Crazy Aunt Gracie And A Special Request

Demi's Pov

According to the map, the rest of the ride to my aunt's house was supposed to be five minutes but it took me thirty minutes to stop at her house.

Well, I did get there at the designated time but I didn't want to believe that the house that had stood before me was my aunt Gracie's house.

So I had gone around the neighbourhood for about ten minutes trying to find another house that said "Ten, Crownwell street" before deciding to ask a random person on the street

The person happened to a man that looked to be in his late forties. He had greying blond hair and blue eyes that seem somewhat familiar. I couldn't place where I had seen that particular shade of blue before.

Anyway, I stopped my bike beside him and called out a greeting. I luckily remembered my manners because he turned towards me with a smile

"Hello, young lady. How may I help you?" He asked still maintaining the smile

"Well, I'm heading to my aunt's house and I'm bit lost. Would you mind showing me the right direction?" I asked giving him a small smile. No need to give him an attitude. Even though I was still mad, he wasn't the cause of my problems

"Sure. I'd be glad to. Just tell me the address" he replied

"I'm going to ten, Crownwell street" I mumbled out my aunt's address

"You're going to see Gracie?!" He asked in a surprised tone with eyes wide open

"Yes, is that an issue?" I retorted already feeling my guard come on. Aunt Gracie was my family, even if she was crazy. I wouldn't stand for this man saying so outrightly, I'd defend her. The same way I'd defend my dumb ass brother, Jack, if any outsider messed with him. You know... Family honour and all.

"No, not at all. I was just surprised. Gracie never really gets visit, especially family. Did you say you she's your aunt?" He asked again as if trying to make sure he didn't hear it wrong the first time

"Yes, I did." I replied

"Okay" he said looking like he was trying really hard not to say more

"About that address, sir" I said discreetly trying to get him to tell me the right directions quickly. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible

"Oh about that. You're in serious luck because I live on nine, Crownwell street. So your aunt is my next door neighbour." He replied

"You don't say!" I replied trying sound enthusiastic even though I wasn't feeling it

"Yes! And I was just heading home now. How about I do you a favour and lead you there personally..." He paused for second, gave me and my bike a considering look before he went on "but how will you be able to push you bike all the way to your aunt's house. You bike looks a little big for you to handle"

"There won't be any need for pushing because I'm giving you a ride there" I replied because for me that was the most obvious answer. How could he think I'd push the bike there, when I could ride it there

"What? You expect me to let you drive me there?!" He yelled in shock for the second time within our short meeting.

It was almost as if I had asked him to trust me with his safety deposit box code or with his life. I mean it was just a ride. Or maybe he was just scared of trusting his safety to a seventeen year old.

"Sir, I've been riding this bike for a year and a half now and I'm yet to have a crash. I love this bike too much to drive roughly. I assure you, you're in safe hands" I replied trying to assure him.

He gave me another one of his look of consideration before taking a deep sigh. "Well If I'm going to die. Might as well sir the fun way" he mumbled to himself. I didn't think he meant for me hear that because he immediately look up with a smile and stretch out his hand for a shake

"The name's Mr. Calman" he introduced himself

"Demi McClain" I replied. I reach out and shook his hands firmly

"Now get on " I said but really expecting it take a while for him to get a hang of getting climbing on the bike. But to my surprise he just hopped on like he did it every day

"What? I used to be a bike freak in my day, till responsibility took over and I had to focus on real things. I even tried sharing my passion with my son, but he's into cars" he ended with a click of his tongue against his teeth

"Well, you can come talk to me about bikes any day, anytime. I'm available" I replied before starting my bike

"Trust me, I'll take you up on that offer. You know, I wish my son was like you. He's more of a rascal while you seem like a nice young lady." I heard the whistle tone in his voice while he spoke

I had to stop myself from snorting out loud. But I couldn't stop my mind from making mockery. I mean, be careful what you wish for right. If only he knew how rascally I could be, he'd think his son was a saint. I mean one meeting with me and that his rascal of a son, whomever that was, would know I was the rascal-est of all.

I laughed inward at my joke and my utter distruction of the word rascal. On a normal day, I wouldn't have given a hoot about telling the man all I just thought about but for some reason I couldn't bring my self to be rude to Mr. Calman

I tried thinking of good reasons why I was being so well behaved in front of this stranger. I could only come up with two solid ones

He was leading me to my aunt's house.

And he made being nice seem kinda... Easy.

"There it is" he said and I saw his hand point towards a house. My mind immediately came out of autopilot into manual and I turned to look at where he was pointing at

No!!! I almost squealed with like a lunatic but settled for grinding my teeth as hard as I could! After all the time I spent in denial, this man was taking me to the same house I had rejected before. I could almost hear my map tell me " told you so" in mockery

The outlook of the house only proved the already clear fact that I was going to be living with a crazy person for the rest of the school year!

The house literally looked like a crazy person owned it! Every inch of what I could see was painted the colour red! And I mean every inch! Even the front walkway that led to a mini porche was painted red!

And on the side of the walkway, where normal people planted nice flowers or the ones that didn't want to be bothered just put grasses, my aunt's had well nurtured cactus plants in them! And when I say cactus I don't mean little baby plant that some would see and say they were cute. I'm talking about cactuses almost as big as I am. You know those once we see in deserts that had two arms!!!

Yes, I'm talking about those ones! I mean, who grows that type of plant in front of their houses!

"Thank you, I'll go in now" I whispered courageously to Mr Calman after parking the my bike just Infront of the walkway

"Okay, don't worry. She doesn't bite... At least I don't think" he replied not really sounding convinced of what he was saying as he took a weary step back

I wasn't worried of aunt being a violent crazy person. Violent, that I could handle, I'd easily beat the crap out of her. I also wasn't even worried about her being the paranormal crazy either because I didn't scare easily. But I was petrified of her being a "needy for affect" crazy person, I didn't do feeling. I like my personal space too much

"Bye, see you later" I heard him say and walk away after I remained silent for more than a minute

"Bye" I whispered before courageously matching to the door and ringing the bell on the surprising black door. That would have been normal if not that every every single inch of the door was painted black. I'd almost missed the bell button but had found it just in time because I was just about ready to bang on the door.

A second later, the door swung open and a tiny little lady with hair just as brown as mine popped out and threw her entire self at me. I stumbled a bit to catch her weight and caught myself right before I would have slammed into her beds of cactus

After a while she climb down from me and smiled up at me giddy "hi!!!" She squealed like a teenage girl

"Hey?" I replied back trying to figure out who the hell was in front of my face smiling like she was on some happy drug

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you wouldn't recognise me. I'm Gracie" she replied literally switching from heel to heel in a light bounce

Oh. At least I know her name is Gracie. Odd that she had the same name as my aunt... Wait a minute! Was she trying to tell me that this woman-child that was in an all white dress and had her hair in pigtails was my aunt!

But aunty Gracie never look like this. But come to think of it, I don't think I ever really knew what she looked like. I always imagined her to look bigger.

I mean that was only logical since she was my dad's youngest sister and most of my dad siblings stood well above six feet, even my dad was six feet three. Even I, though I wasn't up to six foot because of my feminine genes, I was five foot nine.

One would at least expect her to be above average but looking at her, I doubted if she was even up to five feet tall. The only resemblance she had to the family was the brown hair, green eyes and tanned skin that every family members seemed to possess

"I'm so glad you're here! I was so worried when your parents called and said that you'd left home on your bike. Honey, are you trying to kill me! I was so mad at your parents for letting you go! But I'm just so happy you're here. I'm sure you're tired and hungry. How about you take your bike and let's go around the back, so I can show you where to drop it in the garage. I'm so glad you're here!" She squealed hugging me again before running back to the front door to lock it properly and skipped beside me as I walked back to my bike

"I don't think I've ever met you physically before but I love you all the same. You're my niece" she kept talking while we went around the back and properly parked the bike. But I maintain my silence even while she led me into the house through the back door.

Even while I washed my hands in the kitchen and she served a nice dinner, she still kept talking. I mean doesn't she get tired of talking? Can you just shut up for a second woman! I mentally yelled

"So how was your journey?" She asked for the thousandth time even after I had replied with fine over and over again. Well I think it's time to shut her up the hard way

"Had a bit of a hold up but I'm here so it's fine" I replied casually. This time I added a few more words to the fine

"Really what happened?" She said, asking exactly what I had anticipated. Gotcha!

"I drove past this house refusing to believe that this was where I was going to be living. Then got lost" I replied trying to hurt her feelings enough for her to shut up but she didn't look disturbed at all as she replied

"Yeah, the house is a bit strange. I guess. So how did you find your way back?" She asked with so much energy. I almost smashed my face on my food with frustration. Why me?

"Someone showed me the way back" I replied trying finish my food faster. I figured the faster I finished the food the quicker I could get away


"A man, he said he was your next door neighbour. I've forgotten the name he told me" I said because I honestly couldn't remember anymore and I was too tired to search my brain for the answer

"Was his name by any chance Zack Calman?" My aunt asked. Speaking quietly for the first time since I met her. I gave her a strange look before speaking

"Yes but I didn't know his name was Zack. All he told me was that his name was Mr. Calman"

"Okay. He was nice, right?" She asked me. But looked like she was talking to herself

"Yes, I guess. Is your friend?" I was sure Mr Calman didn't consider her a friend but maybe my aunt thought he was has

"No!" She said sharply before standing up abruptly. She immediately took her half eaten food to the kitchen sink and stood beside it for a while with her back facing me. I heard her take deep shaky breaths. But I just sat down and ate my food while I watched her

After a while she turned way from the sink but didn't quite turn to face me as she said "I'm sorry. I feel a bit sick. I'll go to my room now" she began moving towards the stairs but paused right at the foot of the stairs before whispering

"Your things came in fours hours before you did. I unboxed them and tried arranging it in your room the best I could. Your room is the first room you'll see on the left as soon as you climb up the stairs. Have a good night's rest. See you tomorrow morning" she said each word solemnly but as soon as she was done speaking, she raced up the stairs with lightning speed.

A few seconds after she'd disappeared from my view, I heard a door bang loudly. I'm guessing it was her bedroom door because a few seconds after that, I heard barely muffled sobs.

There's probably a hidden story between her and Mr Calman. One that the man in question hadn't seemed to know, given his reaction to standing in front of my aunt's house. He probably saw her as a crazy person just like everyone else but it seems like my aren't thought there was something more. Or maybe it was her craziness playing tricks on.

Either way, I didn't care and I wasn't going to poke my nose into the affair. I've said it before, I don't do feelings. Besides she's a fully grown woman, and should be capable taking care of herself. Though she hadn't done well, so far. Either way I'm her niece not her mama!

I said all this to my subconscious, trying to somehow convince myself that I wouldn't kill Mr Calman if I ever found out that he had actually hurt my aunt. Knowingly or unknowingly.

I like Mr Calman and all but Gracie's my aunt. I didn't think I loved her or remotely cared for her but it was my duty to protect her. Period.

I climbed up the stairs after I had put her white dishes into her black was washing machine. Now that I'm beginning to think of it, every God damn thing in her house was either white or black. I didn't care about colours but this was just creepy

"Arranged it the best I could my foot!" I said out loud as I walked into the disaster she called my room. Every darn thing was mismatched even the Jerseys that she had tried to hang. My Snickers and slippers were mismatched. Every single one of them.

I only noticed these things because I needed to change to a more comfortable clothing but was she playing some kind of practical joke on me? Because it wasn't funny!

Looking at the shoes made me remember the dumbass that I had rode my bike over his feet. I really hoped I broke all his toes. I'd have to make a special request to God tonight, I thought to myself as I tried arranging the room

And that thought was why, after thirty minutes of arranging, the last words I uttered before sleep took over that night was

"Heavenly father, I come to you today ask for something different. You know I don't usually ask for anything more than the strength to defend myself and beat bullies up but this time I have a special request for a special proud dickh- No, You won't like me using curse words while praying. How about we stay inbetween and settle for bastard. A special request for a special proud bastard. Please Father, ensure that my bike's tires broke his toes real good. All ten of them. That's all, thank you Lord. In Jesus Name I prayed. Amen"