A girl is standing in front of a guy named Shawn. Shawn's heart seems to be attached to her somehow, and then he sees another guy there who then butchers her body with gunshots. Shawn is in pain, he can't see properly, his vision is blurry. There are many voices in his brain, some are deep saying "You're the one", "You're the devil", "You're our hope.", "You're the devine." and some light and voices of children shouting, "Save us.", "Help us!", "Dad!!!" He hears the suffering of uncountable human beings in his ears. The guy with the gun points it towards Shawn, that guy pulls the trigger, an immense bullet approaches, and when it hits Shawn, he wakes up from the dream he was currently in.
Shawn washes his face and approaches the phone, picks it up while looking at himself at the mirror and group calls his friends who are: CJ aka Cameron James, Thomas Verceto, and Ivan Franklin. He asks them, "Are you ready? It's time." Every person he calls is smiling in their mean place and they reply, "Always has been." Shawn takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
Now Shawn is approaching the airport looking for his team mates, and as he asked them to wear fancy dresses and he'll be wearing dark clothes, and cause of that Shawn easily finds them. "So what's the plan?" Cameron asks, "How are we suppose to take our weapons to the flight?".
"With your suit cases of course" Shawn replies.
"Are you crazy?" Says Ivan Franklin, "How're we suppose to pass the security with this amount of armoury?".
"Exactly, your armoury in those suit cases I gave you is broken in many parts yet to be arranged. Also that It's made up of a material named Jovin which I discovered it recently. They won't stop you cause they won't be able to detect anything but clothes in your suitcases. "
"You must be bluffing", Thomas chuckles, "You're insane."
"This is our only chance for this Heist.", Shawn says. "Why?", questions Ivan, "we can perform as many heists we want."
"Do you think it's some sort of joke? It's not a movie that luck is always on the side of the protagonists, even though if it is, we are not the protagonist, if we fail, it's over! It's not a wallet robbery which you've been doing, we're going to rob a fucking bank!". "I'm sorry, you're right." Replies Ivan. Shawn replies in a deep voice, "Shut your fucking mouth and follow what I'm saying and get on the bloody plane."
Now, everyone of the squad is passing the security check, first it's Thomas Verceto, as he knows how to handle situations, he doesn't panic, he's such a badass. He jokes to the guard, "check me properly I might be carrying a gun", the guard replies, "good one sir haha, you can pass cause you don't have even a comb to harm anyone." After seeing that every squad member now trusts Shawn about the material and the technology he used. They pass it really comfortably. Then Shawn approaches and now the security finds some metal in his suit case, they ask for his bag, everyone is in panic now specially Franklin cause if Shawn is doomed, he might give the names of his other squad members. After checking Shawn's suit case the guard informs him, " there was a metal keychain which you shouldn't put in the bag, you almost got me panicked. Be careful next time sir." "I'm sorry about that trouble" replies Shawn.
When Shawn gets on the plane, Tommy asks him, "How could you be this foolish, didn't you knew about the keychain being made of metal? They'll suspect you now." Shawn smiles and says, "that's what I want, I created kind of a drama over there and cause of that their suspicion on anyone else but me is gone. You guys are imperfect in acting and handling situations, you may get caught but not me."
"I see, we do have a crazy ass leader." Says Cameron.
The plane lands, and the squad follows the lead of Shawn, Franklin questions Shawn, "Now what?". "We will meet a friend.", Replies Shawn. Then they go to a pub and meet a guy named Beluga. "Meet Beluga." Says Shawn, "He's the hacker of our squad. But he demands 10% of the cash or else he will tell the police about us. He is a guy who I can trust if his wishes are fulfilled he'll die but never betray". Shawn continues, "He will disable all the security systems and will lock all the accesses towards the bank and will hack the GPS of the police if things went wrong he will also be ready to send hundreds of false alarms all over the city, I bet the police won't be seeing that coming."
Everyone then walks to their rooms in the hotel besides the pub and rests there. "Anyone want to practice hand to hand combat?" Says Franklin, "I'm really good at it."
"Says who? That old chick you beat to death? You've never fought a man, if you've guts, hit me." Replies Cameron.
"Come on, show me what you got, I'll let you hit me first." Says Franklin.
"Guys calm down I've ordered a coffee, I want peace for now, or I'll kick both of your asses." Says Verceto.
"Give me a minute Thomas, I'll teach this guy a lesson.", says Cameron. "Be quick.", replies Thomas.
and then they both start to fight hand to hand, "I've known 43 martial arts moves, I've practiced them all of my life, what do you know?" Franklin says. Cameron replies, "I've brains." Franklin goes offensive and punches Cameron on the face, Cameron dodges it and punches Franklin in the armpit and his hand gets dislocated. "See Franklin, let me fix it, just grow up real quick will ya?" says Cameron. "I'll fix it myself" says Franklin. Cameron turns away to sit on the couch, Franklin takes the chance and delivers a kick in Cameron's chest and he flies to the door, and the force acting on Cameron breaks the door apart. The waitress approaching their room to deliver the coffee to Verceto sees this and gets terrified and wants a explanation in which Cameron says, "I tripped too hard and I saw a mice, I'm just scared you know, I'll pay for the loss don't worry." The waitress is still too terrified but still believes them and walks away, "she didn't believed in you", says Thomas. "She'll call the police anytime soon now" Thomas approaches towards that girl, takes her and snaps her neck off and takes it to another booked room and puts some fighting trails on that guy after mesmerising him. And says, "Boom problem solved." Shawn just let it all happen, "you're a good guy I've heard about, how many heists have you attempted?" Thomas asks a question to Shawn, in which Shawn responds, "It'll be my first and the last."
"Last as if you think it's going to fail?", Asks Thomas. "Last as if I don't want to do more" replies Shawn, Shawn continues, rest my friend, we've a big day tomorrow. Sleep well as it maybe tomorrow will be our final dawn to face together."
"Didn't knew robbers have this motivation" Says Thomas, "well you're a good guy kid, you can be better than any of us. I'm gonna go sleep now."
After losing to Cameron, Franklin wants to win at anything to Verceto to just satisfy his heart, and they've an arm wrestling battle, in which Verceto wins in less than a second. Franklin gets mad and walks away in anger. "Ey ey, where is he going?" Verceto asks. "He's not our man anymore, don't worry, we can trust him with this info but he won't be working with us anymore." Verceto smiles at Franklin's immaturity and says, "this is why I hate teens, too immature, hating to loose."
The next morning, "Everyone take everything you have, Beluga, take a spot up on the roof, Verceto and Cameron come with me.", says Shawn. The moment they approach towards the bank, they get to know someone anonymously warned the police about a heist in this city and now police is present outside of every bank and there are more than 10 guards up in front of them and not letting anyone in without their ID's. "Are we backing up?" questions Cameron. "No.", replies Shawn. Verceto smiles and says, "It's going to be fun!"