And He Promised

Evan's Pov

"so how long did the doctor say you need to stay in bed for?" my dad questioned me about my visit to the doctor

"A week" I replied trying to breath through the pain as we walked and also hold on tight to my consciousness. I felt so lightheaded that I knew I could pass out at any moment, if I wasn't careful. The doctor had giving me pain medications but for some odd reason, they hadn't kicked in

"Good" he said as he increased his pace

"Ow, Ow, Ouch. Dad! Take it easy, injured feet here!" I yelled at my dad as I tried walking on my heels. He was trying to help me get into our house

"How did you even get this badly injured" my dad asked sounding more curious than concerned

"It's a long story, Don't want to talk about" I said vehemently because I was determined to find that son of bitch that did this to me and murder him

I vaguely remembered myself yelling "when I get you, you're dead" something like that at him. But I wasn't even sure if I was the one that said that because at that moment the pain of the bike running over my feet has sent shock waves straight to my brain

I honestly couldn't remember the riders face but I could bet my life on the fact that my photographic memory could remember every detail of the bike.

"what? what are you doing?" I asked defensively as my dad let go of my shoulder and stepped aside. I had to immediately grab on our railing since I was luckily close enough to reach it.

"Since you can decide not be talk, I think I can decide not to help you. And don't even think of calling me next you have an accident because I won't come. Let one of your dumb friends drop you off next time. I'm tired of always cleaning up your messes" he said and began walking away

"Dad, I didn't want to call you, the doctor insisted. And you know that, I'll just do more damage to myself if I move an inch from here on my own" I replied, trying desperately to reason with him as I stood still on my heel

"I know and I'm counting in it. Maybe the one week can increase to one month! And maybe then you'll have enough time to know that you and your set of chicken brained friends are just minors and a doctor can't see you with out a parent being present. The only exception is when it's a life or death situation! So tell me now if you're planning to get yourself killed because I don't want to waste my time and affection on a child that'll end up killing himself before he can at least give me a grand child. Your mom's death was already enough blow for me, okay?" my dad literally spilt his heart out and was almost in years when he had finished speaking

"Dad, just believe me when I say that this time it wasn't my fault" I replied looking to the ground in pain. I didn't want to have this conversation at the place or time.

"Then how come you got ran over by a bike!" he yelled still standing metres away from me

"Because the crazy rider just ran over my feet and rode off at top speed" I replied

"And where were you when this happened?"

"By my car door" I responded again

"And where was your car parked"

"On the middle of the street" The speed at which he fired questions at me and I had to answer, made me just tell the plain truth without even thinking

"Middle of the street! Evan!" My dad yelled once again. It was like he'd forgotten that we were having this private conversation on our front lawn and not in the secrecy of the house

"No, not the middle of the street! By the road" I replied hastily trying to cover up for my slip up

"Don't even dare lie to me, Evan! You were parked in the middle of the street! Are you dumb? Now, I wish the bike rider have driven over your knees and not just your toes" he said looking really angry

"I'm really sorry, Dad" I said trying act out an emotion that I wasn't really feeling. I just needed my dad to get off my case and help me get indoors. It was getting harder to concentrate by the minute because of the pain I was feeling

The doctor had said that no serious damage had been done to the toes. But it was going to hurt like hell for the next one week. But after that I should heal just fine.

Well, at least one good thing came from all this. I didn't like the fact that I'd have to be indoors for a week but at least I got to skip school, right?

"Don't even try to play the sorry card, because I know that you're not sorry at all. And do know how I know that? It's because I know that you'll still try to look for the person that did to you. And try to get revenge" My dad replied looking disappointed

"You're right but can you at least help me up to rest. I'm trying really hard not to pass out right now. And maybe of week if resting will help me forgive and not seek revenge" I told him knowing fully well that it was a lie and that I'd try to get revenge no matter what

"You know, I know you're lying but I can't help wanting to believe you. So okay" My dad replied. Then he took in a sign of resignation and walked back to me

It was a real struggle to get me, into the house and up to my room but we managed. My dad, though he was was really into his Forties was still quite strong and ended up carrying most of my weight

"Thanks, I can take it from here" I said as soon as I was sitted on the bed. He let me go and with my arms, I moved my body on the bed till I got to a comfortable position

"So this bike man that did this to you can you recognise him?" he asked after watching me silently for more than a minute

"Not him but I'd recognise his bike" I replied

"But what if the bike was a borrowed one? What would you do then?" he asked giving me the look of consideration that he was famous for

"Then I'll get to the bottom of it. so let's drop the matter, dad" I replied

"Okay" he said finally giving up and taking a sit beside me "Anyway, while you were having a bad time with a bike rider, I had a pleasant time with one today" he added

"What did the bike look like?" I asked trying to find out because the rider could be the same person that had hurt my foot

"Don't even worry about it. It was a female rider and she looked really harmless and gentle. She was such a fine young girl and I spoke to her about about you and my love for bike. She told me that I could see her anytime and speak to her about bikes" He said smiling brightly

"And how will you see her? Do you even know where she lives?" I asked not really interested in his business. He'd tried for years to get me to like bikes but I just couldn't picture myself owning a bike. Expecially after today's even. I've decided that I hate bikes

"Yeah, she's staying next door with her aunt. But I don't how long"

"She's Mrs Plain niece?" I asked outwardly but inwardly wandering to myself why I was keeping this conversation going

"No. According to her, She's Gracie's niece" my dad said giving me look that matched the suprise I felt

"Crazy Gracie has a niece. That should be added to the wonders of the world" I exclaimed

"Don't call her crazy Gracie, that disrespectful. And yes she has a niece. I think her name was... Was it De- De- Denny? I don't I said that correctly but let's call her that for now. She was such a good rider" My dad seemed to really like this Denny a lot. But who cares.

"Okay, good talk. Can you now leave my room" I had had enough of hearing about him and this mysterious bike girl for a little while

"Rude" he scolded but got up anyway and started moving to the door "Are you hungry?" he asked

"No, thanks"

"Okay" he replied and left

As soon as he was gone, I reach over to my night stand and took out my sketchbook. I opened a fresh page and began drawing the exact image that my memory had captured.

This was something that I had done for years. Even during exams this had helped me a lot. Countless of times, I'd found myself really confused during an exam because I probably didn't read.

But then I'll turn to the back of my answer booklet and draw exactly what I had seen my teacher write on the board during class and through what I had drawn I'd be able to use the example to answer exam questions.

I didn't look at the full sketch of what I was drawing until I was done with it and needed to add colours to it. I looked the sketch over and frown deeply.

Did I really draw boobs on this dude? I frowned, wiped it up and tried correcting it the best as I could. After which I started adding colours.

Most body parts of the bike was black. So I added the black colour first.

Next, The dude had been wearing Blue shirt with blue jeans. I remembered the flames on the bike was a mixture of red and blue, I added that detail.

I saw that the plate number box was empty in the drawing so I closed my eyes again to look at the pictures in my mind but I could only see the first four digits

"4-2-E-3" I said aloud trying to the rest of the number but the rest of the numbers but nothing came. so I just wrote in what I had remembered

After ten more minutes of adding details passed, I was finally done. I looked at the drawing in anger and began tapping on it with my pencil.

I looked at the face of the rider, the face wasn't clear because of the helmet that he was wearing. But I still concentrated on his face.

"I'll get you back and that's a promise" I said to the picture. I said to the picture before taking of the page and keeping it by my bedside, under my night light