Chaper 124

-Side note before chapter-

Hi!! Sorry that it's been a while between chapters 122 and 123, but I was dealing with school and I had my finals coming up so if I don't post till towards the end of this month, that is why. Anyway hope you are enjoying. Now back to the story. 😊😊


Hyungwon's POV

While we waited for news on Taemin, me and Jonghyun talked more while Minho smiled while watching us talk. Jonghyun had let me put my head on his shoulder. I soon fell asleep. After a while, I felt someone nudge me. I started to wake up and saw that Jonghyun was in front of me and I had my head on Minho's shoulder.

Hyungwon: What time is it?

Jonghyun: 2 in the afternoon. You slept for an hour.

Hyungwon: Any news on Taemin?

Jonghyun: Yeah. He's out of testing. We can go see him.

Hyungwon: Okay.

I went to stand but stumbled but Jonghyun caught me. He helped me straighten out.

Jonghyun: Easy Hyungwon. I got you.

I smiled and thanked him. We walked to Taemin's room and saw that he was asleep. Dongwook walked in behind us.

Dongwook: He's okay.

Minho: What is causing him to feel this sick?

Dongwook: It's a mixture of pregnancy sickness and common cold. And stress. So when he wakes up and when he goes home, make sure he doesn't have or is in any stress or stressful situations.

Minho: Okay. But other then that he's okay right?

Dongwook: Yes he is. But I will be back to check on him later.

Minho: Okay. Thank you.

Dongwook: You're welcome.

Dongwook left and we sat down next to the bed. And we waited till Taemin woke up.

Shownu's POV

Once I got home, Wonho was sitting on the couch holding a pillow in his lap. I sighed and walked over to him and sat down next to him.

Shownu: Don't blame yourself. Hyungwon just needs time. But I know that you still love him.

Wonho: And I want to protect him.

Shownu: I know but can you do me a favor?

Wonho: What?

Wonho looked at me.

Shownu: Can you still love my brother even if that means that you have to let go at one point? And still love him even if he decides to move on?

Wonho gave me a confused look.

Shownu: Look, Hyungwon is in need of some time to think about this. But Jonghyun has said that if Hyungwon chooses to move out, he would take him in. But Hyungwon is debating whether or not to move in with Jonghyun or stay with you. And I'm sure if he chooses to stay with you, you have to stop drinking and make sure to get yourself into a better state for both you and him. But you have to let him decide. If he needs some space, let him. Things have happened that both of you need some time to look back on and learn from. So I need you to promise me that with whatever Hyungwon decides, that you will still love him no matter what.

Wonho: Okay. I promise.

Shownu: Thank you.

Wonho smiled.

Hyungwon's POV

Once Taemin woke up, me and Jonghyun had stopped talking. Taemin saw the tension between us.

Taemin: You guys are never this quiet.

Minho: There's a lot going on right now so Hyungwon is a little tense.

Taemin looked at Minho. Before Minho could explain more I butted in.

Hyungwon: Please don't.

Minho looked at me. Taemin looked at me confused.

Taemin: Hyungwon. Are you okay? I just want to know what's going on.

I started to hyperventilate and I stood up and started to ramble.

Hyungwon: I don't want to talk about it. It's not something we should be talking about.

Minho's POV

Jonghyun stood up to try and calm Hyungwon down but Hyungwon pushed him away. He was still rambling and started to sway on his feet. We could hear him start to get out of breath.

Minho: Hyungwon calm down. It's okay.

Hyungwon: No. No it's not.

I started to panic but Hyungwon passed out before we could do anything. But before he hit the ground Dongwook caught him. Dongwook sighed.

Dongwook: Stay here. I need to get him to isolation.

Taemin: What's going on?

Dongwook: Stress overlaod. It's not something that someone who has really bad stress and anxiety should have but Hyungwon has it. But the best way to calm him down is to isolate him by himself so he doesn't overthink questions like he just did.

Taemin was tense and I knew it. I grabbed his hand. He looked at me.

Minho: Right now it's for the best.

Taemin nodded. Dongwook picked Hyungwon up and left. Taemin sighed and curled up on the bed.

Dongwook's POV

Once I got Hyungwon on an IV and got him situated, I called Changkyun. Once he picked up, he started to ask questions.

Dongwook: Hey, slow down. I need you to come to the hospital with Shownu. I need to talk to you guys about Hyungwon.

Changkyun: What about Wonho? He's worried sick that something happened to Hyungwon before I knew.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

Dongwook: Fine. Bring him too.

Changkyun: Okay. We're on our way.

Dongwook: Okay.

-Time Skip-

Once they got here, Changkyun ran up to me and hugged me.

Changkyun: Is he okay!?

Dongwook: He's okay. But there was something that I needed to do.

Changkyun: What?

Dongwook: I had to isolate him from Taemin and the others who were with him because he started to hyperventilate and with that being said for a person who has bad anxiety and panic attacks, he started to go into a stress overload. So he has to be isolated for a few days and hopefully he returns back to his calmer self and can go back home. But I do need to run a test on him because the stress overload seemed like it was bad.

Shownu: How bad?

Dongwook: Bad to the point where it can lead to memory loss. Don't know how much or if there will be. But we have to wait till he wakes up to run tests. And when he does, no stressful questions that will send him into a panic attack or that will stress him out.

Changkyun: Okay. So I might be doing most of the talking.

I laughed.

Changkyun: Can we see him?

Dongwook: Not until he wakes up. Okay?

Changkyun: Okay.

I smiled at Changkyun. He hugged me tighter. We heard someone walk up. I looked and saw Minho walking up to us.

Dongwook: Everything okay?

Minho: Yeah. Taemin is asking if it's okay if the kids come here.

Dongwook: Yes it is. Go ahead and go get them. Speaking of kids, who is watching yours and Hyungwon's kids?

Changkyun: Mom, Dad, Dawn, and Yoongi. The kids are safe.

Dongwook: Okay. Let me go check on Hyungwon and I will come let you know how he is.

Changkyun: Okay.

Changkyun let go and I went and checked on Hyungwon. Once I got to Hyungwon's room, he was still asleep. I checked his vitals to see if they were okay. While doing so I heard him start to wake up. I looked and saw that he was looking around.

Dongwook: Hey. How are you feeling?

Hyungwon: Okay I guess. What happened?

Dongwook: You passed out due to stress overload. Do you remember anything before then?

Hyungwon: It's a little fuzzy. I was in Taemin's room and that's all I remember right now. Where is Wonho? And where are my kids?

Dongwook: Your kids are at home. Wonho is in the waiting room with Changkyun and Shownu.

Hyungwon: Okay.

Dongwook: Can you tell me what the last thing you remember before you were in Taemin's hospital room?

Hyungwon: Ummm, me and Wonho had an argument because of me not trusting him as much because I walked into our house before we went over to Taemin's house and found Wonho drunk at home and then me, Shownu, and Changkyun went for a walk then to Taemin's house then came here and me and Jonghyun talked while we waited for news on Taemin with Minho. That's about it. Oh and Jonghyun said that I could move in with him if I chose to move out. But I'm still hesitant about it because I still love Wonho.

Dongwook: Okay. Don't worry about that.

Hyungwon: Okay. Where am I anyway?

Dongwook: You're in isolation. Do you want me to explain why or do you wanna see Shownu, Changkyun, and Wonho.

Hyungwon: I wanna see them. And also have an explanation on why please.

Dongwook: Okay. I will be back.

Hyungwon: Okay.