Chapter 110

Wonho's POV

It's been about 3 hours since Hyungwon went into surgery. Bangchan and Felix had stayed with me to keep me company and to see if Hyungwon was going to be okay. A couple minutes passed and Dongwook came out. I stood up and walked over. Dongwook smiled.

Dongwook: Everything is fine. The tumor is gone completely. Hyungwon is in the ICU recovering from the surgery.

Wonho: That's good to hear. How did he do during the surgery?

Dongwook: He did fine. But he did go into cardiac arrest due to too much blood loss. But I was able to stabilize him and he is completely fine now. Hopefully, the man/voice he kept seeing and hearing is now gone. But I do want to keep a close eye on him so I know he is fine. It's probably best if you are there when he wakes up.

Wonho: Thank you.

Dongwook: No problem.

Bangchan: Call when he wakes up please Wonho. I want to get Felix home so we can get some sleep.

Wonho: Okay. But please go to my house. I want to make sure my kids are okay. And feel free to crash there.

Bangchan: Thank you. I will text you when we get there.

Wonho: Thanks.

I said my final goodbyes then turned my attention back to Dongwook. He looked at me and sighed.

Dongwook: I have some more news before I take you back.

I looked at him confused.

Wonho: What's wrong?

Dongwook: Something came up in the MRI that I just found when I went back and looked at it again.

Wonho: Okay?

Dongwook: He has cancer. I don't know how he got it or where it came from but it showed up.

Wonho: How bad is it?

Dongwook: He has stage 4 cancer. I haven't been able to tell him yet.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Wonho: Could I go to the room he is at?

Dongwook: Yeah. Right this way.

~Time Skip~

It's been almost 2 hours since I got into the room where Hyungwon was. I knew that my eyes were red and puffy since I have been crying for an hour and a half. Now I was just keeping my focus on Hyungwon. Soon I saw him start to stir. I grabbed his hand gently and held it. The more he started to wake up, the more tighter his grip got. Once he fully woke up, he looked around and then let his gaze fall on me. He smiled but when he saw that my eyes were red, he got worried.

Hyungwon: What's wrong?

Wonho: The better question is, how are you feeling?

Hyungwon: I'm fine. Just a little tired. What happened?

Wonho: The tumor is gone. But you did go into cardiac arrest but Dongwook was able to get it under control. Right now, you are here in the ICU. Dongwook brought you here so you could recover from the surgery.

Hyungwon: Well that's good. But you still haven't answered my question.

He took his hand and put it on the side of my face. He caressed my cheeck. I grabbed his wrist gently.

Hyungwon: What's wrong?

I still didn't want to tell him. Tears started to come back and they started to fall. I could feel Hyungwon sit up. He pulled my face so I was looking at him. He was worried about me. I could see that he was.

Hyungwon: What aren't you telling me baby?

Wonho: I don't want to hurt you.

Hyungwon: Whatever it is, I know that I will have you by my side. So just tell me baby.

Hyungwon's POV

I was trying to get Wonho to tell me what was going on but he still refused to tell me. I pulled him into a hug and Wonho gladly accepted it. I saw that Dongwook walked in. He looked at me.

Hyungwon: He won't tell me what is wrong. He already told me about the surgery.

Dongwook: I can see why he doesn't. He is scared of what you will think.

Hyungwon: But tell me what?

Dongwook: You have stage 4 cancer. I found out after the surgery while I was taking another look at your MRI scan. And I told Wonho while you were still asleep. I'm sorry.

I looked at Wonho and saw that he had his head hung low.

Hyungwon: How bad can it be?

Dongwook: Wonho is scared to lose you again. And this time, for forever. That's why he didn't tell you.

I looked at Dongwook. Dongwook came and sat down next to the bed.

Dongwook: I almost lost my little brother. He had gone down a dark path because he thought he was going to lose our brothers love because Yeon had fell in love with Gwi. And with Yeon being the oldest even though we are twins, he still stopped coming around a little bit after he married Gwi. But Rang had missed Yeon a lot so he was trying to get his attention back but he never got it. Yeon had always stayed next to Gwi unless Rang gotten himself into trouble.

Hyungwon: But why does that connect to me and Wonho?

Dongwook: Because Wonho has gone down the same path as Rang did. Plus, Wonho doesn't want to lose you. You mean too much to him. And he already lost you once.

I looked at Wonho. He had calmed down but still wouldn't look at me.

Dongwook: I will give you guys some space.

Dongwook left and it was just me and Wonho now.

Hyungwon: Wonho.

He looked at me.

Hyungwon: I promise you that you will not lose me. Because you are all the strength I need to fight this cancer that I have. And I know that I will have your love and support along with Shownu and Changkyun's love and support. I promise that I will fight this. Plus I can't lose you either.

Wonho: I wish that you didn't have cancer.

Hyungwon: I know. Me too. But sometimes we just have to live life how the cards are dealt for our life.

Wonho had hugged me.

Hyungwon: Come on. Get comfy. I wanna cuddle.

Wonho got comfortable and we cuddled.

~Time Skip~

It was 6 in the evening, and Wonho was still asleep. He had fallen asleep a couple minutes after he got comfortable. I was still in shock about finding out that I was sick. I heard someone knock on the door. I looked up and saw Daesung and his friends. I waved them in. Daesung sat next to the bed along with T.O.P while the others stood back a little bit.

Daesung: Everything okay? We heard from Felix that you were in the hospital.

Hyungwon: Yeah I'm fine. I had to get surgery again. But don't worry about me.

Daesung: But Felix also said that you were sick. So that's why we came. Well, mostly me. They just came with me.

Hyungwon: Daesung, I'm fine. It's nothing that I can't handle. Just, don't tell Shownu. I don't want to worry him right now. He is already worried about Changkyun.

Daesung: Why would I tell your brother? I'm terrified of him. And also terrified of Wonho.

Hyungwon: There is no need to be terrified of my brother and Wonho.

Daesung: I know but somehow they scare me in a way.

I laughed.

T.O.P: Where are Shownu and Changkyun?

Hyungwon: They are at Changkyun's home right now. But they will be back soon.

I started to feel a little sad after talking about Shownu and Changkyun. Daesung noticed.

Daesung: How about you get some rest? And we will come visit sometime.

Hyungwon: Okay. Give me a call if you're feeling lonely.

Daesung smiled.

Daesung: I'm sure I will call to make sure you're okay.

Hyungwon: Okay.

After everyone said goodbye, it was just me and Wonho again. Wonho was still sleeping and I was still missing Shownu and Changkyun. And like someone read my mind, Changkyun called me. I answered the phone.

Changkyun: You feeling okay?

Hyungwon: Yeah. I'm just missing you guys a lot.

Changkyun: We'll be home soon. But I have a feeling that you are hiding something.

Hyungwon: Maybe.

Changkyun: What is it?

I sighed.

Hyungwon: Are you around Shownu?

Changkyun: No. I'm with my cousin Max and his husband Lin.

Hyungwon: I'm back in the hospital.

I heard Changkyun spit his drink out and start choking. Once he was okay he started speaking again.

Changkyun: What happened?

Hyungwon: I had to get surgery. I had a brain tumor.

Changkyun: Are you okay now?

Hyungwon: Yeah. But there's another thing too but you can't tell Shownu.

Changkyun: Somethings you tell me I rarely tell Shownu about. Especially if you ask me not to tell him, I keep my mouth shut.

Hyungwon: I have stage 4 cancer.

Changkyun's POV

Once Hyungwon told me he had cancer, I almost dropped my phone. I looked at Max and mouthed, "Excuse me one second" and walked a couple steps away.

Changkyun: Does Wonho know?

Hyungwon: Wonho was the first one to know. I had just came out of surgery when Dongwook told Wonho.

Changkyun: How did he take it?

Hyungwon: He didn't want to tell me that I was sick. Plus you know how protective and worried he gets.

Changkyun: I know. Shownu is the same way.

Hyungwon: You are saying that to a person who grew up in the same house as him after I ran away.

I laughed.

Changkyun: Okay, you win. But now I wish I was there to give you a hug.

Hyungwon: How bout this, once you get home, we can cuddle as much as you want.

Changkyun: Okay. Sounds like a deal.

Hyungwon: But I will let you get back to what you were doing.

Changkyun: Okay. I will check in later.

Hyungwon: Okay. Love you Changkyun.

Changkyun: Love you more Hyungwon.

After that the call ended. I smiled and then went back to where Max and Lin were standing. Max looked at me.

Max: Everything okay?

Changkyun: Yeah. Sorry, I just wanted to check on my brother in law.

Max: Don't worry. I would be worried too. But only for my brother. Alec, I could care less about him. I honestly don't know what Magnus sees in Alec.

I smiled. Lin grabbed Max's hand. Max looked at him.

Max: You okay Lin?

Lin: Yeah. I'm just tired.

Max: Well, let's head back so you can get some sleep. We can come back to the shops another time.

Lin: Okay.

(Back where Hyungwon is, he fell asleep and started to drift off into a deep sleep)

~Time Skip ~

Once we got back to the palace, Shownu was waiting for us. I looked at him.

Changkyun: What's wrong?

Shownu: Dongwook called. He said that Hyungwon is having a really bad panic attack and Wonho is nowhere to be found. Jonghyun and Taemin are there trying to calm him.

Changkyun: Have they tried calling him?

Shownu: He won't answer his phone.

Changkyun: Is there a tracker on his phone?

Shownu: Hyungwon doesn't remember if he put one on or not. So I don't know. But we need to go and calm him down.

Lin: His name sounds familiar.

Shownu looked at Lin.

Shownu: Who's does?

Lin: Hyungwon. I remember seeing a glimpse of him here but I didn't stick around that long when he was here.

Shownu: You wanna come with to see him?

Lin: If it's okay with you.

Shownu: Of course. Max, wanna come?

Max: Why not.

Shownu: Okay. Let's go.

~Time Skip~

Taemin's POV

Me and Jonghyun were trying to calm Hyungwon down but he wasn't. Jonghyun was holding him and was not letting go. Hyungwon kept crying. We heard someone come in and we looked and saw Shownu walk in with Changkyun and two others. Shownu had walked over and took Hyungwon into his arms. Hyungwon instantly grabbed onto Shownu.

Shownu: Hey, it's okay. I'm sure he'll turn up somewhere.

Hyungwon: But where is he?

Shownu: I don't know. I will try my best to find him. I promise.

Hyungwon: Please hurry.

Shownu: Okay. But I need you to calm down a little bit, okay?

Hyungwon: I've been trying for the past 2 hours!

Shownu tightened his grip on Hyungwon.

Changkyun's POV

Lin had grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear.

Lin: I know I've seen him before but can't pin point it.

Changkyun: Well once he calms down you can ask.

Shownu: Kyun, can you call Wonho's mom? See if she has seen him?

Changkyun: Yeah.

I stepped outside and called Wonho's mom. Once she answered, she said hi.

Changkyun: Hi Mrs Lee! I was wondering if you have seen Wonho lately?

Mrs Lee: No I haven't. Usually he's with Hyungwon.

Changkyun: Okay. Thank you. I will let you know when I find him. Thank you again.

Mrs Lee: Okay. Thank you. And no worries.

I hung up after we said goodbye then called Baekhyun. No luck with Baekhyun either. So I tried to call Daesung. Daesung told me that he was on his way to tell me something. I went into the room to wait for him. Shownu looked at me.

Changkyun: His mom didn't know where he was, Baekhyun didn't know either, but Daesung is on his way to tell us something. I don't know what.

Shownu: Okay.

I saw that Hyungwon was asleep now.

Changkyun: How long has he been asleep?

Shownu: Fell asleep 2 minutes after you went outside.

There was a knock on the door and I went and answered it. Daesung was at the door. He didn't look happy.

Changkyun: What happened?

Daesung: You and Shownu need to step out here for me to explain.

I looked at Shownu and he came over and we stepped outside and closed the door.

Shownu: Where is Wonho?

Daesung: He's here but he's in surgery fighting for his life.

Shownu: What do you mean?

Daesung: He came to visit us while Hyungwon was asleep and while he was there...

Shownu: What. Happened?

Daesung: Our old boss, Tang, came and he was drunk and mad and had a gun. He had pointed the gun at T.O.P and was aiming to shoot at him but Wonho got in the way and took the bullet for T.O.P and when he did, the bullet hit him in the heart. We don't know if he's going to make it. He lost a lot of blood before the paramedics got there and possibly a lot more on the way. He just now got pulled back to surgery when I got here.

Shownu: What about Tang?

Daesung: He's in jail.

Shownu: Is T.O.P okay?

Daesung: Yeah, he's fine.

We heard footsteps coming up behind us. We looked and saw Dongwook coming up to us. He stopped when he got to us and had his head hung low.

Shownu: Dongwook?

Dongwook: Time of death, 9:02 pm. Cause of death, murder. Age, 29. Gender, male. Name, Lee Hoseok. Also known as Wonho.

Shownu: What?

Daesung banged on the wall and started crying. I stood there in disbelief. I pulled my phone out and dialed Wonho's mom's number.

Mrs Lee: Hello? Did you find my son?

Changkyun: Can you come to the hospital?

Mrs Lee: Yes of course. I'm on my way.

She hung up and I put my phone away. I looked at Shownu. Shownu looked at me. T.O.P came down the hall with Jack and Seungri.

Seungri: Baby? What happened?

Daesung looked at Seungri and shook his head. T.O.P started crying and he grabbed Jack's hand. Jack pulled T.O.P into his lap and help him. Seungri had hugged Daesung. Shownu pulled me into a hug. Everyone in the room came out. I looked at them.

Taemin: Hyungwon is still asleep. Wait, what happened?

Daesung: Wonho got killed. Our old boss tried to shoot T.O.P but Wonho protected him and took the bullet for him. But he didn't make it.

Taemin covered his mouth. After that, all of us were quiet except a couple cries here and there. Dongwook decided to break the silence.

Dongwook: We tried everything. I'm so sorry.

Daesung: It's not your fault. He died trying to protect someone who needed it most. And he lived a life where he was happy with a husband and 3 kids.

Wonho's mom walked up. She looked confused.

Mrs Lee: What's wrong? What's going on? Where's my son?

I sighed. I went over and hugged her.

Changkyun: He's gone. He passed away.

I felt her start crying. I held onto her for a couple minutes. After I let go, Dongwook took her to the room to say her last goodbye. I went into the room where Hyungwon was. Hyungwon looked at me.

Hyungwon: I heard everything. What am I going to do now?

Changkyun: We will figure that out later. Right now, let's focus on your health. I know it might be hard.

Hyungwon: I should have been there.

Changkyun: No! Don't start this. You are still recovering. Don't blame yourself. I know you're grieving, but don't blame yourself.

Hyungwon: We didn't get to renew our vows. I promised him that we would.

I looked at him. He looked lost. Someone walked in. Hyungwon looked at the person. Dongwook stepped next to me.

Dongwook: You can go home now. Unless you want to stay another night.

Hyungwon: I have nothing to go home too. So what's the point?

Changkyun: How about you come home and me and Shownu can stay with you.

Hyungwon: Fine.

Dongwook: Changkyun, please make sure he doesn't just lay around. I know he just lost Wonho but please keep him active in a way.

Changkyun: Okay.

Dongwook stepped out and I helped Hyungwon get ready. Hyungwon looked at me when he was ready.

Hyungwon: I'm going to miss him.

Changkyun: I know. But, you gotta keep your head up and stay strong. And hopefully move on when you're ready. That's what Wonho would've wanted.

Hyungwon: But what if I can't?

Changkyun: Then try doing it for the kids. Now, let's get you home.

We walked out of the room and Hyungwon instantly went to Shownu. Lin smiled.

Shownu: Let's go home.

Everyone left and went their separate ways. Jonghyun and Taemin had come with us.

~Time Skip~

Bangchan's POV

Me, Felix, and Hyunjin were watching TV and playing with the twins and Silvia whenever we heard the door open and saw a very depressed Hyungwon walk in along with Shownu, Changkyun, and 4 others.

Hyunjin: Where's Wonho?

Hyungwon looked at him.

Hyungwon: Give me Silvia.

Hyunjin gave Silvia over to Hyungwon and then Hyungwon sat down next to me. I knew something was wrong.

Bangchan: Now is not the time Hyunjin.

Hyungwon: How were the kids?

Felix: They were fine. Hyungwon...

Hyungwon looked at Felix.

Felix: I'm sorry for your loss.

Hyungwon: Thank you.


Hyungwon's POV

I felt myself tossing and turning in bed and then someone shaking me. I woke up and I was back in the hospital and Wonho was looking at me worriedly. I instantly hugged him and started crying. Wonho started to sooth me. He pulled me away to look at me.

Wonho: What happened?

Hyungwon: I had the worst dream. I wish I never fell asleep.

I started crying harder. Wonho took me into his arms.

Wonho: Tell me what happened.

Hyungwon: Somehow I fell asleep after I got off the phone with Changkyun and then whenever I woke up you were gone and nobody knew where you were and Changkyun had come with Shownu and 2 others after Taemin and Jonghyun showed up, then after a while of them trying to see where you were, Daesung had come and told them that you had taken a bullet for T.O.P and that you were in surgery. Then Dongwook told them that you died while the surgery was going on. Then we all went home. And that's about it with what I dreamt about. But the worst thing is, I thought I actually lost you.

I started crying harder. Wonho was still holding me.

Wonho: What do you remember before you went to sleep?

Hyungwon: I remember talking to Daesung whenever you feel asleep and then talking to Changkyun on the phone after they left then going to sleep in your arms.

Wonho: Okay. Here's what I'm gonna say, you are never going to lose me. I promise you that. I know you can't handle it if I'm gone. So don't worry.

Hyungwon: Okay. Can we cuddle?

Wonho: Of course. Wanna see the pictures that Bangchan sent of the twins and Silvia?

Hyungwon: Yes!!

I snuggled into Wonho and he showed me the pictures Bangchan sent. I smiled at the sight of our babies.

Hyungwon: Can we renew our vows soon please?

Wonho: Of course. Shownu and Changkyun are coming home tomorrow and they are bringing Changkyun's mom and dad, his two cousins and cousin in laws, and his brother, and his other Uncle here. So if you want we can do them the day after tomorrow or do you want to do a week from today?

Hyungwon: A week from today. But invite Shownu and Changkyun and all of Changkyun's family that he is bringing.

Wonho: Okay.

Hyungwon: One more thing.

Wonho: What's that?

Hyungwon: Can we have another baby? I thought about after you brought it up and I think I'm ready for another one.

Wonho: Of course we can. Maybe on our next honeymoon we can make another one.

I smiled and hugged Wonho. He pulled me closer to him.

Wonho's POV

Me and Hyungwon were cuddling on the bed waiting for Dongwook to come in. Hyungwon had started to doze off. Hyungwon was hesitant to sleep because of his dream. I knew that he was.

Wonho: Hey, don't worry. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere.

Hyungwon: Okay.

~Time Skip~

After a couple hours, Hyungwon was able to come home. When we got home, Baekhyun had come over to us and hugged Hyungwon.

Hyungwon: Hi Baek!

Baekhyun: Hi Hyungwon!!! How are you feeling?

Hyungwon: Tired but good.

Baekhyun: Well that's good.

Hyungwon: How have the kids been?

Bangchan: Good! They have been mostly sleeping. God, Seohyun is needing to be in your arms right now.

Hyungwon had smiled and took Seohyun from Bangchan. Felix came over with Hyunwoo while Xiumin had come over with Silvia. Shownu and Changkyun were here along with other people who I'm guessing is Changkyun's family. Shownu walked up to Hyungwon and hugged him.

Wonho: Well you're home early. We were expecting you guys tomorrow.

Shownu: You know how Changkyun is.

Changkyun: Move out the way! I need to see my brother in law!

Shownu moved out of the way and took Seohyun with him. Changkyun had wrapped his arms around Hyungwon. Hyungwon had hugged him back. Changkyun had pulled away and took Hyungwon by the hand and took him to our room.

Hyungwon's POV

Changkyun had taken me into mine and Wonho's room and closed the door then sat on the bed. He looked at me with a concerned look on his face.

Hyungwon: What's wrong?

Changkyun: When are you going to tell Shownu about the cancer?

Hyungwon: I don't know yet. I'm worried about what he will think.

Changkyun: Well, you have to tell him sooner or later.

Hyungwon: But how do I tell him?

Changkyun: I can be right next to you when you tell him.

Hyungwon: Okay.

Changkyun's POV

I could tell that Hyungwon was nervous. I grabbed his hands and looked at him.

Changkyun: I can promise you that Shownu won't get mad.

Hyungwon shook his head.

Changkyun: How about we tell him now so he knows.

Hyungwon: Okay.

Changkyun: Shownu!!

Shownu had walked in and looked at us. I patted the bed and he sat down so he was facing us.

Shownu: Is everything okay?

Changkyun: Hyungwon told me something a couple days ago that he wants to tell you. But he is afraid of what your reaction will be, so promise me that you won't get mad at him for keeping it from you.

Shownu: Why would I be mad?

Hyungwon: I have cancer.

Shownu looked at him.

Changkyun: I said don't get mad!

Shownu was still looking at Hyungwon. Hyungwoon had grabbed one of the stuffies that he has and held it. Shownu took him into a hug and Hyungwon started crying.

Shownu: I'm not mad. I just, don't know what to say.

Hyungwon: I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

Hyungwon was still crying hard. Shownu had tightened his grip on him.

Shownu: Hey, it's okay. Breathe.

Wonho came in and saw Hyungwon crying. He took one of his jackets and put it around Hyungwon. Hyungwon had started to calm down.

Wonho: How about we watch a movie?

Shownu: I'm up for that.

All of us agreed and went into the living room and watched a movie with everyone.