?

Dongwook: They do request that you don't freak out.

Hyungwon: Can they just come in?

Dongwook looked towards the door. The people had come in. Shownu instantly got infront of me.

Hyungwon: Who's there?

Shownu: One of them I don't trust around you.

I was able to sit up and see who it was. I regretted doing it. Wonho and another guy were standing there.

Hyungwon: What are you doing here?

Wonho: I just came to see if you were okay.

Hyungwon: Why?

Dongwook: He still is the first one to call on your emergency list. Then it's Shownu and Changkyun.

Hyungwon: Well take him off! He isn't part of my life anymore!

Dongwook: I will do that.

The person who was standing next to Wonho was awfully quiet. Shownu was still sitting infront of me.

Wonho: Why are you still pushing me away Hyungwon?

Shownu: You know why Wonho. He doesn't need you. You hurt him more then you think.

Wonho: Did I ask you?

The guy standing next to him had stood in front of him and said something to him. Wonho left. The guy turned around.

??: I'm sorry about him. He gets a little to much into his head. Especially after the incident.

Hyungwon: I don't know why he does. It's his fault.

??: But he told us that he was just trying to protect you.

Hyungwon: Well he was lying. He was just trying to protect himself.

Shownu: Who are you anyway?

??:I'm Daesung. Trust me, I'm nothing like my group. And I know that Wonho can be stuck up sometimes.

Hyungwon: Wait, weren't you the nice one when I came to get Felix?

Daesung: Yes. How is Felix?

Bangchan: Why don't you ask him yourself?

Daesung turned around and saw Bangchan and Felix standing there.

Daesung: You doing okay Felix?

Felix nodded his head. Felix had hugged Daesung.

Felix: Thank you. For being the only nice one that I talked to at that place.

Daesung: Your welcome.

Bangchan: If you are the only one who's nice there, why do you stay there?

Daesung: Because they are the only family who I know. I don't harm anyone anymore but I still stay there because of that. And because one of my friends is pregnant. I can even tell that he's scared about it.

Hyungwon: If he needs any help, I'm right here.

Daesung: I will let him know.

I smiled at him. Felix let go. Daesung had bowed to Bangchan.

Daesung: I'm sorry. For not calling you sooner Bangchan.

Bangchan: Chan.

Daesung: What?

Bangchan: You can call me Chan. But it's fine.

Daesung: But I better go. The one who I came with is probably getting mad.

Bangchan: See you later then.

Daesung: See you later. And I will let my friend know, thank you Hyungwon.

Hyungwon: Anytime.

Daesung had left and it was just us now. Shownu had sat in the chair. Changkyun had leaned up against Shownu.

Shownu: You feeling okay?

Changkyun: Yeah.

Dongwook had come over and checked on him. He had pressed on Changkyun's stomach and then checked his temperature.

Dongwook: The baby shifted and he has a high fever. He's getting drained from his energy.

Changkyun: Is it bad that the baby is shifting this much?

Dongwook: It is more then usual. But no it's not. But if it keeps moving, and if it's more then once a day, then yes it's bad. But the baby is just shifting once a day. And it's draining your energy. You need to get some sleep. Or you will pass out.

Changkyun: Okay.

Dongwook: Good thing that there is an extra bed in here. Come on.

Shownu had picked Changkyun up put him in the other bed.

Shownu: Let me see him.

Shownu had taken Chanhyun from Changkyun. Changkyun went to take him back but Shownu stopped him.

Shownu: You need to sleep. I will look out after him. You sleep.

Changkyun shook his head and then fell asleep. Shownu had covered him with the blanket. He came back over to me.

Shownu: How are you feeling?

Hyungwon: Fine. I do want to go see Taemin though.

Dongwook: Wait a couple minutes and then I will let you go home and then you can go see him.

Hyungwon: Okay. What about Changkyun, when can he come home?

Dongwook: Hopefully tomorrow morning.

Hyungwon: Thank you.

Dongwook: Your welcome.