Surprise Mother Fu*ker

Chapter TWO

"It's your turn Thomas", says Beluga, then Thomas goes to the top of the bank to plant a bunch of tear gases in the air vents, and signals the rest of his team there, they move in with empty suitcases, Thomas joins them and they make an excuse as they're some business man going to take some money out of their credit card to sign a mansion. But in reality they have masks hidden in the secret layer of the suitcases.

"Before we start the Heist there are three rules." says Shawn

"Rule no 1: Follow what i say.

Rule No 2: Do not kill anyone.

Rule no 3: Follow all the Rules." Continues Shawn.

They move in, Beluga then turns off the light and cuts off the electricity and blocks all sorts of signals coming inside the bank. Shawn shouts, "It is a heist, keep fucking calm everybody, KEEP FUCKING CALM", the cops are about to come inside but Shawn says on the speaker outside the bank, "Don't make a mistake dear cops, we have hostages here. If you make a move, we will make our move before you. We're also armed, so choose your decisions wisely." The cops are now calling for backup meanwhile the tear gas activates and is coming from the vents to the inside of the bank, Cameron, Shawn, the manager and Thomas wear the masks which Shawn brought. And because of the tear gas, most of the cops near the bank got dizzy and went backwards. Thomas took care that the tear gas would only activate on the main gate so that the police would think it's inside the bank. Cameron took the manager in the vault and surprisingly they find some weapons there as with money. An AK-47 and 2 M4's. They grab it and put the money inside the suitcase.

As for the cops, the head deputy commissioner arrives outside the bank, "explain each and everything to me." He says. A cop replies, "we did as what we were informed. There were 10 cops outside the bank, but somehow they got inside and are saying that they're armed."

"What rubbish? It's impossible that they're armed", says the commissioner.

"You don't believe us? Want us to kill any hostage?" Shawn replies from the inside of the bank. "Sir they are tracking the signals! They're not some normal robbers."

"I'm afraid you're right.", replies the commissioner.

Commissioner grabs a speaker and says, "We will kill you all, you're all surrounded, the bank itself is surrounded, you'll die for sure if you don't come out."

"Same goes to the hostages fella." Shawn replies from the inside.

"What do you want?" The commissioner asks.

"The same thing as these hostages, life.", replies Shawn.

"We will give it to you, just don't harm the hostages." Replies the commissioner.

After awhile when the tear gas's effects vanished away, Commissioner made a deal with Shawn to release the hostages so he will letgo Shawn and his team too. Shawn agrees and let's half of the hostages out. Franklin get shocked "Why did you do that" says Franklin , Shawn Smiles "let me do what I am doing" replies Shawn "You've done a big mistake by letting the hostages out." Says the commissioner. "We still have some hostages, you can even check the IDs, their number would be greater than the hostages I sent."

The cops take care of the released hostages. They put them in a van to take them a little far from the state of the bank but not to far as they have to give information about what's going on inside the bank. It was all going well for the cops until one of the released hostages was Thomas Verceto, he pushes the policeman and took his gun and killed the others two policeman in the van and pushes every hostage out of the van and takes the driving seat, drives away to the van they arrived in, picks up tons of smoke grenades. Returns to the area and throws dozens of the smoke grenades from far to outside the bank where cops are standing. Cops can't see a thing now.

"Bring me a mask!" Says the commissioner. When the commissioner looks behind, there's a small pistol pointed at his back and there's Thomas, Thomas chuckles and says "Surprise motherfucker!"