A classwork for A meal

Evan's Pov

I woke up the next morning feeling a little better physically than I did the previous day. Though my mood grew worse because I was stuck in my bedroom for an entire day.

I had been up at the usual time that I woke up. But unfortunately when I woke up, I had forgotten all about my injury and I tried getting out of bed as usual. And boy, did that almost kill me!

I remembered hearing myself yelling out all the profanities. I was so mad! It took a full two hours for the pain my foot to calm down. And all the while I was waiting for pain to reduce, I devised ways to kill that bike rider!

And as if that wasn't enough my dad walked in and dropped about six books and one copy of those dumb life changing books on my laps

"what the hell is this?" I asked cautiously

"Class works from your teachers at school and the book is an added class work from me" he replied pointing to the motivational book

"How the heck did you get it!" I yelled. This man literally brought classwork for me on my sick bed! Out of all the dad's out there in the world, I literally had to get the worst of them all. why me?

"I drove to your school this morning and got them from each and every one of your teacher's" he answered giving me a smile.

"Why would you do that?!" I exclaimed

"Because I don't want you idle and alone in this house!" He replied like that was so obvious

"But I'm sick! And my school doesn't give assignment to sick students!" I screamed at him. He was so annoying. Standing there and acting like what he did was for my benefit!

"Point of correction, you're not sick. You're just injured" He said it like it wasn't a big deal. Before I could respond, he added

"And I guess your school does give assignments injure patient. Especially if the patient's father, who happened to be a doctor, recommended that they give him classworks. An added advantage could be that the parent threatens to withdraw their child from the school if they don't do as requested. Also Evan, those are just your classwork for today, I'll be coming back for them later. I'll bring your homework back with me at the end of the day" he said.

I looked at him dumbfounded for a few seconds. I mean who was this man in front of me! I finally gathered myself enough to respond.

"Well sorry to burst y'all's bubble, I'm not doing a darn thing" I replied with anger lacing my voice

"Well... That's where you're wrong son. I know for a fact that you're going to do each and every one of those classwork without a single error. And do you know how I know that?" He paused for few seconds while I just looked at him in confusion. I mean was I missing something?

"I know that, the same way I know that doing that assignment is your ticket to dinner, lunch and your phone" He replied as he quickly swiped my phone away from me and took two large steps away from the bed. Moving away from my reach

"That's not so not fair. Dad!" I whined at my dad. Why couldn't things just go my way. Damn that freaking bike rider for making me become so vulnerable to everyone. even my dad!

"Well if you don't like it, you can just get up and go get your food yourself, right? And besides, your phone will be just downstairs on the kitchen counter... Oh I'm sorry, I forgot. You can't!" He said with a mockery childish pout

"I'll just wait for my boys to come. School lets out by two anyway, so I can wait" I replied with a smirk

He let out a loud laughter before speaking.

"Sorry that won't be happening, son. Because I reported the incident to your school and they all have detention for the next week while you're in bed. So don't expect any help from them" He said. And he looked really pleased with himself as he informed me those things

"That's playing dirty!" I yelled

"I guess you're rubbing off on me then. So blame yourself" my dad replied

"But how am I supposed to get all the answers correctly. What if I don't know them?" I asked, trying to get out of doing the work correctly since I was already compelled to do the assignment.

"And that's why you have this" He said, producing my textbooks out if nowhere and dropping them beside me on the bed. "I know you're smart enough to figure things out yourself. And before you try checking for it, I've already ripped off all the answers that they always write at the back of the book" He added and began walking towards the door

"Dad you can't do this to me!" I yelled in frustration

"I can and I am. I'm coming back by one pm during my lunch break to take those work to your school and I expect those works to be ready by then. Or you don't get lunch. Also I want a fully detailed report of the first five chapters of that book that I added to your classwork" He said and walked out.

I heard him go down the stairs and watched him as he walked across the lawn from my room's window. I noticed he paused for a few seconds and looked towards our neighbour's, crazy Gracie's, house.

I was wondering what he was looking for but then I remembered the story he had told me about meeting crazy Gracie's niece. I wondered what was so unique about the girl that made my dad try to peak into our neighbours compound. I mean my dad had never once tried to even speak to Gracie.

Anyway, he walked to his car and drove off after he was done looking. leaving me in my room, surrounded by books

As soon as he left, I began doing my "classwork" with aggression. Most of the work was easy and I did them with ease. I mean, maths was based of technicalities and following certain laid down rules. Geography was a breeze for someone with photographic memory. Even Spanish.

But then, when I got to my poetry assignment. I went totally crazy with frustration. None of it made any sense to me!

After trying for almost an hour and still not getting anywhere. I groaned in frustration and was about to throw the book across the room but thought better of it. I mean who would help me get it back. And I needed it in order to get lunch.

So with that in mind, I went back to doing the assignment. It took me an extra thirty minutes but I was able to understand a little of the dumb words that an even dumber poet had written.

"Ha!" I sighed in relief once I was done with the work

I decided to take a few minutes to rest but then I remembered my dad's added "classwork" on that dumb motivational book.

"Become A Better You. Really dad?" I spoke to myself after reading the title of the book out loud

I tried to read the first five chapters of the book as quickly as possible. But having to pause and write down some details took time and before I knew it, an hour had passed and it was lunch time already.

My dad walked into my room and when he saw me still reading the book, he smiled pleasantly. He walked to my bed and dropped the food on my bedside table before reaching out his hand

I placed all the piles of books in his hand. I added even the unfinished report to them. He took them without saying a word and walked back to the only chair I had in my room. But unfortunately he took the food along with him.

I silently watch him look over the work. He gave a few grudging nod of appreciation. You know, that thing parents do by stressing out their lips in a frown, tilting their head, raising their eyebrows and nodding slowly.

My stomach became so queasy with anxiety, that it started rumbling. or was that just hunger? Whatever, he needed to hurry up

After going through each and every one of the assignment for over thirty minutes, My dad stood up from the chair and walked towards my bed. He handed over to he my lunch, the dumb as hell motivational book and the notebook that I was using to write the report on the book

"Good job. But you didn't finish the five chapters as instructed. So your punishment is that you have to do a report of the sixth chapter also" he said

"Fine" I replied because I knew there was no point in arguing. It was a loosing battle. And I was too hungry to even try. Besides what was one extra chapter to five chapters

"And don't forget. The price for your dinner is a finished assignment. I'll bring them to you once I get home" He added

"As you wish" I replied in a mockery tone

"Wow, that book must really be working. Or is it the broken toes?" My dad asked back in mockery right before he walked out the door

I almost hauled the jug of water that was beside me at him. But for the second today, I thought better of it. I needed to something to drink after eating.

After I had eaten, I went back to reading the stupid book. I thought I'd be true in record time but it turned out that the sixth chapter was longer than all the previous five chapters combined and also harder to understand than the poetry

By the time I was finishing with it, two hours had gone by and my friends had already arrived. They sat around me on the bed and began asking why on earth I was reading the book in the first place

I ignored their questions because I was too ashamed to tell them how low their leader had sunk. I mean I had been reduced to bargaining for my meals with assignments! Freaking assignments! It would have felt a whole lot better is was bargaining for a meal with bullying people, stealing or hell even drugs! But no my dad had to do the dumbest thing ever heard and try to to turn me into a nerd!

They moved on from the topic and began talking about other things that happened in school

"You know Breanna asked to feel my hair again in school today" Justice said. Subtly telling us that he made out with Brianna but mostly bragging about the curly hair that he was so obsessed with

"I wonder why? I mean we're the one the ones with thick black hairs. I mean have you seen my hairline" Markus spoke pointing towards him and his brother Lucas.

And like that he began the argument that I was already used to hearing almost every single day between the three of them.

"What hairline? I can barely see them with your big foreheads taking the spot light?" Justice retorted acting out the statement he just made by acting like he was trying see something so far away

"What?!" Markus yelled

"I'll have you know that this magnificent hairlines has been in our family for centuries. It was inherited unlike your products made curly hair" Lucas replied

Justice let out a loud gasp and was about to respond but I quickly interrupted.

"So what else happened at school?" I yelled unnecessarily. I was just trying to get them to discuss about something else

Because I wasn't about to sit and listen to their hour long argument. And that was on lucky days but if I wasn't lucky enough, it'd take them at least three hours. Because they'd surf the internet first and if not satisfied, they'd then call their relatives

"A new girl at school beat up one of your girlfriends, Jessica" Justice said

"Yeah I forgot about that. who knew skinny Jessica had that much blood in her. I sure as hell was surprised" Markus added

"what wait?" I asked

"Yeah right? There was blood everywhere but from the news that went around school? It seemed like it was all Jessica's" Lucas said with an amused smile

"Guys what the hell happened?" I asked this time sounding dead serious

"Well, we weren't there but according to what we heard your girl pissed off the new girl at school and she got the beating of a lifetime" Markus explain and three of them burst into laughter

"And nothing was done about it?" I asked not finding the humour they got from the story

"Yeah she has detention with us for a week. We even saw her today. But she kept to herself and sat on your usual spot at the back of the class" Justice replied with a shrug

"Her name is Demi, incase anyone wanted to know" Lucas said. when we gave him strange looks he quickly added "what? I was just curious so I asked around"

"I didn't get a good look at her is she hot?" Justice asked Marcus while his brother nodded in anticipation for Lucas' answer

They went on with the conversation but I blocked them out because I had gotten all the information I was interested in hearing.

I was pissed. But not for the reason one would imagine. I couldn't have cared if Jessica was beaten up. She probably deserved. I knew how nasty she could be. I was pissed that the fact that a new girl beat her up and the same new girl sat on my chair

what the hell was up with new people trying to change the order if things in this town. That shot had to stop.

I was still thinking of the next step to take to end the alarming issue when my dad walked into my room with new set of assignments and ten minutes after when my friends left

It was already past eight and I was beginning to get hungry so I called out to my dad

"Yo! Dad!" I shouted

"Yup Son?" I heard him yell back. It sounded like he had something in his mouth when he answered.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Eating dinner!" He replied

"When's my dinner going to be served?"

"When is your assignment going to be submitted?" He answered back with a question. I could literally hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke

"This is child abuse!" I yelled at him

"This is child training! And the sooner you start the work the sooner you'll get that dinner" He replied back

"Bloody Hell!!!" I yelled in frustration. I grabbed the books and started doing the assignment.

Hopefully, I'd be through with them before midnight! That way I won't end up eating breakfast for dinner!!!

I let out a lot groan! I freaking hate my life! I once loved it less than fourth two hours ago but now I hate it!!!